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/lit/ - Literature

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10653536 No.10653536 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10653547

good thing there's more than one publisher. Keep at it but don't forget to keep writing. Even if you never get this to print you might find success with something else

>> No.10653577

Why did you get blacklisted anon, what retarded thing where you doing?

>> No.10653582

raycism or sexism, sexual assault im sure

>> No.10653601

I hope this is the nigger book guy.

>> No.10653615


its fucking bullshit

>write book
>sent it into bantam books
>wow this is great, anon. The world, the characters, the plot! It's great.
>but there's one hitch: this isnt the kind of thing we publish
>also, it would probably do better as a screenplay
>so, we won't publish it, but I'm gonna send it to this agent who deals with screenwriters
>fuck, okay
>two days pass by
>hey anon, this is agent, I've had my secretary go over it, this is some good stuff kid, you're gonna go far
>W-w-well, I want to sell it as a novel first, y-y-you know
>suit yourself
>bantam booksfag emails me again
>don't throw this opportunity away. Last time I saw a screenplay this good it went for 60-90k tops
>email him back: Thanks for the advice, faggot. I'll go to someone who appreciates my talents.
>realize what I sent after I sent it
>try to apologize
>get a very, very, VERY curt email back that more or less says "No, now it's too late and you're not going to go far speaking to people like that."
>send it to SIX other publishers
>five hard rejects, usually within two hours of me sending it in, the sixth one says he loves it, but he's heard that "I'm hard to work with."


>> No.10653623


>> No.10653625


>call someone you want to take a risk by publishing thousands of copies of your book a faggot and also pay you money beforehand

Are you a retard?

>> No.10653627

>Thanks for the advice, faggot. I'll go to someone who appreciates my talents.
you deserve it

>> No.10653628

That's generally why you don't insult people anon.

Also this didn't happen.

>> No.10653630

>>email him back: Thanks for the advice, faggot. I'll go to someone who appreciates my talents.
Ah I want this to be real.

>> No.10653633


Listen. I work in publishing in Finland. If you called me a faggot, I would probably blacklist you. Most people will. We have email groups. We keep track of authors hard to work with, racists, dipshits, deadline-missers. Its industry known.

But it's like...also known in every single fucking industry on the planet: if you want to go far, you don't mouth off. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10653637




>> No.10653639


>i-i-i-i-it's 4chan's fault

lol I'm a literal /pol/tard and I can keep my life in order without spewing retarded shit over people who dont wanna hear it

>> No.10653645


it's not a homophobia issue you dont call people names if you want to work with them

do you go into a job opportunity and call your boss a cuck?

>> No.10653648


had it coming

really had it coming

this is really important to understand: if you get this level of encouragement in the future(here's a private industry contact! I am literally putting my credibility on the line to shill your manuscript to another person!) you should just roll with it

>> No.10653650

>>don't throw this opportunity away. Last time I saw a screenplay this good it went for 60-90k tops
lmao they're gonna BIG FAT LIAR you

>> No.10653653


I wish this was real harder than to not have cancer anymore

>> No.10653654

what's to stop him from submitting work in the future under a pseudonym?

>> No.10653657


nothing, but if the work is as good as he claims(and the story is true), then he just fucked himself out of a bestseller due to ego. Imagine JK rowling calling the first person that rejected Harry Potter a stupid fucking nigger lover and kicking him in the balls.

>> No.10653670
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I think we all wish it went that way with Rowling

>> No.10653678
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>Go to job interview
>We like what we see, but we still have a couple of people we like to talk to before we make a decision
>Thanks for nothing, faggots. I'll go to someone who appreciates my talents.
And you act like you're a victim. You brought this on yourself.

>> No.10653702

Give us the 1st paragraph of this book of yours. It's not like its gonna get published anyways.

>> No.10653707

God you are such a fucking retard. This better not be real.

>> No.10653710
File: 27 KB, 472x461, 91688318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought /lit/'s era of humorous misadventures was over.

>> No.10653725

holy shit

>most educated left and right wingers
>most effortposts per capita
>best fuck-ups & autists
/lit/ continues to be the best board.

>> No.10653731

You will never be published because you can't even begin to formulate a believable story. Case in point: this retarded tale you've conjured up.

>> No.10653734

Screencap the sent email fag

>> No.10653736

I’m having a hard time believing such a man-baby could write something worthwhile.

