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/lit/ - Literature

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10641664 No.10641664 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche once claimed that when it comes to philosophical talent, India is first, and England is last (worst). He also claimed that Europe has not yet reached the level of spirituality that India had reached thousands of years ago.

/lit/ likes to talk about the Bible a lot, it's become almost a meme, we all seem to agree Bible is a source of wisdom.

But comparing the ancient Indian Indo-European civilization with the Jewish one, to see the spiritual level they were at.

Deuteronomy was written in 7th century BC (according to scholars). It has stuff like:

>You may eat any animal that has a split hoof divided in two and that chews the cud. However, of those that chew the cud or that have a split hoof completely divided you may not eat the camel, the rabbit, or the coney.

A veritable pearl of wisdom.

TWO CENTURIES before that in the 9th century BC, the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad had already been composed. Sample from the text:

>"That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite. the infinite proceeds from the infinite.
>(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe), it remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone."

One text deals with stuff like what you can eat and where you can put your penis, the absolute retardation probably due to excessive exposure to sun of the desert man can be felt on every page of the Bible.

On the other hand, the Indian text of the time show a philosophical depth of a Kant or a Hegel. Schopenhauer said that the re-discovery of the Upanishads by Europe is comparable to the rediscovery of ancient Greek materials in the Renaissance. He said it's by far the most profound material he's ever read.

Question: Why do we still waste so much time & energy with Desert Trilogy when our own, Indo-European heritage, is so much more richer and profound?

>> No.10641699

he who wants to open the bobs must think:

have bobs closed good, sexy, or bb?

>> No.10641713

>Indo-European heritage
The wisdom of those texts is universally valid, it has nothing to do with your heritage you larper.

>> No.10641715

>indo-european heritage
Hitler, leave.
And you can't even cherrypick right, that text is shit.

>> No.10641728

You said it yourself: we didn't have the Upanishads so all our philosophy and literature is Greco-Roman or Christian. Read the Bible AND the Upanishads.

>> No.10641749


This tbqh. For people who are interested in both western literature and eastern traditions/metaphysics it's still worth it to read the bible because of the massive influence it had on the western canon.

>> No.10642238

The Old and New Testaments are deeper than anything written by Ancient Indians.

Hegel's claim that Truth is Substance that is Subject is essentially equivalent to God calling himself "I am that I am" in the Old Testament. The symbolism of Genesis provides more food for thought than anything written by the Indians. Plus the Bible actually has a coherent metaphysics running through it; Indian texts are compilations of various thinkers speaking in vague nonsense statements like the ones you posted, so that the only ideology that fits is a pantheistic one.

>> No.10642249

t. Christcuck

>> No.10642267

i'm leaving this board, i hope you all die of in a calamity or freak accident of some form. Fuck you you fucking idiot

>> No.10642293

Hey what's up God here >>10642238
is right

>> No.10642298

who gives a fuck what neet-CHA claimed, he was a charlatan and poorly educated on 90% of what he spouted about.

>> No.10642512

>our own Indo-European heritage
Gets me every time lol. the absolute state of the alt-right

>> No.10642526



>> No.10642581

I like how everyone is not addressing your actual point and being autistic about your heritage remark. Retards.

>> No.10643045

I don't disagree with you, but the Rig Veda, while perhaps more beautiful and poetic, has almost as much to do with ritual and regulation as the Old Testament

>> No.10643416

>street shitting philosophy keeping India dumb and dirty for thousands of years
>Brahman is infinite and so are you , im literally god...or something uhhh just stare at your navel until you believe us
No thanks. Give me that desert wisdom.

>> No.10643729

Are the Upanishads the general starting point for Indian philosophy, eventually leading into Hinduism/Buddhism/Jainism/dozens of smaller sects? I'm almost completely uninformed on the subject, the only work of eastern philosophy I'm familiar with at all is the Tao Te Ching.

>> No.10643913

don't even try op. they're not worth it.

>> No.10643923

Bad bait.
>kant and hegel
Not complex, sorry hunny.
>muh white civilizashunnnnn
oh, you're just a retard. A bullet for you.

>> No.10643933

Ancient Indians, ironically, had really strict sanitation laws.

>> No.10643935

The West is a spiritually third-world culture. What most of think of as "spirituality" is basically dumb, indefensible Christcuck shit with absolutely no grasp of deeper notions of metaphysics, truth, phenomenology, etc.

We're like those shitposters from an obscure country who get mad at their neighbour for some war that happened 400 years ago, because their entire sense of national identity is built around such a limited picture of history. Only instead of wars, it's shallow Abrahamic or atheist doctrines.

>> No.10643959


Nietzsche's face when he finds out about Tocharians.

>> No.10643971

> The Kushan Empire (Indoeuropeans in Asia) expanded into the Tarim during the 2nd century, bringing Buddhism, Kushan art, Sanskrit as a liturgical language and Prakrit as an administrative language (in the southern Tarim states).[47] With these Indic languages came scripts, including the Brahmi script (later adapted to write Tocharian) and the Kharosthi script.[48]

Indians BTFO. Caste system is residual racism against darkies.

>> No.10644114
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>Plus the Bible actually has a coherent metaphysics running through it

>The symbolism of Genesis

This is what the world of the Old Testament is like. God also physically lives in this place. There is no metaphysical reality at all.

The bible is a pretty shitty book for spirtuality which is why they have to pretend it's talking about Platonic concepts.

>> No.10644128

Yes the aryan-vedic culture is the oldest and proably the most superior of the old human world.

>> No.10644140

Englishman here. I agree that we are very low on the scale of philosophers, as a big part of the Anglo spirit has always been a preference for "practical common sense" and a distrust for abstractions and self-important navel-gazing mystics. The Anglo spirit is that you should not try to take yourself too seriously and try to get along with others and the world, especially in intellectual matters.

However, in this spirit we are not far off the Daoist concept of returning to nature and avoiding intellectual conceit. So I do not think our philosophical naivety is necessarily a bad thing.

The Indians are the ultimate self-important navel-gazing mystics. Granted they have a much higher capacity for philosophical/metaphysical speculation, they also have a much higher capacity for madness, degeneracy, eccentricity, self-idolisation. There are few things more repulsive to me personally than an Indian guru sat in the lotus position while his worshippers lay flowers at his feet like he's some god.

>> No.10644173
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>superior to anything
they're not even on the top of their own food chain

>> No.10644185
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>comparing codified dietary restrictions to metaphysical ruminations
Wow you sure showed Moses

>> No.10644405

>Hegel's claim that Truth is Substance that is Subject is essentially equivalent to God calling himself "I am that I am" in the Old Testament
Not sure how you can even read that into what the Bible says. "I am who I am" is mostly a pun on God's name, Ehyeh (אהיה) looks similar to YHWH (יהוה) in Hebrew and was probably pronounced similarly in the dialect of the writer. It's just saying God is unique.

>> No.10644473
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>> No.10644513

Awful post. What you meant to say was that the Bible has had so much abstract thought projected onto it over the centuries that now when we read it feels a lot more complex than it actually is. Platonism ≠ Christianity. Also this: >>10644114

>> No.10644883

the single merism of the tov wa-ra kills everything else ever said, yet us westerns look for the exoticism of the daosim to bust a more cogent nut