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10633864 No.10633864 [Reply] [Original]

What is the deepest thought that you have ever had, that you can explain in less than one 4chan post?

I'm asking for ideas YOU have come up with yourself, not insight on other people's work.

>> No.10633906
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Natalism is accelerationist antinatalism.

Antinatalism is conservationist natalism.

>> No.10633919
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I used to meditate a lot and I would get these visual flashes in my mind, like visions but very short, half a second of a film. The basic themes of these visions were way outside my general interests, I saw complex math and physics related symbolism.
One that really stuck in my head was this vision of walking towards a strange window, when I looked out I was looking down at a planet being terraformed by giant mechanical wheels. This led me to a theory that maybe I am actually from the future, and on a spaceship, living in this virtual world of the past while waiting for a new planet to be ready for colonization. It probably sounds dumb, but it has just kind of stuck in my head you know.

>> No.10633923
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Okay well, the other day I was thinking to myself in the shower that when we have hyper advanced AI, things like sexbots could become real. So I thought about writing a story about how robotic women would render real women obsolete, and the whole moral to my story would basically be a “fuck you” to women everywhere for never giving me a chance. I’m really, really hoping they become a real thing though.

>> No.10633928

Sure. It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Anon, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Anon, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.

>> No.10633935

The fine turning argument proves that god is basically an asshole with a twisted sense of humor

>> No.10633943

quit stealing my work

>> No.10633966

My masters thesis contains some good thougts on Luhmanns system theory

>> No.10633968
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Yeah I know sexbots are probably unrealistic at this stage in humanity, literally just the other day in computer class we were talking about how IBM is focusing on developing advanced artificial intelligence for things such as medicine and surgery. All I could think of is why the fuck are they wasting their time trying to do stupid shit like that when we already have surgeons that do that stuff right now. With sexbots we could do anything and beyond.

>> No.10633975

nuhhh uhhhhh. There's a good chance I might become a professor eventually and I'm in a field with a large number of women. Do you realize how many female grad students fantasize about their PhD advisor?

>> No.10634021

All my ideas are synthesized from other ideas

>> No.10634025

One time my doors of perception were cleansed and everything appeared as it is, infinite.

>> No.10634032

If there was no healthcare provided by the state, then I would have that money left to me from the taxes. Same with other services. It's not that without the state's intervention I wouldn't be able to afford it, I wouldn't have to pay it in as tax money and I could use it to have private health care and other insurances that I deem necessary.
The state apparatus we have is a leftover of the communist dictatorship.

>> No.10634062

What if you develop a rare condition or you end up needing a serious operation that will be above your purchasing power (more than you saved up for private health services) what then?

>> No.10634073

All philosophy is merely the justification of views you already had.

>> No.10634099

And that I can't be something more than a man, forever stuck in this limited body.

Truly depressing.

>> No.10634103

Why couldn't I save up that much?
I just push all the cash I would have put into the state healthcare into the private one, that's ought to be enough.

>> No.10634110

The only reason healthcare, education, and housing are rising in price (by a FUCKING LOT) while everything else is becoming more affordable is that they are the things govt. has been subsidizing.

>> No.10634197

religion/spirituality is to the behavior and modality of qualia as science is to the behaviour and modality of physical matter and energy. The first is inherently subjective and cannot easily be translated between people, hence the diverse range of spiritual paradigms. The second is inherently linked to visual and sensory phenomena that are stable between observers.

The vast majority of people live within one of these two modes of existence, and there's a barrier of understanding between the two b/c they take different a priori assumptions. That's why a religious person explaining themselves rationally sounds absurd to the materialist just as the materialist sounds absurd to the religious.

Proving god's existence is impossible materially because it is not a material concept, just as proving specific material phenomena is impossible in spiritual terms because they are not spiritual.

You can no more explain god in terms of material logic than you can use scripture to build a rocket.

>> No.10634206


That being said, both are equally valid ways of relating to the human experience. I personally don't think you can be truly human until you've seen the world from both perspectives and at least tried to integrate them into something continuous.

>> No.10634248

This is a bit strange but when I was little I had a habit (like many children do) of repeatedly asking my parents "why" for no real reason, just to see how far I could go.
When I was in elementary, around 6/7 or so, I was swinging on the swings we had on the playground and thinking about it, though, and I was thinking about, if you started with any statement someone gave you, and kept going "why?" after everything they said, if you were speaking with someone who was omniscient (like G-d), or I guess a person who just knew a lot, then in a certain number of steps you will eventually come to the origin of the universe as the final answer in every single statement thread.
Then I started thinking about "why-loops", where people would just use circular logic to answer questions and you would be stuck in that circle forever (I married him. Why? Well he liked me. Why? I liked him. Why? He liked me. Why? I liked him., and so on)
And also I was thinking about normal "why-walls" with people, when you would finally get to a question where they would just give up or not know the answer, and how many steps away is the statement they gave up on from the end, etc.
This definitely isn't the deepest thought I've had but it's one of the earliest, I guess.

>> No.10634250

The internet will take out the weaker genetic line of humans (soys and tumblr feminists)

>> No.10634259

But anon, that isn't true.

>> No.10634265
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The Jews are so smart because they are a product of natural selection. After millennia of pogrom and persecution only the craftiest survived. And now the average Jewish IQ is 115 because all the stupid ones were killed in the gauntlet of history.

>> No.10634270
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We actually have buttons just to fuck everyone’s shit up and end the entire planet yet we give the power to push these buttons to the most eccentric of people. Everyday we sit at the edge of chaos

>> No.10634273

evolutionary challenges are extremely different today though. There's a reason the Shakers don't exist anymore, and it's the same reason materialists won't exist much further into the 3rd millennium.

>> No.10634276

At the end of the day luck is way more important than anyone wants to admit.

Everyday I see people who put two or three times the effort not just for work but for living in general but they will never get my lifestyle simply because they were unlucky in their early live and didn't had half the oportunities I had, meanwhile I also see stupid people who was born into money and have will never have to work a single day of their lives and unless I win the lotto I will never have their lifestyle.

>> No.10634283

Swallowing the luck pill is hard but truthful.

That's why I play 10 luck in Fallout New Vegas

>> No.10634310
File: 68 KB, 900x900, dark side of the awooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs are human souls trapped in purgatory.

>> No.10634317

Dogs are fucking retards and cats are way more like people. Dogs are codependent people trapped in purgatory maybe.

>> No.10634330

dogs are masculinity, cats are femininity. Both are useful to have around, but I really just want to find a girl I can love like I love my cat, that is unconditionally and with the knowledge that I must always care for and protect her.

>> No.10634339

every fallout game past 2 is trash
every persona game past innocent sin is also trash

>> No.10634340

That's fucking gay dude. Dogs are like the annoying girlfriend who texts you fucking constantly. Where are you? I love you? Random emojis! hey

>> No.10634343

The only felines that resemble humans are lions because they live in packs.

There's no such thing as an independent person. We're a social species.

>> No.10634345

>Dogs are like the annoying girlfriend who texts you fucking constantly. Where are you? I love you? Random emojis! hey

>> No.10634346

New Vegas is good
> can’t play old fallouts because it’s so slow

>> No.10634347

>want to find a girl I can love like I love my cat
>I must always care for and protect her

don't forget trying to feed her while she walks around your legs trying to trip you over
or cleaning up her poop from the litter box
or knowing that she will scratch the shit outta your tv if you play a vidja game because she wants to catch the moving characters

>> No.10634351

Cats say whats up on their own terms. Dogs are defined by their relationship and derive all of their self worth from it. Cats go outside and do cat shit for hours a day.

>> No.10634352
File: 250 KB, 740x557, 1487377752533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys watch this


>> No.10634355

how is it gay? It's quite the opposite actually. Dogs are friends, they're annoying little brothers. Cats are love (platonic of course, inb4 muh beastiality lol) . They are coy and don't expect to provide. They are also extremely fickle just like women are.