>> No.10653750

>had it coming
>I would probably blacklist you

fair enough, one thing though - if OP's work is good, your job as publisher is to help bring good stuff to light (insofar as your livelihood has any intrinsic value). you massage the writer's balls while he spooges good content. by most accounts i've heard, Joyce was a huge asshole to a lot of people, but he was a genius. by contrast, you (publishers) in industries ancillary to literatue are employees, you're workers. who are you to judge someone's moral flaws if they're in the 0.1% of the population with artistic talent? yuo don't have talent - publishing is an industry for manqué literati, everyone knows that. are you jealous and enjoy asserting power on those who have the talent that you lack?

>> No.10653753

>/lit/ continues to be the best board.
this. don't know how I used to stomach /his/

>> No.10653773

This just means OPs work was not good enough to tolerate being called a fag.

>> No.10653775

What if you're a talent agent and you see someone who's fucking around all the time and rude to other actors and to you, while belittling the work you put in to get them roles?
You'd have to be either a desperate agent or they'd have to be a really fantastic actor to overcome the bullshit that comes with working someone like that.

OP's probably not telling us, but I'm sure he wasn't the most cordial besides this one slipup

>> No.10653812


...okay, yeah that's true, but here's some truths about publishing:
>We live in an age of twitter activism, where an author without an established fanbase going around calling people faggots = lots of books sitting unsold on shelves
>Nobody's work is good enough that you can put up with abuse like that, unless you're ESP or psychic and know it will do harry potter shit then you won't take the risk.
>good shit might just not sell, and why take the risk for an asshole?

>> No.10653818

>You'd have to be either a desperate agent or they'd have to be a really fantastic actor to overcome the bullshit that comes with working someone like that.

Funny story, in hollywood, lots of good actors with lots of appeal get dropped for acting like fucking retards. There's a reason why Christian Slater's career died

>> No.10653823
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>this is the best the world can offer in a website community

Life keeps finding new ways to disappoint me

>> No.10653915

Just tell them:
>Hard to work with? Why? Because I'm a homosexual? Get ready to be sued for discrimination.
Now they will believe it's ok for you to use the word fag. Bad news is that you will have to pretend to be a fag for the rest of your life.

>> No.10653927

Your only mistake was apologizing

>> No.10653928

Don't worry, he's had plenty of practice "pretending" to be one.

>> No.10653933

Stop trying hard to be funny

>> No.10653936
File: 445 KB, 1024x681, 157608577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you write a good novel with that level of autismo can you post an extract so we can have a taste

>> No.10653979
File: 1.46 MB, 217x217, me2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done

>> No.10653996

I don't understand all the hype around this game.

>> No.10654008


Maybe if you weren't like this things would go better for you.

I don't even feel sorry for you.

>> No.10654012

Protip: 95% of popular games are popular just becase of their marketing hype tactics. Not saying they are bad games, but this is fact.

>> No.10654020

ive already had enough of fortnite and i have literally no idea what it even is other than, video game, arena, guns, many players i think??

>> No.10654023

it's the new paradigm for video games

basically you get a bunch of normie streaming e-celebs who consume the flavor-of-the-month video game for no other reason than everyone else is streaming it as well, so they feign interest and enthusiasm in the game and all their minions follow suite, causing a mass inflation of and unsustainable popularity for the game in question. it is then left on the wayside as soon as the next game comes out and the streamers start streaming that, and so on ad infinitum

video games are now just another casualty of mainstream consumerism and will be developed accordingly. sad times

>> No.10654027

post manuscript

>> No.10654034
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>mfw i red this bread

>> No.10654067

I've tried and tried to be active on /his/, the rampant autism is physically painful sometimes..

>> No.10654100


Ahahahaha /lit/ is the best board please let this be real

>> No.10654103

This post should be your screenplay.

>> No.10654112

I didn't even notice that you wrote faggot desu.

>> No.10654116

That means your brain is as memed up as his

>> No.10654126

prove it, screenshot some of the emails and post them here. redact all the identifying info ect

>> No.10654146

You must have missed the thread about the kid who started using “Intellectually dishonest” and his family trolled him.

>> No.10654157

>who are you to judge
opinion discarded

>> No.10654163

Link to that thread please.

