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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 231x218, Confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10608407 No.10608407 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10608416

I'm 25 years old and I'm ashamed to say that literature has not played as great a role in my life as I would like.

>> No.10608422

Were it I was close to you, I'd give you strength inside you.

>> No.10608434

Just stole 50 euros for heorin

>> No.10608436

I am 26, a virgin and I sometimes lock myself in the shower and smear my own shit all over me.

>> No.10608438


>> No.10608442

Hey, me too!

The 26 and virgin part I mean. I don't smear shit on myself.

>> No.10608443

As a child I routinely shat in the bathtub.
Everyone assumed it was the cat.
I got a perverse thrill from watching other people clean my poop, I don't know why.

>> No.10608448

i don't believe you

>> No.10608450

Are u ugly?

>> No.10608455

This is Confession, gotta be true

>> No.10608463


>> No.10608476

nah, I'm fairly decent looking and am otherwise a normal individual with a normal job, just high functioning autism (probably)

I don't take pics doing it so you have to take my word for it

>> No.10608492

people around me think im smart but im really not, I can do well on exams but when they ask me a question its 50:50

>> No.10608500

I used to shit in the shower drain when I was 4/5

>> No.10608506

I am addicted to hentai porn, and I wish it to stop.
I often want to read the backlog of books I have but I end up spending hours looking at the hentai shit. I want it to stop. And its not as simple as just going away from the computer for a while because I need to use my computer for my job.

>> No.10608556

Use a site blocker

>> No.10608563

What is to stop me from unblocking?

>> No.10608573

You might go and turn the site blocker off if you're particularly weak.
But for me just the hassle of turning that thing off and on it enough to make me stop visiting some sites (non porn)

>> No.10608576

People always tell me I'm not awkward and that I'm great but I always feel like it's the opposite. Also I sometimes want to yell at my friend for having an extremely short attention span.

>> No.10608581

I think dirty thoughts and I want to masturbate. I've only read one or two chapters of White Noise today, and haven't finished my admittedly easy one page essay for German class.

>> No.10608592

I've become so miserable and empty inside that books are now my new obsession in search of some sort of answer or cure. Everything in life has become a struggle and I don't experience any pleasure at all on an average day. I just don't see the point of living if there's nothing about life to enjoy. All of my dreams are nightmares and I wake up exhausted everyday, so I don't even enjoy sleeping anymore.

I've tried getting into the Greeks, Buddhism, Taoism, reading classics, reading philosophy, reading uplifting novels, reading some seriously depressing ones, but nothing works for me.

I've tried working out full time, I've tried changing my diet, my mentality, my appearance, I've faked my personality, I've tried being as genuine as possible, I've tried being NEET, I've tried having a full time job, I've tried being single and tried being in a serious long-term relationship, I've tried being myself and also tried to not be myself. And before you say it, I have definitely "stopped trying".

It's not a deep sad depression. It's a constant feeling of "nothing" mixed with stress, discomfort and lack of pleasure.

Nothing works.


>> No.10608595

I've been putting off getting a new Mirena because my last one was done under GA and my next will be with the doctor just shoving their fingers up there while I spread my legs, and I don't know how I actually feel about someone who is essentially a stranger just going ahead and doing that.

I come from a country where women don't get gynecologists as soon as they turn 12 -- indeed, they only see one as a specialist doctor maybe once a decade, if that -- and everything else is handled by your GP or midwife, so this is not a normal proceeding.

>> No.10608612

>It's a constant feeling of "nothing" mixed with stress, discomfort and lack of pleasure.
Is it the perennial feeling of purposelessness?

what is a Mirena?

>> No.10608638

I can sympathize. I've been avoiding seeing a gynecologist (and doctors in general) my whole life because I can't handle the intrusive touching and the very idea of what you described makes me sick.

>> No.10608642

A Mirena is an IUD, an intrauterine contraception device

>> No.10608654

So you're a whore?

>> No.10608665

I used to shit in the shower and push it down the drain with my toes.

What? Am I somehow morally obligated to turn off the water, climb out, sit on the toilet naked and wet and then shit and THEN get back in the shower?

You people are fucking insane.

>> No.10608673

I got genital warts on my dick and havent had sex in months because of it and am crushed by it. how the fuck do i get rid of this

>> No.10608680

Too late whoremonger

>> No.10608687

Different anon.


Sometimes, people use contraceptives for reasons other than sex. Say, to regulate irregular, heavy, and/or very painful menstruation.

Once a month, a woman sheds her uterine lining. It is passed with contractions not dissimilar to minor labour. Sometimes, these can be so incapacitating as to render her unable to walk as she passes a clot of blood and uterine tissue the size of an egg.