>> No.10634359

You clearly haven't dated much.

>> No.10634362

I mean you're not wrong

>> No.10634365

I'm trying to express an ideal. Obviously it won't really work like this in modern society, but I can still dream

>> No.10634367

Believe me, a LOT of women are codependent as fuck. Go to the gym, get through school, increase your social value and you will see.

>> No.10634387
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>> No.10634410
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Everything is apart of the same singular thing without separation.

There is no such thing as absolute nothing

>> No.10634411

That when people say that new ideas "need some time for everyone to get used to" (like same-sex marriage being legal) really just means that you need about 1-3 generations (1-3 depending on how progressive the new idea is) of people to die off for it to be accepted. The implication being that people don't really change as "people need time to get used to it" seems to suggest, rather you just need better education for the young generations and need the older generations to fucking die. Pretty cynical but I stand by it.

>> No.10634427

>Why? Well he liked me. Why? I liked him. Why? He liked me. Why? I liked him., and so on

>Love is an intrinsic value

Not bad for a 7 year old senpai

>> No.10634433

I am not smart but sometimes i am more clever than a fox

>> No.10634439

I disagree, in that dogs exhibit quality human virtues — such as loyalty, cooperation, courage — and were instrumental for early human development. Unconditional love, regarded as one of the high watermarks of humanity, is to be found more in dogs than cats. Concerning faculties, I would place radical love as equal only to reason.

Hell, even Socrates made an argument that dogs were natural philosophers, however silly it was. Cats seem to be more like 'outrageous fortune'.

>> No.10634440

Time is everything.

>> No.10634444

Measured codependence is a virtue for the strong; unbridled cynicism is a virtue for the young.

>> No.10634455

Fallout 1 & 2 are fucking overrated trash. Shittiest gameplay and interface.

>> No.10634471

I'm an only child and an american. Individualism is above all else for me.

>> No.10634493

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>> No.10634513

>Individualism is above all else for me.
>Having an illusion as your most valuable virtue

>> No.10634525

You can never not be selfish-even when you're altruistic you're satisfying a wish of yourself to help another people
And that's really comforting..

>> No.10634537

>Time is everything.
Absolute brainlet thought. Our understanding of time is tied to the self and the self is an illusion. Matter experiences being in an infinitely small amount of time.

>> No.10634539

It's ok to be wrong sometimes

>> No.10634549

Read the Book of Job.

>> No.10634596

The human history is written in such a dichotomy as a struggle between our idolization of humanist values and our natural self.

>> No.10634602

Lol, can't tell if bait or sincere

>> No.10634615

I dunno, gas is pretty expensive

>> No.10634620

true knowledge comes from ascetisism

>> No.10634624

true self comes from autism

>> No.10634626


>> No.10634633
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>> No.10634636

I'm fine with this

>> No.10634641

>being a pussy
>validation seeking

>> No.10634643

not him, but there was a thread a few days ago...

>> No.10634647

This sounds like a cop out to me. Just because qualia are (hypothetically) forever uncharted doesnt mean they can only be ordered and given meaning by proprietary structures, dictated by personal nuance, a la religion.

This ignoring the logical outrage that religious people have equally valid gods despite theistic gods being mutually exclusive.

>> No.10634658

>being this defensive when someone questions your nonsense

>> No.10634660

Dogs are for the emotionally feeble.

>> No.10634665

My deepest thought was my penis in your moms vagina, lel

>> No.10634684

I'm not the dog guy I just mocked your false sense of individualism.

>> No.10634714

That is why no one will remember your name.

>> No.10634737

my name is just a sequence of vibrations randomly assigned to me at birth. I am not attached to it.

>> No.10634747

Giving up is easy.

>> No.10634760

What am I giving up?

>> No.10634766

Your life.

>> No.10634772

But it's not mine. There is no "mine"

>> No.10634775

>cucks on /lit/ never don't know where is this from

>> No.10634837

honestly just get off drugs. i can tell you were on them because you sound very much like the druggies i've had to speqk with. I'll be talking with someone and they'll interrupt and tell me about their coked out "theories" and ""experiences"". They always seem so proud of having taken some shit and then stared at their couch cushion for an hour "seeing" things. I don't know what they're so impressed about, it's always "bro the fractals.. the lines ... like rivers, you know, i felt like i saw the answer to all math..." But that can't really articulate what the fuck they even mean

>> No.10634884

>all "drugs" are the same

>> No.10634973

>Cats say whats up on their own terms. Dogs are defined by their relationship and derive all of their self worth from it.
Exactly, human beings are like the latter. A human can't survive solitarily like a cat, we're a group animal.

>> No.10634985

Talking in quotes on /lit/ and seeing if you can get away from it is a fun game, because only a few of us read books.

>> No.10635240
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checked, though can't tell if it's a pithy bit of wisdom or profound-seeming nonsense.

>> No.10635252

hola reddit

>> No.10635282

probably because you'd need 60$mil +1mil/yr to keep an mri running to diagnose you with anything like that, and after that you're looking at a small bump of a couple mil for a few weeks hospital + recovery.

Not that I doubt your ability to save, it's just if you had the money to do this from back taxes, you would have enough money to do it from pro-tax capital.

>> No.10635290

not pro-tax

>> No.10635336
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>> No.10635349

Community is a spark of divinity. It is from divinity's fire and creates a divine fire.

>> No.10635372

Healthcare benefits massively from economy of scale

The NHS is able to provide universal healthcare for everyne in the UK for significantly less (in both per capita terms and as a percentage of GDP) than the US Federal Government alone spends on medicare & covering prisoners', veterans' and natives' healthcare.

Regardless of arguments about the quality of the NHS (though you can get private healthcare in the UK far cheaper than in the US), the UK government certainly gets a far better deal for its spending and the UK population get a far better deal for their taxes.


>> No.10635375

I didn't say I'd pay for a personal hospital. I wouldn't be the only person paying for it.

>> No.10635436

The first part happens to me when I try meditation/astral projection, I always thought it was like a flash of a dream but I'm awake.

>> No.10635464

i'm blue

>> No.10635487


Every few weeks I come to the realization that humans are fundamentally pitiable creatures. The ones who are good and polite and generous have, behind the facade, the same fears and disappointments as anyone else. The angry, mean, and hateful people have, behind the facade, the same vulnerabilities and disappointments too.

I sympathize with most people because we're all just trying to make sense of the void that surrounds us, and to live in a way that things follow a predictable order with relative safety and comfort.

Behind all of society's scenery, there is the void which we all secretly know is looming on the horizon. And we all work together to keep nihilism at bay.

>> No.10635492

where is it from?

>> No.10635494

A righteous man never suffers.

>> No.10635563

These themes are all apparent if you read The Bible. What you call "the void" is the overwhelming, immeasurable force of change that we are born from and die from. That force being God.

>> No.10635573

Select a sentence, right click, search for it on your search machine of choice and you will rarely if ever have this problem again.

>> No.10635585

i did do that i just want to here it from you

>> No.10635589

Faggy as fuck to be honest.

>> No.10635593

why do gyms have handicap spaces?

>> No.10635602

Oh you mean you'd like the standard of care of a private hospital without paying above public healthcare? Well, then you don't need to worry about your tax rebate either, you still have to worry about being too poor to contribute to that capital. The amount of capital you've invested gets you what you get now from tax. Expensive things cost more and I can't afford them is hardly deep.

>> No.10635603

Judge it however you like, It's still the truth.

>> No.10635605

arm day

>> No.10635606

Exercise is especially important for the old and for those recovering from an injury. Both those groups applicable for handicap spaces.

>> No.10635609

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Such as surprising result at the end of the semester!

>> No.10635638

Suffering, pain, and pleasure are only directions that influence action. They exists in the same manner that bitter, sour, and sweet exists in that it influence our reactions. It is all about patterns and its propagation. Suffering, pain, and pleasure was evolved. To say life is suffering or painful, or pleasurable is meaningless since they are only flavors of our senses. It is like saying that life is purple or blue or green.

