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/lit/ - Literature

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10614329 No.10614329 [Reply] [Original]

>William Gass
>Don DeLillo
>Thomas Pynchon
>David Foster Wallace
>William Gaddis
>John Barth

>> No.10614537

rank and discuss:

>> No.10614562

fuck i could go for some plums right now

>> No.10614575


>> No.10614611
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1. blueberries
2. pineapples
3. kiwis
4. cantelope
5. watermelon
6. raspberries
7. oranges
8. apples
9. plums
10. peaches
11. grapes
12. honeydew

I believe this is the patrician order. The ranking has been adjusted for price, popularity and sweetness.

>> No.10614616

>The ranking has been adjusted for price
>I believe this is the patrician order
you wot

>> No.10614623


>> No.10614625

Popularity affects if my local supermarket will stock it or not and how likely it is that my brain will associate certain fruits with the signal to release dopamine.

>> No.10614626

>William Gass
excellent writer and probably the most underrated essayist.
>William Gaddis
Maybe a bit overrated by fans who elevate him to godlike status, but without him you wouldn't have most post modern burger writers.
His essays are his best work, his fiction is good too, but he consistently punched above his weight trying to compete with his contemporaries like Vollman to be the next maximalist-meta-fiction-postmodern american writer.
>John Barth
A few great books that overshadow the endless stream of duds he put out.
>Don Delillo
Same as above
>Thomas Pynchon
An awful pun and joke machine (Sailors drinking beer out of tits, a lawn care business called Marquis de sod.) who will digress from a story line to tell an excruciatingly long and unfunny Godzilla joke. He is Madlibs the author. Fuck Pynchon.

I've been reading some Robert Coover lately and I think he belongs up there with Gass and Gaddis.

>> No.10614636

1. Cantalope
2. Bananas
3. Pineapple
4. Grapes
5. Oranges
6. Apples
7. Peaches
8. Blueberries
9. Raspberries
10. Watermelon
11. Kiwis
12. Plums
13. Honeydew

>> No.10614657

currently eating apples. with peanut butter.

>> No.10614714

>grapes that low

>> No.10614718


1. Pineapple
2. Bananas
3. Thomas Pynchon
4. Raspberries
5. Grapes
6. William Gass
7. Oranges
8. David Foster Wallace
9. Peaches
10. Blueberries
11. Apples
12. John Barth
13. Kiwis
14. Watermelon
15. Don DeLillo
16. Cantaloupe
17. Honeydew

I've never read a plum or eaten William Gaddis

>> No.10614764
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1. Pynchon - I think he's funny. M&D one of my favorite books
2. Gaddis - American Gothic is the bomb
3. Wallace - Great short stories and essays ok everything else
4. Delillo - Can be a real snoozer and he does it on purpose
(Gass + Barth not familiar enough to judge)

Blueberries - Good enough for Sal good enough for me
Grapes - good as food, great as booze
Bananas + peanut butter on toast 'nuff said
Pineapple - recently jumped super high on this list
Oranges - especially clementines
Apples - Sweet or tart all that versatility
----POWER GAP-----
all water flavored solids
----POWER GAP----
Peaches - canned or frozen only
Raspberries - got it wrong in a spelling bee and was eliminated
----SHIT TIER----

>> No.10614885

>Foster Wallace
boring history-ridden shit
like reading a fart

>> No.10614893

>i am an undergrad

>> No.10615211

>a lawn care business called Marquis de sod
cmon that's pretty funny

>> No.10615598

especially because marquis means: A title name ranking below duke and above earl.

Its not even like a name, Michael of... so it kind of makes sense, like someone would actually do it, like King of Carpets...

>> No.10615611

1. William Gaddis
2. Don DeLillo
3. William Gass
4. David Foster Wallace
5. Pynchon

Haven't read Barth

>> No.10615742

You just hurt the collective butt of /lit/ real hard there

>> No.10615748

Conts gunna cont

>> No.10615776

I like Pynchon I just think he's the weakest out of the group

>> No.10615830

>(powergap to emphasize my distaste for cantaloupe)
I want to like it, but I just feel like it shouldn't taste like that. I've yet to find a melon that isn't water that I like, though I am uncultured when it comes to melons.
Melon Puchao candy is fucking great though.
Can anyone recommend me some melons?