You can cheat your body, though. Get the right IUD or other long-term contraceptive, and you might end up with minor spotting and minimal pain for a couple of days ever other month, or no indication of menstruation at all.

Whether you're a woman and you're sexually active or not, they're a viable choice for many reasons.

>> No.10608705

Sounds disgusting and unnatural, but excusable for weak willed women.

>> No.10608724

Quit your fucking whining. I've never had sex. Fuck you.

>> No.10608731

Roastie pls leave.

Only boys are allowed here.

>> No.10608734

I got into reading after visiting a friend of a friend's apartment and seeing her massive bookshelf full of interesting looking books with cool titles and thinking 'damn'.

Since then I take great pride in my bookshelf that's in my living room and knowing that my guests will see it and be impressed by what I read. I started off reading anything that I thought would make me seem more interesting and smarter, and discovered I actually really enjoy reading and learning.

So yeah, initially, I pretty much got into reading for the selfish, vapid, superficial reason of having a bookshelf that people would admire. Honestly, it's some kind of a Patrick Bateman thing, but I'm glad I did it because I fell in love with reading.

>> No.10608735

I hate people who accomplish things, so much so that I'm beggining to avoid good things entirely. If I like it, I drop it. I only want the creators to suffer, to fail and too feel as miserable as I feel.

I think I'm special, much better than everyone else, I deserve the best and the rest of you are not of much worth.

I think I know better than God.

Sometimes I hate myself for not living up to my ideal of myself. I do not forgive me or anyone. This world should be on fire.

Forgive me.

>> No.10608762

hold the pen
to my
as if
it is a
god gave me a
in between
my legs
with two cushions
on the back
if you

poopi kaur

>> No.10608763

I got them too and it's very hard to deal with emotionally. The more you read about it, the worse it seems.

If you haven't gotten rid of them already, don't wait any longer and visit your doctor. Apparently they are common, but getting rid of the physical symptoms doesn't clear you of the disease or spreading it.

Lastly, only you can make the decision on whether or not to have sex again. I've made mine and it wasn't easy to come to terms with, but life is too short ...

>> No.10608795


Literally kill yourself

>> No.10608852

I've been here 12 years. Go back to your hole.

IUDs are literally just slow dispensers of hormones we're already producing. All they do is throw your body off enough that you don't have a full menstrual cycle but a partial one, preventing pregnancy and heavier menses.

>> No.10608858

I spend more time on/lit/ than I do actually reading books.

>> No.10608862

lol that's still unnatural. Imagine pumping myself with testosterone and claiming that it's just dispensing what I already produce naturally. Silly woman.

>> No.10608868

I've been here for 14. You need to leave.

>> No.10608884

Damn I'm really glad I'm not a woman.

>> No.10608908

You should do it, with a woman if you're so concerned about privacy. Have you also considered pills? I thought they had the same effect?

>> No.10609275

HPV inoculations have been mandatory for the past 20 years.
Perhaps what you think is a wart is actually your micropenis.

>> No.10609290

It takes me like 2 or 3 months to finish 1 (one) 200 to 350 page book

>> No.10609295

Im deeply disgusted by midgets and have to throw up when I see one
because of that I could bring my self to read tolkien

>> No.10609298

How old are you?

>> No.10609328

I have convinced myself that there is no point to reading fiction other than for pleasure
I went from considering to myself to be a fascist to being (-5,-10) on political compass in just one or two months
I just started reading The Order of Things and it took me over two hours to get through the preface
I think I'm retarded

>> No.10609338

All I want is to be a devout Jew and I had to be born a fucking tranny.
I actually want to fucking die right now just like I have been for the past 10 years.

>> No.10609358

you just seem sort of all over the place, your brains are scrambled, maybe get on some ADD meds and see whats what

>> No.10609375
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>> No.10609523

Used to take them. Whenever I took them they turned me into an emotionless twitchy autist with no creativity and even less appetite

>> No.10609617

I’m gay.

>> No.10609629

PFFFFFF That's not a confession, we are all gay here, go back to the 60s

Also, if you haven't come out irl yet then you're a faggot

>> No.10609727

ive never actually read any books outside of high school required reading, all of my knowledge comes exclusively from /lit/ shitposts that i regurgitate with an air of authority

>> No.10609735

I usually don’t like the Jew hands but in this case they were perfectly placed, good job

>> No.10609751

Ive fked over 50+ women raw and never got anything. Get better taste in women.

>> No.10609763

I used to like critical theory but realized it was bullshit

>> No.10609767

Just like your understanding of anything outside of 4chan memes

>> No.10609770

Priest wojak is a big guy

>> No.10609772

What are some of your favourite books?

