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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.87 MB, 1512x3024, soycore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10607004 No.10607004 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a good ol' chart thread

>> No.10607061
File: 431 KB, 1679x702, forced memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a similar one.

>> No.10607073

It’s too all over the place for anyone to get upset

>> No.10607084

Noumena is good thought

>> No.10607219
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>> No.10607237

CoC isn't forced and it tells a fundamental truth about the world

>> No.10607240

Essential /leftypol/ butthurt: the image

>> No.10607249

A lot of the books on that list are official soy conversion therapy

>> No.10607603

>Essential /leftypol/ butthurt: the image
t. Soy

>> No.10607618

Is there an anti-soy chart?

>> No.10607624

Not reading

>> No.10607632

Yes, Murakami and IJ really turned me around from that low tesTYRONE shit

>> No.10607638

Land isn't forced newfag otherwise spot on

>> No.10607640

Aren't you one of those people who think there's some fat consumerist idiots who follow fads like "nintendo switch good" or "soy is bad for your MANLINESS but eating meat which is cancerous is FUCKING MANLY"? Look in the mirror, you autistic memer.

>> No.10607655
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>> No.10607660

Ok soygoy

>> No.10607665

missing Bottom's Meme

>> No.10607742

someone post the chart of gay lit

>> No.10607755
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>> No.10607759

Don't forget your antipsychotics today, darling.

>> No.10607780
File: 810 KB, 780x1203, dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want some Dick?

>> No.10607792

this is just leftypol butthurt

this doesn't even make sense, i suspect some leftypol butthurt in this one as well

>> No.10607795



Admittedly I find it quite amusing but can we keep it away from /lit/ please. This board is the only one that doesn't seem to take issue with being an effeminate dude.

>> No.10607811

try /lgbt/ and /soc/. everywhere else is for fatfags and dudes with body dysmorphia (((/fit/)))

>> No.10607845


I should have specified boards that aren't also filled with rampant mental health problems

>> No.10608073

>oh no! Someone said something mean! They must be a psycho!

>> No.10608083

Anons, you're on /lit/
Bants are suppose to be intelligent

>> No.10608174

anti psychs are for autists, idiot. seriously, does anyone here read?

I was tongue in cheek, mostly. I've had actual psychosis, but I love to bash on other neuroweirdos anonymously to share the pain.

>> No.10608658

Peterson is absolute soy.

>> No.10608667

milhouse isnt a meme

>> No.10608702
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>anti psychs are for autists, idiot. seriously, does anyone here read?

>> No.10608804
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>> No.10608809
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>> No.10608829
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>> No.10608860

>Meat is cancerous

Holy shit, vegans are completely insane.

>> No.10608922
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>> No.10608945

Why do you think the colon cancer rates increase when meat consumption increases? Also meat contains IGF-1 hormone which stimulates cancer growth. Vegans are rational in their decision of not consuming animal products while most meat eaters tend to become irrational when discussing veganism.

>> No.10608972

Very stupid chart.

>> No.10608989

>he isn’t vegan

LMAO and lit likes to call itself enlightened

>> No.10609262
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>> No.10609287
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>> No.10609313

0/10 See me after class, /leftypol/

>> No.10609318


>Thomas Mann


>> No.10609344

>Mann's diaries reveal his struggles with his homosexuality, which found reflection in his works, most prominently through the obsession of the elderly Aschenbach for the 14-year-old Polish boy Tadzio in the novella Death in Venice (Der Tod in Venedig, 1912).

>> No.10609350

Mann was a pedo

>> No.10609366

does /lit/ do many of these flowcharts? i find them a lot more interesting than the "blahcore" or "essential blah" charts

>> No.10609391

They are so desperate that they are now trying to appropriate alt-right and /pol/ memes, and in such an obvious and embarrassing fashion might I add. The left can't meme at all.

>> No.10609426

Got one for the 'stotle?

>> No.10609478


Death in Venice literally show both

>> No.10609566
File: 1.50 MB, 2000x2800, 1491633780017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never is too late

>> No.10609571

t. mad soyboys

>> No.10609580

oh look, some anon was so obsessive over his dislike of some fag he knows irl, he had to make a photoshop meme about it


>> No.10609587

the russian is a literal nobel laureate

how is he forced? lmao

>> No.10609588

>Something that exposes truths is a forced meme.