>> No.10654164
File: 487 KB, 900x900, 1513720067711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Publishing in Finland
Te vitun kusipää hinttarit julkaisetta aivan vitun hävyttömän paskoja käännöksiä englannista suomeksi, mistä vitun pirkkalipastosta kaivatte teidän suomenatajanne, vittu Google Translate tekee parempaa jälkeä. kortistoon suotasitte joutua mutta tavis kadulla ei osaa englantia sitä vähääkää että tajuais kui vitun paskasti lukemansa teksti on suomennettu


>> No.10654211

>slip of the tongue
>that I typed out in an email and consciously hit send

>> No.10654221

It's the first major console release for this series since the PS2, and MH was a huge deal when it first came out. I like it, but it's currently pretty fucked and I won't play it until I read that the bugs have been completely ironed out. I get server issues on release, but putting out an update that stops people from saving? Unacceptable.

There's your non-meme reply.

>> No.10654310

Ah yes, /lit/, "the smartest board", so easy to troll lmao

>> No.10654380

>Yeah thats what it looks like
über troll

>> No.10654413

why does this whole post look so funny

>> No.10654439

Not OP, but how do I go about getting my book published?

>> No.10654503

If this is real you're a dumb motherfucker who should've just worked on the screenplay. Screenwriters don't even get this opportunity that often.

>> No.10654512

please someone screencap this so we can share it in the /lit/ memorable posts threads

>> No.10654521

Monster Hunter is pretty good. Not played World yet but looking forward to it. Try MH3 if you have a 3DS or WiiU. Good clean monster-tracking and hunting fun.

>> No.10654527

what do you mean you keep track of racist? do you control the social media of wanna be authors in order to see if they post racist stuff? or it's because they're so retarded they simply call niggers in emails?

>> No.10654529

In on LARP thread

>> No.10654535

Let me guess your screen play was about WWII from the point of view of Hilters dog?

>> No.10654538
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Linking to the archive would be intellectually dishonest

>> No.10654542

Time to change your name idiot.

>> No.10654549

I unironically hate niggers and homosexuals and I would have "blacklisted" you as well for writing that.

>> No.10654552

>you're beign intellectually dishonest little doggy

>> No.10654553

writing it then blowing up a building

>> No.10654574

there's a huge difference between talent and genius. I guarantee you if he sent a portfolio of fragments from a bunch of different projects that shows he has not only a discerning ability to create plots, characters, & awareness of themes but also has a deep understanding of language(s) & their history they would suck his dick regardless of how many times he called them faggot. But if that was the case you could just hand out manuscripts on the street and you would probably end up with a career in a few a months.

>> No.10654576

Publish with a different name, become anonymous or something.

>> No.10654581

also a genius would most likely have thought of a much better insult than "faggot" and would have never landed himself in that position anyways.

>> No.10654664

Says you, you fucking faggot

>> No.10654671

I think I might sent Bantam a link to this thread just so they can pass it round with your real name attached.

That is if this wasn't bait, which it absolutely is.

>> No.10654688
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For the record, I thought this thread was gay as hell.

>> No.10654711


so you spend too much time talking and acting like a homophobe and pretending that it doesn't matter because you don't really mean it. it was just kind of fun to pretend for a while. you are a homophobe but you're too oblivious to even realise it.

>> No.10656095
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>>email him back: Thanks for the advice, faggot. I'll go to someone who appreciates my talents.

>> No.10656212

so after the guy pushed you to a movie agent out of nothing but, apparently, good will, you called him a faggot and acted like a huffy bitch

please be real
I want to know that a human being this fucking dumb exists

>> No.10656219

You must be lying.

>> No.10656245
File: 88 KB, 960x540, 1490246498240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I somehow get in contact with you? Im a finnish student, been working on my novel for quite a while now. I feel like I dont know anything about the actual publishing process and discussing anything related to it with you would be viileetä

>> No.10656247

That misses the best part which is OP trying to defend himself and explain that he’s not retarded his parents adjust aren’t smart enough to be on his intellectual level

>> No.10656266

He is just another subhuman "white", if "white" even exists.

>> No.10656275
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What about this?

>> No.10656329

I saw a couple of those threads. Of course, they outed themselves as pasta by the rapid succession of recurrence, but the OP did stay on thread and I learned a bit during the discussions.

>> No.10656336

but we all had a good time regardless, so is it even trolling or just storytelling at this point?

>> No.10656355

>sent it into bantam books
tips on this step? do you just cold-email them?

>> No.10656364
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Grow a pair kid, fucks sake you're one of the most pathetic anons I've ever seen. And I've been browsing 4chan since the 70s.

And you publishing kikes stop being such cunts as well. Not the expecting authors not to call you faggot part, but
>we keep track of authors hard to work with
If it's not affecting business, how is that of your concern? Are you 8 or something?