>> No.10635670

Do you also feel colors as you feel emotions?

>> No.10635686

Colors are relative. It is used to categorize and predict. It's not important what color is but how they can be used to differentiate objects. And in the same manner combined objects based on similarity.
Emotions are used to communicate between agents. If you are angry, you display certain indicators on your face to let people know that you are a in state where you are prone to violence and they should stay away. Same thing when you cry except now you want to communicate that you are hurt and people should come help you. Emotions were evolved first before language. And you don't feel or control emotion. Emotions controls you.

>> No.10635690

>All I could think of is why the fuck are they wasting their time trying to do stupid shit like that when we already have surgeons that do that stuff right now. With sexbots we could do anything and beyond.
This is exactly the type of shit that makes everyone hate you, /r9k/.

>> No.10635698

t. npc

>> No.10635714


The void, actually, is nothingness. It is the lack of one's existence, which is how the world was for billions of years prior to, and will be for billions of years after, one's brief life.

>> No.10635844

>The void, actually, is nothingness.
Our reality is wholly physical. No vacuum--or nothing space--is truly perfect, not even in interstellar space, where there are still a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter. Even if there were nothingness, that is still an idea under God.
>It is the lack of one's existence
The "void" you describe is anything that isn't the conscious you; it's tied to your self. This belief is false because it is premised on an illusion. A persons body changes every second of every day. Your body is an ecosystem that existed before you were born and will continue to exist after you die. You seem to believe in some sort of subject/ object dichotomy, where the subject "you" is a metaphysical observing force that will cease to exist when you die. In reality, this observing force never existed in the first place. You are a multitude of fractions of parts of the whole object; connected in every way. There is no lack of existence.

>> No.10635869

Sufi when?

>> No.10635877



>> No.10635878
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That's why the real scumbag neo-liberals are hell-bent on literally destroying it.

>> No.10635911
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>> No.10635939

BASED Blasphemy

>> No.10635943

For broken people such as myself the NEETpill is the best and only option.

>> No.10635984


The only useful correction to this would concede that yes, the atoms which make up "me" as I'm alive and capable of experiencing anything will never cease to exist. However, without a tangible means of experiencing consciousness, the existence is essentially without real expression or experience.

So yes, I will never cease to exist. The void, therefore, is the inability to experience conscious existence.


The void is amended to refer to the inability to experience conscious existence.

>> No.10636028

>the void is the inability to experience conscious existence
Experiencing anything through consciousness is questionable but I see what you are saying. The void isn't nothingness, it's the lack of metaphysical subjectivity. Acceptable. To die is to lose however much subjectivity you think you have and that is what everyone, we assume, inevitably faces.

>> No.10636089
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Really? You thought this up yourself?

Are you sure you haven't seen it anywhere like... I don't know... the works of Plato, father of Western philosophy?

>> No.10636125


>> No.10636134

Great minds think alike I guess :^)

>> No.10636324

>This limited body
t. someone who doesn't try because they're too afraid of failure
How would you define more than a man?

>> No.10636381
File: 28 KB, 310x346, 1515990603526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seeded this planet with my bacteria by coughing up mucus on several continents. I, a mobile bacteria farm, am the progenitor of the world of tomorrow.

>> No.10636438

Cough up some bacteria on a comet or some other satellite and I might be impressed.

>> No.10636535

michelito hollabak

>> No.10636638

definetily the deepest in this thread

>> No.10636912

i stand too

>> No.10636934

Sometimes the french get a bit too sappy and whiny.

>> No.10637190

If you're so screwed up that you can't traverse the extra 20 feet into the gym, then why the hell are you working out in the first place?

>> No.10637497

Fair enough. You should send a letter to your local representative.

>> No.10637768

to be fair the protagonist is trying to trick a pepe looking incel fat adult permavirgin into stabbing an interracial teen couple with a kitchen knife for the lulz

>> No.10637821

>every fallout game past 2 is trash
New Vegas is fine, it'd be more accurate to say that everything Bethesda makes is trash.
>every persona game past innocent sin is also trash
Now you're just baiting.
And don't give me a reasoning that comes down to "it's too animesque", we're comparing JRPGs here.

>> No.10638885 [DELETED] 

Ugh. It's like trying to jump into a gap on a function line with one hole on it

>> No.10638906 [DELETED] 

I wish I could breath vacuums

>> No.10638986
File: 41 KB, 617x409, 💄 💋 👄 👅.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the limit of doubt is not an ego doing the doubting but rather the meaning of "doubt" as a word/thing that humans do

as in, you can't coherently doubt something without first understand what it means to doubt, what it is to 'doubt' something.

So you prove the existence of doubt by doubting that you're doubting. by doubting you're doubting, you prove the existence of doubt.

and from there you find your way back to the external world- or at least others through an analysis of doubt as being embedded within a language - a social practice, something taught within a community and can only be coherently understood against a background pre-theoretical understanding of truth/facticity.

to coherently doubt something means to perform a practice embedded and encultured, and leared within the context of a language community - a family, others, all of which are embedded within a background understanding of what it means for something to be true.

so my point is basically descartes tried to find the limit of doubt - and ended with an ego doing the doubting (he basically just begs the question, assumed the conclusion that ego exists and does the doubting). and from there he somehow found god and then an external world.

whereas what I am saying is that the limit of doubt is the coherence of doubt itself, and you find the limit of scepticism at the meaning and understanding of the practice of doubting. and from there you return to the external world from your scepticism through an analysis of the context doubt exists within (a cultural practice, exists among a community of language speakers (doubt itself is a word), within an external world of facts and truth (which must exist in order for doubt to even be coherent, if there's no truth there's no doubt).).

basically it goes
1. global scepticism
2. the limit is the meaning and coherence of the actual doubt involed in the scepticism (you can't doubt you're doubting without performing doubt)
3. to perform doubt means to participate in a socially learned practice (others), which exists within the context of an external world of truth beyond yourself.


>> No.10639028

nigga what? A human that has no contact with the outside world can still doubt things.

>> No.10639056

>A human that has no contact with the outside world can still doubt things

great assertion, but nope

>> No.10639088

>great assertion, but nope

If he had absolutely no doubts about what the future will be like,

in that case then he doubts that he will be wrong about the future.

Therefore, he doubts.

>> No.10639094

Sounds like some cringy atheist shit but this just popped into my head at one point today. if you assume the existence of the christian god, and thag there is 1 god and this god is all-seeing and all-knowing then that god is probably pretty lonely because there will never be another entity that could truly understand it. And when i say pretty lonely i mean unimaginably lonely since this god will have existed for all time.
This probably sounds stupid because I'm not really knowledgeable about religious philosophy or anything, i stopped going to church a long time ago. I was just thinking about being lonely and it came into my mind.

>> No.10639099

Whist on a trip I found "It" or more so, realised exactly what reality as we perceive it to be is.

We are an electrical impulse that will continue to be until we run out of fuel or the system breaks.

Its hard to describe, but I saw it as a ball of white light, and as you got closer, it started to appear like it was a screen filled with pixels, all being the same white light/ball. I "zoomed" in further and further until the process repeated itself over and over and over again. When finally I reached the centre, it was exactly the same ball/light as I had seen before but I could go no further into it. As if I had gone through infinity and found "It", point 1, the only and everything.

I took this to be every single possibility that could be, has been and is to be 1, not infinity but a never ending chain of events. There is no past and there is no future, only what exists right now and how you perceive it.

Before this, I was wracked with self doubt and criticism, but I was now able to see what I really was and that nothing else mattered except for what I wanted to have value. Now, I still have those doubts but I see them for what they are, just parts of my personality that I accept and work on with my actions.
You are a collection of your actions and the actions of those around you.

