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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 181 KB, 852x960, QT+Fascist+GF1517408775481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10617582 No.10617582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"H-hi anon, I've been r-recently wanting to get into fascist literature and I-i'm hoping you could help me p-pick a few books"
What books do you recommend to this angel?

>> No.10617587

daddy fucked me and I loved it by benito mussolini

>> No.10617589
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Any of the works here from the 20th century will do nicely m'lady

>> No.10617598

Fascism - 100 questions asked and anwsered by Sir Oswald Mosley

>> No.10617624

what a qt

wtf I love fascism now

>> No.10617639

imagine that she converted to islam and fucks with a black man from morocco

>> No.10617640

Chang and Chomsky as fascist intro lit?

>> No.10617646
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>> No.10617674

Mosley is hilarious because in a way he reveals that fascism won ww2.

Here's how he describes the difference between the New Deal and Fascism: Roosevelt’s New Deal is distinct from fascism because a) the American government does not have enough “power to plan,” and b) it relies on “Jewish capital.”

>> No.10617679

>ywn introduce this qt to Marx

>> No.10617683

>You introduce her to Marx
>She introduces you to the helicopter

>> No.10617693

How romantic.

>> No.10617698

>old hag
Break her nose.

>> No.10617700

Three Faces of Fascism by Ernst Nolte of course m'lady

>> No.10617705

t. pedophile

>> No.10617722 [DELETED] 

lmao ok old hag lover

>> No.10617735

unironically kill yourself, subhuman

>> No.10617736

Fascism is an offshoot of syndicalism m8

>> No.10617741

>things that never happened .jpg

>> No.10617794


>> No.10618071
File: 71 KB, 476x550, d81LyrV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Communist Mannifesto

>> No.10618097

I'm vaguely red and I want a qt fascist gf desu

>> No.10618123

o-out of my way w-whore. Only, uh, cognitively superior asian gfs for this fellow *peer reviewed racial IQ studies spill out of my pockets*

>> No.10618129

*chambers round into AK*

>> No.10618135

Fascist literature you say? I recommend "The Audacity of Hope" by one "Barrack H. Obama"

>> No.10618160

Chomsky isn't a syndicalist in the sense you describe. Sorel is the only proto-fascist. You are a Pee Es (You) Ee Dee...

>> No.10618244

Reading Chomsky makes me want to tyrannize all the fucking neoliberals, yes.

>> No.10618270

Hmmm, you're a fucking idiot then. Fascism would be neoliberalism times one hunnah, just with some inverted identity politics. If fascists wanted to win people over, they would get rid of all the dumb war economy bullshit - just call for localised nations and cultures.

>> No.10618341

women shouldn't read.

>> No.10618346

ezra pound and chill

>> No.10618353

are fascist women the ultimate cucks?

>> No.10618418

All of Evola since she's italian and d'Annunzio

>> No.10618953

Lenin and Bordiga

>> No.10618966

>this is what insecure increasingly psychotic right wingers have resorted to because women are biologically liberals

>> No.10618997

god I wish that were me

>> No.10619099

And giving women agency was mistake.

>> No.10619160
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>inb4 Italian fascist Keynesian period and muh Nahtzee Germany

>> No.10619310

giving human beings agency was a mistake
stupid Yahweh >:(

>> No.10619648

I'm not even a fascist but I would marry her on a heart beat. I bet she would make a top wife.

>> No.10619699
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>0 mentions of Celine
>0 mentions of Mishima
>only 1 mention of Ezra Pound

You disgust me, /lit/

>> No.10619702
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, 1517374612271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's best girl, but she's mine, anon. You will have to find your own fascist gf.

>> No.10619704

*proceeds to throw you out of helicopter while shooting at you with your own gun*

>> No.10619739
File: 89 KB, 236x282, 1491585193521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will have to find your own fascist gf.

>> No.10619741

You'll have to settle for a conservacuck. Sorry anon

>> No.10619749

> Fascism would be neoliberalism times one hunnah, just with some inverted identity politics.
Goddamn anon, I'm a far leftist but I have some sympathy with regular fascists because I hate the same shit (SJWs, Clintonism, liberals, political correctness) and I just think capitalism (or (((capitalism))) if you prefer) is a bigger problem than other races.

But I think you've just managed to theorise a version of fascism at least 'one hunnah' times worse than regular fascism, and that's a theoretical achievement you should be proud of.