>> No.10615840

I've only read 3 of these authors, guess which ones.

>> No.10615844

Obviously not Pynchon

>> No.10615969

1. Pynchon
2. McElroy
3. Vollmann
4. Gaddis
5. Gass
6. Markson
7. Hawkes
8. Federman
9. Adam Levin
10. Michael Butor
11. Jim Gauer
12. Dara
13. Sorrentino
14. Wallace
15. Delillo

>> No.10615974

It's stayed with me all these years so you have a point.

>> No.10615998
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Foster Wallace

>> No.10616323

you gotta try cantaloupe again sometime, maybe you had under ripe or over ripe, it is very hit or miss, but it is very good, refreshing, boosting shot of energy and excitation. Succulent, sweet, its so good, you will look back on this phase after your aquired taste and shake your dang head, I promise, its impossible to not like if you have a good piece:

and everyone: I realized I left some key fruits off the list, so everyone has to update their lists:

Strawberrys (how i forget this..)
tomato (hehehe)
pumpkin (tehheeh)
Grapefruit (I know orange family or something, yada yada)

>> No.10616359

I think you guys may be unjustly ranking raspberries too high, yes there is something extra magical about them, though to be honest all fruits are equally magical in their own right (part of the idiom, comparing apples to oranges, ala); perchance you just havent had them in a long time so seeing them written has struck you with a great tastebuddy force of memory of their sharp sweet sour distinctness that catapults them to the top because you really really want some: though they do not lose points for likely their ability to not be eaten so often? Unlike say, the utility of the apple and banana, grapes, orange...daily warriors... raspberries I suppose can be such as good as any...but they may get a little overwhelming with such an abundant velocity of temporal proximity

>> No.10616685

>(powergap to emphasize my distaste for cantaloupe and tomato)
I've never eaten an actual Guava, passion fruit, or papaya, sadly.
Strawberries are to berries what tomatos are to fruit in general.

>> No.10617798

DeLillo is normie boomer-core

>> No.10618567

>tomato (hehehe)
>pumpkin (tehheeh)
might it make more sense and consistency to not just define fruits as 'that with seeds' (are trees fruits..are nuts seeds?) but by some combination of nuts or by only the possession of a certain quantity of fructose?

>> No.10618594

Why DeLillo get so much hate, I'm about half way thru White Noise and I think the media commentary is interesting, along with the anti-consumerist sentiment. Although I do not like some of the characters, I think they turned out to become tropes (Heinrich autistic smarty) but that was probably not the case when writing them in 80s. Is his other work worse or better? However I cannotunderstand a man who devotes his life to Hitler having existential crisis.

>> No.10618597

This. Vastly overrated

>> No.10618811

he is a good writer, has good lines and ideas, poetic prose, interesting perspectives and statements.

The people who arent seeming to rank him high, likely are doing so because they perceive his tone to be boring, maybe dreary, maybe dull, maybe arent entirely enthusiastic about all his subject matter choices

>> No.10619853

>megamega powerrrrgap

Thomas Pynchon - David Foster Wallace perfectly tied






>> No.10620433

Everybody who considers DeLillo boring should give Ratner's Star a chance before they shrug him off

>> No.10620490

That Godzilla/Gilligans Island mash up joke in IV was great dude. And the hairspray can bit in Lot 49?

>> No.10620493

>No mango

Shit list

>> No.10620542

1. Gaddis
2. Pynchon
3. Barth
4. Wallace
5. DeLillo
6. Gass
1. Bananas
2. Plums
3. Apples
4. Grapes
5. Oranges
6. Peaches
7. Raspberries
8. Pineapple
9. Blueberries
10. Watermelon
11. Cantaloupe
12. Honeydew

>> No.10620624

>not rating DeLillo

You pseuds realize DFW cited him as a major inspiration right?