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/lit/ - Literature

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10612202 No.10612202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"So what are you reading, anon? Anything I'd like? "

>> No.10612208

I'm reading a book about bees. Do you like bees?

>> No.10612216

yes darling it's called Mein Kampf which translates to "My Struggle" in German. It's a really compelling book about a unique man's struggle in the hard times following WWI. I think you'd love it.

>> No.10612219

Worth of cuckoldry.

>> No.10612220

>implying women like books

>> No.10612230

I have no subtlety, i talk about my last 5 books, make some recommendations, criticize the books she is reading, whatever. If you want to talk about my interests you are gonna get my opinion.

Would recommend Kristin Lavransdattar, Willa Cather, etc

Women like books a million times more than men, they just read mostly filler, or at best, National Book Award/Pulitzer/NYT stuff

>> No.10612247

Most people don't read anything interesting. The worst is when you're reading something that the other person has never heard of, so they ask you "is it good?" and the only way you can answer without confusing them with an explanation is a hollow "yes".

>> No.10612252
File: 60 KB, 540x405, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come every male i meet with a learned interest in literature has a personality like this?
i get it, it's hard to find people you can talk to about clarice lispector and structuralism but when you word-vomit like an autist and desperately seek affirmation for your every thought it makes me never want to bond over literature with anyone

>> No.10612283

I like to talk about contentious books, and I believe in the value of critique. Most women who read books are extremely relativistic (everyone has different tastes!), and fuck that.

It also helps that im married to a non-reading (except journals) stem nerd so that side never came out, and if I actually had a chance of sleeping with a book-nerd (prior to marriage), I would just turn the question over so she would talk about herself.

But just a random? I have no interest in bonding, but I do enjoy a lack of cowardice regarding literary opinion.

>> No.10612359
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Just show her the cover.

>> No.10612378

I would never fucking date anyone who believes in that disgusting abomination.

>> No.10612380

what makes you think they are seeking affirmation? If someone asks me about something I'm passionate about or at least am really interested in or have invested time in I like to sy my thoughts on the matter, after all, they did asked.

>> No.10612403

It's about a struggling artist...hey, just like you, sweetie!

>> No.10612451

it's definitely not the case that every male with a learned interest in literature is as you described.
so a more useful question might be, what is it
about you that attracts you to those sperglords (prior to your deducing their sl status of course)?
if i had to guess, i'd say you tend to be drawn to the company of relatively effeminate appearing, unintimidating men, which men tend to compensate for their own perceived shortcomings by playing the role of the public intellectual or whatever.

>> No.10612463
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>pic related, its me

>> No.10612486

I did not expect white teeth. She looks like MILFIE from the sopranos.

>> No.10612494

you beast, you.
"you" ironically looks like me on steroids and a shoulder wax. maybe an extra chromosome or two thrown in, too

>> No.10612495

Petersonphiles gtfo

>> No.10612496

Nice projection there, bruv.

No, but you do have a point, more or less. >>10612252 has only ever met guys like this probably because one way or another he/she has a personality that gravitates towards the "pseudo-intense" type, regardless of physical appearance. Maybe he/she sees something reflected in the pseudo-intense that reminds him/her of him/herself. Either way, it's not "every male" that's socially autistic and can't follow a conversation without turning into captain retardo.

>> No.10612500

>woman asks about subject of interest
>assertively discuss your view on the matter
>implication is effeminacy and your status is a soyboy

I guess the alpha thing to do would be vacillate and let her lead the conversation, or give a single title answer and stare at her breathing heavily

>> No.10612504

so was the nudie scene from tony's dream real or what?

>> No.10612522

self-confidence and a degree of social finesse can preclude either response. you don't want to "assert" anything when first discussing these kinds of topics, just establish an open-minded dialogue where you can posit opinions without overstating them or becoming overexcited about the whole thing a la >>10612230

i don't gravitate towards these kinds of people, they do to me. i'm a quiet, unassuming male and every time i've asked another male with a copy of an interesting book about what they like to read i am instantly turned off by the nature of their response. perhaps it has more to do with the type of people to carry around books in public with the intent of striking up these conversations, but i don't think that's fair either, it's not like everyone can only read in privacy

tldr i don't know why this happens but it's a pretty consistently predictable occurence

>> No.10612535
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I know the answer. You are a soyboy and they are not.