>> No.10609591

This one has vote counts? N-nani???

>> No.10609613

The fear grin.

>> No.10609622

his is not only shitty editing quality, but a shitty list that obviously tallied very little votes to make it accurate. Even the fake meme chart is better than this.

>> No.10609636

leftypol generally likes the first Land.

>> No.10610366

Does anybody have the chart that /biz/ made? I want to get more into finance. Thanks

>> No.10610395



>> No.10610536

>A raisin in the sun

>> No.10610765


>> No.10610775

What's wrong with MitHC?

>> No.10611155

lel ok kiddo. The votes not counted were shit like CoC or winnie the pooh among other things that were spammed in the vote. If you actually cared and weren't just autistic (your pushing of the fake chart suggests you are) then you'd check the raw vote data and compare with what votes weren't counted, but we both know you won't so that because you don't actually care. In other words, kill yourself.

>> No.10611166

>tfw I spammed Urn Burial and it doesn't even make this list

>> No.10611312
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> no Potter

>> No.10611340
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>> No.10611343

I put religio medici

>> No.10611349

Ah yes the "Milhouse is not a meme" meme.

Takes me back.

>> No.10611351

What are you implying here

>> No.10611354
File: 51 KB, 400x323, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Kafkaesque is Kafka on the Shore?

>> No.10611363
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These are funnier when the HP books are interspersed with the others and it's not too overdone, e.g. this

>> No.10611366

despise this post

>> No.10611445
File: 249 KB, 799x1080, 1509931123839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newfag.
Is there seirously a guide to readng Harry Potter, or is it just a troll?

>> No.10611450

A serious guide obviously

>> No.10611463

We wouldn't bother creating these charts unless they captured the literature Gestalt, making them, dare I say it, undeniably serious

>> No.10611494

It really is the only way to appreciate the books. Hogwarts has a lot of corresponding features of Plato's Republic, but Rowling is quite mischievous in her allusions. It might be something in British schools or recent history, but I am not sure what else could explain the parallels. Definitely a must read.

>> No.10611501
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>> No.10611502

Why would you even ask such a stupid question. Its real

>> No.10611600

Last time I posted that one first and the other one got more attention. I agree it’s the better chart tho.

>> No.10611700

That's actually a really good collection of art, literature, music and film.

>> No.10611718
File: 1.04 MB, 1644x3140, homo lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10611722

What is this implying?

>> No.10611725

It's one of the biggest aspects of his writing you tard.

>> No.10611730

was gonna be annoyed at the absence of long day closes but realised the black and white window is another terence davies movie

>> No.10612048

Why is the left's only way to meme "I know you are but what am I?"

>> No.10612122
File: 1.41 MB, 2300x4000, fem_lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10612162

And he might be the worst laureate of them all, entirely politically motivated. He's up there with Churchill, Yan, Dylan, and the two Swedes that gave the award to themselves. The first two were probably more deserving, desu.

>> No.10612328
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fuck you, anon

>> No.10612420

t. Soygoy

>> No.10612489

only reason people compare the two is a conflation between dream logic and real life. otherwise murakami is pretty distinct sensibility, much less pessimistic or humorous, has a very deadpan/organic delivery. but read the wind up bird chronicle anyway, kafka on the shore is not very good

>> No.10613343

>YA shit

Fuck off.

>> No.10613358
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>> No.10613385

Kill yourself, please.

>> No.10613890

Seriously tho, cancers are fucking multifactorial and there's no ONE thing you can forego that guarantees you'll never have cancer. You people should read an actual book every once in a while and come back talking about healthcare issues when and only when you actually understand the definition of Risk Factor.

>> No.10613894

case in point.

>> No.10613897

It really isn't

>> No.10614025
File: 21 KB, 500x500, Cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whereas infectious diseases were the primary causes of death during the Age of Pestilence and Famine, our current era of human disease, the Age of Degenerative and Man-Made Diseases, counts lifestyle diseases—heart disease, chronic lung disease, and cancer—as the top killers.

