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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 224x225, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10645843 No.10645843 [Reply] [Original]

>"of course i've read it i literally have the title of that book tattooed on my chest" - Charlotte Sartre on Jean-Paul Sartre's "Nausea"

>"Holding a degree in Philosophy and master's degree in Literature, Ovidie has been nicknamed L'intello du porno ("the porn- intellectual"). She said that she only studied philosophy so that she could understand porn. In 2012, she wrote Sexe Philo, in collaboration with philosophy Ph.D. Francis Métivier (fr)"

>"Often referred to as an "intellectual pornstar",[5][6][7][8] Nappi wrote several essays on the condition of men and women in contemporary society and attended a philosophy festival."

>"Last week, before interviewing the actress and former porn star Sasha Grey, I found myself skimming "Being and Nothingness," Jean-Paul Sartre’s 800-page existentialist treatise. In her new book of photos, "Nu Sex" (Vice, $30), the 23-year-old Grey invokes the philosopher several times"

Why are pornographic actresses so interested in philosophy? Who is your favorite adult-actress-cum-philosopher?

>> No.10645859

Charlotte Sartre also has REST IN PISS tattooed on her leg.

Brainlets gonna brainlet. Big deal. Women are a meme anyway, OP.

>> No.10645864

at least its better than psychology. god I hate women who study psychology--worthless pieces of feminist garbage, always reducing actions of people into bullshit science terms. they're dead people. at least philosophers are somewhat alive, even if they take a new dick every day.

>> No.10645878

because studying philosophy and doing porn necessitates that the individual 1. is extremely lonely; 2. is incredibly vain; 3. comfortable masturbating in front of others; 4. generally ambivalent toward the opinion others except for people seen as peers, who in that case warrant malignant amounts of anxiety.

>> No.10645884

It's called the French. Even their whores are pretentious.

>> No.10645887

lol what an insipid cunt, this isn’t /lit/ related either

>> No.10645890
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>tfw its likely Sasha Grey knows more about philosophy than memerson or anyone on the alt-right

>> No.10645901

It's just an attempt at branding.

>> No.10645907

>pornstars are lonely

Get real my dude. One my friends in the adult industry who I buy things for from her wishlist is always out partying and making new friends. It's impossible not to in LA.

>> No.10645912

I'm not sure if the literature board is for you

>> No.10645917

>One my friends in the adult industry who I buy things for from her wishlist
People actually do this?

>> No.10645920

That doesn't just apply to pornstars though. Plenty of people brand themselves with anything they can for pseudcred.

>> No.10645924

Yes, and not just for porn stars or cam girls. Just regular cosplaying psychos who don't mind using betas for gifts will publish their wish lists on normiebook usually.

>> No.10645925

please can you buy from my wishlist too?

>> No.10645930

Do you realize how little some adult entertainers are paid? It's sickening and totally unfair for the work they do. Many of the men ruling that industry are gross pigs who use these girls and don't pay them what their worth. Helping them pay for necessities (and a few treats) is just what a good-hearted friend would do.

>> No.10645952


implying you aren't seen as a wallet with legs. it's the same in the stripping racket. the good ones engage their customers with a false rapport to make handing over the cash easier. it's sociopathic, and the betas who are duped by this behavior are the saddest cases alive.

>> No.10645968

>always out partying and making new friends
>not lonely

>> No.10646108


>> No.10646125

this whore used to msg me on tumblr lol

>> No.10646136

I remember that time when Nappi said she wanted to squirt on Fusaro's face

>> No.10646148


>> No.10646163

>Do you realize how little some adult entertainers are paid?
>It's sickening and totally unfair for the work they do.
>Many of the men ruling that industry are gross pigs who use these girls and don't pay them what their worth
What an anti-Semitic tirade.

>> No.10646184

her name was analprincess and she had no tattoos at the time, she wore this choker thing and there were tons of pictures of her butt

i posted closeups from paintings from the renaissance, and she would re-tumblrize me all the time. pretty sure she was underaged but still a massive whore

>> No.10646205

That's a porn star Charlotte Sartre. I think you mixed them up.

>> No.10646208

lmao this bitch got waterboarded with piss by some fat incel

>> No.10646215

this was 6 yrs ago

>> No.10646223

oh wow so ur a time-traveler too, huh? quit the crap buddy.

>> No.10646300

no what im trying to say is that 6 years ago when i was 17 Pre-porn Charlotte Sartre used to follow my blog, u fucking retard

>> No.10646308

and its the only accomplishment i have

>> No.10646351


>so interested in philosophy?

Being interested in Sartre isn't being interested in philosophy. The "dude, radical freedom, lmao" angle is popular with pornographic actresses because they desperately want to be absolved from not just being whores, but being whores that broadcast their whoredom to the entire world.

If a woman likes Sartre, she's a skank - this is almost always true.

>> No.10646386

what a time to be alive

>> No.10646456

>Suicide rate for porn actresses is extremely high
>Most careers last a few months after which they either go into extreme stuff or get discarded
>ALmost every single testimony of a sex worker discusses how lonely and alone they are because it's nearly impossible to maintain relations with anyone outside the bussiness

Your friend probably has less than a year of happiness left.

>> No.10646558
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Gosh let it be bait please

>> No.10646586
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Of course womeme would be interested in "philosophers" such as Sartre lmfao

>> No.10646593

>Charlotte Sartre also has REST IN PISS tattooed on her leg.