>> No.10639100

a human with no contact with the outside world is an autistic genie child mess with no language and no understand of truth or falsity.

>> No.10639123

also, thought 2.

School is designed to keep you immobile, therefore easily manageable and predicable. Keeping those in power, in power.

You start school and throughout school there are options or pathways that you take and eventually travel on that lead you to your employment, wether that be a doctor or bin man is unimportant. But with that employment, you find a house, a partner maybe, kids, hobbies, "life baggage". You form a routine, you stagnate, you die and your kids continue on after you.

When you are fixed to a location and job that provides services for others. You are, wether you realise it or not, at the mercy of "the powers that be" - There is no "real" choice, sure there are options but ultimately you end up the same as everyone around you, trying to survive in the system.

Every great leader who changed the world went against this, they didn't work in a normal sense, they made the world fit to them, they shifted countries and broke the system that sat before them.

School kills your imagination and you are only limited to what you can imagine.

>> No.10639154

When you die there's nothing.
But who's to say, in some distant infinity—maybe a billion trillion years—there won't be a being/species/entity with a way to truly revive your consciousness; not just a copy.
And because you have been in oblivion, no perceived time has passed, it's as if you just had died.

Make yourself worthy of revival.

>> No.10639157

>liFe dOn'T mAkE nO seNsE wiThOut laNguAGe

I suppose a human with no contact to the outside world doesn't feel any pain because he was never taught the word "pain"?

Of course not. He feels pain. And because he feels pain, he knows that pain is true. Words do not give any meaning to the concept of "true". Words are literally arbitrary sounds that could be anythings at all and it wouldn't make a difference.

>> No.10639164


Jordan B. Peterson just profited off the void left by The Last Psychiatrist stopping his blog.

>> No.10639328

All of you are disqualified, OP specified that the thought must be explained in zero posts.

>> No.10639340

absolutely correct, for example "literally" now means "figuratively"

Words are figuratively arbitrary sounds

>> No.10639361

fuck man i need to get off that Paracetamol

>> No.10639375

If someone were to write a book with all the questions anyone could ever ask me, all the answers I could ever give to those questions, and all the thoughts I will ever have/had, that book would be my consciousnesses, that book would be me. In fact, it would be more me than myself.

>> No.10639386

Da ba dee da ba da

>> No.10639459


>> No.10639468

I don't think your thought is really that impressive but it reminds me of something else.

A good argument against monarchies is that you force a human being in a certain position for the rest of their life only because of which family they were born in. They have no choice in the matter. It's pretty immoral to force a man to be a king. Just because they have power doesn't mean they have a good life, I wouldn't want to be a king.

Kinda similar to your point about God

>> No.10639472

New Vegas was written by the same guys who did 1 and 2 right?

>> No.10639484


>have one leg
>you should let the rest of your body wither because of it

>> No.10639788

A friend and I basically independently discovered Taoism while tripping on LSD a few years back. "Live in the now" was our mantra for a hot minute.

>> No.10640112

That book would be written differently every new day. It may even differ by the hour.

>> No.10640157

I was thinking about my wife who has now passed away. Suddenly all those songs, novels, movies and shows about love make sense. Love is no longer a cliche that artists make art about. It is the meaning of life when you find someone that you can devote your own life to in a manner which gives it purpose. Now that she is gone, there is nothing left but perhaps the shred of happiness I find knowing that she didn't have to go through this pain.

Planning to kill myself in the next month.

>> No.10640172

>Planning to kill myself in the next month.
how are you going to do it?

>> No.10640177

I am God and everyone else on the planet are just avatars from my subconscious that I can manipulate to my will. None of you actually exist, I am the only sentient being on Earth and nothing you can say can disprove this.

>> No.10640181

I am God and everyone else on the planet are just avatars from my subconscious that I can manipulate to my will. None of you actually exist, I am the only sentient being on Earth and nothing you can say can disprove this.

>> No.10640189

I got dubs though so it just further proves I'm right and you're wrong.

>> No.10640200

Fair enough - if anything is certain in life it's that meme magic is real.

>> No.10640206

Rope. There's this myth that you die of suffocation, like drowning, but really the rope cuts of blood to the brain and you become unconscious well before asphyxiation begins.

>> No.10640207

Think about all the time you were content before you even met her. Learn to adapt and move on.

>> No.10640219

You gonna listen to any music when you do it? Like how Ian Curtis had Iggy Pop playing when he hanged himself for example. I've genuinely thought about this, and there's quite a few tracks in particular that I'd play if it ever came down to it, but I think I'd probably spend so much time deciding which one to use I'd just not do it.


>> No.10640233

motherfucking holebarbeque or whatever

>> No.10640239

no idea can truly be original

>> No.10640526
File: 99 KB, 388x475, fae6adfecd3db525e66afac7bdfe4446.388x475x1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played poker for the first time ever in life at the age of 24 and was super high on marijuana at the time. Needless to say my mind was completely blown. I said to my friends at the time "HOLY SHIT, FINAL FANTASY AIN'T GOT EVEN A PERCENTAGE OF THIS KIND OF DEPTH" Then I got an idea for a short story about a guy waking up on a uninhabited island with a surgical scar and then playing poker with Satan, Hitler, and John Lennon.

>> No.10640736
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, 79bd22e03e8f46bebd3a5b07d6605030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I would probably listen to this album before kicking it. Thankfully, I'm too self-interested to actually kill myself.

>> No.10640750

never heard of this, may give it a go


>> No.10640755

Really? I'm surprised that you listen to Swans and Mercury Rev and have never heard of him. Hell, he even toured with Björk once or twice.

>> No.10640780

well i probably have heard of him at someone but i don't think i've ever listened

>> No.10640794

Weed is literally weaker than beer, and most of that was placebo.

>> No.10640940

>Weed is literally weaker than beer
The dose makes the poison. A 100mg+ weed edible will always be more intense than any amount of beers you drink before you die from alcohol poisoning.

>> No.10640974

>I'm asking for ideas YOU have come up with yourself, not insight on other people's work.
Nove nihil sub sole

I don't think there has ever been a thought I've had in my life that hasn't been pondered to completion by someone else who came before me and discussed ad-nauseam. In that regard I'm nothing more than a necromancer, a blind gravedigger striking out at random trying to collect pearls of wisdom from people who's faces I will never see and who's names I will never learn.

Then whenever I find something of worth I can either choose to hold it close to my chest, groping at it and and trying to parse if it's a really pearl or just another pebble, or I bring it to the bazaar and ask all the other blind men their opinions. In the end it doesn't matter, the result will always be the same. Without light you can never know for sure if you've discovered something that's never been seen before and there is no light left in the world.

We're all standing on the graves of giants that stood so tall that we still cannot escape their shadows no matter how much we build ourselves up. Anyone who pretends that they can see the sun is delusional.

>> No.10641011

A prophetic thought I had in a self-induced trance one night, can't go much deeper than that:
A thousand million pieces scattered across reality, one man will collect them. When they are gathered, all the bells in all the world will chime gracefully at the rearrival of the saviour of existence.

>> No.10641164

The only contributions people make today are extremely specialised. You simply add another leaf to the tree of knowledge--which is too large at this point to add your own branch. The days of the School of Athens when every day someone invented a new science are over.

>> No.10641229

It's not "better education", it's just that the new generations are born with it and they interpret it as the "natural status"

>> No.10641271

>Now you're just baiting.
Nah they're just not good

>> No.10641284

>Helpless Child
>not God Damn the Sun
do you even the entire swans discography?

>> No.10641292

>do you even the entire swans discography?
only just started 2bh

>> No.10641300

>i tried weed once dude, it doesn't work for me
kill yourself

>> No.10641329

Truth is the thing which if a criterion claims it is false, invalidates the criterion.