>> No.10612542
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>> No.10612544
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Assertion is not necessarily absence of insecurity, and might as well showcase it even more than not being active in a conversation. It also fades away the "mystery" factor which, in spite of being meme'd to death by PUA, is something women and I'd say even a lot of guys are attracted to.

Also there is a special class of women who get their panties dripping wet when they meet actually schizoids who purposefully avoid eye contact and have to be pressured to talk about their hobbies (talking while facing a general direction and you're just there to listen to it, of course). Needless to say this special class is basically composed of psychos and turbo wenches with an amazingly common sense of 'adventure' and a propensity for panic attacks/bouts of faux depression.

>> No.10612576
File: 28 KB, 308x450, 18814216_1257890194308334_2056638257433990154_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now? A book called "Middlemarch." I think you'd like it — there's a lot of different characters, but they're all interesting and each has their own struggle. Romance, family dynamics, art, even local politics. It's amazing one author can write so well about so many different subjects.

>> No.10612584

>ask about book
>they tell you about book

where is the problem

>> No.10612594

Fuck I had a friend like this. She was absolutely gorgeous too and gravitated always towards the nerds and schizos and weird fucks, but couldn't hold a boyfriend for more than a month. She was also a turbo slut. Loved her to death but wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole if you know what I mean. Haven't talked to her in ages, both her parents died and she lives with her sister or something.

>> No.10612598

>ask about book
>they tell me the last five they read, make some recommendations and criticize the book i am reading
there's the problem sperg

>> No.10612599

>Gee, I dunno, what DO you like?

Literally just dodge and get them to talk about themselves.

>> No.10612602

lol why the hell would you place the emphasis on do

>> No.10612603

I like her glasses

>> No.10612606

you ever think maybe her end goal wasn't "holding a boyfriend more than a month?" like, what's the prob?

>> No.10612611

Yeah I'm reading this book called "every girl pussy is the same". So... Wanna fuck in the bathroom ? I can give u 5 euros

>> No.10612612
File: 53 KB, 351x364, 1513358889232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you MEAN?

>> No.10612613

maybe if you weren't an ugly whore I'd tell you, next

>> No.10612635

Slow down there, amigo. I don't know what her goal was, she was just fucking weird. She "confessed" her feelings towards me a full three times during high school and the second time we became an item for like a week before she told me there was someone else. So we kept on being friends until I found a new gf and she came at me again with her "I regret what I said and I feel like I just want to throw myself at you all the time" bullshit. At that point I understood she was just whimsical about who she wanted to be with, played the prude classy artsy grill but was actually just really sad about her parents and family in general and just needed someone to hold her sometimes. I dunno. I hope she's well desu.

>> No.10612640

Because the OP said "Anything I'd like?".

Are you dense or something, lad?

>> No.10612644

I'm reading your butifel eyes, luv.

>> No.10612647

this tbqhwyfamalamadingdong

>> No.10612659

well, i'm guessing that's a generalization meaning they expand upon the subject which is still reasonable

>> No.10612664

it's literally me copying this post >>10612230

and no, it's not reasonable. if you think so you are the problem. i just met you, take it slow.

>> No.10612688


Make your life a little easier and just use them, they, their.

>> No.10612697

It just seems weird to use a plural pronoun for a single person. Then again, english isn't my native language, so thanks for the advice fampai.

>> No.10612704

>is something women and I'd say even a lot of guys are attracted to.
I think I know what you mean, and I think it has to do with how people react when they are seeking validation (in the form of an answer to a question) and do not receive it.

To the extent that most people struggle to receive genuine validation from their parents, they end up prizing those instances when they DO feel validated.
So, the experience of asking someone a question in some social context, followed by that person's apparent unwillingness to commit to a straightforward answer (the mystery factor you refer to), is simply an "adult" version of the problem faced by the child of mummy and daddy not paying attention to the things the child is interested in (not to trivialize or anything).
And just as this only strengthens the child's resolve to get attention and achieve validation, so too does the adult then get sucked into the that mindset.
>inb4 muh freud
>inb4 projecting bro
>inb4 inb5

>> No.10612705

>get asked for your opinion on something
>give your honest opinion
>get a blank stare in return
every time

>> No.10612720

Men in general are obsessed with hobbies and enjoy talking about them in excruciating detail. This is how men become friends with each other. You have this experience with men who like literature because you also like literature. You don't have this experience with men who have other interests because you don't share those interests.