>> No.10609787

Still doesn’t remedy the fact that you and your friend have shit taste

>> No.10609809

I'm 20 and I've never read Homer

>> No.10609813

Same. He gets mentioned so much on here that I’m now just beyond caring about him.

>> No.10609910

no screens in your free time just go outside and read

>> No.10609923

Switching political positions often and carelessly is a sign you are just looking for an identity.

>> No.10609970

we three musketeers. in all honesty, /lit/ makes me feel underread. Like, i've read a lot of stuff, started getting into stuff closer to /litcore/ in high school (around age 16.) But I see "16 year olds" here talking about how hard it was for them to slough through Hegel and Dosto, and how much they enjoy curling up after soccer practice and reading the Illiad cover to cover while mommy makes pizza rolls.

>> No.10610078

personally, i'm so glad i didnt read anything of substantial quality as a kid - it would've ruined it. I can only appreciate great literature because I'm older now and have experienced life.

>> No.10610622

My confession is that I've played over 5000 games of league of legends in my life, and it makes me very sad to think about the ~3000 hours I could have spent reading or doing something else (playing a sport!) with that time. I guess I enjoyed it at the time and it fit me then as a person, but I really regret losing the time now, or feeling like I did. I guess I'll always look back on those halcyon days in my match history, and my gameplay recordings. I have thousands of hours of myself playing League of Legends if I ever get stuck in purgatory and have to watch my life over again.


It's not about reading homer: it's about realizing that everything the western world (the current world) represents, and hence the sphere you'll be existing in as it continues to wax or wane over the rest of your lifetime, is architecturally rooted in Homeric myth. Sparknote the iliad if you want, who cares, the stuff isn't super complicated: it's understanding how important it is that makes it valuable. It will give you guidance.

>> No.10610656

I lie a lot and hate god since he knows everything, the nosy bastard.

>> No.10610666

I lie a lot and hate the Jew since he knows everything, the nosey bastid

>> No.10611567

That fear of 'falling behind' used to bother me back when I thought reading had an importance that I no longer really believe it has. I'm more in Montaigne's frame of mind these days:
>“From books all I seek is to give myself pleasure by an honourable pastime: or if I do study, I seek only that branch of learning which deals with knowing myself and which teaches me how to live and die well...”

>> No.10612676


Do you get the heorin' aids soon, or is there a waiting list?

>> No.10612711

I've been obsessed about my lacking IQ for months. It's gotten to the point where I've lost all motivation to do anything or read any books because my intellectual ability is only about average, so why should I aspire to do or understand greater things? I'd like to just give up and accept it, but it's such a painful truth.

>> No.10612755

Are there even any legitimate IQ tests out there?
I've always gotten way too high scores.
I know there's no way I am <130, yet every test put me there.

>TLDR please link an IQ test that isn't shit.

>> No.10612761

I blew an amazing 1-2 year friendship because I drunkenly tried to kiss her.

We knew we weren't good for each other and I did it anyway

>> No.10612766

I am beyond saving and feel bad for shitting up this board but I do in fact read.

I used to think I was very smart, and in all fairness maybe I am, but just relative to the suburban New England town I grew up in.

>> No.10612767

Get a psychologist. Fuck meds.

>> No.10612768

How am I supposed to link you to a psychiatrist?

>> No.10612772

You can get an actual IQ test done by a psychologist. The testing process takes roughly 4 to 6 hours, but you'll get your results broken down into your weaknesses and your strengths at the end of it.

Incidentally, most of the tests I've taken online have been within 1 or 2 points of the score I got when I tested IRL (consistent 125.)

>> No.10612784


I think I am turning into a post-modernist. I am starting to like Michel Foucault. I was an ancap two years ago and an antisemitic nationalist five years ago.

My identity is just that what I read tells me I should care about. I am an empty shell that is only being filled.

>> No.10612794
File: 65 KB, 720x703, FB_IMG_1516652803195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started being great friends with a guy after my ex female best friend dumped him but not before I fucked her

>> No.10612795

I see, thank you.

>> No.10612796

Wow look at those digits

>> No.10612801

I know you hate Jews, Satan

>> No.10612809

I feel like a pseud all the time. I have a constant voice in my head telling me I'm fake. Then again, I guess everyone else is.

>> No.10612841

you need some religion my man

>> No.10612846

>actually liking a girl
>fucking her
literally pick one

>> No.10612850


Not anon but similar situation. Going "back" to religion feels like a regression rather than a progress. I can't persuade myself of the existence of god. I am looking into going beyond nihilism without succumbing to the anti-identitarian materialism of the marxist school, or to the dissoluting of the ego through fascism.

Despair must be overcome or I will die.