>> No.10641330
File: 46 KB, 976x549, gira6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good discography to go through chronologically btw
you can really see how the band evolved over time and pretty much all their albums are good (although I don't care for early Swans much personally)

>> No.10641336

>Planning to kill myself in the next month.
Please, don't. Ask for help, I beg you.

>> No.10641440

fuck drugs and alcohol and fuck the people who poison their bodies and minds with them.

>> No.10641442

The mistake you made was loving any one thing more than the LORD.

>> No.10641471

Yeah I completely agree. Fuck nicotine, SSRIs, caffeine, sugar, zinc, water, air, etc. All these drugs people consume just to be able to function. I can't stand these fucking retarded addicts they don't even realize how stupid and pathetic they are for poisoning their body and mind. Fuck those faggot retards.

>> No.10641759

dude straight edge lmao

>> No.10641881

How do I profit from the void of r/incels being deleted?

>> No.10641965

I found the key to the paradox between religion and science

>> No.10642240

There really is no point in socializing or talking to other people as most people are really fucking boring, but given the fact that we are social creatures we are addicted to talking to others and would literally be driven suicidal if we didn't talk to others.

>> No.10642367

Houellebecq’s whatever

>> No.10642405

Science (empirically) proves panpsychism and disproves FREE will.
I know the second part is obvious but I think it's important for the first.

>> No.10643241

So we are all being controlled by conscious sub-atomic particles that have free will?

>> No.10643983

please elaborate

>> No.10643998

Well, the scariest thought I've ever had is the end of humanity and basically everything. I have no idea why it scares me so much, but just the thought that everything inevitably will die out and cease to exist at some point is incredibly mind boggling to me, even if it's eternities in the future where we aren't even around anymore to worry about it. I'm not a particularly paranoid person, but sometimes I can't sleep because of it.

>> No.10644003

more like well written absolute truths you can easily recognize

>> No.10644013


>> No.10644028

Check these trips. You're not real.

>> No.10644044

When we die, we'll just wake up in some other reality, and will slowly forget the life we had lived the same way we slowly forget dreams.

>> No.10644122

>she walks around your legs trying to trip you over
If you seriously trip over your cat, you are way more clumsy than average person. Been having cat for years, still never developed problems with my walking skills.

>> No.10644138

Huelle Beck!

>> No.10644249

These particles per se I'm not sure. Probably they constitute the units of qualia.
And no, no free will whatsoever.

>> No.10644272

Fallout 2 was horrible, F1 is the only game of the franchise I enjoyed

>> No.10644392

If you can find beauty in horror, you will see beauty everywhere.

>> No.10644495

Nothing is continuous

>> No.10644498

>every persona game past innocent sin is also trash
Any mongrel with a double-digit IQ knows this

>> No.10644537

Exactly, even time is discrete (planck time).

>> No.10644539
File: 325 KB, 1280x718, Critters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really a though,but still strange:sometimes i spin around in one place,listening to music.My mind clears up completely and i seem to be able to articulate some latent though in a manner i would never dream of when im "sober".It feels like someone else is speaking through me

>> No.10645006

This anon is right. My family has been stricken with multiple deaths in the past few years, it is very hard sometimes to realize that the most important facets of your life are no longer tangible. I say tangible, rather than "no longer here" because part of them is still here. Every memory you hold about her is a piece of her. If you die, she dies with you, and in that regard that is the most beautiful thing about marriage, and life in general, you never are alone. Don't make the mistake of letting your hurt control your life. I know it hurts. And it will still hurt years down the road. You'll have a happy moment, genuinely enjoying an experience, and a flashing realization hits that she isn't there, and you wish she were so she could experience it too.
One of the things that has helped me is going out and doing things that they enjoyed doing that we never got around to doing. Like say they really wanted to go do pottery or scuba diving, you should go try it. It's cathartic. In a way it helps you feel closer to them.
Don't kill yourself. There is a lot of life to life, should you direct it and your intentions.
If you read this, maybe seek out grief counseling, or reach out to a church, they also have grief programs too, if you're religious. I know how hard this is for you. God bless you through this hardship. Best.

>> No.10645041

genuinely touching.

>> No.10645058


>> No.10645185
File: 109 KB, 706x960, 1517704092576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is a spook, but it is useful so we keep it becuase it helps the ego. Morality started out in servment of the ego, but got corrupted into a brainwashing thought pattern spread through civilasation where morality controlled people, instead of morality being controlled by the ego. Morality is like natural selection. The strongest, most agile moral system destroy the weaker, less adapted one. This lead to the creation of fundamentalism, nationalism you name it. The real epistamological principal is this: if it works it's true. The real metaethical principal is this: survival of the fitest. Morality is simply a social construct that fights over people with other moralities. When the west created a moral hegemony it lead to the degeneration of the spooks as the basis of their continual hardening disappeard. Nationalism and the like fell out of favor. Becuase we have forgotten the point of spooks and becuase they can't evolve anymore due to lack of conflict, they have started to degenerate and weaken. This is the cause behind sjw:s, vegans, communists and the like. But it doesn't stop there. Spooks have began to turn on mankind itself, it was inevitable, in the form of antinataliam and efilism. To some extent, nearly all morality is anti human, except for Virtue ethics. Which we must turn back to. Otherwise the spooks will reign supreme. Morality is like a mad dog, it's strong but left unchained, it will kill you.

TLDR: Start with the greeks.

>> No.10645207

virtue is a spook.

>> No.10645291

it's not a spook if it's in your best interest
treat it like a tool

>> No.10645295

That's the point. Going beyond the spooks is the first step, the second is to merge with the ones that serves the ego, transcending the limitations of the ego, forming the superego.

>> No.10645343

Alright that makes sense.

>> No.10646795

the butthurt of junkies replying to this post is delicious

>> No.10646805



>> No.10646825

Do you think if you change my mind you will also change yours, and feel less guilty for abusing narcotics? won't work, life isn't that easy

>> No.10646952

Yeah I completely agree. Fuck nicotine, SSRIs, caffeine, sugar, zinc, water, air, etc. All these drugs people consume just to be able to function. I can't stand these fucking retarded addicts they don't even realize how stupid and pathetic they are for poisoning their body and mind. Fuck those faggot retards. Life definitely isn't that easy.

>> No.10647279

The rise in the human brain/communication after the use of fire can be attributed to the charcoal byproduct used by early humans to create symbols/ and Porto-communication. Cooked meat allowed for bigger brains, bigger brains allowed for more complex communication with charcoal.

>> No.10647390


only degenerates consume these, and SSRI's are overprescribed.

>> No.10647409

I was in a really bad way pretty recently. I just felt like no matter what I did I would find a way to fuck up everything. But the part that bothered me the most was how little I cared about how bad things had gotten. When I realized that I didn't care I started trying to figure out why, and eventually came to the conclusion that I didn't care because I knew everything was temporary. Me leaving school, my car getting busted, my feelings of not being good enough, all of it was just a matter of time before I could fix it. It cheered me up immensely and I've started to find things to occupy my time. I'm currently reading a bunch of fantasy novels and debating learning how to oil paint. My grandpa used to do it all the time, and I love watching Bob Ross paint, but I've never been good at art so I'm not sure if I can.

I'll probably try for it anyway.

>> No.10647472

I agree but that isn't the point.

>> No.10647492

Being bad at painting does not mean you can't do it and it also doesn't mean you won't improve with practice. I say start as soon as possible if it interests you.

>> No.10647887

When people grow older, they become prone to nostalgia and they lose interest in new things. They permanently lose the magic of childhood. Most people admit that these changes have happened and wish they could be undone.

Until very recently, I thought this was a mistake. I thought I could maintain the perks of childhood long past their expiry date, way into old age so long as I kept my mind open. I thought grumpy, cynical people only had themselves to blame for falling out of touch with the inner child that they claimed to miss so much.

I wasn't completely wrong. I've done well not to get too set in my thinking, and that's nice. But there was something else I completely failed to account for: the magic is gone.