What was great about old fascism:
> (Racial) solidarity
> Mass action
> Subordination of money to people's needs
> Cult of the hero
> State funding of heroic art
> Merciless destruction of corruption
> Fascist justice

What neoliberal fascism would have:
> Atomisation
> Loneliness, watching annual fascist capeshit alone on FashFlix
> Subordination of people's needs to money
> Cult of the fuckhead silicon valley entrepreneur
> Rich funding of shitty pomo art
> Rich lining their own pockets with state contracts

>> No.10619767

is there any way to have fascism without race autism, i really like qt jewish girls

>> No.10619786

Yes you idiot
Read just one book maybe
Jesus christ

>> No.10619850

Giovanni Gentili is considered one of the fathers of fascism.
Maybe you wanna check him out.
Also, the Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini may help you.
Although not a fascist, Oswald Spengler in his "The Fall of the West" had a huge impact on the politics of the 20th century.
In general, 20th century political and philosophical literature all had a little bit of something in the development of fascism.
Also, Schimitt, a german jurista and philosopher with his "concept of political"
Those are some that come in my mind so far, op.

>> No.10619939

this but unironically

>> No.10619950

i'd have to curb stomp her unfortunately

>> No.10619966

She's pretty, but not THAT pretty. Certainly not pretty enough to tolerate her shitty politics.

>> No.10620018

Kind of in theory, but not in practice. This is basically what drove me away from fascism as a solution to what was pissing me off.

Fascism requires a couple of things to work which, as I see it, militate towards the fairly swift collapse of any actual fascist regime. Namely:
> In-group/outgroup politics. This doesn't have to mean race, it can be nation or religion or whatever, but it has to be there.
> Siege mentality
> Worship of the heroic, the conqueror, the warrior, the leader
> Requirement of huge emotional input from followers, predicated on continuing to save them from the threatened siege above

The problem with fascism, as it appears to me, is that it is very *emotionally* unstable in a way that leads to political instability. Say what you want about socialism, both theoretical and actually existing, but even the ones which tended to be economically shaky still had effective social-emotional systems underneath them.

On the contrary, fascism's tendencies all work against eachother to undermine the potential longevity of a fascist regime. The siege mentality and the worship of the heroic conqueror make for very bad politics, as anyone politically ambitious, from Corporal to Supreme Leader, must appear as a conqueror, and that only leaves two options for promotion: attack an outsider or attack an existing power figure (already on the way out) for being impure. This leads to either a serious purity spiral (you're not Christian enough/lmao Spain isn't white/you're not REAL Slavs), or everyone gets cynical and learns that the official rules are just a framework for the political game - in which case the emotional investment starts to drop off because people originally joined for the sincere feeling of brotherhood, not just to play awful political games. Similarly, if you attack an outsider, either you win (and the siege mentality is obviously a lie because we can beat our enemies any time) or you lose (like the Nazis did by trying to fight everyone at once) and your regime crumbles.

To a fascist, I would unironically recommend Marx's Capital Vol 1. It's a book of pure, dry economic analysis that explains some of the ways capitalism is flawed - not morally, but practically, guaranteed to keep fucking the people who rely upon it and allowing (((them))) to exploit the Volk. Le Neoliberal Hat Man helicopter retards need not read it, but any sincere fascist should get their heads into it.

>> No.10620028

Fuck off you autist

>> No.10620040

*flexes skeletal arm with nary a hint of muscle*
i-i'm afraid i'll have to rebuke your unacceptable views, m'lady

>> No.10620068

I would punch this fascist bitch. I don't give a fuck if she's a girl.

>> No.10620072

I should probably follow up here on this reply, sorry mate. Problem is the purity spiral - let's say you're a national fascist and not a racist fascist. That's fine until politics is clicking along and the Fuhrer, or a senior general or someone, has a disagreement with an English diplomat (or someone from a group considered to be foreign but a friend of the nation, like the Germans considered the Japanese, or various Balkan Slavic fascist groups consider eachother). Suddenly, everyone half-Croat or quarter-English in your country is the target of a pogrom, or at least suspect (gotta keep that siege mentality up), and your wife gets hauled away to fill the quota of some middle-level police bureaucrat trying to make the next rank.

Stories like this repeat constantly within fascisms, regardless of the basis of their original community. Meanwhile, the longstanding versions like Franco's Spain end up crumbling because of the other alternative, where they just become a regular capitalist state and the people realise the fascist ideals didn't even mean anything to the rulers. It's a bit of a shame, historically speaking, because everyone ends up looking like a sell-out, and I'd love to find a political movement that wasn't two good decades off total insincerity.

>> No.10620081

This is a /pol/ falseflag to make it look like leftists are woman-bashers and you all know it.

