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10630126 No.10630126 [Reply] [Original]

Test your writing skills

Write about the first time you saw your oneitis

>> No.10630138

There you were, at my hearts door
Singing the song, i swooned for you
But there I was, honest and dear
And so were you, you put me on my rear.

>> No.10630152

never did
and never will
t b h
my life is chill

>> No.10630157

Six foot six he stood on the ground
He weighed two hundred and thirty-five pounds
But I saw that giant of a man brought down
To his knees by love
He was the kind of man that would gamble on luck
Look you in the eye and never back up
But I saw him crying like a little whipped pup
Because of love
You can't see it with your eyes, hold it in your hands
But like the wind it covers our land
Strong enough to rule the heart of any man
This thing called love
It can lift you up never let you down
Take your world and turn it around
Ever since time nothing's ever been found
That's stronger than love

>> No.10630159

Danced in the light
But it was just a fright
Ill leave you alone tonight

>> No.10630178
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I never saw one.
Instead, I found a nice girl.
We explored our bodies together, enjoyed our teen years, discovered our place in the world.
Too bad she left after 4 years claiming I could never love anyone...

Did that count?

>> No.10630191

You asked
You got me
We played
We danced
We cried
Now here I am
Sitting alone
Wondering why
I was never really your guy

>> No.10630196

i wanted you to touch my peepee
you just told me i was creepy
i offered payment of a quarter
you got a restraining order

>> No.10630200
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she was so cute and pretty so pretty so pretty so pretty so pretty so pretty so pretty AAAAAAAA
is it normal to want to die after seeing a beautiful girl im not exagerating really im serious

>> No.10630206

*but i just got a restraining order


>> No.10630212

i don't know how things work

>> No.10630221

Me either anon

>> No.10630230
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>> No.10630234

I was like "I'm never gonna give you up' but then you let me down

>> No.10630293

She was standing there beneath the high beams beside the subway track twirling her long black hair round the tips of her pale finger and so I thought is she she is the one is she the one and she must have thought aloud for she turned and smiled and right then I was no place and our life had already begun and now we lay in her bed by the window in the room that smells of lavender.

>> No.10630351

Needs more themes of domestic violence, also where is the colored cast hmm?

>> No.10630379

failed to even mention what was playing on spotify as he saw her, and what brand of cigarettes she was smoking, too. did you hire him?

>> No.10630387
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N-n-no sir

>> No.10630534

I sat down in my aisle seat, there was a boy between us, but he's just blur in my memories. I noticed her on the other side of him. A beautiful brunette, I thought she was in college, but she was just a high school student. I remember freckles, but when we met again they were gone.

>> No.10630536


"The Perfect Girl" is a romantic fiction.
True Love ain't nothing but hormones and friction.

>> No.10630580


>> No.10630755

Dark eyes and pink cheeks hid behind a curtain of long dry hair that grew a rich brown and fell auburn and tangling down to shy gold tips that bounced when she turned and I thought to myself so pretty so pretty AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.10630873 [DELETED] 

Of all the sunsets I've seen shine through windows, never had I seen a light so gilded and foreboding, while at the same time so beautiful. Like a prize omen, the sun rays drifted into the room and filled it, telling me something about the spirals of the future, perhaps marking for me the 'end of days.' Somewhere in that golden haze was her shadow. It wasn't till later that month that I actually met her. Something about the light seemed to be the impetus of a grave paradigm shift, the opening of a divergent path into black depths, a deterministic trail in which her and I began walking together later that month.

>> No.10631069

Do not ever attempt to critique my writing again you Neanderthal

>> No.10631094

Good song

>> No.10631103
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>lol its all just atoms bouncing around randomly

>> No.10631107

>>10630126 (OP)
I came.

>> No.10631118

ive yet to realize that the incompleteness in me will never disappear

>> No.10631402

It was 5th year of secondary school. I met her outside the English corridor. It was the first day back at school, and we were hanging around outside the classrooms for a while not really understanding why nobody else was there. There was stillness throughout the corridor, and I stole the occasional furtive glance at her. Eventually the silence was broken and she spoke to me. She suggested that we were missing an assembly for the 5th year pupils. She was correct. After that I plodded down the stairs and headed to the assembly hall. I can't remember if I had a conversation while walking there. I would've remembered it if I had, actually. Knowing me I probably power walked past her and traveled alone.