Please no "read Kierkegaard"

>> No.10612858

I have a big problem with keeping my dick in my pants when I can have sex, morality has no meaning for me then and I just go full sex machine

>> No.10612867

I am writing a great book, you will see the movie, you will read it, hate it or love it, but you will never know it was me posting this, even tho I love this board so much, I will drop hints, so subtle, that you will never be sure about them

>> No.10612888

>but I do in fact read
This already makes you better than most of /lit/

>> No.10612903

stfu faggot, publish it and only then you can bitch about it

>> No.10612919

B-But.... I am confesing my sins..

>> No.10612945

Try to stop caring about yourself and just give your life up to helping other people struggle through it.

What you're describing sounds similar to how I used to feel and this was the only strategy to ever help me

>> No.10612970

Speaking as someone who went through this...

Outside of a medical diagnosis, the only voice in your head is your own: your subconscious fears poking through to your consciousness, your conscious fears reinforcing themselves, whatever possible feelings of self doubt or social rejection you may feel, all telling you "there is something wrong."
It is up to you and you alone to fix it.
If counseling and therapy help, get it. If you haven't tried it, try it. If you're sure it won't help but haven't tried it, try it anyway. More than once, if you have the motivation - it takes the right person to help, and you may not find them right away. If you cannot control the voices because of medical reasons (people's brains are wired differently. You may be naturally more susceptible to hearing unwanted voices and not know), medication could help.

For a more immediate solution, take a step back from your life. Examine it, and yourself. Fair warning: there are probably parts you won't like to see. That's okay. The point is to recognize your whole self: good and bad. Remember that you have the right to change your personality to whatever you want, at a pace that is comfortable for you.

>> No.10612976

What if what's wrong with you has nothing to do with your personality but your genetics?

>> No.10613249

read Nietzsche

>> No.10613267

Your will

>> No.10613290

Damn dude why do you think you feel that way?

>> No.10613306

Same but with Dota.
Just thinking about all that time wasted makes me hate videogames and nerd culture so much.

>> No.10613647
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Become a monk. Stop falling for the delusion life can be fulfilling, and understand that life can be devoting

>> No.10613665
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I barely understand anything when I read philosophy. My pace is 1 page at 1 hour or less. I've read Metaphysics three times and I don't understand what the fuck it is about.

It's much easier to read Wikipedia, SEP and Sparknotes. I retain more, I understand much more.

I'm completely blackpilled towards original works at this point.

>> No.10613725

Absolutely disgusting. When will we stop pretending that women don't destroy everything by their mere presence?

>> No.10613950

When will you stop pretending your misogyny isn't a facade for your insecurities about your masculinity?

>> No.10613958

i cant read

>> No.10614014
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when will you stop forcing a dichotomy i dont fit into

>> No.10614805
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im just gonna say it
i-...i just want to be a cute anime girl...
thats why im always so mad at real grown women they violently remind me of it

>> No.10615075
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Replying to multiple posts, so desperate. I'll hand you this (You), because incels fill me with pity. Reminder you can get out of it, but you won't, because self comiseration is one hell of a drug.

>> No.10615120

Actually it’s the ultimate confession because being gay is a sin in the eyes of God himself.

>> No.10615161

I hate anime

>> No.10615215

I don't know, man. I've been struck by this hatred and envy recently and I can't shake it off.

>> No.10615222

ouch. get this cringey shit off of /lit/, your kind is not welcome here.

>> No.10615253

you have a mental illness
you are doing the shaming wrong, that's not an attractive female
anime is a form of desperation exhibited by a dying culture
learn to insult people with more vigor, originality, musicality, rage. you are almost as flaccid and repulsive as the bug

>> No.10615269

my energy is not worth it- a simple reminder is all that is necessary.

>> No.10615276

>using the word "facade" to try and sound smart


>> No.10615282

Grown heterosexual male and I feel the same way. Not sure if I'd have sex with men after I transitioned. Seems like it would defeat the purpose of being cute and pure. I do like the idea of being able to arouse sexual desire in other men, tho. Guess I'd be a tease. Ideally there would be some sort of switch, live as a conventional hetero male on the weekdays, flaunt my kawaii on the weekends.

>> No.10615285


>> No.10615332

I've heard of people who had this and did no fap for 6 months and were cured

>> No.10615433

accelerated graphics port?

>> No.10615450


>> No.10615474

to make it clear, AGP =/= tranny
mtf trannies legit want to have female bodies to reflect however they feel, that male genitals are wrong for them, etc. usually they are incredibly depressed and suppose I pity them for that
for AGPs it is a fetish and turns them on to think about becoming female, usually they have autism
however it has been found transitioning is actually beneficial for both iirc

>> No.10615476

Why are you alive?