I'm 24 now, and when I think about it, it must have been gone for at least three years without me noticing. I remember what it was like when the magic was there, and it's definitely not like that anymore. I don't know quite how to describe it, but I suppose it's like my chemical capacity for joy is a tiny fraction of what it used to be.

>> No.10648244

I've thought the same thing, before. It seems like I was happier a year ago, and even happier 2 years ago, etc. and the happiest I've ever been was 4 years old. I think the happiness of child is mainly due to ignorance. Intellectuals struggle to find this ignorance later in life by pursuing philosophy, religion, etc. because that is where we can't answer all the questions.

>> No.10648261

Traps are not gay.

>> No.10648296

big if true

>> No.10648891

Idea of "self" is a fucking scam and the leading cause of humanity's shittiness. Then I read books that confirmed the fact.

>> No.10649184

>Cooked meat allowed for bigger brains
This is your brain on Jordan Peterson. Why do you believe everything you hear? Large brains had nothing to do with diet, spaz.

>> No.10649195

It's due to psychadelic shrooms

>> No.10649213

universe has always been here and cannot not be here

Scientists whip out mumbo jumbo like THE BIG BANG THEORY and say THATS WHEN TIME STARTED! WOWZA

then you ask them what that means and they say some bullshit like WELL WE DONT HAVE ANY RECORD OF ANYTHING HAPPENING BEFORE THEN SO IT DIDNT HAPPEN RIGHT?

in order for there to be nothingness there has to be somethingness- how else could there be nothingness?

>> No.10649245

>this is your brain on philosophy

The answer is simple.


>> No.10649280

Und was bleibt ist toller Weitblick; ein fantastischer Hass, ein Funkeln in den Augen einem Feuer gleich von innen heraus. Die Verachtung tragen, nicht ertragen! Die Schwere der Seele muss zwingen zum aufrechten Gang; dem Ende entgegen!

>> No.10649574

Really? This is the deepest thought you've ever had? There are fucking spongebob episodes about the paradox of true altruism being impossible dude.

Don't actually quote me on it having been spongebob, that or Jimmy Neutron

>> No.10649589

Source? Sounds like Nietzsche but Google isn't giving me anything.

>> No.10649660

I wrote this and I did think of Nietzsche while doing so,
There's more to life than childlike wonder. Work for that magic, be affected by aesthetic bliss.

>> No.10649749

Some men have become more than others; you'd have achieved plenty by becoming the most a man become, enough for you to never get there. Basically what this guy said >>10636324



Shame this didn't get any replies, deserves discussion.
Thinking about it, the ability to form a community may very well be the essence of being a living thing; fits nicely with your choice of the word divinity.
In a way it's also a nice way to describe "going beyond oneself," which again has something divine about it, when compared to a rock.
Very nice anon

There's nothing pitiable about having fears and consciously pathetic hopes; if you ask me you need to take another meta step out and look at the way one faces one's own fears, disappointments, etc; that's where man's variety comes into play, and nihilism stops being absolute.
The nihilism part is crap but I'll keep it

Wouldn't it be more like calling a puddle of paint blue? As in, sensations are to life what colors are to objects. Calling one's day good doesn't strike me as any less meaningful than calling a cake tasty. Well, you could push for calling a cake tasty being meaningless, but that's boring.

Semi-related: calling yourself broken is a great way to get more broken.

I might just not get it, but how does this hold up against Descartes' devil? What if every influence of what you call "others" is an illusion, or however Descartes put it?

Nice spin on it

I fail to see how school kills one's imagination less than it enriches it. I'll go further and say that it enriches the parts that should be enriched more than it kills them, even.

Good shit

The philosophers of old never experienced the internet. They may have thought of it, an ultra connected community, but none of them were there to see it and ponder it. To get edgy for a second, you're on a new philosophical frontier.

Even the lamest normies have something you can learn from them, or will you claim that you can imitate their thinking 100%? Or would you rather claim that there's no way there's anything new for you to discover in those ways of thinking you can't imitate? Or rather that you can confidently claim those things wouldn't possibly broaden your horizons?
Don't be close-minded, apply the principle of charity.

I've mentored 10 years old kids that have had this thought. Just to put it into perspective for you.

That's your right brain half whispering to you, buddy.

Define gay


Now don't shit on me for acting like my opinion on you guys' thoughts deserves a wall of text, I just wanted to motivate myself into actually thinking about the good stuff posted in here by formulating an opinion on it.

>> No.10649768


>> No.10649815

well not the deepest but deffo the most recent

>> No.10649816

We don't have free will. Everything is just chemicals and atoms bumping into each other and reacting in a way that dictates how the other atoms and chemicals will react. The big bang was the first and all the other chemicals reacted from that created stars, planets, life etc. Our brain dictates how we act, but that is also just atoms and chemicals bumping into each other bring up past memories, thoughts etc. I like to picture the universe like a sea of atoms/reactions crashing into each other and causing other parts of the water to move in accordance with the wave.

I'm a brainlet though so I don't quite have the vocabulary to explain my thoughts to the best of my ability, I'm sure someone more notable has had a similar thought before. If anyone can point me towards something related to this to read that would be great. Also if you have any counter arguments I would like to hear them as I haven't thought of any myself.

>> No.10649832

I have two premises.
1. Either matter can get infinitely smaller or it cannot get smaller than some particular particle.
2. Mathematical language uses significant figures to simplify calculation, but in reality one can refine all measurements to ever more precise terms. i.e. the measurement of an inch may in reality amount to 1.0000001 inches and that may in reality amount to a measurement of 1.00000010000001 inches etc. No such thing as a perfectly precise measurement exists.

As a result the determinability of the very small lies outside of the realm of causality for if in the one case mater may get infinitely smaller then we have an infinite chain of determinants determining the state of mater at all times (in every moment) which due to the nature of infinity negates the possibility for it to behave causally. In the other case there is undecidability in the capacity for one of the very smallest particles to interact with another of the very smallest particles due to the paradox which ensues from trying to express the threshold of their possibility for interaction.

Because the smallest kinds of mater do not operate causally then technically no mater does so on account of regular sized mater being composed of the very smallest mater. The illusion of causality reproduces itself due to the magnitude of forces involved in interactions, but truly things do not behave determinably.

>> No.10649849
File: 8 KB, 244x206, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian/Muslim natalism is, at best, a form of entrapment.

>> No.10649862

>>10649832 Same poster
To elaborate on time. We believe in time, but in what does time really consist? It amounts to a assertion in a kind of regularity. i.e. the earth orbits the sun in 365.25 days - we divide those days (which consist of the supposedly regular interval which it takes for the earth to revolve once) into hours minutes and seconds, yes, but they count as units of time because of the supposed regularity of the occurrence in question. This regularity I call into question. One establishes the regularity of one phenomenon on another - the day and the year - but this is not dissimilar to establishing the regularity of, say, Dave's walks from home to work on the number of times a waterwheel turns. They are supposedly regular, but in this example we can see their variegated nature. In truth, our revolutions around the sun have an imperceptibly variegated nature as do the rotations of the earth. But what does this mean for 'time'? Perhaps some would say that the ability to measure may have its faults, but the inevitable march forward into the future continues. I beg to differ. I say that if no one can determine any event to have a regular motion then the concept of time falls apart.

>> No.10649867

I suspect the kinds of people that mock others for being unable to handle criticism are the ones that have never put enough effort into something to qualify for criticism.

If there's an infinite number of parallel universes one of them should contain a version of earth where people are able to pick up on thoughts from other universes; in fact there should be an infinite number of these, among which one should contain an asian qt fine-tuned to hearing your mind 24/7. You're not disappointing your intradimensional soul partner, are you?

If you want to learn to be disciplined your number one priority should be to learn to make yourself suffer for no reason. Reminding yourself of the payoff from working hard (motivation) is bound to lose its effect, so you might as well approach things without any motivation from the start. Bringing yourself to suffer through things for no reason is pretty easy if you just start with small things like push ups and cold showers.

