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10632965 No.10632965 [Reply] [Original]

Think carefully before answering.

If you could get everyone in the world to read THREE BOOKS what would they be?

Explain what change they would bring in the world and why.

>> No.10632978

>The Iliad
>Don Quixote
i don't feel any need to explain myself

>> No.10632985

The meme trilogy. Most people wouldn’t learn anything or give a fuck even if I forced them to read fantastic books so I might as well just fuck with them.

>> No.10632987

Three short books/essays

>The Law by Frederic Bastiat
Will make people question the legal system

>Industrial Society and its Future aka the Unabomber Manifesto
Will make people question technology

>Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
Will make people question the government

If everyone stayed home and read all three of these today, there would be a revolution tomorrow.

>> No.10632997

>Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race
To tear down racism
>The Second Sex
To tear down sexism
>The God Delusion
To inspire faith in science, not religion

>> No.10633000

You're not even trying

>> No.10633003


>> No.10633020

i'd probably get everyone to read something about generally waking up and thinking a bit more critically.

'bad science' by ben goldacre will dispel a lot of shit about nutrition, medicine and health supplements.

in terms of media, noam chomsky would be a good start since it's easy. something like 'manufacturing consent'.

last i'd say 'meditations', just to get everyone to calm down.

>> No.10633024

What a waste. Might as well be Harry Potter and Twilight.

>> No.10633030
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Plato's Parmenides but they have to read it three times

>> No.10633050

>A Boy's Own Story
>The Gay Science

>> No.10633057

I'm interested to know what change this is meant to bring about.

>> No.10633061

the bible
critique of pure reason

>> No.10633066

>The International Jew or Culture of Critique
Will make people question mainstream media

>The Killing of History or Silencing the Past
Will people make question popular history

>Hitler's Revolution
Will people make more conscious about National Socialism

If everyone stayed home and read all three of these this week, there would be a holocaust this year

>> No.10633068

The first two would develop his analytical faculties, the last would make him a ginormous faggot.

>> No.10633073

Wouldn't that be the middle one?

>> No.10633078

>The Bluest Eye
To show how depressingly logical violence always is.

>Brave New World
To show that there's no difference between slaves of pleasure and slaves of freedom.

>No Longer Human
Because not many people read stories without bullshit in them.

>> No.10633081

Edmund White is a great writer and therefore straight as an arrow. Nietzche's gay.

>> No.10633082

*rolls eyes*

>> No.10633091

I think the Holocaust Industry might be taken more seriously than then International Jew or CoC.

>> No.10633107

>best two answers ITT
>first two answers
>Ulysses in both
Is Ulysses, dare I say, the finest book ever penned?

>> No.10633110

It's not important, if they are forced to read it anyway

>> No.10633128


>> No.10633135

>Rehtoric by Aristotle
>On the Theory of Games and Economics by Jon von Neuman
>Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard

I think thats a pretty rounded base, thoughts?

>> No.10633136

>>Industrial Society and its Future aka the Unabomber Manifesto
If they have at least half a brain it will only make them question the author's sanity

>> No.10633137

asked this question on reddit and it's 99% science fiction and required high school reading

proving that most redditors don't read anything past high school other than shit like hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, calvin and hobbes, and how to win friends.

>> No.10633144

Trying to fit in: the post

>> No.10633155

Two dogmas of empiricism
The conscious mind by Chalmers
The Odissey

>> No.10633156

you should be banned for such a low effort b8

>> No.10633159

The Cheese Monkeys, World War Z, and The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Wean people off art school, zombies, and Shakespeare and they’ll be good to go.

>> No.10633169

That is literally the weakest argument one can present, even weaker than simply calling the author a faggot.

I mean, Heidegger joined the Nazi party, even the most liberal academics managed to separate that part of his life from his work, because they figured his ideas should be judged on merit. That's right, liberals managed to put aside a Nazi's personal life and assess his ideas--which could well be politically motivated--independently.

You're accusing people of lacking the intelligence to question the author, not even his motives, but the author's character.

But the most important thing of all here is that you can't provide any evidence that there was anything wrong with the author. You're yet another person that cannot form an argument so spouts this dismissive drivel.

This is the oldest trick in the book: calling someone crazy as a form of censorship. Best thing about it is its virality, it worked on you, and you regurgitate it whenever you see the book mentioned.


>> No.10633173

> Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence
Starter kit for useful thinking, Walden is too dense for everyone in the world rn.

> Fahrenheit 251
So people learn to be more sensitive to information and medium, coupled with their information consumption habits,

> Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
So people build a solid real relationship with eating. It doesn't assume you know a huge amount but goes into rigorous detail.