>> No.10646603

>"Holding a degree in Philosophy and master's degree in Literature,
does she know Kant or Whitehead better than us or uhhh how does that work?

>> No.10646607

What the fuck is wrong with you people? This shit is pathetic

>> No.10646615

If pornstars and escorts are so lonely why don't they just get a boyfriend? How come none of them ever come on 4chan? No joke I would literally marry and take care of any even average looking prostitute, pornstar or escort in return for their love and affection. They could even keep fucking other guys if they wanted to, as long as they loved me or said that they did in a way I judge to be sufficiently convincing.

>> No.10646617

deep resentment over the fact girls who look like this fuck sleezy porn dudes over them because money

it's a non issue really

>> No.10646656

slut shaming is good and social cheating is bad, its that simple
i feel no resentment, this person is a pseud parasite and its funny making fun of them. all whores deserve endless mockery and to be run out of all respectable institutes mercilessly

>> No.10646730

dont be mean to her if youre gonna jerk off to her this is common decency and respect you uncouth losers

>> No.10646752

ok bud

>> No.10646773

ever feel like you're a targeted demographic?

>> No.10646789

When your showers consist of washing the shadow of a semen stain removed on the set with a paper towel at the end of a bed that isn't yours, provided by a man that you hate, you're bound to become the type of person that questions your own existence. I guess it's nice for pornstars to read about people who are even more broken inside than they are.

>> No.10646809

Who's jerking off to her here? Being a whore is something to be ashamed of, but so is looking at porn. Hopefully those who do are at least ashamed of themselves, they owe the world that much.

>> No.10646835

>unironically being ashamed over watching porn

>> No.10646869

you cant hide !!

>> No.10646904

Why would I want to hide? My sexuality and libido is a healthy thing.

>> No.10646911

>My sexuality and libido is a healthy thing.
heheh what!? who told you that?
certainly wasnt god!

>> No.10646930

i used to fuck a girl who looks like her
also had a gf who looked like veruca james (but she came from an abusive household, and withheld full penetration for a while--it ended)

>tfw lucky man
>tfw bright future so thotties like this will be no issue due to >material possessions


>> No.10646939

Porn is disgusting, as are the people who make it

>> No.10646979

I'm not sure Id go that far, but all porn that is made today is just so cruel and mean-spirited. IT's hard to feel good after watching it.

>> No.10647011

Kampai, anonsama

>> No.10647040

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.10647046

Do you people really think that just because some whore decided to willingly strip herself of her dignity she got better understanding of philosophy, or have great insights about human nature?

>> No.10647077

Uh, yeah, the Greeks.

>> No.10647079

What have you done?

>> No.10647088

Tell me why she loves anal so much.This is totally turning me off.

>> No.10647096

Please develop some self respect anon; being able to refuse that kind of relationship were it offered to you will make you desirable in the eyes of a woman who would actually deserve you.

>> No.10647103

Sexual preferences are a complicated labyrinth. Why do you like feet?

>> No.10647142

>develop some self respect

>> No.10647144

well this is just regular art hoes

the more you are a hoe however, the more you feel the need to validate your clearly unhealthy lifestyle by justifying it with a philosophical background

imagine having to take eighteen cocks in the ass, get verbally degraded and spat on et cetera while getting filmed, then you pick up your money and then look at yourself in the mirror that evening at home

that situation would make anyone sink a pit of fucking despair, and notice how all the pornstars OP talked about are concerned about French existentialism and Sartre, which is the perfect philosophical current which can justify and validate literally any lifestyle

with that said, I frankly doubt any of these people actually know anything about philosophy (Nappi in particular, she did a bit of "social activism" in my country some time ago and frankly it made me want to cry, it was just sad)

>> No.10647155
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>> No.10647157
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Why do I like hitting myself in the balls if a girl in a video tells me to?

>> No.10647223

To each his own.

>> No.10647229
File: 228 KB, 1050x590, 1497434900_fusaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I would too cum on Fusaro's face just for the sake of it, for that matter

I'm seriously considering to attend one of his lectures, seduce him, and prove his ideology wrong by spreading my semen all over his hegelian face

No homo tho

>> No.10647241

Smettila di parlare male del mio husbando

>> No.10647249

wow rude

>> No.10647252

i dont think about prostitutes or women before bed

>> No.10647269

Being social and being lonely are often not the same. At the end of the day, who is there for her? As you said she has to network as part of the life but does that warrant friendship and bonds?

>> No.10647295

>that literature to porn ratio
And I can't tell you that, only you can. I will say that there is a certain joy in willful submission, though.

>> No.10647313

>tfw ugly, chubby and get to fuck insecure 18 year olds who like this because I'm their "sugar daddy"
>tfw what a girl will let you do to them for $200


>> No.10647320
File: 136 KB, 500x775, 1517436230628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non voglio parlare male di lui, sto solo dicendo che prima o poi si ritroverá a dover togliere dalle proprie ciglia le croste del mio sperma, mentre io nell'altra stanza gli spiego la mia posizione sulla teoria gender

Non sono nemmeno gay, è solo uno dei miei piani a breve termine, anche se ammetto che è un bel ragazzo

>> No.10647352

Most porn whores are as vapid as stale bread.
They cope being the lowest form of woman by smoking weed and treating their dogs like children

>> No.10647443

It's interesting that you mention that. I've known several girls who did "porn" (actually camwhoring and nude selfies and shit) and made decent money and were fairly popular.