You're a wisdomlet if you think you can be too smart for everyday social interaction. Conversation topics don't necessarily derive their interestingness from their intellectual value. If you feel like you're unable to have small talk because normie topics don't interest you you're actually too dumb to figure out interesting topics appropriate for your conversation partner's level.

Nothing screams brainlet louder than being too embarrassed of your own opinions to put them out there. Right after that comes the pitiful urge to mock people that do it: >>10649768

Meme arrows unironically are a revolutionary literary device. Literally the freshest interesting symbol-usage to hit the writing system in decades, shame it'll take another several decades for people to really accept them. Then again there's a good chance we'll never get there, because
>you can't express meme arrows irl so they don't actually belong in our system of communication

Let's say you're in the top 3% of your country's IQ.
Now imagine 35 random kids you used to go to school with.
There's probably one among them with a higher IQ than you.
Doesn't get much better even with 1% compared to 1 in 100 of your average dork, or top 0.1% and 1000. Really puts a damper on that "I'm special."

>> No.10649883

>>10649862 Same poster
Another one entirely. If, evolutionarily speaking, life at some point adapted from aquatic to terrestrial creatures because of the realized superabundance of consumable energy on the surface of the earth, what then of our current state of realization that beyond the earth lies an anaerobic environment with a plentitude of solar energy? I feel prone to the suggestion that life will evolve (over the course of millions of years) to spread to this newly realized environment. But whats more is that I believe we bear witness to these first stages of evolution in our computing machines that we ourselves have created. If you can build a machine that can build itself, how far away from reproduction (which is a trait of life) have you really gotten? With millions of years to advance, who's to say that the next lifeform to inhabit the stars wont be something mechanical that doesn't require oxygen to survive?

>> No.10649951

>>10649883 Same poster

The development of humanity has involved at every stage innovations that decrease the amount of time spent laboring such that we have more free time to spend doing what we will. For example cultivation of farms enabled our ancestors to stop spending all their time hunting and gathering and the development of automobiles decreased the amount of time spent in transit between places.
Taken to the extreme with modern technology we may perhaps have machines which, for instance repair our homes without us having to lift a finger. You'd realize the roof was leaking and because of the connectedness to some kind of social hierarchy - through the internet - resources would be allocated to fix your problem. Well taken even further, what if every problem that could occur that you would have to think about, society will have developed a means to circumnavigate your even needing to think it. In essence we would have a conglomerate of automated machines taking care of our every need. We would achieve ultimate freedom. But what would we do with it with no problems left to address? In essence we would have this mechanical appendage that followed us like a slime trail left by a snail, but we would lose what makes us human; the ability to adapt to our surroundings. Our surroundings would have been adapted to us for us.

>> No.10649991

>>10649951 Same poster
It might be possible to open the skull and line the brain with a microfilm that could read electrical signals from the brain and relay electrical signals back to it. Because to the malleability of the mind you would learn to recognize the feedback that you were receiving from the sensors on the film and correspondingly signal to the film certain electrical outputs. By so doing you could control the inputs and outputs on a external display for instance or control a robotic arm. It would only take a period of learning to adapt to the appendage or to the readout on the screen. In this way you would externalize your consciousness into the computer. As you began automating sequences and as your mind learned to develop with the programing that you instigate i.e. when this electrical signal from the brain fires (which you may do at will) it opens the start menu for your program files, it stands to reason that you will make more and more shortcuts or muscle memory like attenuations. Eventually you might externalize your entire consciousness this way, at which point you would exist as an entity entirely within a computational frame.

>> No.10650019

Phones with cameras on the front for selfies etc alongside with things like instagram are tools used to subconsciously bring out the most self loathing narcissistic qualities in people distorting peoples morals and priorities

>> No.10650098

>I beg to differ. I say that if no one can determine any event to have a regular motion then the concept of time falls apart.
Since none of our concepts of motion are truly regular, wouldn't our concept of time already have fallen apart?

>we would lose what makes us human; the ability to adapt to our surroundings
Who says that's what makes us human? What are you doing right now that doesn't involve solving a problem and is it not human? People love to shit on nonutilitarian tasks but if there weren't some kind of value in shitposting on an imageboard we wouldn't be doing it.

>> No.10650104

Immortality is ultimately pointless

>> No.10650109

True immortality would basically guarantee that you eventually turn into a god.

>> No.10650131

get some sleep anon

>> No.10650178


Diversify your portfolio in businesses that do VR porn, RealDolls, fleshlights and the like.

>> No.10650193

An artificial intelligence would inevitably be similar to us in some ways because all species of consciousness have to assume some uniform nature. Also, AI would probably be theists.

>> No.10650199

>less than one 4chan post

>> No.10650227

Sure, we would have all the time in the world for non-utilitarian tasks - but wouldn't there be an unbearable loss of meaning if you couldn't truly ever improve anything beyond what has already been acheived?

>> No.10650234

He meant "within one post"

>> No.10650253

That seems like quite the stretch. Hobbies are, generally, non-utilitarian. Have machines support us so we can focus on them 100%.
Competitions in general will never lose their value for it's something done between humans, and even if a machine were the best at something we wouldn't really care. See chess.

>> No.10650279

Fair enough. Seems tragic to me.

>> No.10650301

Our visual pleasures that we find schizophrenic are the real ones, and our DNA has been programmed for seeing certain things one way ('preferably' slightly differently which is related cognitive sphere). Like for example bugs or dogs they do see world differently, maybe we - humans - perceive ourselves differently as we see in the mirror. I even thought of sense of touch that it's modificated to the certain levels. I know it sounds funny, lol. Also I had some deliberation about world being a cave just like Plato described it, being a doll navigated by somebody but not God himself.

>> No.10650309

>Define gay
Some of the things that traps are not.

>> No.10650383
File: 85 KB, 492x280, Doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if there weren't some kind of value in shitposting on an imageboard we wouldn't be doing it.

>> No.10650394

One whole 4chan post is the maximum image filesize and character count, silly.

>> No.10650414

Meant for

>> No.10650494


>> No.10651528


What if you were unlucky enough to be born a cripple and unable to work? If for instance, you can't walk and work without a prosthetic leg, you have no real means of working to save up for the said prosthetic. Productivity will be lost if you weren't provided with one.

>> No.10651888

both god and the devil want to destroy humanity and heaven and hell are probably the same place

>> No.10652012

I remember reading about the "spooky action at a distance" stuff in quantum mechanics for some philo science paper and being deeply convinced this world is artificial for a little while.

>> No.10652028

The estate is founded on the work of lazy people.

>> No.10652046

Souls are extra-universal, and therefore likely move in all dimensions. Our souls experience an infinite number of parallel worlds, as we make choices and have choices thrust upon us. We, individually, experience everything. I have lived your life, and you have lived mine, and when we leave the mortal plane, we will understand each other more thoroughly than we could possibly imagine.

>> No.10652073

>The void, actually, is nothingness.
This reminds of something Simone Weils spoke of. There are two kinds of people who come to a conclusion upon "killing" their imagination and seeing reality for what it truly is, there are those who find the void and see nothing (I believe this is your conclusion) or those who find the void and see God (Mystics, Buddhism in particular inspired a lot of her writing).

>> No.10652089

Many Quantum physicists would argue with you on that. Everything seems to point in the direction that we DO have free will.

>> No.10652121

randomness on a sub-cellular level does not imply that humans are outside of causality on our level

>> No.10652125

I think he means that the measurable effect of our observations on the world around us implies an anthropocentric universe. Or at the very least that our consciousness is a definite thing.

