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File: 92 KB, 1200x675, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10647619 No.10647619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Claims to hate white guys
>Sucks white cock every night

>> No.10647629

It's an infinite jest amirite

>> No.10647636

I think they tend to hate whiteness and maleness in the abstract while not necessarily hating anyone who has been gendered and racialized those ways.

>> No.10647641

>claims to have read infinite jest
>didn't read it
she'll fit right in

>> No.10647664
File: 64 KB, 540x720, 144106b37d5f8ea165468b4cd0da87d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an angel.

>> No.10647677

She's joking you idiot

>> No.10647699
File: 34 KB, 300x300, mina_loy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wish it was yours, don't you?

>> No.10647706

dawwww she looks so pretty here :3

>> No.10647724

no, narcissistic brown girls are alright but not my thing lately

>> No.10647732

lmao I hope she smoked through that and got some nice toxic ink tokes

>> No.10647740
File: 112 KB, 668x599, 1340046028720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>who has been gendered
>who has been racialized

I perfectly agree with the equal treatment in ethical capacity of all living people.

Your proposition here negates any possibility of culpability, for anyone involved. Firstly, OP proposes the given subject girl. You generalize to "they" which in this case might be every person of a left leaning sentiment. That is a misdirect to any kind of criticism of a flaw, legitimate or otherwise.

"I think the explanation for this -pattern of behavior- (read: not your actions) by this/my -group of people- (read: not you, yourself, given individual in question)"

You then seek to conceptualize whiteness and maleness, as if these are in fact monolithic concepts. These monoliths are constructed. As much as Blackness is a spectrum and Feminine identity is a spectrum, you cannot see the obvious mirror in your mentions. That is textbook dehumanization of the counter-position. Reductive.

>"... in the abstract while not necessarily..."
Hedging. That is hard hedging to avoid conviction to your stated position, which in turn negates the possibility of -your- culpability. If you are in any way implicated, you are of course just talking about what another group might think.

>anyone who has been

The individuals cannot even define/own their own labels? You imply these traits are assigned, taking away culpability of the subject of hate, who may in fact be the source of the flaw. You also discount the possibility of the individuals choice in the matter, to assume their label. The man who is happy to be such. The FtM who is happy to be such. And really? Racialized? besides treating everyone as human, what is the alternative?

>"I'm feeling Asian today. Nope, a little Black."

In your model, no one owns anything, not even their concept of themselves. That realization made me write this. Pig disgusting. I'm a democrat.

-That- is bullshit.

>> No.10647743

>listening to a female's ideological opinions
Sorry, not a cuckold.

>> No.10647753

she is literally white the absolute state of racialized america

>> No.10647754

>she is literally white

>> No.10647757

Can you really expect her to succ the bbc? Those things are scary! Only pretty circumcised white cocked anglo boys get hipster qt succ.

>> No.10647772

You can't have skin that white and then say you aren't white that's fucking retarded

>> No.10647776
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I'm not the guy you were talking to, but that is horse shit. Her racial background is not so radically different from that of a stereotypical white girl.She has no distinctively Asian, African, Native American, Aboriginal, or otherwise traits.

You claim that she is different so that her criticism is given ethos more than other given speakers. It should not be, because at minimum, she can be considered -white passing-, a term I'm sure you're familiar with. She is automatically granted many of the same White privileges identified in modern society, so long as she doesn't write her name on paper. And if she has a euro last name, she's White enough to not have a right to claim minority status.

>> No.10647778

>brown eyes
>dark hair

>> No.10647783

>>brown eyes
>>dark hair
>what is Spain
You know those are visigothic names as well you dummy

>> No.10647786


Oh lol did you know that hispanic Whites are a thing? Man if her grandfather wasn't fucking Mayan she can sit down.

>> No.10647791

>Only pretty circumcised white cocked anglo boys get hipster qt succ.
oh.... that was kind of hot

>> No.10647822

How many sex scenes are in this book? I might read it if it has good ones

>> No.10647829

You'd hate white guys too if you had to suck white cock every night.

>> No.10647833


Yeah it's funny. Hipster girls vote inclusive, but they treat Black bfs as stunt cocks and status symbols. It is a tad sickening to understand that the Black bf slot is replaceable with any other Black guy. He's not a person, he's a checkbox on the "I'm not racist" list.

Or, y'know, they don't actually consider them as valid humans subconsciously and won't date them, justifying all the while.

Asian girls do something similar to White guys, using them as a replaceable status symbol. Same token, White guys use Asian girls as a replaceable qt3.14 submissive property. Indian guys are proud to be able to afford and support a White girl. Black guys think they lucked out stealing a White girl. Black women berate them for having a "Becky," in that they abandon their racial identity as soon as the opportunity come along to "trade up."

I have a pretty diverse pool of friends. I would like what I said above not to be true.

>> No.10647844

unironically hands off my wimminz...
how can I lose this tribalist reflex I know it doesn't make sense

>> No.10647845

>gendered and racialized those ways.

By what? Nature?

Who is this bitch, why do I care? When did /lit/ become so /lit/ered?