I was always very open and accepting about it, and not pervy creepy, so they never hid much from me. Anyway it was weird - they were super promiscuous and all of them were into BDSM and being abused sexualy and shit (there are 4 total that I've known over the year), at the same time they were all into really "cute" shit like animals and were just generally really childish. More so even than most girls, especially normies and sorority types. They like shit like stuffed animals (which is pretty typical for girls), but also stickers, and cats, and Japanese shit even though they weren't actual weebs and didn't watch much anime or anything. They were also all victims of rape or sexual assault.

>> No.10647448

no its not at all, being sexually unfulfilled and incapable of the intimacy conducive to wealth sharing, building a social network based off of pair-bondings (mom and dad’s friends are couples for a reason, its not a fault but a boon on their part) and most importantly furthering your genetic lineage and fostering a healthy environment for children are all signs of ill health, mental illness, low fitness and a dying fracturing nation and race. You’re a dysfunctional, low fitness, psychotic human organism this is why you float blindly through life attaching to statements rather than relationships or values. You are repeating a mantra “my sexuality is good and positive, until it isn’t because these are political beliefs not understandings given to me by my race and family so i speak in pure deceit and am incapable of being honest about fundamental aspects of my being” and denying empirical fact and historical record. all tribes who failed to properly conserve their social resources and preserve the strongest blood lines were conquered or died from plague and low fitness mutations. This is less obvious because a degree, but not a total eclisping, of obscuration exists via the no consequences indirect violence, cryptic selection, of the capitalist system but this does not actually negate these outcomes nor divert the impending disaster you will bring about from this behavior being repeated ad nauseum by irresponsible people. Simple and effective, that’s what propaganda should look like, “my family is wrong, my sexuality is good” this is not your thoughts this is someone selling you a program that you can call upon to mitigate the pain from your own atomization. the person who taught you this had nothing to do with the context of the phylogeny of the race and they are not an architect of civilization nor an evolutionary biologist and have zero right to speak this way to you. If it was your parents or counselor who you came out to, i suspect this is a homosexual but i think you might just be a porn addicted feminized bug, is not a systematic thinker and does not understand long term biological shifts in behavior nor how selection functions. You’re being pruned from the tree of life and your response is one given to you by another dying branch and its bereft of all careful thought.

Id bet my lunch today that you’ll respond with a sardonic remark or “sex is good lol incel/virgin/christfag” we’ll see how smart you are

>> No.10647459


sex is good lol incel/virgin/christfag

>> No.10647490

Woa a lot of assumptions there buddy

>> No.10647494

this is from delayed development of mind and repression of severe trauma and a stunted fast-tracked introduction to adulthood. they’re simultaneously engaging in highly mature, peaking, life cresting behaviors like sexual intercourse and owning a business, their bodies and image, while also doing these things a univocity of escape toutes from the development of skills or social capital that most women go through. The stuffed animals don’t judge them, the dogs don’t require lessons or real nurture beyond a few sessions of cuddling and walking each day, they can sit at home and masturbate, go to the gym and get high off of endorphins or go to work and take drugs while being loaded with dopamine and then paid instant large sums of cash, often untaxed, which validates their desirability. This human isn’t put in the path of selection pressures that one would find in most populations. They’ve been spared the anxiety that even rich kids need to pass through by having to socialize properly with other focused peers and to court their mates with some tact, even if this is minimal, and thus the porn star cam girl is prevented from ever working out her mind in a way that leaves structure to it, that would extend upwards away from the weak, sapling state of an adolescent. They more often than not have the mental development of 13 year olds who are allowed to fuck and smoke cigarettes by step dad. This is never a coincidence nor is it rare, 90% of the cam girls on twitter who I’ve come across have stuffed animals in their rooms, identify with little girl aesthetics and activities and use language structure, the diction and syntax of a teen girl. This is not found nearly as often among promiscuous women from other sectors of the economy and probably is extremely rare among chaste women of similar attractiveness. What does this say about pornography? Its targeted at desperate idiots and its talent pool is a sea of mentally incompetent, skilless, damaged and neglected humans who are not in touch with reality and retreat into pedomorphic fantasies.

>> No.10647505
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Kayden Kross for sure.

>> No.10647520

You seriously want me to prove to you that I did something greater, virtous than them? Don't give me this bullshit "well at least they had experiences that a normal human being does not"

>> No.10647552

If I had to argue one thing against pornograhpy, I would say that it's too recent, and we don't actually know what its long term effects could be

The rise of internet pornography has created a revolution in male sexuality, the implications of which haven't been fully understood yet

I don't know about what leads a person to produce pornography (excluding obvious things like desperation ofc), but I can't help but feel that this whole business is highly unethical and unhealthy about it, for both those who create it and those who consume it

The youngest generation of adults right now has been introduced to sex by internet pornography, which has likely accompanied them through the horny, hormone filled years of puberty

What effect does that have on a man's personality? Knowing that a quick release of dopamine is just a few clicks away?

>> No.10647643


>> No.10647656

There is nothing I'm more interested in than when my generation turns 60 and the first lifelong psych studies on the long term effects of the internet start to show up. We're gonna be like the people that put uranium in everything because they thought it looked neat during the atomic era.