She had short blonde hair, blue eyes and a kind of frumpy look about her, but this was the first time a young woman spoke to me since all summer (and probably since puberty). It left a profound impression on me. I noticed she wore a madoka magica keychain on her bag while in classes with her. I never worked up the courage to speak to her though. Anyway, I think I've moved on now. However they do say first love is the strongest, and she's definitely left an indelible mark on my psyche in some way. I can still see her face in my mind's eye. Feels creepy typing this out

>> No.10631534

ur a fag lmao

>> No.10631778

There are so many cute girls in the world and I managed to date none of them. I should really go outside sometimes.

>> No.10631853

lol KYS OP

>> No.10631863

This is awful

>> No.10631894
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I had come to class early that day and sat at the back of the room. Insecurities had me rife with feelings of inadequacies and a feeling that I was out of place. After all what's a city boy like myself doing at an East Coast Ivy, especially at the age of 23? Its amazing I ended up in this place, but it would be even more amazing if I graduated.

Slowly the class began to fill, it was a cold day in January and I was hungry and tired. The students looked more like lifeless corpses piling in rather than bight eyed and bushy tailed youths. Most wore sweat pants or a combination of ratty pajamas, however I noticed she was well dressed with her makeup done and her hair straightened. Unusual for the typical college slob. This is when I began to have an inclining that there was something special about her. She sat three rows up from me on the right side. I was scared to even look at her, she was gorgeous in a classic European royalty kind of way. She had high cheek bones and stunning cat like eyes. She possessed a duality of elegance and primal sexuality that stirred me to my core.

When the professor began role call, I listened attentively for her name, but couldn't make it out. I plotted for the rest of the class on how to find her name. Once I got back to my dorm, I compared the course ledger to facebook accounts of students at my school. I had a match.

>> No.10631923

A few weeks later we were informed that we'd be working on a special group projects with pairings chosen by the professor. I waited anxiously for the assignments, and secretly hoped I wouldn't be paired with her. The thought that I might actually have to talk to her frightened me deeply. Class ended without the pairings, but before we could escape the professor informed us that he'd email us with the names of our partners later that evening.

My heart raced as I checked the email later that night. I scanned the names of my group members carefully. As a side note, I had been dabbling with the ideas of transmutation of ideas through thought, basically I believed that if I concentrated hard enough on an idea I could wish it into fruition. Call it mental illness or call it the ability to shift timelines, but given other recent events in my life I was starting to believe it. I continued scrolling, and not to my surprise she was in my group. I knew this wasn't an accident.

>> No.10631952

Our first group meeting was awkward. I had been placed in a group with possibly the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, a somewhat attractive girl I could convince to go out with me, and a girl I had friend zoned last semester. This was a recipe for disaster that had false rape allegations and sexual harassment written all over it. I began by using my status with the girl I friendzoned to obtain social validation in the eyes of the moderately attractive girl. To make a long story short, I ended up going out with her briefly, just long enough so the drop dead gorgeous one could see her and I holding hands and kissing after our group meetings. We broke up eventually and she became very hostile towards me and the other girls in the group. Around this time I had built a rapport with the beautiful girl. My blunt style and occasional sparring with our professor had given her a reason to take notice of me. Additionally, we shared our mutual grievances about the stupidity of the assignment we were working on. Although I never was able to sleep with her, I had a strange feeling I could have if I wasn't shackled by deep insecurities plaguing me from my childhood.

>> No.10631978

fuck off I don't like the picture of that girl either i dont like it

>> No.10632008
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The coup de grace came during our last group session where we struggled all night long to write our final paper. I sat across from her in an empty room in the library. The girl I friend zoned was there too, and by this time I had developed a good friendship with her. We joked while we waited for my EX girlfriend to showup, she was running late from some stupid activity as usual. It was springtime and the beautiful girl was wearing a low cut black tank top. Her body was something out of a Reuben painting thanks to her years of lacrosse and sailing. After cracking an especially funny joke, the laughter died down and we got to work. My ex girlfriend had arrived by now and soured the mood somewhat. I looked up from my computer to see the beautiful girl looking at me with those eyes. Not just a normal glance, but one of desire. As anyone with any experience with women knows that look. We locked eyes for a split second then she said to me in front of both girls. "Anon, your teeth are beautiful. They're so white and straight how do you do it?" I let out a little laugh and explain to her that my dad was a dentist. She smiled and said "We'll im kind of jealous, not everyone can be as lucky as you." I went back to work, but before I could get back into the swing of things I noticed my EX staring daggers at me. I began to feel uncomfortable and glad that this project was about to end. Throughout the rest of the night I could feel her feet rubbing against mine. We played footsie briefly but that was it. At the end of the night we said our goodbyes and that was the last time I saw her. Part of me wishes I had the courage to text her and ask her to coffee, but I didn't yet possess the courage to do so.