I'm assuming that readership experience is similar to today, a little bit higher to compensate for the fact that people are forced to read the books.

>> No.10633174

just thought i'd point out the difference since i often hear people talking about reddit and 4chan in terms of the latest meme insults like soyboys and nu males but this is more tangible

>> No.10633177


>> No.10633178

It was more of an insult kiddo

>> No.10633179

Top Reddit books: The Hitchiker's Guide to The Circlejerk, Circlejerk 451, Circlejerk Farm, Brave New Circlejerk, Bury My Heart at Circlejerk, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Circlejerk, Infinite Circlejerk, A People's History of the Circlejerk, The Phantom Circlejerk, Circlejerk-Five, Where the Circlejerk Things Are, Interview with the Circlejerk, A Tale Of Two Circlejerks, The Lion, the Witch and the Circlejerk, and To Kill A Circlejerk

>> No.10633180
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Unironically Marx’s Capital. His groundwork for economic thought is actually pretty good, and understanding it would do wonders for society.
Confessions of St Augustine, since we need more Catholics.
Les Mis, just for the bit in the first part on philosophy not being any better than religion, and since the world would be better off if we had an understanding of fulfilment, as achieved by Jean Valjean

>> No.10633185

maybe you could help me, can you recommend some books like waldo and zen but more "advanced" since i've read both of those? thanks

>> No.10633189

>His groundwork for economic thought is actually pretty good
His economic thought is literally what everyone's been criticizing for the last century, if anything, it's his critique of the social impact of capitalism that's worth reading.

>> No.10633191

>White Identity
>The Bell Curve
No explanation needed.

>> No.10633198
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>/pol/ has invaded /lit/

>> No.10633213


Yeah, people kind of throw the guy out the window completely. His critique on capitalism is pretty on point, his solution on the other hand...

>> No.10633215

except that his economic thought and his criticism of capitalism are one and the same in every single instance of his writing. his entire work is critique: both of liberal ideologues and the capitalist society itself. economists have a problem with him because his theories aren't useful to predict phenomena but this does not matter, as they are a critique of political economy, not its theory. his labour theory of value has, if anything, been empirically supported and is logically even more concise.

>> No.10633222

well Marcuse criticizes capitalism in a similar manner, also fair (I read it as a libertarian and agreed), but his conclusion that we should destabilise power by liberating women, minority groups, and by effeminating men doesn't follow. Criticizing something isn't an argument for your case, since your case might lead to an even worse scenario.

>> No.10633225


>> No.10633226

>The Capital by Marx
Will stop all that bullshitting about Marx being a Communist
>Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche
People will get the concept of what it means to "philosophy"
>Negative Dialectics by Adorno
Modern Update to the previous books

>> No.10633227

>The Magic Mountain by Mann

>The Bible

>History of the Peloponnesian War

>> No.10633231

Depends on what your trying to learn about.
While I was reading Zen, I was trying to learn more about how thought interfaces with body, which I felt was at the crux of the romantic thought patterns in Pirsig's dialectic.
For that I read The Inner Game of Tennis by Timothy Gallwey and then a few other books that ultimately lead me to Mind is a Myth: Conversations with U.G. Krishnamurti. From there I'm working my way backwards now, using easier sources (Alan Watts mostly cause he was in a cool video game, Everything), towards understanding the ideas in mysticism/gnocism even if I don't buy into the whole world consciousness or archetypes.
I'm also reading quite a bit about faith (more the phenomenon rather than Faith with a capital F) now to get a better understanding before I try to tackle a work like Critique of Pure Reason.
Afraid I might not be able to help, I'm quite a pleb myself, still working on understanding a self help book.
What are you trying to learn about?

>> No.10633233

You can pretty much segment Marx's intellectual endeavours into 3 different stages, that of radical activist Marx, political theorist Marx and economic historian Marx. Truth be told, the last mentioned is by far the weakest.

>> No.10633242


I put capital on my list because being able to use exchange vs use value, profit being inherently exploitation of workers, historical materialism, and the dialectic(no matter how shaky the understanding) in conversation would massively improve the quality of discourse. I don’t think his ideas are perfect, and almost wholly disagree with his conclusions, but if his ideas were assumed knowledge that would go a long way towards improving public discourse.

>> No.10633248

>well Marcuse criticizes capitalism in a similar manner, also fair (I read it as a libertarian and agreed)

>but his conclusion that we should destabilise power by liberating women, minority groups, and by effeminating men doesn't follow.

Are you claiming that this is marx' conclusion?

>Criticizing something isn't an argument for your case, since your case might lead to an even worse scenario.

