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/lit/ - Literature

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10626172 No.10626172 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> classic literature class
> teacher asks for one work of fiction that is both a book and a movie
> I raise my hand
> "Yes, anon?"
> "Nineteen eighty-four"
> "I'm sorry, what?"
> "Nineteen eighty four, sir"
> "I've never heard of it."
> mfw

What the hell have we become? A literature teacher has never heard of the iconic novel that defined the dystopian genre? The grandfather of the trash romances you so love like Hunger Games and Maze Runner?

>> No.10626185

I bet this happened in the US.

>> No.10626186

more like nineteen gayty-four

>> No.10626187

Modern day lit teachers are morons. When I was in my final year of school my lit teacher was a 24 year old fat short dyke who was a raging feminist. Hopefully they're all moving over to Game Development now though

>> No.10626191

Oh come on, you can't quit there. Where the fearmongering about our entire civilization crumbling within the next few decades?

>> No.10626194

>Hopefully they're all moving over to Game Development now though.

The morons or the dykes?

>> No.10626238

by George Whorewell

>> No.10626261

Honestly I think both in reality. Modern people don't have the attention span to read books. Technology being the next frontier is pushing everyone over there to try and stay relevant.

>> No.10626273

Perhaps your teacher was being facetious, or subtly mocking your plebeian suggestion

>> No.10626399

>classic lit

It's not really classic lit unless everyone who was alive when it was first published is dead.

>> No.10626443

Probably he isn't a brainlet who reads genre fiction.

>> No.10626453

the Bible is not classic lit because Jesus will always live on in our hearts :3c

>> No.10626528
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1499095217412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, what is higher-level (as in above gen ed) English in college like? I was a "STEM subjects only real subjects" retard and regret that but my "accelerated composition" and gen ed 20th/21st century lit courses didn't inspire confidence.

>> No.10626534

>Things that never happened

>> No.10626661

Any liberal arts class is meaningless. At best, they're forums to discuss differing opinions on works or events. At worst, they're a professor with an over-inflated ego telling you what to think about the world.

>> No.10626674

George Borewell is the preferred nomenclature you fucking swine

>> No.10626682

nothing because all the best writing comes from people who happen to have high verbal iq's sperging on their own time while they should be spending time with kith and kin or working on their jobs. Nick Land had to learn all kinds of STEM shit just to be taken seriously and he's probably the last philosopher from the humanities who will ever be taken vaguely seriously ever again in the history of the species. Its over, humanities is done, there's nothing left. Whatever importance it held has vanished and the spirit of the craft is gone. This is why all good lit ended with meme god and Submission

>> No.10626970
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>be me
>classic literature class
>teacher asks for great American author
>say Mark Twain
>teacher turns deep purple
>"And you consider a HETEROSEXUAL WHITE MALE a great American author?"
>sends me to the nurse's office to get a forced vaginoplasty as punishment

>> No.10627048

unironically happened to me; teacher got mad about fitzgerald because he was allegedly antisemitic

>> No.10627059

everyone has heard of 1984, pick something less pedestrian if you want to make stuff up for no reason

>> No.10627074
File: 505 KB, 728x717, F742DEBB-441E-4E6F-8C23-CEA72808B214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me
> watching better than food
> Cliff asks for one work of fiction that is both a book and a movie
> I Leave an comment “i got one”
> "Yes, bucko?"
> "Nineteen eighty-four"
> "I'm sorry, what?"
> "Nineteen eighty four, sir"
> "I've never heard of it."
> mfw

>> No.10627089

Sad if Big

>> No.10627096

yeah but how the fuck is one not familiar with 1984, especially as a lit teacher. Sordid.

>> No.10627102
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1508689540742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but 4chan is a lot better right?

>> No.10627127

4chan is free

>> No.10627159
File: 96 KB, 645x773, 1517426637692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why indeed Sherlock!

That doesn't mean the quality of discussion here is better than it is at a university. In fact, I'd wager that it's probably much worse. My comment was meant to point out that irony.

At a university, at least you have someone that has dedicated years of their life to theory and analysis of literature mentoring you, and quite possibly some very serious people to discuss your work with.

Now compare that to the ostentatious undergrad body you find here.

>> No.10627447
File: 632 KB, 242x185, 1517323746363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an indochinese tapestry discussion forum. Why are you comparing it to a university?

People come here to spew shit. You're one click away from /b/ for Christ's sake.

>> No.10627454

Those people still post on 4chan

>> No.10628239

/lit/ pseuds need to die in a fire.

>> No.10628253
File: 24 KB, 532x320, 1469646252672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white male literature
were you even trying in class?

>> No.10628256

Stop romanticizing University education. It's shit.

>> No.10628270

wasn't /b/ renamed to /pol/?

>> No.10628278

Maybe instead of reading '198'4 and 'Brave new world', the literature teacher was reading good books.

>> No.10628297

was your teacher a Chassidic jew?

>> No.10628314

Never happened.

>> No.10628348



>> No.10628358

Stop samefagging, it's as embarrassing as your """""tastes."""""

>> No.10628478

i can’t figure out. she had slav name

>> No.10628489

>When I was in my final year of school my lit teacher was a 24 year old
Never happened.

>> No.10628501

Slit your throat.

>> No.10628515

Probably a grad student teaching so the college doesn't have to pay a real professor

>> No.10628519

>classic literature

The absolute state of Murica.

>> No.10628533

fake and gay

>> No.10628561

why tho, you obsessed freak

>> No.10628564
File: 343 KB, 371x400, triggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10628573

I mean, "short dyke who was a raging feminist" is taken straight out of there, or tumblr.

>> No.10629130

she's a Jud

>> No.10629583

Richard Burton is great in that movie.

Also, guess who the cinematographer is, you won't believe it, it's Roger Deakins, the Deaks. Love that guy.

>> No.10629595

This. I was educated in public school system and am therefore retarded.

True story: senior year of high school, I told my language arts teacher I wanted to major in philosophy. She looked at me, perplexed, and said, “ph-philosophy? You mean psychology?” I said no, philosophy. And she said, and I quote, “I have never heard of it.”

I have since left the country for good.

>> No.10629610


>> No.10629639

>/pol/ is so psychotic it just finishes the line of thought for the other person

>> No.10629642

B-but it’s true, what more do you want?

>> No.10629764
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, Dr.-Strangelove-courtesy-Warner-Bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it. A similar thing happened in my screenwriting class 10 years ago. We had to write something about three we choose and one of mine was Doctor Strangelove and the professor said she has never heard of it.

>> No.10629773

I've actually developped a hatred for that novel because my retarded feminist English teacher wouldn't shut up about it.

>> No.10629828

hey anon, this is your lit teacher, i know you have social anxiety out the ass but you need to learn to speak up. when the shaking blob from the back of the class mumbles something incomprehensible at me i'm not going to waste my time investigating what "nanny ate the flower" means, i'm just going to ask someone who's not retarded. try actually moving your fat little lips next time.

>> No.10629891

How is this pseudo-intellectualism?
>"Nineteen Gay-ty Four" by George Whorewell

It's the complete opposite. They're calling books gay.

>> No.10629908

The next step is to admit Stalin had the right ideas.

>> No.10629927

it's about time that annoyance at feminism got redirected into fueling the proletarian struggle instead of this alt-right horseshit

>> No.10630255

Are creative writing classes worth it? I'm a stemfag and am considering taking one.