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File: 42 KB, 350x433, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10648813 No.10648813 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes 'new sincerity' gets mentioned here.
Is that just a meme or is it really a valid reaction to post-modernism?
And is it also noticeable in for example the visual arts?

>> No.10648823


It's mostly a meme.
At best, it's a purgative propaedeutic. It's not substantive enough to uphold anything on its own.

>> No.10648865

The problem is it's too easy to criticize—because of how sincere or innocent it is. It can't hide behind several layers of irony or any form of obfuscation.

>> No.10648872

A propaedeutic to what?

>> No.10648878

>purgative propaedeutic
I agree with the first word, but I can't understand why you picked the second.

>> No.10648879

I don't see the problem with that, you can be sincere about a lot of things without being jejune.

>> No.10648903


Acting in this world as if you believe in things beyond yourself can help prepare a person to embrace eternal truths.

This whole thing is brought on by a crisis of authenticity when it is noticed that our lives are overwhelmingly lacking in anything genuine and lasting.

The new 'sincerists' address this by adopting the outer trappings of traditional societal and cultural forms. This can bring some measure of comfort since these are deeply rooted and contain vestigial traces of authenticity, but adopting the outer forms of some true thing isn't enough.

The obvious next step is to actually embrace more than the husk of the thing. For some, ancient philosophy will prove an adequate entry-point. For others, religion will do the trick.

>> No.10649221

I would think it be more of a reaction to capitalism, desu.

>> No.10649325

This honestly. DFW was very limited by his narrow political outlook and thus failed to identify the real reason for rampant irony.

>> No.10649363

Look postmodernism has gone so far so Fast nobody gives a quantum of a fuck anymore. In that it could be said that new sincerity is an honest reaction.

>> No.10650790

How do i become unironic after 10 years of imageboards?

>> No.10650833

genuinely think it's impossible pal
help me

>> No.10651158

try deconstruction

>> No.10651184

Go live innawoods.

>> No.10651249

How would that help?

>> No.10651251

You don't
You're here forever.

>> No.10651270
File: 48 KB, 570x854, the-masked-magician-valentino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you know the trick it's not magic anymore.

>> No.10651296

It's an exaggerated response to an exaggerated problem.

>> No.10651335

Make some friends, go camping, drink cheap beer while roasting meat over a fire, sleep without a bed, wake up with the sunrise, have a pleasant chat while you enjoy the beauty of nature, figure out what it is you believe most.

>> No.10651514
File: 74 KB, 1080x1226, 24327805_2015769435375309_4507365720983601152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a good idea.
Making friends will be the hardest part though.

>> No.10651518
File: 771 KB, 1520x855, 1514882034417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need to create a whole movement just to give yourself justification for pretending to be sincere, why even fucking bother? You'll just get mocked for it on the internet anyway.
>Boo hoo postmodernism sucks. I can't go live in a muddy hole and choke on mustard gas for my country anymore ;_;

>> No.10651534

>Finding friends
>Finding friends that not only would like to go camping Vargs way but also speak with you sincerely about the beauty of nature without you feeling either disgustedly by their stupidity or weird for the pseudohomo implications

>> No.10651550

new sincerity is a bad forced meme

ultimately we are still stuck in modernism

even the mere question of "what's next after post-modernism?" is a sign that we are still stuck in modernism/post-modernism

until we can completely banish the idea of "progress" as a metanarrative, or otherwise change our historical conditions fundamentally, people are going to constantly get stuck in the mental trap of trying to apply modernism to itself with feeble attempts to force inauthentic and doomed "movements" that purport to be the next big movement, the future, etc

>> No.10651572

Get yourself together, man. Move to Philly. Buy a loft. Start a noise band. Get six or seven roommates. Eat hummus with them. Book some gigs. Paint. Smoke cloves. Listen to Animal Collective. Start some type of salsa company.