>> No.10615483

***and I suppose I pity them for that
holy shit I need to learn to proofread what I write before posting

>> No.10615529

I like my life as a welfare TruNEET living in a tiny room in my mother's house more than I liked my life with a hot gf, an apartment and a job.

>> No.10615534

how does one go from the second to the first?

>> No.10615536

How fascist are we talking here? Were you immersed in reactionary philosophy/literature or did you just think the uniforms looked cool? It's strange to make such a shift so quickly.

>> No.10615550

>well your honor, im tripping balls and my face is melting off and i dont know if that means ive sinned against god or not.

>> No.10615574

>quit job
>dump gf
>move back in

As simple as that. I'm glad I tried the normal life though, just to make sure there are no sour grapes involved and so that I could make an informed decision.

>> No.10615580

sometimes i speak in greentext when i shouldnt

>> No.10615589

how does mommy feel about the arrangement you are in

>> No.10615591

I don't want to read today.

>> No.10615599

For a wile now I have seen far too many of you confess that you actually barely read and I am now extremely suspicious about most posts I read on here regarding books. Would you frequent /a/ if you didn't watch anime?

>> No.10615602

how do ii know you are not lying?

>> No.10615608

me too!

>> No.10615610

welcome to people who think they like books personal blogspot, check em

>> No.10615612


>> No.10615631

I hate young women. It is pleasurable to see them suffer one way or the other.

>> No.10615643

go clean your cobwebs out your twat bitch

>> No.10615650


>> No.10615652

curled lip little faggot ass bitch thinking you are hot shit, pop your pussy punk ass mouth lil fukn cunt, cut your ass shit bitch fuck you

>> No.10615659

your niggerized comment is quite amusing.

>> No.10615666
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you arte just mad cus nobody is stuffing your granny ass cooter bitch lololo
ur a nigger

>> No.10615672
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trips dont lie bitch

>> No.10615676

Fine I guess, she gets half my neetbux and we get along well.

I don't know, but it's true. The more simple my life becomes the more I enjoy it.

>> No.10615691
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Im just waiting here for your salty ass bitch reply like keep a nigga waiting bitch im fucking moist waiting on your granny ass

>> No.10615711

I didn't write that ":3c" shit. Fucking niggers. If you like Trump that makes you a swallowing faggot. Please for the love of fuck, go extinct.

>> No.10615777

I don't belong to any Abrahamic faith, or any faith that condemns illegitimate children, and despite having somewhat open views I get extremely uncomfortable with people having illegitimate children and extramarital affairs.

I agree that marriage is somewhat useless but I feel almost personally offended when people move in together and have children outside of wedlock, it's like there's this Victorian woman screaming in my head "degeneracy!".

Maybe I was a Puritan in my past life? One shall never know. I just want to stop being bothered by other people's lives though, I've spent too much time detesting people for their personal actions.

>> No.10615796

When I was in 4th grade we were reading the book Holes by Louis Sachar in class. I liked it so much I stole a copy from the library. Found it the other day buried in an old drawer.

>> No.10615965
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no... i mean i literally want to be an animated girl
and most nights ill do drugs and pretend im one and that makes me feel a lot better
ive never been one to cry you know

>> No.10615987

I have nothing to confess.

I'm pretty bitchin.

>> No.10615991

I would routinely steal books from my high school's library. There was no reason to and I haven't stolen anything since. I guess I just wanted to make sure I always had access to them.

>> No.10616017

Yeah, the thought of being an actual girl with human physical features holds no appeal. I'd want to be an anime girl, embodying the kawaii aesthetic. Preferably in an anime setting, rebuffing the advances of anime men. You are not alone, we probably number in the thousands.

>> No.10616100

Even when things are going great i still have thoughts of suicide, been dealing with this for over 10 years (22 now), im alone and cold. Distant from anyone else. I pretend to be someone i am not at work just so i can go home and escape out of my life

I go to sleep and have nightmares every night... pathetic haunts from my past. I wake up and want to rip the memories out of my head, dead cord

It doesnt matter. Exercise eat right, meditate, love yourself, some of us are blessed with this “gift” of life, dead parents and abusive caretakers, necrotic gene, driving you insane and you know it and want to stop it (i didnt ask to be born, i am ready to die)

I had a dream a few months ago, i found my father in a living room down the hallway watching tv in a dark room, one of those old Zenith tvs. Sitting in a corner wheezing, he was a giant oozing cartoon mess of a chicken, rotting flesh n talcum bone popping here and there, flies buzzing happily in a halo above him, i smelled the disgusting trash as soon as i entered the room and noped the fuck out of his life

why is he cutting his wrists at 12? Is life so bad? Cutting is therapeutic when you are ready to kill yourself- try it sometime when you are suicidal

I just want out

>> No.10616152

I argue with people on Nick Lands twitter posts about shit I dont care about.

