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10625745 No.10625745 [Reply] [Original]

>In the library

The books on the bottom shelf get far less attention.

How do we fix this?

>> No.10625755

put all the kids books down

>> No.10625757

crawl around the shelves like a drooling retard

>> No.10625775

Rotate them monthly

>> No.10625782

Put pictures of naked ladies on it.

>> No.10625787

Leave bottom shelves empty

>> No.10626075
File: 130 KB, 650x1297, 3420637_13_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10626083

Asian girls don't make sexy librarians

>> No.10626084

i think that lady in your picture has the right idea.

>> No.10626154

The libraries around me barely even have books, how do we fix this?

>> No.10626180

can you clarify

>> No.10626217

die you fucking footfag degenerate

>> No.10626998

my local library has 5 copies of Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment but no others by Dostoevsky

>> No.10627007

I find this image EXTREMRLY arrousing and im not even a footfag

>> No.10627018

its the hips

>> No.10627331

Flip the bookcases upside down.

>> No.10627342

its the t h i c c

>> No.10627345

Ya will be if you jack off to this photo

>> No.10627347
File: 164 KB, 529x692, IMG_3525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn those are great feet

>> No.10627366
File: 36 KB, 400x472, paulmccartneyposgtpeppermo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres this magical thing about impersonators and lookalikes.

>> No.10627392

Lift up the shelves for all to see

>> No.10627405

By getting rid of hierarchy all together. Digital shelves will let all books be at eye level.

>> No.10627612

Toppest of keks, best solution itt.

>> No.10627761

The feminity
Both physically and in her stance.

>> No.10627792

Imagine being such an inferior creature that this is the level you must debase yourself to in order to garner an attraction from half of the population.

>> No.10627850

By reappropriating the upper shelves from those pretentious novels and burning them, redistributing their property to the lower shelved.
An ideal book case is a single horizontal shelf at waist height so each is dragged down equally

>> No.10628075

Funny thing is it's a dude from Tumblr that does foot shoots to prove arousal and gender don't really have anything in common.
The feet and the image you created surrounding the supposed woman these feet belonged to trumped the idea that the feet really belong to a man.
You were aroused and gender didn't matter.

>> No.10628081

But gender does matter because it appears to be one of the genders rather than another

It just shows that human senses are fallible, which isnt news. At all

>> No.10628088
File: 55 KB, 636x738, 1517535037232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny thing is it's a dude from Tumblr
That's not funny.

>> No.10628092

It's arbitrary. The poster responded that he found an image arousing without knowing precisely the gender of the person in question. The idea of arousal overrode the necessity to verify gender.
The poster in question is one step away from footjobs from men in wigs.
I suspect he may be a bed wetter also.

>> No.10628095

actually the arousing parts are the fat chunky thighs and the wide ass hips, so it seems fair to say his mission failed miserably, like most modern liberal missions do
that is 99.9% percent certainly a woman, unless it's a dude who has been pumping estrogen since like, before puberty, in which case you might as well just call """him""" a woman at that point

>> No.10628099

A thicc boy does not a woman make.

>> No.10628100

whom this

>> No.10628102

Not particularly interesting feet.

>> No.10628108

You can talk all the shit you want but the physiognomy screams feminine, from the thick upper/thin lower, triangular thighs, to the delicate, supple foot profile. Either it's a woman or an exceptionally sedentary """""man""""" that never had to develop a more defined/rigid skeletal structure due to never having lifted anything heavier than a bouquet of flowers, similar to how Africans usually have good mandible development because they don't have the luxury of massively processed foods. So either put up and post the soyboy or cede its feminine aspect.

>> No.10628115

soybois BTFO

>> No.10628125

I'm not going to source you the soyboys page so you can spiral into a mastubatory stupor.
It should be enough now for you to realise by my analysis that I have helped you understand your true sexuality and in turn opened you up to a world you would never have known.

>> No.10628128
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10628132

Mmm, anyone got some nice pics of boys with "supple foot" profiles... although I have to say I'm not particularly fond of the structure of the feet in the OP. Too base, crude, angular. Stereotypically feminine. Soft male feet... mmyum

>> No.10628151

But he knew precisely that it looks like a certain gender

Thats what made it arousing in the first place

>> No.10628157


Psysiognomy describes facial features you Utter imbecile

>> No.10628162

Simple. The library needs to be redesigned so that the shelves are stationary. Effectively the shelving would be buikt upon weight supporting beams and walls, and all the floors raise and lower. The shelves should not be built all the way to the ground and the 'ground floor' would be a service and seating area.

>> No.10628163

where is the full picture? i want to see her big round ass in those tight pants.

>> No.10628165

>tfw no qt /lit/ gf toes to suck on
Though I'd rather just lick in between her toes since that part seems to be more sensitive.

>> No.10628168

the inside and the underside of the toes are especially sensitive. though the pads themselves are too, just perhaps to a different degree or kind of stimulation.

>> No.10628170

>makes himself look like a girl in order to arouse people
>people think its a girl
>get aroused because it appears to be a girl and they find girls arousing
>b-but gender doesn't matter

>> No.10628177

I wonder if they'd even like that kind of stimulation. I know some girls are into tickling.

>> No.10628183

As you say, traps aren't gay.

>> No.10628184

that's what i'm into lol. more as giver than receiver and with boys. i saw a video where a woman apparently orgasm'd from having her big toe tickled, without any other stimulation. really made me think

>> No.10628252

>the pads themselves are too, just perhaps to a different degree or kind of stimulation.
most humans can't tell the difference between their second and third toes being touched on the pads unless they see it for themselves. they're not as important to gait or balance as big toes, so it's not as important to have that much awareness which is which.