>> No.10651630
File: 125 KB, 1024x683, jesusmarymet02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice meme

>> No.10651643

I'm just saying. Just live. Get off the computer, live a life. Start sewing. Sew a scarf. Give the scarf away. Get on a van. Go to Arizona. Go to Alaska. Go back to Arizona. Be happy. Be yourself. Enjoy the simple things. Piss on the grass. Listen to music. Smoke weed. Piss on the grass again. Paint a portrait. Destroy the portrait. Make something beautiful. Flip off someone. Disappear. Get a new identity. Buy a farm. Start farming. Become a farm. Get married. Be a Christian. Be an apostate. Join a cult. Make your own cult. Drink their blood. Clean your room. Have a beautiful family. Move to a small town. A community. Everyone knows your name. Have two beautiful children. Two beautiful little girls. Enjoy them. Enjoy the little girls. Enjoy life. Get old. Die. Drive a truck. Go to the barbershop. Get a haircut. Get burnt. Get healed. Hug someone. Save someone. Change a mind. Spread the word. Run over a dog. Just live. Life life. Life is beautiful. Be alive. Be human. Just smile. Smile and you'll feel better. You're great, you have a great life. You have nothing to be sad about. Dress up. Go to a party. Dance. Just look around. Have you ever seen the sun in a sunny day? God, it's so beautiful. Kiss the lips of God, kiss the grass. Beat your wife. Love your wife. Love your neighbor. Beat your neighbor. Drive out to the sea. Take in the splendor. We are but dots on a large black canvas. Nothing means anything. Nothing you do matters. Pain doesn't matter. Sure hurts, though. Drive a truck. Join the gun club. Leave the gun club, join the cannoli club. Be beautiful. Have principles. Push a rock up a hill. Push a rock up a hill again. Speak Korean. Watch Netflix. Have you seen Bojack Horseman? Quite a show. I like the dog guy. I forget his name. Read a book. Read Hemingway. Get off the computer, read Hemingway. Just be yourself. Become president. Resign. Retire. Go golfing. Have a stroke. Make it a beautiful stroke. Time to stop living.

>> No.10652027
File: 190 KB, 560x754, icycalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. It just takes a little bit of insight into the condition of the people on this site. You'll disgust yourself right out of it.

>> No.10652278

Watch Chinese cartoons. Lift. Get this hothead out of here. Turn yourself into a pickle. Find de wey. Close the pool. Decide to use even go want to do look more like. Get caught riding dirty. Walk the dinosaur. Water the tree of liberty with the blood of the patriots. Get senpai to notice you. Delete System32. Tell mom you posted it again. Drop your spaghetti. Liek Mudkips. Sexually identify as an attack helicopter. Count to potato. Prepare your anus. Buy a boat. Commit sudoku. Make me a sandwich. Tell a cool story. Lose the game. Show me your war face. Take a potato chip and eat it. Tip fedora. Fire your lazer. Thank Obama. Git gud. Put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive. Poo in the loo. Do a barrel roll. Download more RAM. Kick ass and chew bubblegum. Discover who was phone. Go to Didney Worl. Press F to pay respects. Give her the dick. Graduate at the top of your class in the Navy Seals. Do it faggot. Walk into Mordor. Cringe. Rustle someone's jimmies. Choose the thug life. Take an arrow to the knee. Check 'em. Teleport behind me. Give a cat a cheezburger. Nail it. Gas the Jews. Draw me like one of your french girls. Get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. See things you people wouldn't believe. Crack open a cold one with the boys. Feel like a sir. Apply cold water to that burn. Greet darkness, your old friend. Drink your own piss. Die if you are killed. Bee urself. Watch the world burn. Listen to Darude - Sandstorm. Triforce. Know that feel. Kill it with fire. Meet with a terrible fate. Do it for free. Win the internet. Raise your dongers. Remove Kebab. Go full retard. Be the Goddamn Batman. Fall in love with a girl, unable to confess. Tell them to shut up and take your money. Deal with it. Grab them by the pussy. Come at me. Confirm Half-Life 3. Blaze it. Intensify. Fuck the police. Eat tendies with your favorite spicy sauce. Find out what he means by this. Bring me pictures of Spiderman. Get caught slippin. Shut down everything. Don't talk to me or my son ever again. Post them lewds. Break a combo. Succ. Wake me up inside. Take a seat over there. Push it somewhere else. Play the song of your people. Figure out what was his problem. Smirk while imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. Kill yourself.

>> No.10652287

Does he somehow not understand the entertainment value of 4chan?

>> No.10652325

He is a literal psychopath who thinks that he is God because he can't imagine anything in this universe being higher than his ego. I wouldn't at all be surprised if he decides to start a cult in his later life, just to see if he can. All the hallmarks of a guy who would try are there. I would be amazed if he doesn't make a play for it at some point. Just to see how many "disgusting subhumans" he can manipulate and program for his amusement.

>> No.10652334

Oh, you're one of those. I'm happy enough without a ready-made closed system of ideas to defend, thanks.

>> No.10652769

Hang yourself with your empty platitudes