>> No.10647705

Good post

>> No.10647717

>porn stars gravitate towards the most brainlet philosopher


>> No.10647739

Sartre has almost zero relevancy for contemporary philosophy. Why don't they namedrop Merleau-Ponty instead?

>> No.10647825

Not the guy you replied to, but it means you have a fear of intimacy; you were probably emotionally neglected as a child. I think all the fantasies of being bossed around by a dominant woman have roots in that. A child learns that by catering to an emotionally distant mother or father, he gets attention. Therefore, he must subjugate his own feelings and needs and serve the parental figure. Only then can he allow himself joy through enmeshment. If my parent is happy, then I am happy. I think it's that loop that's tied to ballbusting, foot fetish, etc. Anyway, I'm mumbling. I'm doing therapy now and still learning about how to feel my emotions and I'm fascinated by sexual fetishes (I have a thing for taller, thicker woman).

I recommend you don't hit yourself in the nuts anymore. That's painful. It's just a coping mechanism you picked up as a child, now extended as a sexual fetish. Once you understand that, it'll be easier for you to stop. And be kind to yourself. You don't need to hurt yourself to feel good. Your own feelings are just that. Feelings. Not bad, not something to be ashamed of or makes you a bad person. They're just emotions. We all have them. And you're not your emotions. Good luck.

>> No.10647830

Fetish indoctrination, and believe me that isn't healthy no matter how many names you say it is

>> No.10647843

I don't think Sartre can justify ANY lifestyle, just self-indulgent ones. Anything with a sufficiently Buddhist flavor will stand in stark contradiction to Sartre.

>> No.10647854

i frankly doubt you actually know anything about existentialism

>> No.10647862
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>> No.10647874

"back to /r/books" or whatever response is expected from me

>> No.10647894

Actually I had genuinely hoped my brainletposting would help you to see the error of your ways.

>> No.10647898

Shes pretty fucking homely

>> No.10647901

>Why are pornographic actresses so interested in philosophy? Who is your favorite adult-actress-cum-philosopher?

Because they study philosophy, and then there are no jobs, and they can make hundreds of thousands a dollars a year working one day a week, and spend the rest of the time living the literary lifestyle, so they put conventional morality aside and get in the business.

It's incredibly rational. I worked in porn for a while as a photography director for pretty much the same reason, and I can assure you a lot of them are smarter than your average person.

Or at least more interesting.

>> No.10647905

>tfw youll never be a cutie who racks in the NEETbux from having sex while reading patrician lit

>> No.10647920

One looks at porn to satisfy a strictly neurological response, not for the intelligence of the performer. You've been staring at a screen for way too long, my man. Chill with an actual person.

>> No.10647934

Try to find a job into porn. The fun part of it is that in porn there is no friend zone. If they minimally like you at all as a friend you'll eventually get blown or fucked by them.

>> No.10647936

Pretty sure the whole thread is bait in the tradition of the Sasha Grey threads of the early 2010s

>> No.10648004

Easier said than done. The closest thing I have to meaningful interaction with women is watching them in the movies, and it just makes me despise women as a whole.

I'm not, nor will I ever be,relationship material.

>> No.10648010

sasha grey was/is hotter

>> No.10648020

Ok bud

>> No.10648024

Gee, ya think? Charlotte looks like aa tranny

>> No.10648029

Try watching stuff like beautiful agony or other stuff by female directors. They seem like they actually want to be there and no over the top bullshit.

>> No.10648030

ok sorry

>> No.10648035


>> No.10648039


>> No.10648178
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>Being proud of watching other men have sex

>> No.10648181

>ball busting
>starting strength

>> No.10648200

The lower you are the harder you must compensate.

>> No.10648202
File: 162 KB, 500x500, 1427616777344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont women ever get this excited about kierkegaard

>> No.10648211

His name isn't sexy and french

>> No.10648238

Camus' is, and he was actually sexy. Why pick Sartre?

>> No.10648243

It still sends the message that you, the male viewer, is inadequate. They'd really have to change the fundamentals of how porn is made to stop it.

>> No.10648249

That's why I only watch lesbians famalam

>> No.10648258

I don't see how that follows. What does that have to do with most porn being mean spirited?
Also this: >>10648249

>> No.10648263

But what if you are inadequate? Maybe you should be honest about yourself and improve or just accept that and live a satisfying life as a single.

Don't become the equivalent of an sjw who pretends fat people to be on tv because they feel that skinny people make them feel inadequate.

Also sexual prowess is not the measure of your value despite what our culture says. We can live absolutely satisfying lives without having to have a partner. Look at most philosophers. Kant was single all his life, Schopenhauer was too, Hume too and literally they didn't give a flying fuck.

There is so much more to life than fucking.

>> No.10648353

>I don't see how that follows. What does that have to do with most porn being mean spirited?
Because it's using every cinematic tool at its disposal in order to shove it in your face. Porn is a product meticulously engineered to destroy the self esteem of most men.
I would say I am inadequate in almost every way except one which porn heavily emphasizes (and even then I'm at the lower end of the adequacy spectrum, so it still makes me feel terrible).
>Look at most philosophers. Kant was single all his life, Schopenhauer was too, Hume too and literally they didn't give a flying fuck.
Kant was nearly superhuman. I'm not intelligent enough to understand his works, let alone emulate him in an meaningful way. Schopenhauer and Hume were both sexually active even if they both remained single I'm not capable of leading an intellectually satisfying life, and even if I were, that ship sailed long ago.