That is not true, capitalism was criticized immanently, it was criticized on the basis of its own proponents and its own workings; things weren't brought from the outside, from the world of ideas in order to attack it, it was attacked on its own merits and its own foundations. In short, capitalism is not the appropriate system to realize humanity, humanity's species-being and potential. Marx precisely didn't show a concise system of what will follow, merely certain principles on which society must function in order to truly realize humanity's species-being: to each according to his needs, from each according to his ability; the free association of producers; the reconciliation of the individual with personhood.

Marx simply thought that it was within capitalism itself that the new society would arise out of, because he had a lot of contact with revolutionary proletarians in Paris and Germany who were convinced of socialism before Marx himself was. He attempted to give the proletarian, socialist consciousness that existed at the time a 'scientific' and philosophical basis. Marx didn't just come up with communism on his own, out of nowhere, as an idealistic imperative - for him there was communism as a movement everywhere, within the proletarians, and that they inevitably would take over. Of course he was wrong about that, but I don't think that Marx offered solutions beyond what he thought was already-existing within proletarian movements.

>> No.10633249

>profit being inherently exploitation of workers
This is wrong
>historical materialism
This is also wrong

>> No.10633251

Was capitalism really and totally discarded by Marx though? I would argue it wasn't. This is sort of a meme point, but Marx was fascinated by its dynamism and the power of progress that lies within it

>> No.10633253

>This is wrong
This is true for logical reasons. Economists do not get that. Exploitation is not a moral category in capital.

>This is also wrong
It is a simplification and abstraction but it allows many correct insights through the simplification.

>> No.10633267

t. adorno

Yes it was. However, Marx criticized the idea that you could go behind capitalism ever again, that you could reverse its destruction of tradition, morality, even philosophy, social cohesiveness and harmony of the medieval times - like many thinkers at his time were unaware of, including Hegel. He also thought that capitalism created the seeds for a truly emancipated society precisely *through* the destruction and disunity in society it caused wherever it went as well as the technological and productive expansion it allowed. But no, Marx did not think that capitalism itself was good.

>> No.10633269

What do you mean "true for logical reasons"?

>> No.10633273

The Neverending Story
Thus spoke Zarathustra
Jungs Aion

This selection, I think, provides something both to the philosophically minded, as well as to people who read stories (((for entertainment))), without knowing that they are constructing their own understanding of reality in this way. Also it addresses the value of the christian heritage, the problem of the death of god and contextualizes the modern subjects search for meaning.

I feel bad about not recommending Hegel's science of logic, but it's not like you could magically make normies understand what he's talking about just by forcing them to read it. Along that same line of reasoning, Educators who think like >>10632978 are the reason children learn to hate poetry.
Even putting Aion might already be stretching it, but I've always found Jung's writing to be exceptionally concise and easy to understand considering the subject matter he tackles.

>> No.10633279

Every single form of wealth in society is either the result of labour or exists within nature itself. You cannot have wealth without labour. Capital and private ownership is the command over the fruits of labour, its accumulation, the accumulation of wealth and capital, is thus simply appropriation of labour. It merely appears in capitalist society as if labour is not the source of wealth due to commodity fetishism.

>> No.10633284

The argument that profit is best understood as the difference between a worker’s output and the company’s income isn’t an incorrect idea. Marx decides to say this is exploitation.
I don’t agree with the exploitation part, but understanding this is where profit comes from is important knowledge.

>> No.10633309

>Every single form of wealth in society is either the result of labour or exists within nature itself.
>Capital and private ownership is the command over the fruits of labour, its accumulation, the accumulation of wealth and capital, is thus simply appropriation of labour.
But that's wrong. The capitalist is the one who creates the condition for the worker to work in the first place.
I somewhat agree but wouldn't profit best understood as its much simpler definition classic definition of return - cost? Obviously the workers are part of the cost for the capitalist.

>> No.10633311

I made a fuckton of typos, sorry.

>> No.10633315
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>But that's wrong. The capitalist is the one who creates the condition for the worker to work in the first place.

You mean through his capital that is itself the result of labour? The capitalist does not exist in a vacuum, like an alien who comes out of nowhere with a work opportunity; he has appropriated societal work at one point, has become its owner and master over it, and yes, uses that capital to create conditions in which workers can work. But in this process, more wealth is created by the worker and appropriated by the capitalist.

>> No.10633326

But understanding that profit isn’t an intrinsic result of business helps with arguments for things like higher taxation to fund a UBI(or social dividend). Pure Capitalism has trouble justifying things like social support nets without an external justification.

>> No.10633356


appropriation implies it is seized against the will of the worker.