>> No.10612736

wow, thanks for the brilliant analysis. clearly not aware of any of this previously

>> No.10612749

Don't ask a question if you already know the answer.

>> No.10612770

Right now? White Noise, I think you'd like it, but personally I can't understand how a man who's devoted his life to Hitler is having an existential crisis.

>> No.10612771

your answer amounts to a tautology explaining nothing

>> No.10612792

>Women like books a million times more than men, they just read mostly filler, or at best, National Book Award/Pulitzer/NYT stuff
Oh please sugar tits, women read YA drivel mostly. Women are children only bigger

>> No.10612800

It explains everything, you're just an idiot.

>> No.10612804
File: 385 KB, 510x661, 1516987463138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys come over here how is it possible to tell a girl or anyone but a grl especially that youre into literature/philosophy/poetry ? it sounds kind of weird is there a way to phrase or ease in

>> No.10612805

Im gonna try this and see what happens just for the lulz

>> No.10612824

just remember to avoiding referencing the german title which many plebs have heard, and just mention the translated title.

>> No.10612836

Is that a fucking rotatory gun in the corner?

>> No.10612854


zip up your fly

>> No.10612906

>pedo classes

>> No.10612925

she does, except hotter

>> No.10612938

looks like a replica vulcan

>> No.10612939

spotted the asexual

>> No.10612962

How the fuck do you even talk to girls? I just don't understand it. My brain just stops working when confronted with one. Getting out the necessary pleasantries is hard enough, much less having a full on conversation.

>> No.10612968

because he doesn't read books and doesn't understand inflection

>> No.10612988

>How the fuck do you even talk to girls?

It can't really be done. The trick is to talk through them.

>> No.10613018

Realize they're human beings.

Treat them as such.


>> No.10613021

Mostly just Horus Heresy, think a fantasy novel but it's in space. I'm also reading up on military strategy and how our concept of a modern military came to be, if you're interested I'd recommend "The Profession of Arms", good read.

>> No.10613023

just be yourself

>> No.10613025

well, most dudes just say hey sup bae
but you would unironically benefit from exposure therapy
quick'n dirty sol'n: find a sex therapist. seriously.
wish i'd known about and tried it a long time ago instead of fumbling throuhg life figuring it out on my own. although at least now i have a boatload of cringy memories that keep me entertained

>> No.10613027

How old are you?

>> No.10613036


Please refer to: >>10613021

>> No.10613043

Just learn how to not care and crack jokes. But since you might be an autist you should just give up and focus on something that you like and can make you fiscally succesful

>> No.10613068
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>quick'n dirty sol'n: find a sex therapist.
w-whats that mean
is that a girl you pay to be nice to you
do i have to tell them about my animes?

>> No.10613084

are you kidding dood?
there's no way to utter the expression
>Mostly just Horus Heresy, think a fantasy novel but it's in space
and then without waiting for a response from her to utter the unprompted expression
>I'm also reading up on military strategy and how our concept of a modern military came to be, if you're interested I'd recommend "The Profession of Arms", good read.
without sounding incredibly desperate to be heard by someone and/or unoriginally autistic

>> No.10613088

At least he's talking.

Shittily, but talking.

>> No.10613112
File: 41 KB, 576x521, Konrad Curze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never asked to be referred to as someone capable of talking to women in any charismatic capacity, I'm really not.

>> No.10613121


prime wife material if it weren't for the fact that she has the body type of someone who never stops being obese after they have their first kid

>> No.10613124

actually i was wrong, it's called a sex surrogate.
i'm sure you could tell them about anything you want that's important to you. they tend to be genuinely less judgemental people

>> No.10613132

true enough
sorry man, i never meant to imply that you did. i was just saying that the other poster's advice, to speak in the manner suggested by your post, might not be the ideal solution.
sorry if i was a dick.

>> No.10613144

wait can you tell me a little bit more are they the type of people who would listen to me if i wanted to be really honest and pathetic and have someone care maybe

>> No.10613145
File: 36 KB, 312x499, 514sD9NdsVL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a neat little book. Sometimes i believe it throws some obvious stuff but never the less a comfy read

>> No.10613151

Dont worry, ill keep that in mind.

>> No.10613181

I think that's what he meant by 'filler'. And it doesn't change the fact that women read a lot more than men.

