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10654286 No.10654286 [Reply] [Original]

Why does excessive reading make people so obnoxious?

Schopenhauer, in his essay "On books" shared his ideas, but let's hear yours.

For those of you that aren't aware, here's an example of a conversation two normal people might have on public transport

A: "what if the body and mind are two separate entities?"
B: "i would say the two entities are really desire and reason, present in both the body and soul, which is a single entity"
C: "wait a minute, there isn't really a distinction between desire and reason..."

Meanwhile, the guy sitting in front of them with Critique of Pure Reason on his lap and no friends to talk to, thinks to himself

"these fucking idiots don't know anything! I bet they've never even read Meditations on First Philosophy!"
*goes back to reading the exact same ideas expressed in obscure jargon in 800 page books*

What is with the fetishization of 2000 year old guys rather than reading stuff for it's merit?

>> No.10654305

If done properly, reading ancient thinkers should build a mindset to analyze and come up with your own conclusions, not lock you onto a certain set of beliefs.

>> No.10654311

Why does if affect people in the opposite way?

A lot of philosophy is about being open-minded and hold everything in doubt, yet those who read it have this air of know-it-all arrogance about them.

>> No.10654312

I just finished reading Plato and Aristotle over the last few weeks. Can confirm this is true. I agreed with some, disagreed with some, but most of all I was stimulated to think in ways I hadn't before.

>> No.10654317

just saw this post >>10653551 and it exemplifies the well-read philosopher

>> No.10654321

I've noticed that quite a few people here will constantly talk in jargon as if they're brain damaged. They read a lot but they lost the ability to communicate.

>> No.10654329

Cause most people tire out and don't read that much---in actuality. (Just enough of the right stuff in the wrong order to become cynics)

>> No.10654376

This is known as (notice how pompous the phrase itself is) 'the curse of knowledge' i.e. you know so much that you can no longer relate to the layman.

Try reading academic papers, pure obscurantism.

>> No.10654630
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The intellect is an innately antagonistic faculty. It is always testing, contending and probing for weakness. People who over-intellectualise tend to become bitchy arseholes, if not outright misanthropes. You see an awful lot of this on /lit/. Also, think of how many writers were pretty obnoxious human beings.

The solution is not to overdo it. One can be too intellectual, and fail to give other faculties (e.g. the senses or emotions) their due attention. Naturally this is lost on most writers and academics, who fear such unruly and irrational stimuli. So they retreat further into intellectualism ... and lose a little more of their humanity with every step.

>> No.10654794

buncha fags in this thread

>> No.10654848


>> No.10654912

>Why does excessive reading make people so obnoxious?

he's not wrong, a casual glance at the /lit/ discord is all the proof you need..."muh bully score"....cringe

>> No.10655496

>a casual glance at the /lit/ discord is all the proof you need..."muh bully score"....cringe
social engineering mind controllers get their kicks off puppeteering susceptible children

>> No.10655588

>Why does excessive reading make people so obnoxious?
You have it backwards. Excessive reading doesn't make people obnoxious. Obnoxious people tend to read excessively.

>> No.10655606

In my experience people who obsessively read non-fiction are more obnoxious and tend to be pseuds while people who read more fiction are actually very polite and like to listen, but the latter tends to be kind of stupid.

>> No.10655632
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They think because they persue a path of self improvement that they immediately were a special snowflake that was sent to earth so that they could change the world

>> No.10655958

I got a couple of ladies next door that sit out front and read ALL THE TIME. Like they're there 9am to 6pm. I spoke to them and it's mostly romance, detective novels, and shit like vampires and zombies.

You couldn't differentiate them from people who just watch tv all day instead if you were to have a conversation with both.

>> No.10656932

that kind of attitude has plagued this board

>> No.10656975

What's wrong with losing humanity? How can we transcend our humanity if we don't lose it. And if there i no transcendence, that what's the point living in this mindless misery?

>> No.10656976
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There's a marked difference between a conversation started the question "what do you think of the mind-body problem" and that started by the rather stony, undergrad style "lol what if there's like a soul bro (am i not deep)?"

Most of the questions people think they're "profound" for having considered at even the slightest length have already been beaten into the Earth with a hydraulic press over the three thousand year course of Western philosophy, to say nothing of Eastern.

>> No.10657299

The reason why these questions are continuing to be asked is because they still don't have answers. Philosophy cannot expand anymore so it's just a rehash of previous ideas. Did you have a solution to the mind body problem or do you just enjoy complaining about others discussing it because you can't? I agree that metaphysics gets mixed in with a bit of mysticism I notice that alot here.

