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/lit/ - Literature

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10621191 No.10621191 [Reply] [Original]

anyone want to get a disgruntled expat community going in france?

>> No.10621196

Sounds cozy lets starve and hangout at cafes

>> No.10621207

That's so 20th century

>> No.10621206

thats the plan. we can sleep on the churchsteps

>> No.10621241

good ideas are timeless
also those faggots had patrons, money, white society; we will have none of that.

>> No.10621265

Can we do it somewhere other than Paris? I feel like picking a different city would give the whole enterprise a fresh, new feel, while also retaining the essential elements of the Lost Generation.

What about Buenos Aires?

>> No.10621273

Good pick

>> No.10621307

Mexico City instead

>> No.10621357

It depends. Do you want to get run down by a truck of peace or skinned alive by some bad hombres

>> No.10621365

I want to stay loyal to my country. I just wish they were more respecting of me.

>> No.10621367
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I say we beg for food and do menial labor for varg. If that doesn't work, we introduce an Islam themed crypto currency to the migrants at Calais and become just rich enough to buy our way into the foreign legion as officers.

>> No.10621370

yo anyone in Paris right now, thinking of checking out Harry's New York Bar tonight if anyone wants to LARP with me

>> No.10621404

how about southeast asia along the beach?

>> No.10621595

i didn't say paris, only france

>> No.10621627

Christchurch, New Zealand?

>> No.10621803

I need somewhere cold, but I'm trying to move the overall location, that's just my destination.

>> No.10621810

We could go in one of those abandoned towns in rural Italy and start a community there.
Problem is that we're probably going to starve.

>> No.10621816

>living in Europe
After all the trouble my ancestors went through to get out of that hellhole? I'd sooner move to SE Asia. I've visited Thailand a few times and it's a lovely country.

>> No.10621842
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This, America is beautiful and sacred
We must establish a new shining city on a hill instead and so all the light of our work may fulfill our journey dark
Hail America the beautiful

>> No.10621844

Don't go there. It's full of whores and degenerates.

>> No.10621863

America is gay, and my ancestors only left b/c protestant retardation. If you live anywhere besides USA or Yurop you are purposefully cutting yourself off from the Western literary tradition. Fuck 'world literature'

>> No.10621866

Outside America your only real choices are between nanny states and lawless junta-controlled pseudo-democracies where you pay bribes instead of taxes. Given the choice, I'd pick one of the lawless countries with the lowest violent crime and retire there when I have enough money to bribe my way to comfort.

>> No.10621873

go to bed Donald

>> No.10621878
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Gentlemen, a proposition...

>> No.10621887

you cant pay taxes if you have no income or property

>> No.10621913

If you think that I bet it's a lovely and fun place.

>> No.10621921

>outside America

>> No.10621996

>Fuck 'world literature'
/lit/, everybody

>> No.10621999

Those statues are awesome.

>> No.10622008

If world literature is a code word for non-white literature then yeah

>> No.10622014
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This, South American is the exception
Yeah and don't forget that, now beat it loser

>> No.10622069
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Let's meet in cafés and start an avant garde movement

>> No.10622083

>good ideas are timeless
what a ridiculous claim to make

>> No.10622085

>Hey.. kid! Wanna know about politics of disruption?

>> No.10622087

better than hamilton

>> No.10622095

>Hey kid! Wanna go for a derive?

>> No.10622099

St petersburg

>> No.10622100


Sorry, I only hangout with the Parisian Anarcaps on friday nights.

>> No.10622271
File: 27 KB, 488x360, uhqd.mp4_snapshot_00.05.49_[2018.02.01_07.01.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying les flics will let you do anything in public
>implying anything done collectively can have any significance in todays world

when you meet someone else the field where anything can actually happen has already passed, everything has already arrived and you can just use it in interaction, to no lasting end. but if you enter the collective field without anything of your own then youll be eaten alive or will have to eat others to survive. todays world is set so the individual's life energy goes to waste and so nothing can emerge collectively that could start a real human life. the postwar attempts just show how pathetic the results will get.

en plus la france est pourrie, tout ce qui emerge est tout de suite rangé et donc neurtalisé. peu importe si vous allez avec vos potes en boite de nuit ou si vous faites partie d'un collecif anarchiste, à la fin tout cela est pareil car tout le monde prend son monde de conscience comme la realité meme, personne ne se quesionne sur ses fondements et des que qqn essaie de le faire le seul chemin est justement sortir de tout chemin possile, ce qui vous met a l'ecart de toute possiilité pratique. soit vous faites comme tout le monde et puis vous chossisez un tag pour vous differencier, soit vous essayez autre chose mais alors toute action est implicitement interdite. meme pas un sdf peut laisser son esprit trainer un peu.

