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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 115 KB, 1123x794, darkenlightenmentvisualtrichotomy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10631252 No.10631252 [Reply] [Original]

>puts down a yukio mishima novel
>cracks open the latest Nick Land tweet
>downloads a cum town podcast
>goes to Catholic mass to see if he feels anything
>waits three months for a text from his friends from high school, checking in again to see if he's still alive
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to ignore all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how bad the new rap album is
>stays at home and grinds his own coffee beans
>downloads a pirated pdf and hard copy of the latest houellebecq novel but listens to it on audiobook during his commute
>thinks about how he should probably start lifting four times a week
>talks about how awful life as a STEMfag with literary interests is
>doesn't buy a groupon and wisely saves his money
>fantasizes about moving to Montana and living off the land like Kaczynski
How does /lit/ feel about the rising trend of middlebrow reactionaries?

>> No.10631289

Spot on but Ive learned to how achieve what I want..

>> No.10631295

that's just life you nerd.
your image should really read:
Ethnic Nationalists=the poor
Techno-Commercialiss=Post-modern reaity.

>> No.10631349

Oh God this is hitting way too close to home

>> No.10631369

>>fantasizes about moving to Montana and living off the land like Kaczynski

this really hits close to home. all i want is a place to fuck off to innawoods. and also to bomb apple stores and shit

>> No.10631376

What does "exit" mean?

>> No.10631382

is this a thinly veiled attack on frogtwitter?

>> No.10631386

what does race realism mean?

>> No.10631392
File: 42 KB, 480x542, 1511238379397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is hitting close to home

>> No.10631398

basically, "you are right to fear brown people".

>> No.10631404

>puts down a yukio mishima novel
>goes to Catholic mass to see if he feels anything
>waits three months for a text from his friends from high school, checking in again to see if he's still alive
>tries to ignore all the oscar nominees each year

>> No.10631405

>listing things that people do but without explaining why they are bad

this is the worst meme

>> No.10631439

>>listing things that people do but without explaining why they are bad

>> No.10631547
File: 249 KB, 921x768, epe3uAmqJH3qNESLrlLWxz2LiZepenyz5GqQCSz5RjY[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's kick this up a notch

>> No.10631557

>tfw hair is nice and not fucked up
heh, almost had me but I can't relate to this meme pic at all nice try faggot

>> No.10631565

>Oscar nominees
>rap album

These don't fit

>> No.10631566
File: 41 KB, 762x160, 1511448733351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10631571

literally me except with tiny little BEADY ANGLO eyes

>> No.10631572

I am diagnosed though. OCD and depression. Plus Iv'e had sex ;). What's the difference between me and "undiagnosed mental illness virgins"

>> No.10631575

can't stand cum town, it's that dude's fucking annoying laugh

>> No.10631587

>maintenance guy says he sees me reading a lot, asks me if I have a lot of books
>say I only read a couple at a time but I have a bunch
>he says cool, then leaves
>as he's leaving I say it (the book I just read) was pretty good

is it too late for me /lit/?

>> No.10631598


Race realism and its cute cousin "Human Bio-Diversity" are just huge blanket terms covering basically anything that doesn't amount to "there are no races, only social constructs".

At first this seems all too easy to counter, since skin-deep is not a good telltale sign (even if it could somewhat be used as one) of literally any social/biological factor other than, well, skin color. However, claiming that there is no significant differences among human populations which developed far away from each other for quite a long time, AND also accounting for social life and other phenotype-ish factors, is really bold and has little scientific backing. It was already noted that treating genders the same way in medical studies results in over and under-medication of females, and it might be the case for other variables as well, race being only one of them. Emphasis on "might' because apparently even studying this is a sin, which is where the real problem lies with some of the constructivist folks.

In the end there's also the silly brain mismatchings you are forced to make when taking the stance of "everyone is the same except for skin color", such as accepting that birds of the same size, beak shape, color and able to reproduce with each other are actually different species and that Rottweilers, Pitbulls and wolves are different breeds even if they can reproduce with each other. To sum it up, I'd say "race realism" is a red herring to give a name to a nuisance biology has come up with, without calling it "biology" and losing the common ground with science at last.

>> No.10631600

>thinly veiled

>> No.10632303

Don't disrespect stav. His laugh makes the show.

>> No.10632365

The medical community does study this though, that's why asians have a lower recommended BMI range, being black is considered a risk factor for high blood pressure, white people are screened more often for skin cancer, etc.

>> No.10632369

>Tries to ignore all the oscar nominees each year
>Doesn't buy a Groupon and wisely saves his money
>Fantasizes about moving to Montana and living off the land like Kaczynski
These are bad things?

>> No.10632414


>> No.10632502

Everything except the hair

>> No.10632521

that list started falling apart pretty quickly

>> No.10633397

>deep heritage

lol and what is this?