>> No.10632039


You obviously have a warped idea of how women are. Also in your second paragraph it should be "inkling" not "inclining." I would think someone at an "East Coast Ivy" would know this. Grow up.

>> No.10632042

lol what has you so mad incel?

>> No.10632053

eaten by wild dogs

>> No.10632105

I sat behind him on the first day of high school, 9th grade English class, first period.
He had a red vs blue t-shirt on. I didn't know anyone else who watched it. I wanted to talk to him, see if I could finally make a friend. But what if he doesn't want to talk? What If I bother him?
So the weeks pass, I look at the back of his head, wanting to just speak. I don't.
He gets his work done fast, just like me. He puts his head on his desk, I do the same. I watch the back of his head for months.
Then one day the class have to get into groups, no one has nabbed him yet, he doesn't talk to really anyone, I look at him, I stare intently. I start to walk towards him, and instead make a b-line for the closest person I know. Why didn't I just group with him?
The end of the semester comes, my teach approaches me, "Anon, you get your work done real fast, you have over a hundred in the class. I could put in a word for you to get into the honors class."
I look at him, I would really like to join the honors class, but the back of his head, I see it. If I leave, will I ever know the front as well as I know the back of his head?
"No, thank you."
I show up first day of class, spring semester. He's not there, no back of his head for two days. I can't stand it and finally ask "So, what happened to anon that sat here?"
The teacher responds, "He transferred to the honors class."

I didn't tell him that story until 3 years into our relationship. He said I should have just talked to him, he would've turned around.

>> No.10632118


The trite prose I had to read in this thread. I have also had sex with a variety of women way above my own level of attractiveness. You idiots that romanticize sex to such a ridiculous degree have obviously never experienced the overpowering feeling of abject emptiness and mortality that floods your psyche after you ejaculate into a woman. To gain the object of your pitiful desires is to ruin it; women like men are on the whole stupid and uninteresting and the deluge of emotions that accompanies sexual desire for them only makes the disappointment at this realization even more crushing. Fuck you.

>> No.10632156

overwritten, keep it simple. don't overuse similes especially if they are going to be cliche'd. the objectification of women via your ranking system is childish, judging them purely via appearance. buzztopics like friend zone, rape allegations and social validation cringe worthy. google Reuben-esque and learn the meaning of it. there is the love of word in you but insecurities block your path
Red vs. Blue is kind of obscure, elaborate, make it yours. how are you watching the back of his head while your head is on the desk too? nice happy ending that isn't really a payoff

>> No.10632223
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oh i know ive said this already but when i think of or see the girl i like the girl i love- i just want to die something wells up like i need to explode or yell but at the same time just fade away i hate it
she is so pretty so cute so beautiful! im tempted to post her but no... she looks like >>10630200
and loved art and was genuinely funny and interested in what i said she was so nice to me! the only girl who ever really cared about me and would always give me funny excited sporadic hugs and make me feel not so lame when she talked about me and i know she did that on purpose and i would always avoid people at lunch and pretend to study in the library because i didnt want to sit alone... so i never really ate lunch for years but she would always run up to me and literally force me into sitting with her even after i acted weird or lame she would still look for me at lunch
why!? why was she so nice to me- i dont even like me... she was so beautiful but i could never date her i could never date anyone she lives far away now but i just want to talk with her honestly in retrospect and thank her for being nice
and that im sorry im so sorry and so sad

>> No.10632272

I don't have a "oneitis," you timid little fag.

>> No.10632285


>> No.10632865


>> No.10632870

>having oneitis

is there a more obvious sign that one is lacking in mental fortitude?