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/lit/ - Literature

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10626638 No.10626638 [Reply] [Original]

>read a book for 5 minutes
>forget everything

how can i get out of the brainlet realm if i cant even fucking read properly

>> No.10626647

>getting out of the brainlet realm
if you're already in, there's no hope, sorry.

>> No.10626688

Anon. You don't have to remember the past 5 minutes of a book, you just need to be able to go with the flow of thought. If you can follow the train of thought you are smarter than 70% of lit

>> No.10626695

Do you have brain damage just read and remember

>> No.10626715

>just read and remember


>> No.10626773

wow anon if you really have this much of a problem memorizing (are you depressed or do you have some other sort of mental illness?) then you better try exercises for your short term memory. just write down a set of 30 words,
it may sound corny af but actually FEELING what you're reading helps a lot, just associate every sentence with a certain state of mind it gives you and you will find memorizing way easier.
also what this anon has said. go with the flow, let yourself carried and don't stumble upon any detail you may not have remembered: chances are it will be revealed to you many times after that.
i know this is pretty bad advice but doing this little is better than nothing

>> No.10626806

Its biological, depressed people, stupid people, hyperactive or attention deficit people and crazy people are defective and can't be saved. They'd be euthanized or aborted in a better world

>> No.10626815

Practice by reading books that are easy to follow. Don't be afraid to reread sections if you get lost.

>> No.10626818

I use to have this problem when i was younger after every page just stop and think about what you read. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-I-quickly-forget-what-I-read

>> No.10626829
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It going to be okay OP, I have the same problem if I take too long of a hiatus from reading. Unfortunately modern over stimulation has got our attention spans fucked so you have to develop techniques to get back into critically thinking as you read.

Like the other anons have already said, set it down to think about what you just read and for me the method of rereading a section can be really helpful. Before you know it you'll be reading chunks without losing what you just read.

Good luck and happy reading!

>> No.10627314
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>Make a thread about being a brainlet
>forget you made it in five minutes and make a new one

>> No.10627583

Ya cant fix stupid

>> No.10627589

That you, Adolf?

>> No.10628367

yes u can

>> No.10628371

Be disciplined about getting offline.