>> No.10633371
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The historical process is already mediated through a continual competition for that position of influence. Give your average Joe a million dollars and he is going to lose it all within a couple years.
The stability of the social structure, with both its liberating and its oppressive elements, within which production chains exist, is reliant upon the discrimination (read, the distinction) between individuals who have the ability and the outlook required to work with wealth in a sensible way and people who should never have a large amount of capital because they wouldn't know what to do with it and would simply end up being exploited.

Re-distributing wealth seemingly gets rid of the hierarchy, with both those parts of it which are justified through differences in competence and those which are not, but the hierarchy of economic understanding still exists. In the ensuing free for all, the capital which you have given into the hands of incompetents is going to be appropriated by the most vile, corrupt parasites of the bunch, whereas even people who are merely competent will be hard pressed to compete if they hold on to their principles, and you will have created a true Hobbesian war of all against all scenario.

The solution to social inequality is cleansing the social structure of its corrupt elements, while still maintaining the hierarchical structure and giving people a better education and helping them to overcome their materialism/hedonism memes.

>> No.10633378
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I shall divide my recommendations between two groups of people.
For the sheep:
>The ConsolationS of Philosophy
>Tom Brown's Schooldays
>Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil
For my minions, or "wolves", who will assist me:
>The Unique One and His Property
>The Complete Works of the Marquis de Sade
>The Immoralist
And lastly, there shall be the curators, my closest companions, who are already sufficiently cultured that they have no need of explicit recommendation. Instead, they will bring their own minds, fresh with its own experiences, to the table. In a world destroyed by the new slave-doctrines, it is necessary to spare some the deluge.

>> No.10633386

A Naked Lunch
American Psycho
Mr. Grumpy

>> No.10633395

I don't see the benefit of this regression in which a capitalist (or a person) has no right to his possessions because at one point in history somebody got exploited. Also while "capital" is itself the result of labor, money, which is a fiction representation of wealth, not always is. An obvious example: loans.
What I meant with "the capitalist creates the condition l for the workers to work" are two things. First: the capitalist is almost always a "worker" himself. In small and medium businesses for example the capitalist has some function in the productive chain.
Second: the "capitalist" isn't a single class. If I'm a construction worker and I invest 1000 dollars in a business and at the end of the year I get 1100 dollars in return, I am, in fact, a capitalist, because I'm buying part of the means of production.
What do you mean with "profit isn’t an intrinsic result of business"?

>> No.10633432

why did this make me laughs so hard

>> No.10633445

Loana are spéculation on wealth production. It's not about the capitalist having a right or not, in capitalism he sure has, everything is lawful, but capitalism itself in its totality deserves to be overthrown. The issue isn't that wealth has to be redistributed to their rightful owners, although that often is alright, and as that other gentleman has said, yes, it is true that a poor person would lose all his money immediately and there is a skill involved in the accumulation of capital. But all of these are past the real point. The real point is that capitalism as a totality, as a system, is such that it reproduces itself precisely through this appropriation of wealth. It functions only when some capitalist is appropriating wealth and using the capital appropriately, it only functions when few people have power over many. The completely different society would allow human society to reproduce itself without the need of capital accumulation in a few hands; it's about changing the entire rules of how wealth is created and preserved. Either we change evergreen or we are stuck with this situation and misinterpret wealth and power inequality as necessary merely because it is necessary to reproduce this kind of society.

A brilliant and skilled person should no doubt have a bigger part in the wealth of society before post-scarcity reasons. But the only thing that justifies 50% of the world's wealth being in the hands of a few individuals is that it works in order to employ people and create wealth within the edifice of capitalism.

>> No.10633448

"will" and "subject" means nothing

>> No.10633450

and nothing is being.

>> No.10633451

>The Road to Wigan Pier
to get people to understand the logical fallacies of extreme socialism
>The Trial
to get a sense of what livning in a society based on the logical fallacies of extreme socialism would feel like
>Atlas shrugged
To see that capitalists can be idiots too

>> No.10633499

Why would I want to let people read three of the same books? I would want them to read different books.

>> No.10633501

>Atlas Shrugged
>The Virtue of Selfishness
>Human Action or something similar

>> No.10633502
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Except I would keep them for myself

>> No.10633503

culture of critique
moby dick
blood meridian

>> No.10633600

funny how people who don't explain their choices give these weird lists that basically mean "these are 3 books i like"

>> No.10633625

>his labour theory of value has, if anything, been empirically supported and is logically even more concise

Kids, this is your brain on ideology

>> No.10633626

Why the magic mountain?

>> No.10633686

The Catcher in the Rye three times

Once as a child
Once as a teenager
Once as an adult

>> No.10633735

Thats not very helpful lol

>> No.10633938

for obvious reasons
>Industrial Society and its Future
for obvious reasons
for obvious reasons

One day we'll be a peaceful, spiritual society with minimal technology.