>> No.10657338
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To say that philosophy can no longer expand is fairly myopic. Most of the ideas in question were not solved for a great length of time because thinkers became set in their ways, but the Cartesian and Kantian revolutions e.g. did open new paths to Western philosophy, so I see no reason to believe there couldn't be another sea change in philosophy.

I do have a solution, although I can't claim originality in this case, I don't try to, since I'm more or less in accord with Schopenhauer. Mind is to subject as body is to object; the mind can't exist without the body since it that case it wouldn't have any objective basis in the world, and the body can't exist without the mind since without the latter we wouldn't even have a conception of a body.

>> No.10657349

shitt tread

>> No.10658063

im going to beat you up you dumb nerd

>> No.10658601

I would rather talk to those ladies instead of some dweeb who reads Kant and tuts around thinking he's the shit

>> No.10659044
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For the latter, I can't help but imagine pic related.

>> No.10659073
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That's because you're a fucking turboplebe who's bitter about his inability to comprehend Kant.

>> No.10659083

you're the dumb fucking nerd here man, anon wants to surpass himself you want to be gay agreeable socialite

>> No.10659141

You're stating the obvious that doesn't solve the problem

>> No.10659145

What do you think the problem is, then? If one relies on the other necessarily, then the question of whether one or the other is the "essential" substance goes out the window

>> No.10659216

Do you believe thoughts to be material? Explain to me what a thought is and how electrical signals in the brain can create immaterial things, your identity is also immaterial

>> No.10659311
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I used to not be obnoxious. Then I started reading. Now I'm homeless. have no friends, and my wife left me.

Books. Not even once.

>> No.10659318

has that been your own personal experience?

>> No.10659748

>Most of the ideas in question were not solved for a great length of time because thinkers became set in their ways
It's actually because science hadn't developed enough. All these questions about mind and body are better answered with neuroscience. Theory involving the "soul" are wishy washy stoner bullshit.

>> No.10659755

XD so quirky!

>> No.10659884

>Obnoxious people tend to read excessively.
Still wrong.

>> No.10660254


>> No.10660263

Really unsheathed my katanas

>> No.10660286
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>what's the point living in this mindless misery?
If you've failed at life, you're not qualified to give anyone advice.

>> No.10660404

>Why does excessive reading make people so obnoxious?
Excessive -> obnoxious -> excessive ->

Sounds circular. Therefore I don't feel like explaining it to you.

>> No.10662041

>Schopenhauer, in his essay "On books" shared his ideas, but let's hear yours.

What were Schopenhauer's ideas?
Is it because people like him are one in a million?

>> No.10662337

I read a lot but I really hate discussing books for the most part, its really hard to not seem smug to people or having other people be smug to you.

>> No.10662694
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To answer your question, I think the excessively well-read look down on others' layman ideas because those ideas usually aren't fleshed out in the slightest. They ask some stupid "deep" question and pretend to know what they are talking about. The well-read understand this ostentatious dynamic, and cringe because they know the layman's explanation to be a grotesque simplification of something far more complex.

Furthermore, it's easier (and harder) than ever to bullshit about various topics because of google. Interested in a topic? Read a wiki entry on it and then come up with your own theories without looking into it further.

What it boils down to is a lot of people bullshitting with no substance behind their ideas, and the people that have read A TON, roll their eyes because they see the fakery, and the lazy thinking on complex topics they *actually* know about.

>> No.10662719


I would say that stupid people are far more obnoxious, especially when they want to trade ideas that aren't valuable as if they were valuable.

>> No.10662727


> persue

Opinion discarded

>> No.10662738

2 tru hon

>> No.10662755

I've never actually read a book from page to page.

>> No.10662769 [DELETED] 

no, you only read every other page

>> No.10663163

>For those of you that aren't aware, here's an example of a conversation two normal people might have on public transport
>A: "what if the body and mind are two separate entities?"
>B: "i would say the two entities are really desire and reason, present in both the body and soul, which is a single entity"
>C: "wait a minute, there isn't really a distinction between desire and reason..."
>Meanwhile, the guy sitting in front of them with Critique of Pure Reason on his lap and no friends to talk to, thinks to himself
>"these fucking idiots don't know anything! I bet they've never even read Meditations on First Philosophy!"
>*goes back to reading the exact same ideas expressed in obscure jargon in 800 page books*
lel/10 my man

>> No.10663174

simple: they are not genius or interesting to begin with, it emboldens their weak nature to aggressively express itself instead of appropriately repressing itself as all lesser beings do instinctively. books, education and politics encourage weaklings to overreach