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10637777 No.10637777 [Reply] [Original]

Goodreads Thread: Lefties Only Edition


>> No.10639504

Green is only possible in an extremely homogeneous population with an extremely high sense of trust.
Funniest thing is that, politically, there's zero difference between purple and green. They're both "libertarian", there's no promise of anything, green is impossible when everyone's purple at heart.

>> No.10640308

>try to get into goodreads
>2/3 of the books I read are in my native language, not English
>book entries are a mess, covers are missing, authors are written either with their English name or in my language
I want to make my life easier and more organised, not a bigger mess.

>> No.10640328

You can manually put in isbn number and find the exact book you want

>> No.10640424
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R8 and masturb8, my dudes.

>> No.10640444
File: 487 KB, 1903x2562, screenshot-www.goodreads.com-2018.02.04-12-20-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, post most read authors.

>> No.10640447

I recommend "The Good Person of Szechwan" by Bertolt Brecht for that feel. Read this, leave the alt-right crap out, you sound like some fedora-tipping edgelord.

>> No.10640454

I'm not a lefty, but I'm still down for a goodreads thread. Why do you gotta discriminate my dude

>> No.10640552


>> No.10640570
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Not an objectivist by the way. Rand's books were one of my guilty pleasures a couple of years ago.

>> No.10640577
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Is that the same as the Herzog movie?

>> No.10640583

>everyone's purple at heart.
>this is what american middleschoolers really tell themselves

>> No.10640595

It is the unfinished play the movie is based on.
It is great.

>> No.10640597

Why is it called anarcho communism and not mental retardation like it should be?

>> No.10640603

American middle schoolers tell themselves everyone is green at heart

>> No.10640607


>> No.10642331
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>> No.10642408

Become a librarian and edit the data to your liking.
Or just make yourself an .xml file with the books you've read.

>> No.10643051

Holy cow, are you a girl? I've been seriously wondering whether there were any girls that use this board regularly, and I was starting to doubt it.

>> No.10643054

there were a few in the last goodreads thread

>> No.10643057

Really? What compels them to come to this place? And so they shitpost just like guys do? My curiosity is piqued

>> No.10643068

Kill yourself back to leftypol. Saged.

You're a massive trench coat-draped neckbeard who's projecting. Embarrassing and spergy as fuck.

>> No.10643119

It's because goodreads threads are narcissistic, self-directed, about identity and posturing. Even if a wom*n reads a book, she doesn't really absorb and synthesize the information-- she can make twitter "call outs" that are totally woke and dunk on the uneducated guy hard, but she can't hold it out in a social environment like anonymous imageboards, where that type of ostracization is nonexistent and posters must simultaneously defend the intellectual content of their arguments and anybody that's fine with just calling them a faggot. So the f*male resorts to posturing, lists and profiles containing books they've bought (but usually haven't fully digested). They're seriously really obsessed with themselves and their image on an astounding level. You know the personality charts, the ones where you draw an image of yourself as you are now, as you were some years ago, rate your intelligence, etc? Ever wondered why those threads attracted a disproportionately high amount of g*rls, compared to the-- thankfully-- abysmally low amount of actual f*male posters on this site? It's because of course they'd take an opportunity to brag about their identity, how they're emo and oglisexual or whatever and a democratic socialist and ugh, their stupid parents wish they were making more money, and they NEVER want to be one of those whore bimbos, and their ideal boyfriend (but they already have a boyfriend btw so its irrelevant, teehee uwu~ toodles!! xD) is a neurotic trust fund beardman who's funny and wealthy but also docile enough to let her fuck tyrone and only interfere to occasionally bark jokes he picked up on from rick and morty and the chapo trap house reddit page at her. It doesn't take mgtow redpill pseudoscience evopsych to pick up on how self-aggrandizing and obsessed w*men are, and if you haven't, you're lying to yourself. aaand post

>> No.10643150

you fucking faggot kill yourself

>> No.10643217

It's almost like women are regular people that could be interested in books

>> No.10643243

Either really good subtle bait that checks all the boxes concerning what a Reddit user would sound like, or the literal worst unarchived comment live on this website 4chan dot org right now.

>> No.10643246

didnt mean to capitalize it

>> No.10644411
File: 197 KB, 251x1881, Screenshot-2018-2-5 ’s most read authors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644485

>everyone's purple at heart.
Way to take the bloke way out of context
He is talking about it as a conditional, not a statement of fact

>> No.10644532

It is fucking horrible and overrated, what a plebeian opinion to hold.

>> No.10644597

At least the anit-semitic parts feel out of place, otherwise it was a fun read,

>> No.10644805

How do you guys see these lists by authors? When I go to "my books" it's not sorted this way

>> No.10645086

when you get to my books, at the left there is most read authors, blue link under "my reading activity".

>> No.10645130

tfw only 2 autors with more than 2 books