>> No.10613186
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 12093549_1750072151931054_170061176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know that? pic related

>> No.10613190

my impression is that yes, their goal is to work through issues that you have that get in the way of your sexual "goals". my initial suggestion of one session seems to be misguided, becuase you won't realistically get much from it (just like psychotherapy). and honestly, from what you're saying, it sounds like you would also benefit from speaking to an ordinary therapist (which i'm mentioning because it might be cheaper)

but here's something i just copy pasted from a relevant website:

With all my patients, I begin by establishing trust and building rapport that lessens anxiety. This is a gradual and integrative process that is both structured and in the moment; I gauge the appropriate pace based on the person’s specific needs. From there, I employ a variety of skills that teach new behaviors, replacing old “default” tendencies through practical physical application, coaching, and education.

I work with men and women, gay, straight, bisexual and transgender. I assist patients in overcoming a range of issues, including:

Premature ejaculation
Erectile dysfunction
Late virgins
Social/sexual shyness
Performance anxiety/lack of confidence and inexperience
Sexual shame
Trauma and disassociation from sexual abuse
Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD)
Body image

p.s. honest and pathetic is a GOOD therapist's bread and butter, so with the right person you would be good hands.

>> No.10613201

Proved his point m8.

>> No.10613295

just found this which i thought was interesting:

>> No.10613354


>> No.10613356

no they don’t good looking women don’t read you stupid fuck

>> No.10613357

yeah the odyssey if you like some post-war action with all the pstd and trauma

>> No.10613369

i hate you faggots so fucking much, dude do you know how grotesque it is you have pictures of underaged neotenous girls saved and you both fap to and associate your own emotions with their false expressions of humanity? you’re disgusting, what an evil and awful mind you have

>> No.10613379

sorry didn't realize I rustled so many jim jams.

I've tried it doesn't work.
People always say this but it literally helps nothing. Yeah no shit they're human beings but I'm pretty sure they're not going through the same mental anguish I am when I'm conversing with them.
They never seem to get my jokes. I still have ptsd from when I tried out this extended bit on shoes and she didn't seem to follow whatsoever.
I feel like you just suggested that I see a prostitute which I'd rather not do.

>> No.10613383

My struggle the book about a struggling Norwegian Author.

>> No.10613386


>> No.10613414

it doesn't have to be jokes just talk about something that you and them find interesting i.e. reading
you have to find the right opportunity also what >>10613018 said
> they're not going through the same mental anguish I am when I'm conversing with them.
you're overthinking m8 and making prejudices you can't tell what's going on in everyone's head
girls too can be shy

>> No.10613420

>he believes in good and evil
not even a anime poster, but HAHAHHAHA, HOW FUCKING RETARDED CAN U BE?

>> No.10613424

>how come u say some negative things
lmao @ roasties

>> No.10613434

>implying female
lurk more, sperg less (it's fucking embarrassing)

>> No.10613440

This would make a good Houllebecq scene

>> No.10613445

ugly minds make me involuntarily want to purge yes
too bad anime is evil, anime posters have no souls, the correlation between fake cute diction and psychotic obsession with demented ideals of pubescent women is all the evidence i need to diagnose anon with insanity and soullessness sorry sweetie why don’t you go have a cute conversation with other anime posters about your cute girl anime :3

>> No.10613453
File: 2.04 MB, 4093x8000, misaka_mikoto_by_dekodere-daaw2l9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what! the whole point of cute animu grls is that they arent sexual and slutty like 3ds theyre nice and cute

>> No.10613462
File: 56 KB, 968x625, 96c6b28e5fa2fee32f14b58536d9061c2cf34d49_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don’t you go have a cute conversation with other anime posters about your cute girl anime :3

>> No.10613495

>they’re nice and cute
no they’re written by sexually distorted people and they aren’t any of those things, they’re never require to deal with contextually challenging emotional situtations, their lives are vapid, empty of purpose and exist only to service your fantasy of a female’s being. They’re not cute either they’re the opposite, hideous attempts at strigning together polygons and lines in the hopes of capturing neoteny a temporary state which some lucky humans sublimate into their appearance. They’re deformed, stunted, incomplete, broken signs. And sad, lonely, pathetic men who are largely pedophilic draw vague comfort from their existence. Its nothing to be proud of and the act of watching a moe program sullies the mind permanently, no plot, dialogue is insipid, the artwork is bereft of passion, you can feel the static nature of the forms on the screen and the soul is just absent from the emotional displays. Its not just sad, its evil, subtle but a form of evil nonetheless. Im sorry i have to tell people this so often

>> No.10613497

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.10613518

The jokes I mostly do are observational humor than you segway into somthing else dont prattle on.

