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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 472x433, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10635769 No.10635769 [Reply] [Original]

no wonder he was such a morbid cunt looool

>> No.10635793

Why are intellectuals always so ugly, bro?

>> No.10635802

"Sartre's First Try'
Sartre's name, I understand, is associated with a fashionable brand of cafe philosophy and since for every so-called "existentialist" one finds quite a few "suctorialists" (if I may coin a polite term), this made-in- England translation of Sartre's first novel, "La Nausée" (published in Paris in 1938) should enjoy some success.

Whether, from the viewpoint of literature, "La Nausée" was worth translating at all is another question. It belongs to that tense-looking but really very loose type or writing, which has been popularized by many second-raters-Barbusse, Céline and so forth. Somewhere behind looms Dostoevsky at his worst, and still farther back there is old Eugene Sue, to whom the melodramatic Russian owed so much. The book is supposed to be the diary ("Saturday morning," "11.00 P.M." -that sort of dismal thing) of a certain Roquentin, who, after some quite implausible travels, has settled in a town in Normandy to conclude a piece of historical research.

Roquentin shuttles between cafe and public library, runs into a voluble homosexual, meditates, writes his diary and finally has a long and tedious talk with his former wife, who is now kept by a sun-tanned cosmopolitan. Great importance is attached to an American song on the cafe phonograph: "Some of these days you'll miss me, honey." Roquentin would like to be as crisply alive as this song, which "saved the Jew [who wrote it] and the Negress [who sang it]" from being "drowned in existence."

In an equivocal flash of clairvoyance (p. 235) he visualizes the composer as a clean-shaven Brooklynite with "coal-black eyebrows" and "ringed fingers," writing down the tune on the twenty-first floor of a skyscraper. The heat is terrific. Presently, however, Tom (probably a friend) will come in with his hipflask (local color) and they will take swigs of liquor ("brimming glasses of whisky" in Mr. Alexander's lush version). I have taken the trouble to ascertain that in reality the song is a Sophi Tucker one written by the Canadian Shelton Brooks.

The crux of the whole book seems to be the illumination that comes to Roquentin when he discovers that his "nausea" is the result of the pressure of an absurd and amorphous but very tangible world. Unfortunately for the novel, all this remains on a purely mental level, and the discovery might have been of some other nature, say solipsistic, without in the least affecting the rest of the book. When an author inflicts his idle and arbitrary philosophic fancy on a helpless person whom he has invented for that purpose, a lot of talent is needed to have the trick work. One has no special quarrel with Roquentin when he decides that the world exists. But the task to make the world exist as a work of art was beyond Sartre's powers.

French manlet fag btfo by chad Nabokov

>> No.10635807

lmao never knew this

this changes everything

>> No.10635818

Short men are not real men.
Small dick men are not real men.
Ugly men are not real men.
Bald men are not real men.
Excessively skinny and/or fat men are not real men.

>> No.10635846

you're mom gay

>> No.10635857

Why the fuck would anyone read manlet author?

>> No.10635887

Because he found out the perfect formula for getting pseudette poon

>> No.10635889

this is already idiocracy
where we only put the gorgeous and the big titted women on a pedestal while an author being short means his writing is bad
our species is already doomed

>> No.10635894

a pair of huge tits is worth more than his oeuvre mon cherie

>> No.10635898 [DELETED] 

lol get rekt mad manlet

>> No.10635907

lol get rekt manlet

>> No.10635908

>5 feet tall

>> No.10635915

>where we only put the gorgeous and the big titted women on a pedestal
nothing wrong with that
>while an author being short means his writing is bad
it's true. short men are sub-human. why actively consume their work? it will only encourage them.

>> No.10635924

How the FUCK is a "grown ass" man 5 feet tall? I don't understand. Did he have midget disease or something?

Men under 6 feet in general confuse the hell out of me.

>> No.10635926
File: 181 KB, 852x960, Papers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks aesthetics doesn't matter
You're in denial, anon. Everyone judges others based on their appearance.
I bet you don't even like fascism.

>> No.10635931

You niggers need historical context. 5'6 was average in France at his time. 5 foot would be the equivalent of being 5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.

>> No.10635932
File: 31 KB, 528x640, 1502569430181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I found out Dostoesky was only 5'6"

Goodbye old friend

>> No.10635935

Nabokov truly was a Chad. He has countless extramarital affairs and still managed to keep Vera chained to him. It's probably the reason all his books are dedicated to her -- to make up for his infidelity.