This pandemic of chronic disease has been ascribed in part to the near-universal shift toward a diet dominated by animal-sourced and processed foods—in other words, more meat, dairy, eggs, oils, soda, salt, sugar, and refined grains. China is one of the best-studied examples. There, a transition away from the country’s traditional, plant-based diet was accompanied by a sharp rise in diet-related chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

The same kind of diet that may help prevent common cancers just so happens to be the same kind of diet that may also help prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and many other leading causes of death. Unlike drugs—which tend to only target specific conditions, can have dangerous side effects, and may only treat the symptoms of disease—a healthy diet can benefit all organ systems at once, has good side effects, and may treat the underlying cause of illness.

That one unifying diet found to best prevent and treat many of these chronic diseases is a whole-food, plant-based diet, defined as an eating pattern that encourages the consumption of unrefined plant foods and discourages meats, dairy products, eggs, and processed foods.

The truth is that adhering to just four simple healthy lifestyle factors can have a strong impact on the prevention of chronic diseases: not smoking, not being obese, getting a half hour of daily exercise, and eating healthier—defined as consuming more fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and less meat. Those four factors alone were found to account for 78 percent of chronic disease risk. If you start from scratch and manage to tick off all four, you may be able to wipe out more than 90 percent of your risk of developing diabetes, more than 80 percent of your risk of having a heart attack, cut by half your risk of having a stroke, and reduce your overall cancer risk by more than one-third. For some cancers, like our number-two cancer killer, colon cancer, up to 71 percent of cases appear to be preventable through a similar portfolio of simple diet and lifestyle changes.

>> No.10614265

whoever made this doesnt have a brain

>> No.10614424

niggas cant write tho

>> No.10614431

dont forget your wifes big black curved dildo that looks fucking nothing like you to ram in your ass

>> No.10614492

Why is a Modest Proposal on here?

>> No.10614753

It talks about eating babies, mate.

>> No.10614789

Yeah but it's a joke

>> No.10615095


>> No.10615112

It's bullshit but the joke is everyone treats it as real.

Harry Potter is by and large the shittiest series of books ever written but somewhere along the line /lit/ decided to make ironic images showing Dianetics and The Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus as necessary reading to grasp the series.

Personally I find it fucking hilarious, but I thought your post finally needed a serious reply so here you go.

>> No.10615226

lmao Jonathan Swift is just a madman

>> No.10615288

im gonna do this one. thanks anon

>> No.10615772
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>> No.10615834

>Pipes, Figes and Snyder for Russian history
You have got to be fucking shitting me

>> No.10615876

Why doesn't it starts with Greeks?

>> No.10615898
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, guenon recc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I made for another thread. For those interested in Rene Guenon.

>> No.10615949
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>mfw I own 4 of those

>> No.10615975

Does anyone have charts for horror?

>> No.10616379
File: 27 KB, 508x524, not quite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Napoleonic era
>no "Russia against Napoleon" by Dominic Lieven


>> No.10617262
File: 1.54 MB, 2426x2676, ancap-reading list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ancap chart

>> No.10617392

>the absolute literally state of the city of /his/

>> No.10617414

>no Umberto Eco


>> No.10617453
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>> No.10617630
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>Stirner not under refutations

"Free" competition is a phantasm

>> No.10617660

wheres the greek chart? I hear it all the time, but its been a while since I saw it. Danke Arigoto!

>> No.10617695
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, starting with the greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what i have but there are so many of them floating around

>> No.10617699

Someone give this newfag politics and economics charts please

>> No.10617756

t. pseud

>> No.10617933

/r/ing the chart for math and the chart for japanese literature

>> No.10617956

Anyone have the nietzswche chart

>> No.10617985

Soyboy before there was soy

>> No.10617998

t. hungry gulagboy

>> No.10618268

Is this any good?
Also, is there an album of all charts until now uploaded somewhere?

>> No.10618679

Check the wiki

>> No.10618694

You don't really need half the stuff in that chart

>> No.10618736

Any charts for Stoic literature?

>> No.10618775

if you're asking this, it's too late

>> No.10619034

>most responded to post other than OP
>every one is "butthurt huh"
Really makes you think.

>> No.10619735
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>> No.10619797
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>marcus aurelius
>thomas sowell

>> No.10620639

holy soy batman

>> No.10620684

He was for a while.

>> No.10620692

I'll put Ubik in Read and MitHC in optional.

>> No.10620779

There was one chart that was like socialist economics, anyone have that?

>> No.10620784

it the most forced meme on this board

>> No.10620790

look at all that meme music

>> No.10621221

I'm unironically going to follow through with these charts minus the bullshit

>> No.10621234

Proust is just conjecture.