>> No.10622283

hi georges

>> No.10622303

i can fuck with this

>> No.10622337


>> No.10622380

This, also anything written by women, fags and anything that is not written in English

>> No.10622390

i just now realized how pathetic postwar french philosophers really are. it's just one long emo about how things will never be real or good again. hitler was their 9/11. french men of the period had no recourse to shock and awe, they were forced to live with their cowardice. unable to justify their existence, french philosophers are literally whining about the way in which life is served to them, on the backs of their american liberators and american casualties. fuck them.

>> No.10622438

>hitler was their 9/11.

Try Napoleon's retreat. You're thinking in a very narrow historical perspective. This way of French thought was well matured during the 19th century with Baudelaire and Huysmans

>> No.10622500

>on the backs of their american liberators and american casualties


>> No.10622501
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>french philosophers are literally whining about the way in which life is served to them, on the backs of their american liberators and american casualties. fuck them.

I am so sick of anglos whining about how mainstream french philosophers are shit. of course they are shit but you need to realize that for every Deleuze boomer hack there's a Clouscard who savagely btfo'd them

If people had read Clouscard there'd be no more Deleuze, Marcuse, Reich studies. There'd be no SJWs. Marxism wouldn't be pants on head retarded and could actually amount to something.

If people had read Gabriel Marcel there'd be no Derrida because every philosophy department would have had stop sucking the cock of Heidegger and wake up and do real work.

>> No.10622517

>implying political philosophy can go beyond borders in a significant way

not him, but if people read those authors theyd be turned into a new 'french theory'. it is not about the content but about what you can do with it.

>> No.10622519


Ta gueule. Tu nies l'individu et sa possibilité d'indépendance car tu ne conçois rien de possible en dehors de la société et, subséquement, de l'Etat.
Tu es un esclave, de la société qu'y tu penses qu'y interagir est forcément se plier, et de toi même car dans ta stupeur tu n'as jamais entrepris la construction consciente de ta personne.

Tu es un mort vivant. Tue-toi car enfin, en acceptant la mort de ton moi aterré passé, pourras-tu débuter ta refondation.

Tu es un esclave, en acte par ta soumission à l'état des choses actuelles ; en puissance par ta dépendance inconsciente à l'episthémè que tu as volontairement choisi pour t'asservir.

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.10622545

bad post

>> No.10622559

Bolaño beat you to it.

>> No.10622587

>individu société esclave indépendance
>construction consciente de ta personne.

je ne nie pas l'individu, ni aucune autre chose d’ailleurs, car ce qui m’importe n’est pas d’atteindre des idéaux pour me justifier au nom d'eux, ni de dénoncer ceux qui m'empercheraient de les atteindre, ni chercher une soi disant construction consciente de quoi que ce soit. tout cela, y compris tous les choix possibles permis par telles catégories, ne fait qu’égarer notre attention et nous empêcher de voir que la seule manière d’atteindre quoi que ce soit c’est hors de la conscience et de l'intention, hors de toute prescription, fut-elle celle de l'individu avant tout.

tu me parles d être un esclave, mais je te vois enfermé dans tes catégories, qui ne servent qu'a maintenir le système qu'elle disent dénoncer. le maintenir à tout prix, car tout vrai inconnu est menaçant et horrifiant pour celui qui en dépend.

la seule vraie indépendance est de reconnaître sa dépendance au vivant et d’arrêter de croire que l’on peut tout choisir sans certains repères qui sont hors notre choix, d’arrêter de prendre sa conscience comme la seule réalité alors qu'elle n'est qu'un résultat d'un processus qui nous dépasse.

se tuer ou vivre dans l’acceptation implicite de ce monde d'aujourd’hui revient au même car dans aucun cas on ne peut laisser la vie agir en nous. mais la vie est et sera toujours là, en dépit de tous ces systèmes pour essayer de l’arrêter ou la classer ou la 'construire'.