>> No.10635940

>which isn't ridiculous.

>> No.10635941

>5 foot would be the equivalent of being 5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.

Found the literal dwarf

>> No.10635942

>5'6 was average in France at his time.
>5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.

>> No.10635945

Meanwhile, Sartre had a relationship with Simone de Beauvoir, an old barren hag who nonetheless had countless of other "lovers" besides Sartre.

>> No.10635948

>5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.
Are you fucking joking? That's legally dwarf size. There are 10 years bigger than that.

>> No.10635952

Still I must concede that Goblin has tasted the poon, while I wallow in post-ejaculation shame.

>> No.10635953

>an old barren hag who nonetheless had countless of other lovers beside Sartre.

>> No.10635956

>5 foot would be the equivalent of being 5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.
imagine believing this

>> No.10635964

When will manlets learn?

>> No.10635977

>foot would be the equivalent of being 5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.
found the manlet
fucking kys worthless waste of space

>> No.10635978

>it will only encourage them.
but they will never learn anyway

>> No.10635979

Nigger are you insane, Sartre drowned in pussy. A few years ago Simone's diaries were published, there's countless instances of her getting jealous of his affairs, trying to come up with some affair of her own to make her jealous and him simply not giving a fuck (to her, while giving countless fucks to students, ambassador 's wives, artists and so on)

>> No.10635982

Oh please, if your lit professor was 5'5 you might refer to him as the "short guy" but it wouldn't be on the same level as "dwarf" or "deformed".

I am 5'9 myself, statistically average but below average among the younger generations.

>> No.10635990

Lol I was 6'0 as a 14 year old and now I'm 6'5. Fucking manlets.

>> No.10635992

>Oh please, if your lit professor was 5'5 you might refer to him as the "short guy" but it wouldn't be on the same level as "dwarf" or "deformed".
Hell yeah I would. I have zero respect for manlets whatsoever. Fuck some dwarf trying to teach me. I could fucking dropkick him into next week.

>I am 5'9 myself, statistically average
>below average among the younger generations.
more like midget level. The average millenial male is like 6'0 now. With the newest generation it's creeping up past 6'2.

>> No.10635995

tfw found out that chesterton was 6'2"

>> No.10635999
File: 41 KB, 366x488, 00002323232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elite post anon but /lit/ is too dumb for this world

>> No.10636000

lol I was 6'0" at 14 and now I
m 6'2". feels bad

>> No.10636001

>if your lit professor was 5'5 you might refer to him as the "short guy"
You're right, because he doesn't deserved to be mentioned as anything else. He may be a "professor", but he's still a short fuck.

Just like a paki may become fucking ceo of some shit, but he's still a paki. nothing more.

>> No.10636006

>Gen Z will be literal ubermensch

Idk how to feel

>> No.10636007

>5'6 was average in France at his time. 5 foot would be the equivalent of being 5'5 today which isn't ridiculous.
5'10" is the average in western countries, so it would be the equivalent of being 5'4" which is short

>> No.10636008

I was fucking 5'10 when I started puberty, made it to 6'3 by 18. I'm even taller than my dad who was a giant for his era.

>> No.10636012

>all these lanklets
5'11 master race here

>> No.10636019

You think that's bad, wait until the rich get designer babies. That will be the full-on.

My advice: if you're 6'0+ you're fine. 5'9+ on very thin ice. Anything below that you might as well kill yourself. You are quite literally sub-human and NOBODY will ever take you seriously. You could probably get put in the hospital by some dumbass hood 4th grader or some shit if they really wanted to. That's fucking embarrassing. That's not a man right there.

Hell I'm fucking 6'1 and even I'm worried about that shit. That's why I bulk up.

>> No.10636032

>You think that's bad, wait until the rich get designer babies
Yeah i can't wait
>seeing rich Pajeets with white 6'2 kids

The future is going to be strange

>> No.10636033


>> No.10636036

Simone de Beauvoir unironically groomed little girls to be deflowered by Sartre. Sordid stuff. Don't know why it isn't talked more often,

>> No.10636038

>5'11 master race here
You know the meme with that fucking midget jew faggot talking about walking bob dylan up on stage?

that's you in 50 years.

>> No.10636043

>shorter than 6'3"
>giant for his era

In what South East Asian country?