>> No.10648386

You see you are being negative because you are seeing yourself from the outside. You are judging your worth by comparing yourself to the greats, and thinking that the good of an intellectual life or a good life in itself.

Why do you even care if you will be measuring up to them? That's your pride talking, and again the illusion that the only life worth living is that of a celebrity.

But the intellectual life is rewarding in its own self. It's interesting, stimulating, engaging and ennobling. You don't have to justify yourself, you don't have to prove anything to anyone.

>> No.10648396

>hurr durr all existentialism is the same

Kierkegaard is thoroughly incompatible with the lifestyle of a porn star

>> No.10648397

I didn't say porn stars, I said women

>> No.10648407

I don't know any women so I guess I was unaware of their disproportionate interest in frog sophistry

>> No.10648444

Not if the pornstar is a devout christian when she's off work.

>> No.10648459

Feign interest/knowledge in something cultured & maybe people will forget you're an exhibitionist fucktoy

>> No.10648463

You can't continue to be a Christian and engage in wilfull sin anon. You can't serve the Big Black Cock and the Beatifc Body of Christ.

>> No.10648466

t. humorless automaton

>> No.10648475

And who are you to say that? The pope? God?

Kierkegaard was a protestant and clearly the pornstar doesn't have to justify to you her actions. No more than Abraham would justify his bringing Isaac on the mountain to Sarah, or Kierkegaard needed to justify his leaving Regina to her or his family.

>> No.10648490

Good god the bitterness.

>> No.10648503
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>No more than Abraham would justify his bringing Isaac on the mountain to Sarah
>comparing holy dictates or divine inspiration to personal whims

>> No.10648536

Which is what Kierkegaard according to many was doing when he wrote fear and trembling to justify his breaking up with his girlfriend?

The deep point is that a protestant has only to justify to god and has no requirement to justify their faith with anyone else. That is why faith breaks the ethical horizontality of the give and take of reasons of Hegel and the enlightenment in general.

You are in no place to judge another's faith, and they have no requirement to justify it. The verticality is all.

>> No.10648545

You might be right in some academic sense but it burns my ass to think of salvation as a free pass. I even feel like I'm going to hell most of the time and that's okay because there are people out there really dedicating themselves to the church.

>> No.10648554

Lmao, cuck

>> No.10648578

Anon who worked in porn here again: all pronstars and escorts literally have boyfriends. They are incredibly good looking and personable people, do you really think they have problems dating?

The problem is that they mostly date good looking guys (tho one thing I noticed is that they go for nice guys, hotties, but nice... I guess they are tired of dealing with assholes)

>> No.10648593

Oh yeah, whats your pornstar name?

>> No.10648604

Adam Eget

>> No.10648613

Don't you mean Egret? Think I saw you in "Punks Run A Train On Small Twink's Puffy Clammy Jew Mitts". Was that you?

>> No.10648619

As I said before I was a photography director. I rented light stands and tripods and then got drunk for a whole day while others were shooting.

>> No.10648623

That sounds like a pretty sweet gig. How do you get it?

Is it Judaism?

>> No.10648636

No I'm eastern european. I was dating a stripper I met on tinder while living in LA trying to be a photographer. She introduced me to some of her friends who were camgirls and I did some spec videos for their websites. Then some of them transitioned into pro-porn and mentioned me as someone who knows how to do the job. I did a lot of money until I decided to move out to ny and work in advertising.

>> No.10648700

>advertising in ny

Fierce mate, fierce. How's the warehouse band scene these days?

>> No.10648709

Fine, I guess, but the cheap Lambrusco's become more expensive :/

>> No.10648719

I guess palisades and brooklyn steel are doing ok. But most of my friends now to warehouse house parties like members only in bushwick.

>> No.10648733

>he actually answered the question

As you are a living stereotype of the trustfund stoner, I wish only that God has mercy on whatever vestigaes of a soul you have.

>> No.10648784


>> No.10648800

Dunno man, I lived a pretty interesting life full of beauty and friends and meaningful relationships. But sure go ahead and think that I have no soul if it makes you feel better.

>> No.10648816

What the fuck is the "alt right" you schizophrenic projecting brainlet. Back 2 redditwitter. Now. Nice EPIC le gif reaction for the win btw

>> No.10648817

This seriously looks like something one might read on Instagram. I don't even know how you manage to exist as a tangible entity, hovering on the brink of absolute fiction and satire as you are.

>> No.10648843

Tits or GTFO bitch

>> No.10648860

How can you know whether you're justified in God's eyes? Why would you ever assume you are?

>> No.10648906

>a philosophy festival
I want to go to there

>> No.10648920

Why everyone in America has to have a fucking gimmick? You can't just be good at what you do. No. You have to have something going on for you so you can make sure everyone gets to know how much of a pseud you are. Why do you crave so much for attention?