>> No.10622591


>> No.10622672


>> No.10622688

>frogs reeing at each other
Always nice to read.
There's a special kind of autism to french frogs that you don't find anywhere else.

>> No.10622712


>> No.10622718

you will have a lot of competition from africans these days, I hope you are prepared for the artistic challenge

>> No.10622744

i am fascinated by toad psychology now..

>> No.10622751

Very nice.

>> No.10622863

yea, and now america is filled with so many (you)s overflowing to the brim it is compelling to leave

>> No.10622920

America is so ugly that it’s draining.

>> No.10623015


> atteindre des idéaux pour me justifier auprès d'eux
It is a terrible thing to find a posteriori premisses and axioms for your conclusions.

> hors de la conscience et de l'intention.
Word salad. You can't attain something if you are not aware of it. It seems you're purporting the idea we should be consciousless automatons.

> enfermé dans tes catégories
The mind naturally builds categories. It is a set of sorting instincts based on several neurobiologic structure. You can't just throw "social construction" at everything.

> la seul vraie indépendance est de reconnaitre sa dépendance

> la vie agir en nous
Anthropomorphization of scientific concepts (also social and economic) is a terribly misguided thought exercise.

Are you from SciPo or a random Iep/Fac?

You sound like you've done a Bac L and ended up in a dead-end cursus that will end up with you becoming a fonctionnaire or another gear in the French mediocraty.

>> No.10623102


Most of Europe is too m8.
Opulent palaces and lovely 19th century buildings are the exception not the rule

>> No.10623123

Capitalism has ruined us.

>> No.10623142

welcome back. and capitalism is unavoidable, you dirty commie. the notions of loans, interest, and property have existed since the beginning of writing, and probably before.

>> No.10623145


Well, no. Nice things only get built in rich places, it's always been that way, long before capitalism. Most of Europe was never nice. I would say that in terms of scenery the parts of the US that aren't just flat as far as the eye can see beat Europe.

>> No.10623151

at least most of your cities are nominally white
im stuck here with a bunch of fat goblinoids

>> No.10623155

*the enlightenment

>> No.10623156

this board has trips? what a bummer.

>> No.10623158
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>mfw people are lamenting capitalism, dreaming of a glorious past when people lived in mud huts instead of boring square air conditioned apartments.

>> No.10623166


Please fuck off back to /pol/

This is it isn't it. They despise the very system that makes their life and worldviews not only possible, but orthodox and acceptable. I cannot wait until these people get their dream and are betrayed by it.

>> No.10623174

peak neoliberal
i'll be praying for your soul, my friend

>> No.10623184

marry me you beautiful bitch

>> No.10623187


I am not a neoliberal by any means, I just don't like utopian nonesense

>> No.10623188

>It's another episode of retarded commie uses the term neoliberal for everything he doesnt like
This shit is more annoying than "da jooos"

>> No.10623195

Baltimore, Maryland

>> No.10623209

>Racism bad, capitalism good!
>lol neoliberal

>> No.10623228

I bet you think Merkel is a neoliberal

>> No.10623240

I'm American, why would I waste time thinking about the politics of some irrelevant country? I don't even care about the goings-on in my own. I get some amusement out of Emmanuel Macron clips on my twitter feed, and that's the extent of my political "engagement."

>> No.10623256

We need to get the aristocracy back. Thank God, Trump is almost halfway there himself.

>> No.10623260

>I'm American, why would I waste time thinking about the politics of some irrelevant country?
I don't fucking know. Why do you waste tame being a fucking retarded burger on 4chan? Mysteries of the universe.

>> No.10623286
File: 58 KB, 645x729, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you waste tame being a fucking retarded burger on 4chan? Mysteries of the universe.

>> No.10623291

that's a nice self portrait

>> No.10623299

found the bootlicker

>> No.10623305
File: 120 KB, 800x460, venice-golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not supporting an aristocratic republic in the mold of Venice or Republican Rome

>> No.10623313

Uh-hu, and the constant bitching about degeneracy has gone hand in hand with it. We can do better.

Europe was lovely when it was covered in forests.

No, I have this board.

Tits or gtfout

Trompe is just a right-liberal. You have to be joking.

You see? You like big gubermint too!

>> No.10623318

Of course I like a big government, I'm an integralist. I support a large state which also cedes a certain amount of power to the Church.

>> No.10623359

Oh great the aging dyke is back being a dyke