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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 640x414, 1q84-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10637900 No.10637900 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this? Worth reading?

>> No.10637905

Yeah its alright. I prefer his short stories tho.

>> No.10637907

Yep, zero value, go for it.

>> No.10637925

lmao what genre is 1q84?

>> No.10637933


>> No.10637951

Okay bro

>> No.10637967

NP, broski.

>> No.10637982

why does he take famous names from literature? 1984, Kafka, etc. It's not clever.

>> No.10638072

It was okay, I enjoyed it's strange ambience but I don't remember anything that really stands out about it so maybe that's telling you something.

>> No.10638593

I hate the way this title always tricks me into reading it wrong twice.
>no wait, it's IQ84
>no wait, it's... 1Q84
It gets me every time.

>> No.10638686
File: 162 KB, 640x486, Memeakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been listening to it as an audiobook because I'd find it fatiguing to read, and it doesn't have weird acronyms or footnotes like Infinite Meme. Just started book three.

It has some interesting ideas. It gets pretty slow at times, but my fondness for the characters and my interest in Japanese cults and counterculture makes up for it. If these things don't appeal to you, or you don't like long passages aimed at creating a kind of unnerving ambiance, it might not work for you. It seriously suffers from "she breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards" more than any other literary work I've read though.

Don't confuse the title with IQ84, which is a description of the average /pol/ poster.

>> No.10638698

Oh, and while I've not read them, I've heard most people get more enjoyment out of his shorter works. That might be a better place to start.

1Q84 is probably not worth the effort if you aren't the kind of person willing to read all of Proust's In Search of Lost Time or a similarly colossal ambient work.

>> No.10638760

Because Asians lack creativity
Look at Chinese art for instance - stayed the same forever - compare with French that went from Celtic to Romanesque to Gothic to Renaissance to Baroque to Rococo to Classical to Impressionist to Post-Impressionist to Fauvist to Surrealist to Abstract to Cubist to Expressionist and beyond.

>> No.10638767

>doesn't inclue anime or manga
wow, fag

>> No.10638773
File: 4 KB, 211x239, 1516155922387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I read it as IQ84 for fucking years

>> No.10638799

> this exhausted Reddit essentialist explanation that's so easy to refute
Then why doesn't the literature of Ueda Akinari resemble that of Nanso Hakkenden? Why do Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu and Confucious differ on so many foundational issues? Why don't Ming ceramics resemble Song ceramics? How did the japanese obtain so many Nobel prizes? Why were Neon Genesis Evangelion and Serial Experiments Lain so original? Why, in translation, does Murakami's literary style sound more like Jorge Luis Burgess than Yukio Mishima?
t. white dude

>> No.10638819

It's a pun in Japanese

>> No.10639071

chinks were raped to dust every some 100 years.