>> No.10613519

College friend. Literature major. Moonlights as a fashion model.

>> No.10613524

wow a lot of psychologists on /lit/ lmao

>> No.10613530

Im reading a book on physics called The Elementary Particles; you fuckinglovescience, right?

>> No.10613537


She's @margeauxnotmargot on instagram.

Do with that what you may.

>> No.10613553

Thank you.

>> No.10613572

I'm confused and willing to throw money at my problems. What's the name of your self-help video series?

>> No.10613573
File: 70 KB, 736x736, 439b2e095f19046abf793b8b5028f375--anime-art-girly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they’re never require to deal with contextually challenging emotional situtations,... and exist only to service your fantasy of a female’s being... attempts at stringing together polygons and lines in the hopes of capturing neoteny a temporary state which some lucky humans sublimate into their appearance.
exactly silly! theyre the pure unfettered representation of feminine ideals
its not fair for the 3d 'women' to be compared to aesthetic angels

>> No.10613587

>emerson college

/lit/ should invite her to one of their Boston meetups

>> No.10613597

dude i wish i had my shit together enough to create a self-help video series. i'm just posting stuff I found online to inspire that poster (maybe it was you) to look up relevant info and maybe contact someone.
but if there's anything i can do to help research this shit let me know.

>> No.10614117

Yo I really wanna marry this girl. Also it's cute that her fly is slightly undone.

>> No.10614127

When she says you're reading the Hitler book say, "No not MEIN Kampf but MIN Kampf, the semi-autobiographical memoir by Karl Ove Knaussgard"

>> No.10614156

So there's at least one user here who isn't autistic.

>> No.10614160

Literally contemplating suicide because this girl's hand will never lightly brush my belly

>> No.10614214

thank you for detailing my exact opinion.

anime-viewers are a spot on representation of "the last man"

>> No.10614223

I'm an poor South American dude with a stutter problem and a girl like that would never look at me as anything more than a dirty peasant.

>> No.10614227

then why do you value her opinion?

>> No.10614232

She's certainly better educated, went to college and so forth.

>> No.10614237

if she's actually intelligent she wouldn't make such ignorant assumptions
stop shaming yourself needlessly anon

>> No.10614993

This is such unbelievably fucking retarded advice, why do people constantly parrot it? It's so condescending and completely misses the point of male social/romantic anxiety.

>> No.10615001

Farabeuf, it's about some sick stuff told in a really experimental way

>> No.10615020

What I meant by that was coming to a realization that males and females are insecure, and that approaching them is simply one of many interactions. To approach them with a calm mind, understanding that its not life or death, and treating them not as otherwordly, unattainable beings nor as subhuman expressions of desire but as people with feelings, fears, ambitions and relatable humanity, just like you. Once you realize this, talking to women becomes much, much easier. It wont guarantee that you will get laid, but it will give you confidence to attempt it.

>> No.10615023

They DO realize those things, that's not where the anxiety or the difficulty conversing comes from. It's a complete non-sequitur.

>> No.10615029

Well, forgive my ignorance. Those thoughts were from where my own anxiety came from, and I've thankfully outgrown it. What causes it, in your xase?

>> No.10615051

Bad advice. When I treat girls like humans they befriend me, when I treat them like subhumans they let me throatfuck them.

>> No.10615063

augustus, and no. now let me fuck this young soldier and do your chores

>> No.10615073

Whatever works bro.