>> No.10648933

I'm not sure if 4chan is for you

>> No.10649163

i like the one where she's reading a gender studies book in her cage and the guy makes her hold it up to her mouth and pisses on it into her mouth

>> No.10649224

I would argue that Valentina Nappi is the foremost philosopher of our time. A rough-cut amateur, auto-didacted and experienced in life in a way very, very few academic philosophers are. She has plumbed the depths of the human psyche in its rawest, sexual form. She has tested herself again and again and pushed her body (and dare I say her mind) to its extremes until she realized that there were in no fact no extremes capable of stopping her. Very Nietzschean desu. I myself have witnessed her struggling with a room full of africans and I imagine that external battle, which she was capable not only of overcoming but of actually enjoying, is a direct reflection of her inner intellectual battle wherein she wrestles with the demons of existential trauma. I can't wait until her first book is published.

>> No.10649231

Who is this guy? His wikipedia suggests he's anti-Zog. Is this true?

>> No.10649243

A fascist that likes to pretend he's a marxist

>> No.10649311

I find it hilarious how they live 24/7 in your head rent free.

>> No.10649316
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>> No.10649318

What the absolute fuck has Sasha Grey started?

>> No.10649327

>they were super promiscuous and all of them were into BDSM and being abused sexualy and shit (there are 4 total that I've known over the year), at the same time they were all into really "cute" shit like animals and were just generally really childish
This is just how women are when they are being honest.

>> No.10649338

And since verticality without horizontality is baseless, It's also nothing. "Faith" in the protestant sense is a meaningless assumption.
Dunno, ask a fucking protestant.

>> No.10649340

>comfortable masturbating in front of others
Le mayo.

>> No.10649348

Masterful bait, ten slash ten.

>> No.10649365
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>>writes bullshit
>>Everyone laugh say him

>> No.10649379

I'm not sure what you're saying

>> No.10649402


I can accept the idea of intellectual female porn stars, it mirrors ancient heterai.
On the other hand, the idea of a woman writing a book without being somehow a high-profile prostitute seems to me completely preposterous.

>> No.10649462

This is a good post. I mean it.

>> No.10649465

Sounds like my kind of guy desu. Although I don't think fascism works with attractive leaders.

>> No.10649526

>What effect does that have on a man's personality? Knowing that a quick release of dopamine is just a few clicks away?
In my opinion, in made us all addicts, not to mention dopamine release through social media etc.

>> No.10649528
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>> No.10649582

Giving whores excuses to be whores which will deepen depression and mass psychological problems modern young people have

>> No.10649594
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>Why do pornstars food in their field study the works of libertine philisophers
Gee I dunno could be that pornstars consider themselves 'libertine" or something

>> No.10649600

Not really a surprise really, everyone needs a stable emotional partner. One the one hand, there is a slight eugenic effect of women who decide to pursue a career in sexuality not having children , on the other hand what a waste.

Whatever, people need to jerk off right?

>> No.10649601

Sam would deign to be associated with such a lousy idea

>> No.10649649
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>mfw the absolute state of /lit/ when this bait creates such a shit storm

>> No.10650101

Maybe it's because they're not stuck in a cubicle? The same reason why fucking stoner dole bludgers eat up that pseudo-religious Tibetan kludge.

>> No.10650460

It's pornstars discussion on an imageboard full of sexually frustrated lonely people, of people who hate them, and see as the partial reason of their demise in being happy and jack off to them will argue with people who worship them (knowingly or not) and jack off to them.

>> No.10650487
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>> No.10650586

Yeah, my most recent work was Watching My Hotwife 3

>> No.10650588

Man she's in a lot of my cuck porn

>> No.10650591

Still a better philosopher than Jordan Peterson.

>> No.10650603

lmao I remember when I used to carry around Being and Nothingness and Being and Time to look edgy and smart

what a fucking pseud

>> No.10650640

>not sawing the books in half lengthwise and stitching them together to create the new book "Nothing and Nothingness"

You're like a baby in the forest

>> No.10650644

>Take the money. Leave the box.

>> No.10650649

>only one of them has nothing the word nothingness
>failed joke

>> No.10650675

Dunno, that is what faith is I guess.

I mean protestantism is shit exactly because you should always doubt yourself, but in reality is a way to be a smug self-assured piece of shit who believes to be in the grace of god no matter how horrible they are.

>> No.10650683

I don't want kids either so actually women that don't want kids are my dating pool.

Also it's a pretty good smack on the face on the whole biological clock and biological interpretations of sexual desire.

>> No.10650723

I know a girl that shot some porno. She is into philosophy for the same reason I am, we are both depressed we decided god wasn't plausible we resent the Mormon community we came from and we are looking for meaning. I imagine pornstars also feel like they have something to prove because people assume that they are dumb.

>> No.10650741

She's also got "urinal" tattooed on her inner lip

>> No.10650766

What about switches? People that enjoy being dominant or submissive. Maybe aggression is more normal in sex than candles and wine and the is no problem whatsoever with role-play. Maybe Caligula is a fairly normal result of sexual urges and the world could be more peaceful if people were taught that it was ok to have rough sex with people that consent.

>> No.10650771

>Porn is a product meticulously engineered to destroy the self esteem of most men.
This is pretty disingenuous. Attractive men with big dicks are more appealing onscreen than fat guys with micropenises. Do you think all movies are designed to destroy your self-esteem because they star attractive people with attractive personalities? If it makes you feel inadequate, that's probably on you.

>> No.10650773

No. I don't believe you.

>> No.10650781

Yeah it's the same bullshit of snowflakes going "why are women in commercials all so attractive?"

