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File: 19 KB, 614x344, socrates-contributions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10651976 No.10651976 [Reply] [Original]

Is Moral Realism comptatible with Naturalism?

>> No.10651990

Is stoicism a compatible identity when talking about the heuristic nature of being?

>> No.10652003
File: 152 KB, 579x1358, Sam Harris solves ethics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

Stop shitting up the moral landscape with your depths of namefaggotry.

>> No.10652036

comparability as such insofar as it can enter within a whole with ζωή and the more qualified βίος - but it falls
short as θεωρία, the reasoning here being it lacks the full conceptual scope that must be admitted qua the contingency of Being as such.

>> No.10652047

No and that's why I'm no longer a naturalist

>> No.10652061

Yes read foot

>> No.10652072
File: 45 KB, 749x743, 27540984_1743694015692827_2562507931991937491_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf at point 4), it's a travesty of attempting to solve the hard problem of consciousness with meaningless hand waving. You can know all of physics and still know jack shit about complex phenomena because our math is not appropriate to deal with emergence, nor is it good at dealing with critical phenomena at phase transition points. Why do philosophers talk about statistical mechanics that have never actually read about statistical mechanics?

>> No.10652085

Don't bother, Harris is just a cringe dispenser.

>> No.10652096

>Conclusion: so, yeah, I guess there's no getting an ought from an is, lel, but dunno, hot stoves suck :^)

>> No.10652127

So do you believe in a kind of platonic ethics or something? is that a bit much because objective morals must exist because otherwise it's inconvenient for us?

>> No.10652347