>> No.10616158

I also did this.

We used to have these encyclopedia ring binders, too, and I stole more than one article from them as well.

>> No.10616173

i believe you know

>> No.10617846

Nice trips. But isn't people moving in to raise children enough for a semblance of family? Do you figure people have to marry in the traditional Christian wedding to consider them married? Or is an agnostic ceremony enough?

>> No.10618014

cold turkey

>> No.10618640

4chan doesn't have a timer.

>> No.10618730

I'm 30 and still live with my parents. I have no job and no hobbies. Everyday I try to fill the existential void with reading. I don't want to be a wageslave. I'm stuck.

>> No.10618750
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Same, but I'm a little bit younger than you.

It doesn't get any better, does it?

>> No.10618756
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I don't know what it is that is.

>> No.10618790

why the fuck haven't they kicked you out yet

30 is well past the age of "oh my little Jimmy is just a late bloomer in life", it's well past the point of even being sad or pathetic, it just genuinely begs the question why have they not kicked you out

>> No.10618799

they are low conscietiousness or wealthy and he has a hold over them mentally, i would move out if i was him i don’t know how i could live with myself being an unaccomplished bachelor living with mom at 30 id rather slave away in a micro apt than be that gay and pathetic

>> No.10618820

Everything went to shit past 25
They know I'm an emotional mess, maybe it's common in the USA to kick their child out of the house.

>> No.10618995

honestly this

>> No.10619047

This. Stop masturbating until it really means something.

>> No.10619150


He's wrong. Live to the max in 20s, become an awakened adult in early 30s...once you're finished maturing you can't change a lot about who and what you are.

Take it or leave it with likely regret.

>> No.10619191

The absolute state of this website

>> No.10620397

I tried really hard to keep the last few threads of the Gravity's Rainbow reading group alive. The latest one was archived earlier today. I'm waiting to see if anybody else cares to make a new thread because I refuse to do so. I've made the past two threads, made all the schedules, and contributed a bunch of good discussion. Is anybody there? I still want to talk about the book. I'm just sick of shit-eaters and pouring my time into something that nobody else cares about.

>> No.10620514

I cheat on my fiancee almost every time I travel for business, which is about 4-6 times a year. I usually meet a guy on the plane, a hotel bar, a conference/workshop etc.

>> No.10620536

It only gets better if you force yourself outside your comfort zone and don't waste any more years living vicariously online.

Doing what you have been doing has gotten you nowhere, but you think continuing the course is somehow going to yield different results in a few years?

>> No.10620554

I'm 26 and mostly the same, except I get disability allowance because of epilepsy and make money on the side doing in-home dogsitting.

And I have several hobbies, although they aren't social ones.

>> No.10620574

Praying for your conversion and that you'll confess to your fiancée. Hell isn't a meme and you're on the road there.

>> No.10620585

honestly if a guy is too stupid to not know that worthless cunts will always act like this, he deserves it

you are still nothing but a worthless cunt tho

>> No.10620593

really hope this is bait

>> No.10620682
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This one time back in 3rd grade I shit in a urinal at school
While people were in the bathroom with me

>> No.10620699
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>> No.10620707

literally hope you get AIDS

>> No.10620709

I've been in uni for 4 years now. I'm not even close to finishing my degree. I sleep for 12h a day and hope to just die in my sleep.

>> No.10620723

>I sleep for 12h a day
honestly wellbutrin helped me with this, I was sleeping 12-14 hours a day and since I started I only sleep around 6-8 hours, feels good
Do you live in the states ? (I ask because uni), if so, that's fucking shitty honestly, I'm sorry my man

>> No.10620730

this sounds like every alt-lit novel

>> No.10620748

I can't actually read

>> No.10620771

I'm from Europe. I picked up "uni" from my Australian friend. I'm on Zoloft. I think my dose should be upped since it stopped making much of a difference lately.

>> No.10620782

Yeah Zoloft is good for mood but I recently got off of it, it's too easy to build a tolerance to and is addictive
No idea which country you're from but my friend in Italy tells me uni is cheap as fuck, people fail years multiple times and just .... keep coming back and retaking the same classes. He knows people who have been taking the same course 6 years because they give no fucks.

>> No.10620795

But wouldn't it be hot if she was a dude?

>> No.10620798

I was the same, and dropped out after 4 and a half years. I felt fucking awful about it, but I just couldn't cope and life got a lot better once I just said fuck it and got a job.