>> No.10615074

they don’t want to lose a chance with a genetically compatible mate in their deme who might provide beneficial, if not life renewing experiences for them. You have a finite amount of time in your sexual prime to woo high quality females, we are not given the same number of opportunities to fuck up as a woman. Men are not approached at the rate good looking, even just above average females are, a 7/10 male has to be very diligent, even a little desperate and obsessive about getting into the correct circumstances to approach long term prospects. Women do not have this pressure, any woman above 6/10 will be approached by higher quality males, most of whom seek temporary liaisons but some of whom, indeed a comparatively large number of whom, in relation to the male’s situation, will be prepared to offer long term committment to her. Women have, while shorter primes, many more fuck ups in the cards and they can survive social humiliation far more resiliently, with less worry for their future than any male can, save for wealthy and highly attractive specimens. So, for you to say, “treat dem leik hooman beanz ok dey hav worries too” is insane advice given its psychologizing of what is fundamental an issue of time, energy, selection and opportunity, not necessarily just one of mentality. And further still, the psychology of the male and female are not at all similar in kind past the most basic of interests such as food, drink, need for pleasure and purpose. Anyone with a trained eye can spot a female poster on an anonymous board, can tell from transcripts of different speakers what their sex is. Even homosexual males, effeminate ones too, differ starkly in thought patterns and language styles from women. Therefore its basically an insult to lower status males, the vast majority of those on this site who worry about apporaching women, to say to them that they need to change their perception of women. Unless this is to implore them to read up on human evolutionary psychology or to study female sexual habits, mating habits, courtship procedures, its basically useless bordering on criminally stupid to tell them this. They must know that these people are different, they are better endowed by nature to survive the sexual thunder dome and worst of all the current dating scene in the West is loaded in their favor, save for a small number of rich and handsome men who are fucking more women than at any point in human history thanks to those very same mechanisms which encourage female hypergamy, which is a sexual strategy wherein femalds hop from male to male trying to maximize sexual satisfaction and social status. This is good for handsome men who are unattached to the idea of family, intimacy and love, but terribly foreboding for the growing pool of mid-lower status males who are now quickly being forced, not choosing, not being cowards, not failures or lol 4chan losers, but forced by selection to take on the role of inceldom.

>> No.10615077

A maladaptive long term compensation to lower level facets of information processing in the brain. Part of social anxiety involves overactive firing of neurons in the default mode networks which causes things like obsessive referential thinking. Also difficulty understanding the concepts of social affordance/social opportunity/social capital/social approach.

>> No.10615096

Right now?

I’m reading a great book called Anna Karenina. The author was a member of the Russian aristocracy who achieved money and fame at a relatively early age, and used his wealth to attain temporal pleasure. But eventually he found those things unfulfilling. Through the novel he uses all different kinds of characters to explore the values he held over the course of his life and the conclusions he came to about what way to live is best.

>> No.10615101

“No, faggot.”

>> No.10615133

Yes a wonderful novel by Ybaba N'Wegeh, it's called "How We Are Been Hurt". The first novel translated from Coastal Bantu to English. It describes the trials and tribulations of a local chieftan as the White Man comes and destroys his lucrative yam kingdom with their insidiousness. I grieve for them. African literature is just so superior to the so-called 'Western Canon'. Very intersectional and diverse.

>> No.10615145

A part of me says you are right, but that's how I've been tread by richer girls everytime.

>> No.10615160

>tfw moved to a new city and don't know anyone to get brunch with yet

I miss getting mimosas with my friends!

>> No.10615176

>psychos and turbo wenches with an amazingly common sense of 'adventure' and a propensity for panic attacks/bouts of faux depression.

Pretty much sounds like my personality except im a guy

>> No.10615183

brunchies with the kids!

>> No.10615404

"'In the World Interior of Capital,' only if you like dense German Cultural Theory. What about you?"

>> No.10615445

I wish I was walked on by wealthy heiresses

>> No.10615466

lmao clarice lispector is your example of deep shit?
she's kind of a joke in brazil

>> No.10615496


>> No.10615499

Symbolic Logic
Intro to Analysis

>> No.10615528
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>> No.10615548

you just discovered these two things today, huh, toots

>> No.10615557

man I dunno, I feel like this is bait leading me into some odd victorian era horror scenario

>> No.10615588

i would snif her braaphole if you know what i mean what's up /tv/ represent

>> No.10615695


>> No.10615707

I-I-I d-d-d-don't k-k-know m-m-m-m-m-maybe

>> No.10615791

The first and important step is to NOT WANT TO FUCK THEM. Seriously, shrug off any kind of romantic or sexual pressure and the rest falls into place. If you do in fact want to fuck her then STOP WANTING TO FUCK HER at least for the moment.

>> No.10615805

Bitch how do you explain biology then?

>> No.10615893

Do wealthy heiresses actually call their parents pater and mater?