>> No.10652177

>an anthropocentric universe implies free will of humans

>> No.10652226
File: 75 KB, 600x656, huhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you wrote is all bullshit and can be debunked easily.
now kill yourself along with your moral superiority

>> No.10652238

>An especially unusual version of the observer effect occurs in quantum mechanics, as best demonstrated by the double-slit experiment. Physicists have found that even passive observation of quantum phenomena (by changing the test apparatus and passively 'ruling out' all but one possibility), can actually change the measured result; the 1998 Weizmann experiment is a particularly famous example.[1] These findings have led to a popular misconception that observation by a conscious mind can directly affect reality,[2] though this has been rejected by mainstream science. This misconception is rooted in a poor understanding of the quantum wave function ψ and the quantum measurement process.[3][4][5]

stop trying to appropriate spooky science, deepak

>> No.10652245

How do you show a tool is responsible for the change without observing it yourself?

>> No.10652310

This is way too deep.

>> No.10652489

Posting one thought I posted in a different thread

This reality is one substance, that substance being God. There is no subject, only object. Everything shares one consciousness. Humans, with faculties for senses, possess a stronger consciousness; allowing God to fulfill His will more concisely (His will being the most impersonal force in reality). The mind is a sense. The self is a illusion. What we call our experiences are the whole consciousness experiencing itself within itself. They are not "our" experiences, they are a part of the one substance, God. To address mind-body question directly and summarize; this mind is a faculty of this body, and this body is not mine

>> No.10652493

a soial construct is not different from a "natural" construct.

>> No.10652496

The fact that electricity exists is really fucking crazy.

>> No.10652497

That's a fun one

>> No.10652517

What if numbers arent infinite?
Who counted huh????

>> No.10652527

What if I am.... *gulps*
too sexy for my shirt?

>> No.10652528

What is the deepest thought you've had, anon?

>> No.10652578

I was thinking about how the beginning of the universe is a paradox, since something arose from nothing. I wondered whether we could only resolve the paradox if the end of the universe necessarily leads to the beginning of the universe (i.e., the beginning of the universe is caused by the end of the same universe). It fits neatly with the theory in physics that time is endlessly repeating itself, and also explains how that comes about, but I'm not sure if it works scientifically beyond a metaphysical level.

>> No.10653394

Except that's not quite how it works. You probably won't have that money anyway, salaries adjust to these things. And, as you see in USA, healthcare can become extremely insane (in expense/monopoly).

>> No.10653432


>> No.10653434

What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.10653436

>I disagree, in that dogs exhibit quality human virtues — such as loyalty, cooperation, courage — and were instrumental for early human development. Unconditional love, regarded as one of the high watermarks of humanity, is to be found more in dogs than cats. Concerning faculties, I would place radical love as equal only to reason.
Only because they've evolved for this. They don't actually have these 'virtues', they just utilise actions that will be interpreted by humans as such, to solidify their position.

>> No.10653478

they'd be mentally retarded without contact/language, so yes, they wouldn't even grasp the idea of pain. they'd just abhor the sensation itself and nothing more.

>> No.10653543

Doesn't really make sense. Unless reality is layered or some shit, there is no way baser constitutions of reality would be able to form something as complex as consciousness. 'Consciousness' itself is an extremely general abstraction, not even concerned with organs, let alone cells, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, and whatever underlies these or beyond them (if anything). Saying there is some spark or mechanic hidden in the depths of reality that enables consciousness is meaningless. Everything in the depths of reality enable the macro reality.

>> No.10653551
File: 38 KB, 390x470, e4c6a202efb6bb4b48e1bff276abbb43--funny-emoticons-ugly-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>255 posts
>bunch of verysmarts bragging about their "deep" and "original" thoughts

>> No.10653556

they could because humans are born with the capacity for ideation, by age 5-6 its developed enough to form abstract concepts, by 13 most intelligent people can have mastered mathematical reasoning, manipulating mental objects. Pain is hardly an abstract concept even for a mute illiterate person.

>> No.10653560

>i dont understand the very basics of the topics in play therefore ill just ignore their most complex items, that i cant even begin to grasp, and pretend they're silly

>> No.10653562

lol what a fucking retard

>> No.10653570

wowowowo so deep1

>> No.10653581

Is this bait? I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.10653591

its true though, Land is retarded all consciousness has similar properties, they’d inevitably end up with a species of mind which resembles our own. Theism could be derived from platonic realism in a roundabout way, an AI that’s only concerned with simulacra, models and equations would have an opportunity to skew into some kind of theism quite easily especially separate from a social consensus which makes theism an inconvenient block for globalized trade and the rule of exchange, markets etc. Your presuppositions about neural networks and what the intelligences emerging from them are like, do not dictate at all what kinds of artificial life forms can be generated, accidentally or purposefully.

>> No.10653596

Should be defined in terms of how they're propagated and inherited, rather than social/natural/biological/psychological/etc. Being as these are all the same thing.

>> No.10653632

It's unironically magic desu

>> No.10653656

>its true though, Land is retarded all consciousness has similar properties
Why are you mentioning Land. Consciousness is a high-level and anthropocentric abstraction.

>they’d inevitably end up with a species of mind which resembles our own
Wrong. They'd end up in accord to the specifics of their biology. You could find some general commonalities, but these would not imply fundamental or particularly close likeness. It does not follow.

>Theism could be derived from platonic realism in a roundabout way, an AI that’s only concerned with simulacra, models and equations would have an opportunity to skew into some kind of theism quite easily especially separate from a social consensus which makes theism an inconvenient block for globalized trade and the rule of exchange, markets etc.
Ah yes, an AI will care about some poor-form philosophy of humans. It might, if you indoctrinated it or if the nature of its intelligence lead to it (which are no universal, they're entirely specific and can go in many directions). In any case, actually coming up with theism and platonic realism, let alone coming to your desired conclusion is laughable projection. Why would it even think-up either? Again, the answer to that could be its actual specifics (in structure) and concepts it is exposed to, which can differ.

You probably wouldn't even acknowledge an AI as conscious. Steeped in your obsession with the notion. Let alone be able to predict what it will do unless you designed its starting system (it is likely that to produce an AGI, it will need to alter and restructure itself at will, therefore making it largely unpredictable).

>> No.10653697

Marx was right for the industrial era, just as social contract people were right for the merchantile era, divine right people were correct in medieval times, and Plato was right for the classical era. We’ll probably see the next great school of political philosophy within the century, given the accelerating pace of the last few great models.

>> No.10654158

>Science is a spook
Ok but why tho

>> No.10654459

>cant mention your deep thoughts without being labeled a verysmart
unironically pathetic desu, mocking confident wisdom
nietzsche laughs at you

>> No.10654466

wew lad
Debunk even one and I'll permit you to feel smart

>> No.10654504

not him, but Dunning-Kruger invalidates your correlation on brainletism and intellectual insecurity

>> No.10654531

Not seeing it
Dunning-Kruger just tells us a lot of the people preaching their wisdom are brainlets. What does it say about being too embarrassed to mention them or feeling intimidated and thus a need to undermine them?

>> No.10654566

how so? it implies that the brainlets are intellectually secure and therefore not intimidated to mention their insights. what is unclear anon?

>> No.10654656

The implication that all brainlets are of the Dunning-Kruger kind, obviously.

>> No.10654710

the moment i mentioned it you should have known i was talking about averages, i mean this is a psych study. the average brainlet is cocky, few have this self-consciousness you speak of.
in conclusion, no, if there is anything that screams brainlet it is one's overconfidence of his own capacities rather than cowardice.

>> No.10654744

I'd argue that the Dunning-Krugers are a minority of brainlets, but alright, let's scrap that and introduce a new kind of brainlet: the brainlet who never reaches the stage of putting his deeper thoughts out there out of fear of being labeled a Dunning-Kruger

I'll be reusing wisdomlet for that one

>> No.10654760

>I'd argue that the Dunning-Krugers are a minority of brainlets
this is just the kind of brainlet that drives the average down, and considering the mean is so high, trust me, he's a special flower

>> No.10654989

what do you mean?
why propagated and inherited is not social/natural/biological