>> No.10633981

The God delusion
> obvious
Animal farm
> obvious
Illegal wars
> especially for amerifags

>> No.10634004

>Illegal wars
>especially for amerifags

Sounds like someone is jealous that he can't participate in the preservation of the noble tradition of imperialism.

>> No.10634009

It appears you got me.

>> No.10634010

(you) happy

>> No.10634012

The Bible
-Best book ever written
Rights of Man
-Changed my life
Anna Karenina
My favourite novel

>> No.10634016

The fully enlightened world breathes disaster triumphant

>> No.10634046

The Brothers Karamazov
A collection of Freud's works
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

>> No.10634139

You forgot The Circlejerk In The Rye

>> No.10634406

some German got a national prize for a study of that kind

>> No.10634867

The Old Testament
The New Testament
The Book of Mormon

>> No.10634875

Bush is out of office and the 2000s are over. You can move on now bud

>> No.10634890

The Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu)
The gay science (Nietzsche)
The greatest poet in your country language

>> No.10634895

The Bible
Brothers Karamazov
Paradise Lost
hopefully turns degenerate leftists on to age old religious and mythological ethics

>> No.10634921

Der Steppenwolf

>> No.10635293 [DELETED] 

Very short books that could be read in a day or 2.
How to live with through wisdom.
>Eudemenian Ethics
How to live with through the golden mean.
>Man's Search for Meaning
How to live through meaning. And why the extreme right is bad.

>The Gulag Archipelago
Why extreme left is bad.

>> No.10635314

Very short books that could be read in a day or 2.
How to live through wisdom.
>Eudemenian Ethics
How to live through the golden mean.
>Man's Search for Meaning
How to live through meaning. And why the extreme right is bad.

>The Gulag Archipelago
Why extreme left is bad.

>> No.10635343

You found these through Peterson didn;t you?

>> No.10635355


>> No.10635374

The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
A Confession
Being and Time

>> No.10635381

excellent counterbait.

>> No.10635537

>A book that introduces natural and human history, from Big Bang to today, with invitations to philosophy, science (physics, astronomy, chemestry, biology, geology) and math
>A book that introduces to visual arts, lit, music, films. Art and communication. And its relations with human relationships.
>A book that teaches english very well

Knowing english and interested i human culture, humanity will be educated and will look for more (because there is, by far, more books, pages, works, creations... resources in English) .

>> No.10635622

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10635640

Fucking prick JUSTIFY your answers.

>> No.10635654

Battlefield Earth
The Invaders Plan

>> No.10635751

>The Bible
>The Quaran
>The God Delusion

Interested in seeing what would happen to society.

>> No.10636774

How did it change your life?

>> No.10636850
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>principia discordia
>my beautiful dark twisted world
>the very hungry caterpillar

>> No.10637159


>> No.10637166

>Genealogy of Morals
>The Origin of Species
and then pass out AK's and molotovs to everyone

>> No.10637442

Instead of 3 books to change the world, what everyone needs is 3 trans-psychedelic acid trips.

>> No.10637565

Mine are pretty self explanatory:
My Twisted World - Elliot Rodger
The Way of Men - Jack Donovan
Technological Slavery - Ted Kaczynski

>> No.10637704

The Present Age by Kierkegaard
Understanding Media by McLuhan
The Holy Bible by God

>> No.10637742


>> No.10637779

Why doesn't the monkey go to the library?

>> No.10637787


>> No.10637979
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The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
>make people consider god, or a higher power, and the benefits of Christian values
>would make people read the Bible more closely, whether out of interest or just to understand TBK more
>the reason I say this instead of The Bible is because 1) people would read the Bible more anyway and 2) most bible-bashing atheist edgelords' arguments are addressed in the form of Ivan's increased faith, and reading serious literary fiction like TBK makes scientific minded people interpret the Bible more from a literary standpoint instead of a "this isn't physically possible lmao" standpoint
>Dostoevsky, more so than others, at least in my experience, builds an extremely strong sense of empathy in me. Empathy for people suffering, people with differing opinions, and more. More so than almost any other writer. TBK would increase people's empathy overall, perhaps.

Ulysses by James Joyce
>an extremely deep work of art, a true masterpiece, and this fact alone would set a strong artistic and intellectual standard for humanity, sparking a golden age
>to dissect such a colossal masterpiece through rigorous study, absorbing the innumerable life lessons, is one of the most rewarding experiences imaginable
>it's highly rereadable, getting better each time, making it a great go-to novel in every home
>would increase reading of prerequisites such as Homer and Shakespeare, which are also candidates for this list

Aristotles complete works
>everyone in the world having a strong grounding in philosophy would be great
>would make them study Plato and other philosophy more

>> No.10638003


>> No.10638082
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>> No.10638095
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Why read three when you only need one?