>> No.10620092


>> No.10620094

So it's ok to punch nazis as long as they are men?

>> No.10620098

Not that anon, but unironically yes.

>> No.10620110

That's when I reach for my revolver

>> No.10620112

Don't get me wrong, I'd fight a fascist woman, but I wouldn't just walk up to some random chick handing out literature and bust her in the face in cold blood. I'd at least try to have a discussion with her. I'd do the same with any individual fascist guy who wasn't personally threatening me.

Fascist leaders, of any sex, are fair game however.

>> No.10620125
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>Don't get me wrong, I'd fight a fascist woman

>> No.10620141

Punching Nazis is fine, so is loving JCs.

>> No.10620159
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>> No.10620178
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>> Atomisation
>> Loneliness, watching annual fascist capeshit alone on FashFlix
>> Subordination of people's needs to money
>> Cult of the fuckhead silicon valley entrepreneur
>> Rich funding of shitty pomo art
>> Rich lining their own pockets with state contracts


>> No.10620217

You guys are so autistic holy shit

>> No.10620331

She may be a random girl but she isn't handing random literature. And in any case you realize that when in antifa we say punch a nazi it's partially in jest, right? We aren't saying you should literally punch every nazi you see. It's about making a statement, about telling the alt right we are willing to fight. In any case, if I see a nazi, regardless of gender, handing nazi literature I would take it away from them even if I must use force to do so.

>> No.10620341

why do you hate fascism, anon?

>> No.10620346

The fact that she will never have my children is almost too sad to bear

>> No.10620358


>> No.10620360

Never go full soy.

>> No.10620373
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't get me wrong, I'd fight a fascist woman
id like to hurt you very badly

>> No.10620374


I would do the same thing and pretend it's for those reasons because I could get away with it then but really it's because nobody has touched me for years and sometimes I feel if I don't touch somebody, even if it is to brush against them on the bus, I will have to kill myself to escape the loneliness.

>> No.10620377

>if I see a nazi, regardless of gender, handing nazi literature I would take it away from them even if I must use force to do so.
>implying you wouldn't get your shit pushed in internet larper

>> No.10620393

This better be a good larp

>> No.10620396

I actually have a lot of antifa friends through fb and that is the exact rhetoric they engage in.
And I can't Italian, but fascism is very close to nationalism or hyper patriotism, and you'd better believe these same antifa people enjoy not having to make the distinction.

>> No.10620408

There is a book which culminates in the teachings of a fascist. Maybe you've heard of him. He's a carpenter from Galilee.

>> No.10620409
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>fighting women is worse than fighting men

>> No.10620429

I would love a facist gf, not because I'm fashy myself but just because talking to her would be a nice change of pace from the neocon-marxist spectrum of people who surround me

>> No.10620497

Because they want to impose their arbitrary ideals unto us.

>> No.10620507

Can you stop stuttering like a spastic?

>> No.10620519

Don't insult my waifu. She just stutters to show how shy and pure she is.

>> No.10620523

Not him, but as the author of the below, but consider

>> No.10620525
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>> No.10620539


>> No.10620540

pls post more qt traps

>> No.10620596

Who's her and do you have more pics? Is she famous or something?

>> No.10620604

Fascism is where the majority banded togather to use their white power to oppress minorities. When I grip my slender Apple iPhone, navigate to 4chan and see a new thread posted on /lit/ (of all places) about fascism I just want to scream. #antifa #notmylit

>> No.10620626

I ask why she's stuttering if she wants to larp as a blackshirt.

>> No.10620849

This can't be real right? No way a cute girl would be a fascist.

>> No.10620869

literally just get a girl to love you and you can make them whatever you want

>> No.10620882
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>> No.10620885

>Merciless destruction of corruption

>> No.10621025

wtf I hate kikes and love hitler now

>> No.10621055

Why are italian girls so cute but italianamerican girls so trashy?

>> No.10621059

Italian americans are the descendants of poor southerners

>> No.10621092

It's CasaPound which actually has a great deal of support from women.

>> No.10621364

Never read Mishima, but Celine really isn't someone you recommend to a girl if you want her to like you. Even if she's a fashy goy who is into the fact that the nazis thought his brand of antisemitism was a bit too much, women generally just don't really appreciate someone with his kind of attitude.

>> No.10621600

It's a scientific fact that more attractive people tend to be right wing

>> No.10621620


>> No.10621638
File: 72 KB, 594x393, 477323944-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't sending us their best

but yeah italian girls from italy are top notch qts

>> No.10621699

>old hag

>> No.10621703 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1200x1195, ewTe0fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said, brother! Praise Kek!

