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10647832 No.10647832 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys even SEEN the unedited version of 'This is Water'

>"I'm going to preface this by saying that I am VERY smart, it's just a fact and there is NO need to be upset about it. And but so it would be in your best interest to listen the fuck up."

>"Ok now try it with me on the count of three... This is Water... This is Water... This is Water"

>> No.10648163

please just give me a single (you).

>> No.10648177

So this is water....

>> No.10648183


>> No.10648201

To be? Nah, nah or not, HA! I ask.
Whether it's cooler in the brain to hurt :(
from slingshots and arrows (sticks and stones break my bones)
or to swim in the water of troubles
and by swimming, we water--to swim, to dive
and by a swim we mean to say
this is water

>> No.10648230

What would Davey boy have to say about Jordan B. Peterson?

>And but so what I'm really trying to get at here, all slightly embarrassing attempts at total self-awareness aside(1), is that the kind of attention being paid to Jordan B. Peterson might not be the best kind of attention, even an evil (2) type of attention, in that it often mutates into something completely ironic, to the worst degree, which I understand might be considered a banal thing to say by the current academia of the day, but which is nonetheless capital-T True.

(1) A bad habit of mine.
(2) I want to stress here that I really do mean "evil," which good old Augustine defined as the absence of good, and which I might take the liberty to define as some seriously fucked up shit, pardon my romance language of the Indo-European family which evolved from the spoken Latin of Northern Gaul.

>> No.10648895

not a bad impression!

>I think that what these Jordan Peterson fans have found is something special in a really twisted sense of the word, as in finding an effigy in the middle of an Eliotesque waste land to lay all of their gooey little banal discontents and paradoxes at the foot of, as in, 'I have resigned control of my life long ago to tempting voices in my head, and I'm going to let you build the foundation of my actual life, not the life that i thought was mine for years, out of little banal phrases like 'clean your room' and the especially platitudinous 'slay your dragon and save your father', and to me that seems like a sort of corporate Dostoevskyan salvation... is this making any sense?

>> No.10649065

Was he ever even sincere?

>> No.10649108

>There is, moreover, a blind arrogance in the belief that what you primarily owe the world is your sincerity: the gift of your outspoken, unmediated self, your willingness to be the most you that you can be. It’s a belief in which simply existing becomes an act of bravery—which in a private, harrowing way, it was for Wallace. We know that now. But the truth remains that for most people like him—white, male, preternaturally talented—being in the world is not a matter of moral courage. To be male, gifted and white is to be as safe on Earth as any mortal can expect to be, to live in the ambivalent knowledge that the greatest violence you’re likely to encounter is the violence that you do to yourself.
>To be male, gifted and white is to be as safe on Earth as any mortal can expect to be, to live in the ambivalent knowledge that the greatest violence you’re likely to encounter is the violence that you do to yourself.
Is this the lowest blow journalism has ever gone for?

>> No.10649172

okay OP

>> No.10649210

I came here to shit on DFW but reading this made me feel obligated to defend him

>> No.10649246

well go on then

>> No.10649256

fucking kek

>> No.10649326
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>> No.10649337

I kek'd

>> No.10649344

>I came here to shit on DFW but reading this made me feel obligated to defend him

This is how I learned to love Dave

>> No.10649590


Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Dave

>> No.10649932

Publishing an article like this about a guy who offed himself is a low blow

>> No.10650016

The first third of this article was good. Then it went full baizuo.

The American left has become such an embarrassing laughing stock at this point