>> No.10638104

Pseud spotted. Please kys

>> No.10638116

Sorry kiddo, the person cannot be removed from the work. Ted's work is great because he was active. I don't fully understand how Heideggar's affiliations with the NSDAP was relevant to his work, but ignoring that is literally LITERALLY misinterpreting the entirety of his work and phenomenology before even giving it a read. Like, if you do this, you are beyond salvation.

>> No.10638141

kys last man

>> No.10638146


>> No.10638149


>> No.10638156

Thus Spoke Zaratustra (Nietzche)
Starship Troops (Heinlein)
Diplomacy (Henry Kissinger)

>> No.10638168
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>has to choose three books to define humanity
>chooses a short science fiction novel

>> No.10638196

>That's right, liberals managed to put aside a Nazi's personal life and assess his ideas--which could well be politically motivated--independently.

You are a fucking lier. Until today I see a bunch of leftist garbage saying shit about Heidggers work because of his affiliation with the NSDAP. Forgetting the fact that he, A) left the party lately, B) dosent change his value as a writter and/or philosopher.

I wanna hear the same shit from Schimitt with such a strait face like that.

>> No.10638239

>implying Starship Troops is a simple short sci-fi novel

Try harder. I know you know damm well the truth.

Seeing that people have been posting their explanations on why they choose certain books, may I correct myself;

>Thus Spoke Zaratustra (Nietzche)
For people to learn their limiteless potencial and that they are the only ones responsible for their own reason on why to live.

>Starship Troopera (Heinlein)
For people to understand the meaning of citizenship and how/why to learn the reason warfare and the ability to use weapons for your own or others defense isen't something to be looked down upon.

>Diplomacy (Henry Kissinger)
Understanding the relations between humana groups (in the form of states) and their historical factors to develop a more healthy international community and inter-group relations.

In a decade or less, we can have a unified humano race and them go fuck the xenos in space with these books.

>> No.10638262
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>doesn’t even understand the books he’s recommending
Sci fi stemfag autism? Star ship truper deep booke

>> No.10638270

Get out bug supporter! REEEE
I am too dumb to be such a thing.

>> No.10638278

lol everyone reading any three books would not change shit

>> No.10638279

Adam Smith came up with labor theory of value.

Or is marx's different?

>> No.10638314

B-but anon... If they read different translations?
This happened with the Bible.

>> No.10638367

>implying even 1% of the earth's population would be able to understand any of this

i dont even necessarily disagree with you, but i wouldnt recommend negative dialectics to anyone who doesnt have at least college-level experience in philosophy/critical theory. i took a whole class on the frankfurt school and i hardly understand that shit

>> No.10638501

>I'm pretty sure nothing interesting happened before this war
t. Thucydides

>> No.10638567

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
For the anxious

The Wind Up Bird chronicle
For the depressed.

Infinite jest
For the type A control freaks

>> No.10638598

This is a good one, cause it feels pulpy and extreme as a kid and heightens the impact of events. As a teen the reader is peer minded and will either challenge or adapt to Holden's outlook

And then as an adult wisdom and a smarter mind show you the missing details, and you've lived enough life to jushe the book on your experiemce

>> No.10638656

the bible

Shakespeare: complete works

the complete 190 volumes of the hardy boys (bound in one book super small font)

>> No.10638797

now that's a plot twist i approve of

>> No.10638837

>Works and Days
>Prometheus Bound

>Cooking for Dummies
>Cleaning for Dummies
>Child-rearing for Dummies

>> No.10638863

Damn you better put down that edge my friend or you may cut someone

>> No.10639258

Those aren't leftists they are Jews.

>> No.10639278

>slaves of freedom

>> No.10639284
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10/10 made me kek

>> No.10639336

He's just being edgy for the sake of it. I actually find it refreshing; overly edgy is more palatable to me than overly pretentious after reading through most of the shit in this thread.

>> No.10639346

>That is literally the weakest argument one can present
I hate it when you guys say things like this. It's just an insult, not an argument. Who's more pathetic, the guy who just calls you an idiot, or the guy who desperately twists being called an idiot into some kind of strawman that implicates the other party as failing in a debate just so they can weasel out of being insulted? Get some fucking self awareness, my God.

If you really took it as an argument rather than a fast offhand slapdown, you should have just told him why he was wrong anyway. For example, I haven't read that book, maybe I'd like to know more about it. But I didn't learn anything about it because you "defended" it by doing nothing more than talking shit about the other guy, which, by the way, makes you a hypocrite. The only difference between you and him is that you used more words. May as well have just called him dumb and been done with it.