>> No.10636052

Sex abuse doesn't count when Jews and Leftists do it

>> No.10636053

>In what South East Asian country?
impoverished small town oklahoma in the 60s

>> No.10636058

Im the same height and I feel ya. Were rapidly approaching king of the manlets size

>> No.10636059

They also both signed a letter to abrogate age of consent-laws in France. Nasty stuff. Foucault signed it too, but everybody knew that he was a dirty pedo.

>> No.10636065

>lanklet rambles incoherently
get some oxygen to that brain m8

>> No.10636071

>Im the same height and I feel ya. Were rapidly approaching king of the manlets size
it's a disgrace really. fuck this gay earth.
it could be worse though. i know this guy, he's 23. the dude's fucking 5'7 and balding. i used to fuck with him back in high school every day. made him piss his pants in the hallway once. he's pathetic really. i think he still lives with his parents. didn't even go to college.

>> No.10636073

no wonder he was a drug addict

>> No.10636077

God thats hot

>> No.10636078

t. brainlets who have never read de Beauvoir

She did that as a way of empowering those girls by making them own their sexuality since an early age.

>> No.10636084

holy fuck lmao how did he even live with himself???

>> No.10636086

the fucking state of French philosophers

>> No.10636091
File: 49 KB, 800x450, anime-girl-peering-behind-pole-at-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. i think he still lives with his parents. didn't even go to college.
s-so what

>> No.10636096

Damn, I'm sorry. Really makes me feel I need to rethink my politics

>> No.10636097

That's fucking pathetic.

I mean I kind of get it if you're short, you're life is over. Nobody will miss a manlet.

If you're tall though, no fucking excuse.

>> No.10636100

Doing one is bad, doing both is desperate

>> No.10636103

how old were they exactly?

>> No.10636107

If you're 23 year old manlet and haven't at least found a way to trick women into sleeping with you then you should have killed yourself for your own sake

>> No.10636112

Age is a social construct. What even is time

>> No.10636113

Don't beat yourself up man

>> No.10636114

Rendundant, anon. All you had to say was:
>If you're 23 year old manlet
That's justification enough.

The virgin thing is implied anyway.

>> No.10636126
File: 22 KB, 249x255, 1517629685748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate feminism
And I don't mean that in a "le sjw" way I mean the foundation of it is a break from conventional morality, as if that were an abritrary perenniality, or based soley on religion, as if human conception of religion isn't exactly that, human. No thought to it just break-tear-deconstruct, I hate it and I hate how its sold as empowering or positive when it is NEGATIVE it is all about the wanton discarding of binary or their reversal, never a measured transvaluation- as if these people were capable of that in the first place

>> No.10636129

French philosophers are a bunch of pseuds who took other philosophers' ideas and made them fashionable while taking everything of truly insight away from them. They aren't complete garbage and did some good and even necessary work, but most of their original ideas are pretty retarded.

>> No.10636132

Fuck you faggot. I'm the most manly out of everyone here. I voted for Trump, I got an 8 inch dick, I've fucked over 8 women, I have a full hairline, solid jaw, good build, symmetrical face, decent beard growth, straight white teeth, am over 6 foot tall. And a solid ass fucking streetwear collection. Oh yeah and I'm smart AND sociable as fuck. My dad's getting me a job at his venture capital firm when I graduate. Beat that, pussy. I'm a real man. You're nothing compared to me.

>> No.10636136

i could take ur girl m9

>> No.10636142

I'm not stupid enough to fall for the "girl" meme. I pump and dump.

>> No.10636145

I honestly cant think of many people from my suburb that actually live on their own and successful. My state is fucking expensive tho so that probably part to do with it

>> No.10636153

Why is /lit/ such a shithole nowadays?
>inb4 it's always been a shithole

This is worse

>> No.10636156

Same everyone on the internet makes fun of me but I live in SanFran I can't afford living on my own as a wageslave everyone here has tech skills and they barely make it aaaaah

>> No.10636167

fuck off triggered soy manlet cuck

>> No.10636171

Get the fuck out of SanFran

>> No.10636177
File: 894 KB, 600x900, 1517590794493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.)/pol/ election migration
2.) Peterson introducing reading and thinking to those people
3.) /fitlit/ self improvement meme on both /pol/ /fit/, you can immediately identify these people by their juvenile misuse of Will to Power and blind meme Stoicism

>> No.10636181

jesus christ
it's like you're asking to be "refugeed". fucking sanctuaries cities.
crawling with disgusting post-modern liberal filth.

>> No.10636189
File: 7 KB, 204x247, 1517344947259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah well I know a lot about autodidact Phenomenology so who's the real loser now huh?