>> No.10621709

Actually Italian migrants in the current era are mostly skilled workers and educated people who don't find a market for their skills in their country.
But they don't emigrate to the USA anymore, they mostly go to richer countries in the Eurozone.

>> No.10621715

And its been proven right wingers are also more intelligent.

>> No.10621721


>Controlling for socioeconomic status, we find that more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative, and identify as Republican

>> No.10621725

Left Wingers (e.g. latte liberals) tend to fall in the mid to mid high part of the bell curve. Right Wingers are either drooling retards or gods among men. Obviously there are subgroups and such that don't fit this rule, but it seems to generally be the case.

>> No.10621729

Source? Becase i remember reading a study which found that IQ distribution is roughly equal in the political spectrum, but left-leaning persons tend to be more educated.

>> No.10621735

>Just get a girl to love you, bro!

>> No.10621760
File: 2.43 MB, 644x4500, The conservative male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this surprise anyone?

>> No.10621771

>A twitter account has all the statistical data to make that conclusion

>> No.10621780

It's true though. And I say this as a leftist.
The fact that they need to constantly point it out shows their monkey mentality.

>> No.10621796

*hits your with a bikelock*

>> No.10621804

So whats her name?

>> No.10621805

Neither is Mishima. He comes over a bit psycho tier.

>> No.10621849

Then you my friend don't understand how statistics work either.

>> No.10621850

I've never heard a better reason to read him. Where do I start?

>> No.10621855
File: 791 KB, 1654x1660, Right wing people more hormones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VICE article is an actual study though, taleb is just shitposting

>> No.10621890

Look, maybe they're better looking, although I don't think so, but there's no way that the average right winger is smarter than the average leftist.

>> No.10621895

The article still makes the same misassumptions of that twitter account though. That ideology doesn't inform behavior significantly.

>> No.10621899

I know that fiscal conservatives have the highest average IQ's, followed by social liberals, followed by fiscal liberals and social conservatives

>> No.10621903

Why is that Sirin Kale girl so bitter, bros? I bet she was born in a very privilegued family yet instead of using that opportunity to do something that would get her good money so she could help the most needed she decided to make a living of telling other people to do it instead. That's a pretty shitty attitude.

>> No.10621951

I think it's a both way streets.

>> No.10621955
File: 774 KB, 400x619, alexander_dugin_-_the_fourth_political_theory_little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10621998

Normally when I see books like this I look up one star reviews and see if they have any compelling critiques (which they usually don't), and this one had one that was obviously bought and read by someone who seems well versed in radical and geo-politics and even might have been sympathetic to what the author was trying to prove, but still thought his ideas were empty or badly informed and for that reason dangerous since politicians like vladimir putin (acording to them) takes him seriously... So having not read this book, why should I?

>> No.10622006

It's not like you have something better to do, you virgin.

>> No.10622025

Yet no effort has been done to establish causation. Vice's title is extremely misleading. This is at best a correlation that people can use to project their ideologies on, of which >>10621903 is mein gott tier

>> No.10622048

t. brainlet who doesn't understand doing what you love regardless of the pay
There's nothing wrong about being a journalist and using it as a paltaform to talk about the things you care about. Not everyone has to contribute with money, but people with money should contribute with it.

>> No.10622052

I'd rather not to tell. I just saw her pic being posted and kind of wanted to brag about her, but I don't want to give any information. I don't want her to get doxxed.

>> No.10622097


Listen, fuck skull... Some ideologies are dead and have been buried and digging out corpses is very macabre, in bad spirit. Say, why don't you stop this retarded fucking Larp, come home with me and devour my shlong while I read you excerpts from Jűnger and Mishima?

>> No.10622121

The Communist Manifesto, the US Constitution.

>> No.10622126

My lay stats are in the double digits, so one reason would be nice.

>> No.10622128
File: 60 KB, 750x696, c284145641ef924c06c5cc16fa78bb3443c835a9_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10622149

t. autist

>> No.10622162

The Pentateuch

>> No.10622176

Now I know you're not serious

>> No.10622216

Come on. Don't be so selfish. At least post more pics of her.

>> No.10622234

Fuck off. I'm not some dude who gets off from other people fantasising about my girlfriend. I just thought it was surreal to see a pic of her on 4chan of all places so I posted a pic for fun but that's it.

>> No.10622289

Mussolini wasn't even a racialist you fucking retard.