>> No.10656371

>If it's not affecting business
are you stupid or what, of course it can affect business

>> No.10656372

It's their company they do whatever the fuck they want u dumb commie

>> No.10656382

>anyone who criticizes a company is a commie
You've got a lot of brain cells to grow

>> No.10656388


>> No.10656703

oh wow literally the exact same happened to me except everyone stood up and clapped at the end.

>> No.10656905

>It's the first major console release for this series since the PS2
I think there was a Monster Hunter for the Wii U. I don't play video games anymore but I remember playing it.

>> No.10656991

companies dont deserve rights, sodomite enabler

>> No.10657027

anon might as well put it here. You are fucked.

>> No.10657719

>/lit/ continues to be the best board.
Just barely. JBP/CoC/Soyposting is absolutely going to ruin this board

>> No.10658007

You deserve it, end of story, deal with ur life now

>> No.10658051

kek me too. faggot is such a go to word for me to use sometimes it comes out in the wrong company and i feel like an ass

>> No.10658097

oh you insulted the gays, v bad move anon. ill pray for your place in purgatory should you be so lucky

>> No.10658160

>i feel like an ass
that's your deeply-repressed conscience zinging you for lacking empathy and saying ignorant shit like that past the age of 14

>> No.10658206

woah you have given me a completely new perspective thank you i didnt realize woah

>> No.10658553

Nice post, I'll screencap it and save it in my "things that never happened" folder.

>> No.10658564

>lacking empathy
>by saying a bad word
lol the publisher probably deserved it

>> No.10658602

How many things do you have saved in that folder? Really it has limitless possiblity

>> No.10658618
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>Father leaves before birth again

>> No.10658643

Not the same guy but in my experience it's usually word of mouth, recorded incidents, and maybe the odd social media post if someone important sees it. Publishers and the like tend to be fairly liberal so they keep an eye out for this sort of stuff.
>they're so retarded they simply call niggers in emails?
You'd be surprised. I had a guy nearly lose his shit when he found out we worked with eastern europeans.

>> No.10658656

>If it's not affecting business
Yes it does. Even in fairly racist countries people avoid that shit like the plague.
> how is that of your concern?
It's called having moral standards.

>> No.10658672

Soyboy and brainlet are site-wide. People who use them here just show that this isn't their main board.

>> No.10658687

This brought tears of joy to my eyes, mirthful internet spirit. Thank you.

>> No.10658712
File: 56 KB, 300x270, Naga_laugh_1_1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mega lols

>> No.10658742

What substances were you on m8? I refuse to believe you're autistic enough to do something that retarded sober

>> No.10658762

CRAP thread, bad

>> No.10659060

lol people are so gay these days

>> No.10659262

piece of shit

>> No.10659435


>> No.10659720

OP; you have to convince everyone that you're actually gay so you can use the term "faggot". Spread rumors that you've slept with the guy who rejected you, and that your argument was personal in nature.

>> No.10660661

read: fuuhutttaaaaaeeetaaaoooetejjeeeeekkkkeeeeeooooppaaaaaaaaaaagaaaahuuustaaaaaaffuuuuuulaaaaaaaiiiiooooooo google translate ooooopoooooooooeeeeettaaaaaaguuuullaaaaaaaaatttrrrreeweewwwweeeee

>> No.10660671

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.10660674
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>> No.10660685

This is probably just some good quality bait but whatever


>> No.10662356
File: 36 KB, 532x400, Far-Out-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And I've been browsing 4chan since the 70s.

>> No.10662361

Tell that to Colonel Sanders.

>> No.10662392

Publishing houses are antiquated and archaic. Post all your books online for free and promote them yourself. Open up a patreon account. If your writing is appealing you'll make money.

>> No.10662449

>Amazon self publish
>Patreons bux
>Give the book for free to all patreons
Is this the /lit/ dream?

>> No.10662450

Is it fantasy, sci-fi, or horror? Maybe it could work as a screenplay, too. Otherwise keep trying to get it published.

>> No.10662467

Just make the book free to all without exception. With piracy it's inevitable that it will get out one way or another. This is the future. This is the old school way. Back in the day a scholar would write a book on a scroll and other scholars would pay have their students copy it onto another scroll. No publishers. Nowadays the copying is just faster due to technology. You make money by winning over patrons to support your work.

>> No.10662914

>promote them yourself