>> No.10636193

You aren't taking the context into acount. What Sartre and de Beauvoir did was very subversive for the time.

>> No.10636196

kys manlet
you're worthless

>> No.10636197

t. Consumes soy derived nutrients regularly

>> No.10636199

if by subversive you mean retarded and unethical

>> No.10636202

>I bet you don't even like fascism.
i dont think you know what fascism is
you do the same shit as liberals only you hate niggers and kikes
but that doesnt make you a fascist only a liberal who hates niggers and kikes
even the most loud mouthed poltard does exactly the same things as a libcuck

>> No.10636204
File: 18 KB, 396x385, 1397812932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to hang myself
>can't reach the noose

>> No.10636209

>learning phenomenology
>wanting to become even MORE immanently aware of your own pathetic existence

Dude you need an intervention

>> No.10636215

Yeah no fuck you

>> No.10636220

I actually just wanted an excuse to post that pic, so i had to tat least mention fascism.

>> No.10636222

Government should subsidize manlet extermination

>> No.10636230
File: 26 KB, 485x443, 1509580146452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10636236

We don't give a shit because we aren't prude Americans crying MUH CHILDREN at every turn.

>> No.10636239

yeah shes really pretty huh

>> No.10636240

I'm almost assured this poster is below 6 foot tall

>> No.10636241

If they just thought kids early on how worthless their life would be the problem would take care of itself

>> No.10636242

for the sole reason of compensation

>> No.10636244

Are you an american by any chance?

>> No.10636246

Lmao way to prove the point actual brainlet

>> No.10636247

>our children are getting raped but at least we're not well adjusted Americans

Europoor logic

>> No.10636252
File: 20 KB, 480x400, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10636256

>for the sole reason of compensation
this. except more for manlets and dicklets really.
Every single thing they do in their lives is compensating for the fact that they aren't real men.

>> No.10636257

nein. also I dont actually care about men having sex with teenage girls at all I just hate Sartre

>> No.10636265

This is the lamest version of this joke I ever seen. Leftypol are embarrassingly unfunny

>> No.10636270
File: 11 KB, 348x346, Artworks-000035059169-kyaxx0-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder dicklets are the only people capable of true virtue

>> No.10636278

more like dicklets are the only people capable of true virginism

even fat sjw whores get laid

>> No.10636279

We wouldnt even need the wall anymore

>> No.10636286

Virtue is exercising power well. Dicklets have no power and therefore no virtue and will all go to hell where they belong

>> No.10636287

this is true
im 5'9 and swole as a madman to compensate the fact that im a subhuman manlet
if a tall dude even looks at me funny i crush his head into the pavement like a dumb chimp nigger

>> No.10636341

Europoor's are perpetual children

>> No.10636363

tldr basically an ugly person criticizing an ugly person
i know who one of you are faggot

>> No.10636372

>im 5'9 and swole as a madman to compensate the fact that im a subhuman manlet
you will never be respected.

>if a tall dude even looks at me funny i crush his head into the pavement like a dumb chimp nigger

>> No.10636373

>i know who one of you are faggot
What? I'm scared right now. Like I legitimately just reopened this thread to see if anyone had replied to my posts. And I get this reply. What is going on?

>> No.10636401

>She did that as a way of empowering those girls by making them own their sexuality since an early age.
This statement proves this anon's (>>10636052) point. You just spun sex abuse so it sounded positive. kys

>> No.10636404

i genuinely have a hatred towards short men

>> No.10636417

>he hasn't read the Sot-Weed Factor
>he doesn't know about Charley Mattasin and Henry Burlingame the Thrid

>> No.10636423

literally who

>> No.10636426

I unironically do and I am short

>> No.10636436


>> No.10636440

Good. Manlets do not deserve compassion. They deserve suffering.

>> No.10636443

>praises Don Quixote
>hasn't heard of its postmodern spiritual successor
It's has literally been on the /lit/ top 100 for the past few years. The Sot-Weed Factor by John Barth.

>> No.10636445

Yes, we need a new pronoun

>> No.10636448

>you will never be respected
i know

>> No.10636451

Sad truth: Tinder girls say they aren't interested in guys under a certain height, usually 5'10" or 6'. And that's being generous.

We're not talking about prime pigs here. Imagine the standards a true 7+/10 has.