>> No.10616361

uma delicia

>> No.10617432

As a sex surrogate?

>> No.10617878


fucking hell /k/

>> No.10617938

Rebuilding a friend group is super hard especially once you're out of school.

>> No.10618079

I'm sincerely and unironically interested in the book you're reading. Title? Author?

>> No.10618098

She better show feet, or I'm hightailing it outta thar!
>But if you ask nicely, it's Artemis Fowl

>> No.10618358
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>How the fuck do you even talk to girls? I just don't understand it. My brain just stops working when confronted with one. Getting out the necessary pleasantries is hard enough, much less having a full on conversation.

Even though I am only 25, I know everything there is to know about women. On this point, I am wise far beyond my years; even though I have yet to practice what I know, I understand the theory.

This is the secret to loving a woman.

But first, you need to know the foundational principle.
The foundational principle is this:
Women are so disposed towards devoting themselves to a man, that they instantly, instinctively, without any conscious or deliberate act, adopt the view of themselves that the man takes of them. So if the man takes a high view of her, she takes a high view of herself; if the man takes a low view of her, she takes a low view of herself. This is because a woman by nature - no matter how much she may whine or nag - trusts a man's thoughts more than her own thoughts, and can only really see herself through the eyes of a man.

Now I will teach you the secret to loving a woman:
There are two mistakes that men make in regards to women. The first mistake, which is the mistake men usually make first when they love a woman, is to think of a woman as an angel, as a pure celestial being high above himself and all the earth. When a man takes this view of a woman he not only puts impossible and unfair expectations upon her, but he also opens himself to being abused by her; because she will then adopt this view of herself and begin to look down on the man as below her and therefore unworthy of her lasting devotion. Although the man is desperate to devote herself to the woman because he sees her as a goddess, she is unable to devote herself to him because he stands beneath her. So this false view ends up not being good either for the woman or the man himself.

The second mistake often follows directly from the first. After having put a woman on too high a pedestal, and after having been mistreated by one or more women, and after experiencing a woman's human flaws: this often triggers a reaction to the other extreme where the man thinks of the woman as little more than a beast. Taking this low view of the woman, the woman adopts it and treats herself likewise. She then willingly opens herself to being abused and debased by the man, thinking that she deserves it because she is only a beast. Though a woman in this state will devote herself slavishly to the man, the man is unable to devote himself to her because she stands too far beneath him, and so men in this state usually go from woman to woman. However, no matter how much the man succeeds in brutalising the woman and himself in these beastly relationships, he always contains within himself that high notion of a woman as something worthy of his love and devotion, and so he is unhappy. So this false view also ends in disaster for both the man and the woman.

>> No.10618366
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>I'm sincerely and unironically interested in the book you're reading. Title? Author?

I look kindly on your interest.
The book is called "Poetics of the Hive: Insect Metaphor in Literature".

>> No.10618372


Now this is the secret, which lies between these extremes:
The secret is to love the woman not as an angel or as a beast, but precisely as a woman: that is, as a flawed and weak creature but nevertheless one of human dignity. But as I explained in the foundational principle, a woman sees herself through the eyes of a man, so it is natural for her to follow the man, and not natural for the man to follow the woman: that is to say, that women are relatively inferior or subordinate to men. Now the man, to properly love the woman, must admire her and appreciate her for her beauty and all her good qualities, and cherish her—while being aware that he is her master, and that it is her duty and her nature to follow him and not the other way around. This way, he can remain devoted to the woman as his natural complement and helper, while she remains devoted to him (with an even greater devotion) as her lord and master.

>And the Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone: let us make him a help like unto himself.

Like unto himself, but a help, i.e. similar in dignity, but subordinate.

>> No.10618570
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Their is just something about women and wanting to save the bees. Every relationship I have been in they have been more or less obsessed with bees. I don't get it, someone give me some insight pls?

>> No.10618587


Yeah guys can be like that too, and be attracted to likewise schizo insane girls, with only some differences of outcome.

>> No.10618593

Kristin Lavransdattar is based af

>> No.10618599

I'm pretty sure woman are the primary book buyers and readers.
You think young adults are reading the semi pornographic YA novels?

>> No.10618614

They are very important to the ecosystem

>> No.10618645

Googled it. Thanks anon, maybe this will be the thing that cures me.