>> No.10622308
File: 224 KB, 1160x592, la_stampa-1938-1160x592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 he was just doing it to please Hitler.
Not true. Mussolini's antisemitism was less pronounced that Hitler's but it was still present in Italy before he announced the racial laws. If you can read Italian I recommed you read "Mussolini razzista" by Giorgio Fabre.

>> No.10622349

I can't think of anything more right wing than Islam tbph.

>> No.10622360

Fuck off from Italy fascists, go live in Abissinia, you're a relic from the past.

>> No.10622524

I know a black man from morocco, nice guy.

>> No.10623344

You can be antisemitic without being racist. Not that I'm defending Mussolini or antisemitism though.

>> No.10623370

That guy looks like a fun normal guy who could lose a few pounds, is that really the best you have?

>> No.10623372
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Forgot my image..

>> No.10623377
File: 6 KB, 250x226, dfwconcerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can be antisemitic without being racist

>> No.10623378

I'm pretty sure modern fascists aren't really the same as the old ones.

>> No.10623403
File: 24 KB, 97x93, bloom_squint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating a religion is racist

>> No.10623421

You have two choices in life: generic, blonde, talking head bimbo or screeching, obese, narcissistic, cat lady. I choose neither.

>> No.10623438

yer gay

>> No.10623454

I choose the qt asian gf.

>> No.10623456

They're exactly the same, dumb, ignorant, uncultured, violent retards that will consume everything they touch.
Fascism is fascism, it can never be a positive thing by definition.
Inb4 commie. The same applies for Soviet Communism.

>> No.10623462

>semitism is a religion
Hating a religion is rational.

>> No.10623477

It says right there in the newspaper - I should have translated it - that "marriage with non-aryans is rendered null".

>> No.10623656

Daily reminder that there isn't anything wrong about punching a nazi.

>> No.10624652

>tutti questi comunisti di merda in questo thread

>> No.10624744

>tutti questi estremisti di merda in questo thread
Now you can fuck off, friendo ;^)

>> No.10624991

why is there a guy with an anarchist hat on the back? context?

>> No.10625008

That guy's just a moron

>> No.10625194

Good replies.

>> No.10625296

>Anarchist Calot
>Iron Cross
>Woodland fatigues with some sort of Jedi vestments over it
>that goatee

He's an even bigger mess that Al Capone in the front.

>> No.10625396

All you need is nietzsche dahlin, all other fascistic literature is furniture

>> No.10625502

That's not fair, Ellen is old. She used to be cute.

Also, I have a confession, I thought Amy Schumer was cute back in the day when she'd be a guest on redeye, but that was like 2011 so she definitely gained weight since then

>> No.10625549

You are not a far leftist, holy shit.

>> No.10626209

read the pre-socratics

>> No.10626230

fuck off liberal

>> No.10626241

this, just imagine how all her retarded fascist friends would react seeing this cute coalburner in a hijab

>> No.10626469

Now I kind of want a fascist girlfriend so she can cuck me with some arabs. I know I'm pathetic and degenerate, but it's so fucking hot.

>> No.10626477

evola, hegel, the list goes on

>> No.10626484

> (Racial) solidarity
> Cult of the hero
> State funding of heroic art
> Fascist justice

All of these things suck ass

>> No.10627014

>artificial bimbo or hideous ogre
This is probably more true about woman than I would want to admit.

>> No.10627152

Fuck off retard

>> No.10627246
File: 16 KB, 447x444, 1509282569026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wants a souless insectoid because muh animee

>> No.10627702

LMAO! Take a look at this retard and his mental gymnastics

>> No.10627720

If you're a cuck, sure.

>> No.10627726

Baciami le palle casapound

>> No.10627750

>The problem with fascism, as it appears to me, is that it is very *emotionally* unstable in a way that leads to political instability.

But Anon, true fascism has never been attempted.

>> No.10627938

Why are /pol/-faggots so obsessed with nigger cock? Fuck off

>> No.10628372

cute, but nothing special desu
the OP pic is very flattering

>> No.10628386

>Why are lefty/pol/-faggots so obsessed with nigger cock? Fuck off

>> No.10628388


>> No.10628569
File: 1.79 MB, 245x180, 1515059009055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Reflections on Violence" by Georges Sorel
Joseph de Maistre "Considerations on France"
Jose Ortega "Revolt of the Masses"
Alfred Rosenberg "The Myth of the 20th Century"

>> No.10628576

T.t3h pussi destroyer xD

>> No.10628583

Slit your throat, inbred. Use a sickle.

>> No.10628584

What is this thing? I hate it