>> No.10636456

how does it feel to be sub-human? to be a fake man?


don't give a fuck faggot

>> No.10636459

>you will never be respected
all manlets you should jump in front of an amtrak

>> No.10636468

If I'm not the shortest guy in a group by a large margin I genuinely down on the group as a whole. Its one thing to tolerate one short person with justified derision, associating with more than one is appalling

>> No.10636472

Literally nobody outside of fucking history nerds gives a fuck about these people. Most don't even recognize ones beyond hitler or napoleon.

Yes the patron saint of try-hard projecting small dick manlets. He's a laughing stock now because everyone knows he had a tiny dick and he was short. That's why he was such a faggot.

>> No.10636475

Camus is a babe.

>> No.10636476

>not deformed

>> No.10636477

>all manlets you should jump in front of an amtrak

>> No.10636478

>how does it feel to be sub-human? to be a fake man?
you get used to it

>> No.10636479

>history nerds
The state of this board is sad

>> No.10636482

>If I'm not the shortest guy in a group by a large margin I genuinely down on the group as a whole. Its one thing to tolerate one short person with justified derision, associating with more than one is appalling
>Virtue signalling in front of your superiors to feel better about yourself.

Absolutely pathetic. Short men really are the worst. Literally kys.

>> No.10636490

>The state of this board is sad
Let me guess "something something muh pol muh reddit muh board tourists"

Nobody cares you hipster leftie fuck

>> No.10636494

Putin is the current president of Russia and one of the most powerful people on earth

>> No.10636498

I have lost all shame, like a conniving weasel I'm going to slink my way up the genetic ladder so my sons can have a chance at being actual humans

>> No.10636511

whatever faggot.

Also Putin isn't really short. It's just more mainstream media liberal tricks where everyone says it to make him appear un-appealing. He's probably maybe 5'9, which is king of manlet range, but he's not a fucking genuine midget. MSM will do anything to make him look weak. there's literally nothing wrong with putin or russia at all. they are our allies. they're not filthy commies anymore.

>> No.10636520

What are you rambling about. Do you know anything about Russian politics?

>> No.10636524
File: 56 KB, 848x1000, 170707-melania-putin-1-ew-229p_05cb1488a5dc28b34ebcd653ff9797cf.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also Putin isn't really short
>inb4 9 foot tall heels

>> No.10636525

>doubling down like the pussy faggot you are

>> No.10636544
File: 567 KB, 1536x2048, immanletnuel kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10636545

MSM shop
notice how you can't see her feet

>> No.10636549

(Immanuel Kant was 4 feet 11 inches = 149.86 centimeters tall )

>> No.10636551

Is this your first visit on this board? I like /lit/ mostly because the tone in which its posters post is more relaxed and sober, which in turn makes the silly hijinks all the funnier.

You’re just making an ass of yourself. Are you triggered because you’re short? Is that it?

It’s all a meme. Don’t take 4chan too seriously. Now please go back to whatever containment board you crawled out of.

>> No.10636556

>no ones dropped the Pope pill

>> No.10636565

Probably #2 after Xi Jinping (American presidents don't really count because muh checks and balances

>> No.10636583

>You’re just making an ass of yourself. Are you triggered because you’re short? Is that it?
It's either a self-hating short man or a /pol/tard that took the manlet/soyboy meme too seriously.

>> No.10636590
File: 15 KB, 155x200, KANT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kant pill is infinitely more destructive

>> No.10636609

lmao I don't give a fuck about someone being short or tall. Especially not some fucking dead dude who wrote the book I'm reading.

>> No.10636626

why would you out yourself as a dicklet?

>> No.10636634

its a /fit/izen being a sperg whose favorite book is by Mishima or Faulkner I can almost guarantee it

>> No.10636663

why are there so many autistic /fit/ lugheads on here now?

>> No.10636695

Because of pic related. /fit/izens are autistic by nature but due to their muscle mass they at least aren’t completely left behind by society, so they wish to expand their chances of being noticed by a qt grill by “becoming smart”.

>> No.10636794

dem mental gainz breh

>> No.10637953

He was a manlet as well, and was only good looking if you compare him with a goblin like Sartre. He was hardly a babe compared to someone actually good looking.

>> No.10637969

french girls do not give a fuck about height

>> No.10637970


>> No.10638033

Not looking forward to my superior genetics being devalued. I hope this shit is made illegal.

>> No.10638071

Taking mescaline and fucking thirteen year olds is still 'subversive' anon.