>> No.10639381

necc urself

>> No.10639394

I'll preface this be saying that I absolutely despise the concepts of modern communism and I find it to be (For lack of a better description) fundamentally retarded at a basic level.

That being said, Marx himself isn't really to blame for that, it's his words being twisted by lesser intellects that has caused such a problem, the kind of people he quite seriously cannot understand that structural inertia in governing is borderline inevitable. The basic flowchart of Communism goes something like this: Destabilize and topple state -> Be stateless -> Okay that doesn't fucking work, let's establish a temporary state or something (It's never temporary, and this is also where it becomes "Not true communism." because Communism is fundamentally an anarchic type perspective, meaning it's already failed from here on out.) -> State needs to be totalitarian to enforce the basic ideas of Communism because people won't stop trying to establish capital unless you put a bullet in their head -> It's a shithole -> Collapse -> But it was Authoritarianism and not Communism so let's try again.

My issue with it is that I've never heard of a single situation either real or hypothetical where it genuinely seemed like a stable system, except for maybe some kind of primitive communal tribalism. Tribes can have something akin to Communism because the dynamics there are emergent based on social bonds, and are therefore self-regulating; you do things for the tribe or else you will be ashamed, they give you the resources you need because you need them. Perfect. But this primitive and basic regulation can only be done for very small groups and can't be used for any kind of industrial society, it simply doesn't scale properly, like an ant becoming the size of a skyscraper, at that size the exoskeleton will collapse in on itself. I can see no solution that doesn't require state intervention, and that's ALWAYS a recipe for disaster that additionally violates the basic concepts at play.

>> No.10639452

>It's just an insult, not an argument
Wrong. Calling someone crazy is an insult, saying I shouldn't read a book because a crazy person wrote is an argument, and a fallacious one.

>> No.10639467
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reding comprenshon

>> No.10639469

oh wait, i was the retard

>> No.10639500

But who gets the idea that becomes reality first? The capitalist. It's the engineer that designs a bridge, the fact that workers follow instructions to build it is irrelevant. They wouldn't be building it without the person that birthed the idea

>> No.10639512


> money is a fictional representation of wealth

Somebody hasn’t read Marx

>> No.10639533

And even if they were jews, this dosen't change the fact that they are leftists.
And there is a ton of leftards who aren't jews or anything and have prejudice against Heidegger and so on.

>> No.10639695

Since you insulted me, I now see that those books are trash. I have no reason for thinking that, but since you (probably) do, I will no longer consider them good and insult others with the same tastes. Thanks dude

>> No.10639908

>The Book of Disquiet
I'm convinced this book could bring about world peace.

>The Elements of Style
With the world full of cancerous comments, the least people can do is improve the way they look. Saying less would also be good for some people.

>Watt by Samuel Beckett
Both short in length and girth. This book will fuck most people into insanity and the rest into boredom. There's a rambling monologue near the middle that lasts for twenty four pages and doesn't advance either the character or the story.

>> No.10639989


>> No.10639995

Man and his Symbols
Take psilocybin mushrooms, fuck books

>> No.10640449

best answer in the thread

>> No.10642519

Listen here Bucko

>> No.10642538


>Plato's Symposium
>Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals
>Epictetus' Manual

First is beautiful, second is true, third is useful.

>> No.10642544

This basically.

>> No.10642545

kill yourself

>> No.10643362

that is wrong. pure capitalism has trouble justifying things like social support nets, because it uses utility theory - which can only be considered from an ordinal perspective and not cardinal.

Not because "profit isn't an intrinsic result of business."


Capitalism was not criticized on the bases of it's own workings. Marx did a heavy bit of hand-waving, and inserting terms economists don't even remotely know how to characterize but apparently the "all father" Marx knew exactly how to characterize.

If he WERE to criticize it "from the inside", he would make something like the Allias paradox to show that decision-making purely on the basis of utility theory can be faulty at times: particularly with regards to the transitivity axiom.

Instead he shouted "EXPLOITATION" from the heavens, and made a tin-foil hat theory. A theory which can be virtually applied to everything under the sun; so how do we know what ISN'T exploitation?

The end result is we get a bunch of brainlets claiming "that's not socialism" every time it fails.

>> No.10643430
File: 46 KB, 500x479, 1516846777632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This advance shit post deserves a begrudging (You)

>> No.10643451

>if i use big words maybe people will think im smart

>> No.10643462

Guns, Germs and Steel
Selfish Gene
Elegant Universe
More people should understand how the world actually works.

>> No.10643476

Thanks, Johann

>> No.10643554

Godel, Escher, Bach
Life 3.0
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

It would lead to people understanding themselves and the direction of our society in relation to technology in a way that would make more likely a transhumanist utopia where spirituality is not discarded, woo is ignored, reason reigns supreme and we are radically free, even capable of altering our morphology and minds at will (we might even decide when and how to die).