>> No.10620815

sick have fun with your deformed brain
typical evil kleptocracy and idiotic yuropean formality

>> No.10620820

I guess I'll talk to my therapist about it next time I see him. It's good that uni is cheap, but my family is annoyed by my lack of progress. Maybe getting a job would do me good. In general, I feel like being passive makes me even more passive.

>> No.10620826

pls no bullying
this is a Christian board please be nice

>> No.10620834

sorry Father

>> No.10621030

No matter your sex, this posts increased my sympathy for Islamists.

>> No.10621061

Don't you think there is a value in preserving the hormonal cycle?

People in Los Angeles are entirely unaffected and unconcerned with the procession of the seasons.

>> No.10621071

Depends on the person. There are obviously trade-offs to messing with the chemical balance in your body, but it's obviously worth it if the alternative is a debilitating period

>> No.10621377

No, moving in together and having children out of wedlock is a farce, I demand legal and social acknowledgement. I actually grew up in a Buddhist culture that meakly scorns at that stuff so I don't think it's religion or culture or family. I don't like divorce or remarriage either but my maternal grandma was a result of a second marriage so it's just me that dislikes it.

One theory I have is that all that stuff I dislike is prevalent in normie liberal communities, and since I hate their degeneracy and hedonism I also hate their mating patterns which show little commitment or self restraint. Maybe it's a lack of discipline I hate? Idk man

>> No.10621380

I am prideful father

>> No.10621617

I'm not a smart or even nice person but I'm very deceiving and charming so people always think highly of me. I could be easily diagnosed with narcissism if I ever spoke with anyone about it.

I'm going to run for political office one day.

>> No.10621652

I keep fantasizing about my cousins (yes plural), head to toe. Especially the toes... more so the soles.

>> No.10621864

I feel the same way. When there were 3rd party sites that estimated your gametime, I clocked in at around 280~ days played. Regret such an extreme time dump, hardly play anymore, still love the game though.

>> No.10622012

Hentai is better written than most books you'll read, no bullshit,

>> No.10622037

>tfw you're gonna get gored by a black goat

>> No.10622062


>> No.10622076

same here

>> No.10622240

>addicted to hentai
it's literally some of the shittiest porn you will find, I couldn't even jerk off to that shit past 12

>> No.10622252
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>I wish it to stop.
>I want it to stop.

Stare at this image for 30 seconds or more and say this prayer:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee : blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Just do it.

>> No.10622311

as soon as my girlfriend is at work and i have a night where socializing isn't necessary i get fuck eyed drunk and don't do shit
i have a book by my bedside i re-dogtag to maybe 30-40 pages every night shes away so she thinks i've been the lowest point of productive at least
i don't enjoy drinking

>> No.10622614

I'm simultaneously talking and flirting with at least 5 girls on whatsapp

>> No.10622618

Fuck you. Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you

>> No.10622639

Yep, this is 100% the natural result of women having careers. No man would dispute this. It should surprise no one, provoke a negative reaction in no one who's in favor of womens lib.

>> No.10622764

You don't need Foucault or some other trendy pseud to tell you that. Read Mark Twain's What Is Man?

>> No.10622849
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I just dropped out of school after 3 years because my advisor told me it would be another 3 years for just my undergraduate. I'm finishing at another college or the local tech school. Everyone says I made the right choice but I still can't help but feel like a failure.

>> No.10622918

I stopped reading all post-modern lit because of Jordan Peterson

>> No.10623714
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>assuming that's a woman
>the slight implication that women didn't cuck their husbands in the good ole days

>> No.10624199

I'm dumb. I'm just fucking dumb. Too low IQ to do anything I want, too talentless to be worth anything in the eyes of anyone. I hate myself. I hate my life.

>> No.10624207

Acquire a shred of discipline for Christs sake.

>> No.10624223

The book of heroic failures

>> No.10624225

so stupid and you should be executed for doing this

>> No.10624239


it was significantly hard to do and there were severe consequences for doing it

>> No.10624240
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>> No.10624571

I am doing something similar, whilst having a girlfriend. I never get to the point where I exchange images, but it nonetheless feels as though something that is wrong, immoral. Though this feeling is there, I have no trouble ignoring it and to be fair, most of the time it is completely absent.
Do I lack a superego because I never had a dad?

>> No.10624574

You're just having the natural reaction to the crumbling of society

>> No.10624634
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There's one thing you haven tried.

>> No.10624641

You're only problem is your expectations. Where did you have get the idea that you have to be special?