>> No.10638092

The Pope pill is more powerful because he slayed like a Chad

>> No.10638925

Manlet and intense Strabismus = no women will touch so lets exercise the brain muscles

>> No.10639521
File: 124 KB, 925x737, WomenRedpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The women mantra.

>> No.10639565

>She did that as a way of empowering those girls by making them own their sexuality since an early age.
So if you make something sound nice with leftist ideology, it's good?

>> No.10639586

Here is your board.
Half of that is self evidently untrue.
The average guy walking down the street with a gf looks like shit. Overweight, super skinny, bald, or balding.
The people that post things like in your image are literal shut in losers that are desperately searching for rationalisations to stave away the thought: I am a loser and it's my own fault.

>> No.10639593

t. soyboys
Physical strength and muscles are NEVER a weakness.

>> No.10639615

Shooting up heroin and going on a murder spree is also subversive, but that doesn't justify it.

>> No.10639630
File: 261 KB, 500x437, 1472923867608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys.. Kant was 5'0".

>> No.10639635

Daddy sammy...
I'm working hard to make /lit/ a red-pilled board

>> No.10639638

GILDED bait post

>> No.10639642


>> No.10639644

stop being heightist
also sartre is not at all known for being 'morbid'

>> No.10639658

this is dumb

>> No.10639681

Is this a teenager containment thread?

>> No.10639719

You may be joking but the amount of lanklet sperg in this thread is intriguing

>> No.10640873

All men are ugly. if you cant agree with this kys.

>> No.10640884

its scientific fact and been extensively documented via college studies and online dating surveys

>> No.10641188

But that doesn't empower anyone. It only brings destruction and more oppression.

>> No.10641309

Your reddit is showing

>> No.10641332

Yeah and being raped by an old dude at the age of 10 doesn't empower you either.

>> No.10641334

Worst thread I've ever seen on this board
/fitlit/ doesn't exist

>> No.10641354

6'2 is the perfect height. it's a requirement for high fashion modelling which is peak attractiveness. if you're less than 6'1 or at the least 6', you're hopeless.

>> No.10641396

Come on, what about me?!?! I am five foot eleven and a half!!

>> No.10642607
File: 74 KB, 800x534, CimetiereduMONTPARNA_preview-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this "manlet" scored more girls in a month than most men did in a month though.
His tomb is still covered in kisses.

>> No.10642652

>this "manlet" scored more girls in a month than most men did in a month though.
So upwards of one?

Congratulations for being promiscuous I guess, quite an accomplishment.

>> No.10642671

Are you talking about Alexander Pope? I'm going to need some details here, anon.

>> No.10642861

6'1 average reporting in

>> No.10642926

Because she did this yesterday.

>> No.10643036

>tfw 6'3" and 7" dick
Not everyone does it for those reasons. I'm getting a PhD because tfw no gf and tfw controlling parents who robbed me of my self confidence

>> No.10643039

why are you people here. this is a literature board

>> No.10643048

Is debating the motivations behind great literature not debating literature itself?

>> No.10643064

It's a meme, you dip

>> No.10643070

no its not fuck off. projecting your dumb autistic insecurities onto dead authors you know nothing about isnt debating. what you should instead debate is whether or not youre wasting your life with these dumb posts.

>> No.10643151

t. ugly dicklet

>> No.10643159

The state of this board
Thanks /fitlit/ self improvement memes

>> No.10643373
File: 29 KB, 470x211, when will they learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10643616

i cut my dick off just so people on the internet couldnt insult it

>> No.10644814
File: 71 KB, 500x352, IMG_1651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots I'm cool get cucked soyboys I will faggot beat faggot all your asses t. numale faggot fucking cuck bro I have sex!!!! Faggot manlets kys faggot ass bitch cuck soy! You fags fag fag I'm a REAL MAN I am manly fag I am manly fag ass bitch boy cucksoy faggggot fag bitch!!!! Manlet fag kek fag kill yourself fag scum cum cuck fuck fag! Real man manly eee eeeee a woo a woo aaaaaaa eeeeeeeee uuuuuuu ooooooog aaaaaaa huuuuuuuuur duuuuuuuuur huuuuuuur!

>> No.10644832
File: 478 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who takes pride in something they had no control over is pathetic desu. I am 6'3" and you don't see me getting an ego boost because of that. If there is a universal definition of real men, I'm sure that a "real man" is too busy taking pride in virtues he actually developed instead of justifying himself because he's tall.

>> No.10645069


>> No.10645122

>Mom I posted it again!