>> No.10618786

just do what you would normally do, no need to "warn" her like that

>> No.10618854

I found a pattern in these types. Somehow, it's a noble cause they've cemented into their head, and whether or not they actually believe it, saving the bees just seems like a quick answer for a never ending question they face constantly: what the hell do I want to do with my life?
Sure, yeah, bees are essential for the environment, no doubts there. However, to pledge one's self to saving the bees seems like a copout to a question we all must face at one point or another in our lives; To save the bees just seems like such an easy answer. Unless you have 30 hives of your own and actually care for them, I really can't stand people who just say "I want to save the bees". It's even worse when the person in question doesn't even put themselves through academia in order to learn possible solutions for the bee crisis. At least going to school for it is trying.

>> No.10618945
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shut off why does everyone tell me to be mean to girls and theyll like me no no no im not doing it i like girls more than anything im not gonna be mean to them

>> No.10618983

I REALLY like that cover.

>> No.10619067

You had me right until the second sentence of the second post. I agree that the secret to a good relationship lies in a balance between partners, absolutely. However, I contest that this balance is based entirely on a biological and pseudotheological notion about men and women as possessing respective, defined roles in nature. Of course, men and women are fundamentally different in several ways, and thus their personalities, characters, interests and other factors that compose their identity and being will be influenced by their biology.
And yes, our opinion of ourselves is nurished by the perception given to us by a partner. I would argue that this is a result of seeking appreciation from the other person, seeking approval and attention, which is a natural impulse of both men and women. This is not dependent on a predetermined natural law on gender and sexuality.

In other words, women, though biologically and psychologically different to men, share the same capacity and desire for identity, self-actualization and deep yearning for ontological meaning. Our minds are human, in every iteration of sexual identity and gender. Women has as little (or as much) free will as men do, determined by biology and environmental factors, perhaps with more or less freedom in different areas due to societal norms and sometimes complexes that have grown out of interpretations of a natural world whose relationship to humankind has changed significantly from our time of biological certainty into the age of conciousness.

A balance is necessary for a succesful relationship, yes, and partners assume roles that keep that balance, of course. But it is not based on a heirarchy or perception regarding humans as naturally subordinate to one another.

>> No.10619081

Yo I would legit read this. I thought you were making a joke, but this seems fascinating.

>> No.10619093

Everybody knows what fucking mein kampf is.

>> No.10619098

>young adult
>synonym for men

>> No.10619112

>On this point, I am wise far beyond my years; even though
> I have yet to practice what I know, I understand the theory.
>This is the secret to loving a woman.

>> No.10619113

Not true btw

i wouldn't fuck a girl who doesn't read
And i wouldn't fuck a girl that wasn't good looking
And I'm not an incel

god /lit/ is sad

>> No.10619124

You don't even know what it is you idiot.

>> No.10619126
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Wait, how come she's so disliked? I was under the impression that Lispector was universally respected. I was actually just about to check out a collection of hers stories this afternoon.

>> No.10619139

Read the second part. Being mean to women is a mistake just as much as cowering before them. Each are equally mistakes arising from false understanding of a woman's nature.

>In other words, women, though biologically and psychologically different to men, share the same capacity and desire for identity, self-actualization and deep yearning for ontological meaning. Our minds are human, in every iteration of sexual identity and gender.

This is why women have dignity and deserve a man's devotion: they are just as human.

As for the rest, we have opposing understandings of metaphysics / reality. The mind is not a separate substance that can impose its artificial concepts on the world, at least not successfully. The world has its own natural order before we even begin to think about it, and truth and happiness lie in knowing and acting according to that pre-existing order. Women naturally take the subordinate role just as earth sinks beneath air. This is not contrary to a woman's dignity because in serving in a subordinate role she contributes to a whole which is greater than the individual man or woman: the family, of which she is the nurturing presence.

>> No.10619142


>> No.10619500

all my gfs have been exceptionally emotionally stable, especially in comparison to me. but things are improving on my end so that will probably change in the future.

>> No.10619505

i'm going back for a stem ph.d in a few months :) i'm gonna take advantage and try and make friends with a bunch of grad students!

>> No.10619782

I can talk to girls and do it over a long course of time, but I don't get how and why people start dating, like at what exact moment does talking become kissing and throatfucking

>> No.10619929
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sometimes I wonder why i browse this site

thank you anon, for pushing the limits of human faggotry one step further