>> No.10625181

not any of the anons ur answering to but its because i was always told by my parents, whole family, teachers etc that i was smart and later on even achieved some gewd results which cemented my status
i know im a brainlet tho

>> No.10625203

no you’re just immoral, social cheater, low conscientiousness, high sociopathy its not some sad circumstance you’re just an untrustworthy animal. i hope your gf catches you, cucks you behind your back then embarasses you in front of your social circle and you’re forced to be a bitter feral fucknigger jumping from chance pussy to chance pussy with no hope of intimacy. or it develops into a habit that ruins your relationship with the future mother of your children, either way i hope you suffer

>> No.10626181

The cycle is not stopped.

I still ovulate and experience PMS, to a degree. Just less. From my understanding, it can stop ovulation in some people, but the hormone in it mostly just prevents the buildup of the lining of the uterus, meaning it isn't possible to conceive with the added benefit of there being less lining to shed when your monthly rolls around, resulting in a lighter and less painful period because there is less to pass.

Additionally, if someone wishes to remove it and become pregnant, they theoretically can within 24 hours of removal of the Mirena, provided they're at a fertile point in their cycle. Completely reversible.

Incidentally, what does LA have to do with anything? Were you meaning to reply to someone else?

I live nearly 7000 miles away from Los Angeles.

>> No.10626240

he's drawing an analogy between menstrual cycles and seasonal cycles, sweetie

la is known for its consistent warm weather and lack of 'proper' seasons.

>> No.10626297

Well, I experience both cycles properly so what was the point?

>> No.10626315

I want to write but I have realized that no matter how good my writing is, I won't be satisfied, and its more than likely shit, thus worse than sub-satisfactual.

>> No.10626330

yo women are inferior and your problems don't matter, stop posting no one cares if you die bitch

>> No.10626338

i tried this but ended up looking at marry hentai

>> No.10626407

That's not true desu.

>> No.10626614

I make 80 thousand dollars a year and spend every free penny at art auctions and on eBay. I own first editions/limited run/signed copies of dozens of classics that I haven't even read, but keep in my library. I probably own 15-20k United States dollars worth of books, most of which I have not read. I have no savings and am still in 25k worth of student debt.

>> No.10626622

you should be euthanized

>> No.10626626

Post pics desu i also waste all my money in a similar fashion

>> No.10627273

The book I last borrowed from my university's library was in pristine condition - after hard reading (and some marginalia) it is now seriously foxed. Please forgive me father.

>> No.10627279


>> No.10627374

I abuse marijuana and alcohol. I don't read enough. I am easily distracted by the internet. My attention span and intelligence have dwindled. I don't feel anything anymore. Please help

>> No.10627384

Don't seek help but embrace the next stage. It is part of your development.

>> No.10627399


>> No.10627409

dubs says this was strong of you, a powerful stance against evil

the only way out is to exercise supreme self mastery, will, and to stop fucking up your metabolism and hormones every day. Start with sleep, water, diet and sunlight+vit D and then work on closing tabs, keeping an eye on the clock etc and shame, guilt and disgust. People feel no disgust anymore for their worthless behavior, its really sorry that you're such a lazy faggot who has wasted their intellectual endowment. I feel bad for you, shame on your behalf. Do you want that?

>> No.10627434

Of course not. Any recommended readings?

>> No.10627541

i once liked magnus and the hammer of thor

>> No.10627718

I drank alot beer today.

>> No.10627735

>falling for the kike on a stick meme


But seriously though, spirituality without religion is ok.

>> No.10627742

I’m a girl.

>> No.10628058

For me, it has nothing to do with being special. Hell, I wouldn't call being one of 140 million smart people special. It's just the lack of innate ability, the knowledge that I've been predetermined to never fully understand great works of art, yet given the desire to do so for inexplicable reasons. It's knowing that the only real reason for my existence is to spend my time doing the menial tasks the gifted can't do because they're busy working on actually important matters, or rather don't want to do.

Why give a person the ability to perceive the surface but be denied its depths, instead thrown in a life of endless, meaningless toil that absolutely no one in their right mind would want to spend their only life doing?

>> No.10628135

I'm 29 f and I've never even been in a relationship.

>> No.10628243

10, nice

>> No.10628264
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>> No.10628633
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I spent 3 of my 8 billable hours at work posting on /lit/ and /f1/.

>> No.10628646

i masturbated last night

>> No.10628678

>being this deluded

>> No.10628751
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Good taste anon, hentai has been fundamentally proven to be the superior taste for those with high intelligence. 2D>3D

>> No.10628784

>persona 2

>> No.10628789
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I'm a goddamned pseud.

>> No.10628856

I find it genuinely hard to communicate irl without greentexting
Whenever I write something, I usually begin each paragraph with a >

>> No.10628953

Nyarlathotep as a manifestation of humanity's subconscious nihilism.
How come the japs grasp Lovecraft better than any western critic (save Houellebecq)?