>> No.10643575

The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and the Sophists
Complete Works of Plato
Complete Works of Aristotle

>> No.10643581

1.) Anthem
2.) The Fountainhead
3.) Atlas Shrugged

>> No.10643585


>> No.10643599

>he could literally significantly improve the word's education in one throw
>he picks meme shit that people won't even be able to read properly

>> No.10643723

>he implies the pseud rebellion is correct
wake up
it's time to stop teaching kids to be retards

>> No.10643739

Most people wouldn't understand the books posted so far.

For giggles I would pick:

>A compresive book on english grammar, vocab, with listening exercises
>The Communist Manifesto (simple English version / localized for dummies version)
>The Bible (new English translation)

Reinvented the world.

>> No.10643745

*education, utility edition
Basic Mathematics, Lang OR What is Mathematics?, Courant
Principles of Economics, Mankiw
Code: the Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

*education, anti-retard edition
On Writing Well
Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide

*societal collapse edition
The Unique and Its Property
The Conspiracy against the Human Race
Divine Proportions: Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry

>> No.10643764

You’re a fucking tard. If profit is viewed as exploitation(and not a moral good/intrinsic result), it becomes a lot easier to do something like hike taxes to pay for a basic income. The materialistic approach taken in modern philosophy is a given, and you need to be able to work within that framework.

>> No.10643766

If someone told me this was the opening lines for the Vagina Monologues, I'd have no problem believing them.

>> No.10643767

Also, do you wanna know how I know you’re majoring in business, economics, or finance?

>> No.10643778

Yeesh. Honestly, how many berets do you own, and have you ever worn one in public unironically?

>> No.10643782


>> No.10643784

Infinite Jest
Inherent Vice
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10643785

>Implying postmodernism is here to stay

>> No.10643806

To circlejerk or not to circlejerk. It's an easy chose.

>> No.10643807

Gesture drawing by glenn villpu
Fun with a pencil by andrew loomis
And uhhhhhhhhhh the sonic comics

>> No.10643834

Who the fuck believes in "pure capitalism" besides a bunch of american right wingers.

>> No.10643853

You make the assumption that the economy is a zero sum game. I don't understand how can you say that capitalism is inherently exploitative in light of the fact that wealth inequality has been massively reduced in western Europe since ww2 thanks to capitalism. Isn't a capitalist system with intelligent social and welfare measures like in Germany or France (or even Italy, even though they're in a bad situation right now) the best type of economic system?

>> No.10643897

> implying it’ll leave in your lifetime

A fair few people, including Marx.

>> No.10644083

Berets? Why do you think I'm an ideologue?

>> No.10644355

Why does everyone post this shitty artist so much

>> No.10644807

The Call of the Wild - Jack London

A Simple Plan - Scott B. Smith

Blood Meridian - Cormac Mccarthy

The only reason being to make people enjoy reading.

>> No.10644856

Why Rhetoric ?

>> No.10644874

Gr8 list until the end m8, half of Aristotles corpus of work is dated and irrelevant for most people. Try again but with a different Greek

>> No.10645097

>Montaigne's Essays
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Moby Dick

These books all have something to say about human frailty and madness, and in the end hopefully teach people to live lives that are sober but not austere, pleasurable but not hedonistic, and passionate but not idealistic.

>> No.10645111

Butchers crossing

>> No.10645146

Interesting that you have Montaigne there. Why in particular? Which of his essays do you recommend?

>> No.10645151

>The Gulag Archipelago
to ensure everyone kills themselves to avoid the tedium of slogging through that book

>> No.10645365

To an average person, the Essays are pretty digestible, and they can easily pace themselves with just one a day. Even with all the Latin quotes and historical references, Montaigne in my eyes is pretty unpretentious in the sense that he talks to the reader like a friend who just has something to say about life. Montaigne had a pretty good head on his shoulders, and in the end he's all about having a healthy love of life in classic renaissance humanist style. No gimmicks, just a guy who wants to talk about humanity with honesty and from experience.

From the top of my head, some personal favorites are "On Solitude" and "That We Laugh and Cry at the Same Thing", I'm missing the ones I really thought were the best, I just forgot the names.

>> No.10645384

Game of Thrones.

>> No.10645423

I wouldn't say fulfilment for Jean Valjean who has been running away from justice and society all his life, never had any kind of romantic relationship, chased by javert and thenardier, got his little girl stolen from him at the end and died from the sadness it caused him. Maybe courage, dignity, determination but not fulfilment

>> No.10646114

>The Disaster Artist