>> No.10650988
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>I myself have witnessed her struggling with a room full of africans

>> No.10651107
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Id wager pornstars aren't happy because they know they are easily replaceable by some next young hot thing that excites everyone. Plus the whole sex without love takes a toll on ones psyche, with a combination of drugs, pointless extreme sex and a general dismissal of their opinion from other people, because all they know is sex.

Sure, the money and attention is nice, but when you reflect that your purpose in life is to be fucked by multiple men in a variety of ever-increasing extreme sexual acts, Id say your ego is severally destroyed

>> No.10651129

>paying for sex
Just stop being a pleb and develop a personality, then they will fuck you for free.
>tfw what girls will let you do if you offer good company, interesting discussions, affection and, decent wine and food.

>> No.10651140

No such thing as a free fuck. Women will demand you buy them drinks, presents and what not, in order to "prove" your worth.

>> No.10651153

No, because mainstream movies don't depend on men being insecure in order to continue buying. While someone fat may be unappealing, I don't think the dick size is important to most men.

>> No.10651161

I'm 60 euros in debt for one of them and she ask me to drink even tough she knows I'm broke. The other one lives further away and when I visit her she pays my food unless we are eating out and buys the wine. I usually just cook and choose drinks. The broke artist thing actually works quite well..

>> No.10651200

Lol I’m broke as fuck and girls buy me drinks in bars.

The question is: if you are not attractive why do you expect ppl to fuck you?

Would you give a blowjob to a guy just cause he is nice? Would you have sex with a 2/10?

>> No.10651218

What are you talking about? The only insecurity I've ever heard of men getting from porn is specifically dick size. And are you seriously saying that the reason men continue to watch porn is because it makes them feel insecure? They watch it to jerk off. If you're saying that watching porn keeps them from seeking out relationships, maybe I could understand that. What point are you trying to make exactly?

>> No.10651235

You don't have to be even very good looking. Only difference is in attention from strangers. Because I'm not that attractive,I tend to end up with girls I've met during my studies hobbies and trough mutual friends. Basic intellect and broad interests are honestly all that is needed.

>> No.10651271

women are terrified of being seen as basic because standing out is important for the purposes of attracting a desirable husband. this is also why they feign interest in art, sports, videogames, etc. they could make themselves more desirable by not being whores or learning how to cook or any number of things, but namedropping nietzsche is easier, and it's not like any guy is going to quiz her or anything.

>> No.10651304

Yes, I'm sure a pornstar has to feign interest in art to attract guys that want to have sex with them. Otherwise no one would ever try to date her.

You guys are so blinded by your bitterness and ideology that you can't even start to believe that some people are interested in art and literature.

yes maybe they are not the most well read or the smartest people around, but neither are we on here, and our love for literature, I believe, is mostly genuine.

They are normal people, who at one point or another thought of using their looks to make a lot of money. Some of them are dumb, some of them are smart, some of them are bookish.

>> No.10651488

Is that gif Bobby the Barman from Still Game?

>> No.10651575

Watch out you nasty 4chan virgins we got a guy LARPing as the savior of the white race

>> No.10651585

and the Alt-Left.

>> No.10651602

Porn starts
>high social status
>get girlfriend easy
>have tons of sex
>mentally happy
>intellectual liberation

Also theres this dude (who make momson porn videos) now have a YouTube channel.

>> No.10651615

Why do men on 4chan talk about the psychological makeup of women at length when they have absolutely no idea what women are actually like and have never even talked to one? Most of these hot opinions are just flat out wrong

>> No.10651627

>white knighting pornstars on 4chan

>> No.10651667

>it’s whiteknighting to say that people are nuanced and not as flat as people try to say they are

>> No.10651678

Kierkegaard also wrote about spiritual growth.
the reason you can't just go and do a extreme sacrifice like Abraham is because you are no where near him in Grace or Spirit.
To get to a point that Kierkegaard calls faith you have to first infinitely resign yourself of the world.

>> No.10651709

Nick Cave

>> No.10651745

such blatant edginess is nothing but a way for pretty soyboys to overcompensate for the fact that nobody takes them seriously

>> No.10651802

Spain was a mistake.

>> No.10651824

Nobody takes seriously anyone who uses the term “soyboy”

>> No.10652901

I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to /lit/, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive woman dressed scantily and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "flash" and pizazz in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced an obese girl to let you fuck her.

>> No.10652908

Triggered fag. Are you crying?

>> No.10653361

How are you not your emotions?
I think they make you a bad person. What if you like hurting animals?

>slut shaming is good
I guess we shouldn't value freedom or pursuit of happiness in countries. Are you happy with yourself? With your anger? Does that anger not seem illogical to you? In addition anger doesn't solve rational problems

I loved her tushy vid cause of dem glasses.
Don't like tats though

>> No.10653963
File: 21 KB, 161x414, mild concernn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else a little concerned at how nearly every pornstar in the industry has started doing DAP in the last year?
Invest in diapers, lads. The blown-out assholes of the Millenial and Gen Z generations will face a reckoning sooner rather than later

>> No.10653985
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>> No.10654189

philosotards BTFO

>> No.10654476


Nice one, comrade! Take my upboat, good sir. XD.

(Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.)

>> No.10654524

Why would anyone hate themself so much that they would do this?

>> No.10654525

If there was HD video of David Hume getting fat loads of cum blasted on his face, would people take his work more or less seriously?

>> No.10654528


Capitalist ideology mang

>> No.10654536

Uh huh, definitely not a product of living an immoral hollow lifestyle. Its totally just capitalism.

>> No.10654599

What does the photo show? I'm at work.

>> No.10654714

>3. comfortable masturbating in front of others;
does a gf count?

>> No.10654729

This brings up an interwsting point.
Many anons arw assuming nappi got into philosophy after being a slut.
Nobody assumes she got into philosophy first.

I will try to gove you guy several explanations.
If she was interested in philiosphy before she got into porn. Could be possible that in her youth she was searching for meaning came across a book, probably Sartre which liberated her, and in her fertile and beautiful youth decided to use her natural talents. Also if she was hot maybe she couldnt stand the meaning given to her by her vapid friends or the men and boys who just see her as a sex object anyways. Until she came across satre had a catharsis and decided to make money off of the stupid and inanes perception of her, all the while her believing that she is something more than a caked-up face with cum all over it and a dick in her mouth. I dunno i remember that one line of sartre that say you can look at a tree root like it was a snake or something. Many times youth is just looking for an excuse and its the philosophers job to give them that.

If she found philosophy after porn
Branding: its funny how female porn stars have name dropped Sartre and Dostoyevski. This is genius becuase both these guys are ugly ass old men but write and think well. Which in the minds of would be fans of theirs ,imagine themselves and the porn star in some loving relationship where the guy fucks this super hot chick and they know she loves them becuase they are at the very least "very smart and intelligent". Becuase all she cares about is deep conversation. Though honestly i don't think sartre or Dostoyevsky were considered nice people. Supoose thats a fedora tier fallacy.

The nature of extremes and "extreme people"-
She probably was crazy and wild as a kid as evidenced by tattoos and seemingly how young she is now.
She eventually got a job in porn. An "extreme" profession wjere you are only valued becuase of your body.
After so long she probably got worried about future job propects for porno stars which got rolled up into an existential crisis fueled by hedonism, materialism, and fast living. probably the career track itself lends to an early existenial crisis becuase looks are everything but are always depreciating on a person. So instead of learning economics or math, engineering, car repair, or becoming an airplane pilot. She went to extremes and went to the field that had the most mind to it.
Which might be even more of a comment on her identity. Or maybe her life is just a comment on what we value.
We value the surface of things and when shes done with porn shes going to be just another sack of flesh in the philosphical community. Becuase we all know how employable people with philosophy and masters in literature are.

Her career and her interest in reading philosophy are mutually exlusive, somehow. Or they dont effect each other that much. She likes to fuck and does care that shes getting paid for it.


>> No.10654750


Porn is accepted becuase of cultural norms in her group, city etc...
And she likes to be mentally stimulated.

People have mentioned masturbation on here. And many people equate philosophy with " mental masturbation" or "intellectual masturbation". Which regardless when a hot women is doing it makes it even more sexy.

>> No.10654770

>forgetting that you're posting on 4chan

>> No.10654790

How much time do you invest in watching porn that you've been able to identify such a trend. Seems like you have a little bit of a problem, I would get help.

>> No.10654809

It was huge news a couple years ago that to satisfy carnal urges many kids start fucking in the butt.
And this wasnt just gays.
Many girls thought their purity and virginity can remain intact if they offer up that asshole instead of their cunt.
Theres been alot more anal in porn ever since then.

>> No.10654816

Its also too bad that many kids dont know that assfucking is atleast a level 3 manuevre which is way more complicated than typical sex and kissing.
Remember that one article in teen vogue on how to assfuck properly?

This is a huge issue.

>> No.10654838

It's just a normal part of ess ee ex now. In 1918 it would have taken several months to simply kiss a girl, let alone engage in heavy petting and ess ee ex would be a relationship-changer at the very least.

In 2018 it's perfectly normal to ask your "smash-buddy" after three "Netflix & Chills" if she's down for getting sodomized.

What a sick, Jewified culture this is.

>> No.10655117

>But the intellectual life is rewarding in its own self. It's interesting, stimulating, engaging and ennobling.
Not the anon you are replying to, but thank you for this.

>> No.10655127

If you ever discover that your interesting life full of beauty and friends and meaningful relationships is ultimately empty, take heart because it's never too late to begin the self improvement that is necessary for your soul to thrive outside of its bodily and earthly bounds.

>> No.10655245

consider suicide

>> No.10655482

I remember reading some article a while back on this subject. Apparently there's actually a full-on epidemic of young women in general, not just pornstars, who've already completely ruined their assholes via anal sex in their 20s and are already forced to wear diapers. It's obviously an embarrassing subject though, so nobody's really willing to talk about it.

>> No.10655947

What the hell is DAP?

>> No.10656832

Source or it’s bullshit

>> No.10656850

so is there some huge diaper market for gay men that no gay man has ever spoken about before? because that's pretty hard to believe.

>> No.10656884

Gays freely shit themselves, it's part of the pleasure

>> No.10656935

I don't think you would enjoy my villous man-boobs.

>> No.10657193
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>> No.10657212

Not him, I assume it means "double anal penetration"

>> No.10657280

>Why are pornographic actresses so interested in philosophy?
literally only 3 whores
go fuck yourself