>> No.10621244

seems right to me. stoicism is meh tier philosophy and aurelius isnt even a stoic philosopher. he just LIKED stoic philosophy and wrote about it in his diary. it's an enjoyable book but anyone that has a hard on for it is probably a midwit

>> No.10621826

thanks for prolonging my life based anon.

>> No.10621835


>No stirner

>> No.10621859

>Implying black Milton Friedman isn't midwit

He is the ultimate 'I need a counterargument against socialism but I don't actually understand economics'-go to guy.

>> No.10621871

What's wrong with that? I'm not going to spend hours researching why holocaust deniers are wrong when I can just listen to an expert

>> No.10621876

Oh yes this will be non-partisan and a valuable contribution to the board for sure

>> No.10621883
File: 211 KB, 2028x2000, 1517389512219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10621886

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.10621889

Add Richard Wolff and Ha-Joon Chang

>> No.10621896

The prince shouldn't be there
Add the God delusion and 5 proofs for God or similiar books by new atheists/dumb christian apologists

>> No.10621898

No one intellectually postures over How to win friends and influence people.

>> No.10621902

>tfw can't think of any well known public leftist intellectuals
Maybe Zizek or something idk

>> No.10621910

add malcolm gladwell and scott adams
yes it should (and yes its a good book)

>> No.10621911

>yes it should
referring to the prince

>> No.10621917

>No guns germs and steel yet

>> No.10621920

Capital in the 21st century by Thomas Piketty

>> No.10621922

also steven pinker

>> No.10621924


>> No.10621925
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>> No.10621927

The Shock Doctrine

>> No.10621928

Malcolm Gladwell, Joseph Campbell, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Terence McKenna, William Lane Craig, entry level Orwell.
Hope the suggestions aren't overabundant. Feel free to pick and choose.
Nothing against Machiavelli or The Prince but you have to admit the book is a pseud-magnet.
Chomsky? Not sure if it's quite the same demographic though. But I would add Zizek and Chomsky to a similar list.

>> No.10621934

48 Laws of power

>> No.10621937

The Prince, The Art of War, and Um seem inappropriate.

>> No.10621938

1984 is a good suggestion. I think Chomsky is too respected an intellectual but his fans could definitely qualify him for this list

>> No.10621939
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>> No.10621942
File: 495 KB, 2028x2851, 1517389512219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not necessarily about the quality of the book, but who it attracts

>> No.10621943

Molimeme isn't for midwits, he is for straight up retards.

>> No.10621949

>Richard Spencer
>Ben Shapiro
I'm pretty sure they don't even write books anon

>> No.10621953

A people's history of the united states
Che Guevara

>> No.10621957

Bell curve

>> No.10621959

Chomsky belongs there for sure then
Can't believe Stirner hasn't been mentioned yet

>> No.10621963

GEB is too long and complicated to be on a midwit list. Should put something of a pop-mathematician like Marcus du Sautoy instead.

>> No.10621967
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>> No.10621969


>> No.10621970

Steven Pinker?

>> No.10621972

Paul Krugman
For example >>10619731

>> No.10621975

you hardly hear people posturing over krugman

>> No.10621978

nevertheless, MIDWIT

>> No.10621980

yeah but the chart is ESSENTIAL midwit core

>> No.10621981

there is quite a bit that is inessential there already

>> No.10621982

He's basically the number one go to for baby Liberals on economics

>> No.10621989

dyoods if mann was gay how tf comes that he had 6 kids?

>> No.10621990
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>> No.10621992

You can't add an entire ideology that's just retarded

>> No.10621997

Unironic Ancaps are retards but yeah kinda throws it off.

>> No.10622000
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t. ancap

>> No.10622002
File: 615 KB, 2028x2851, 1517389512219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unsure about it as well, but Ancaps tend to be midwits

>> No.10622003

he didn't say that(even tho i think ben wrote a book)
also sargOOn

>> No.10622005

Unfortunately I'm not

>> No.10622007

90% of his kids were fruits too

>> No.10622009

Peter singer

>> No.10622011

The Way of men

>> No.10622013

add "youtube videos"

>> No.10622015


Add The Guardian and The national review

>> No.10622019

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.10622022
File: 650 KB, 2028x2851, 1517389512219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some midwit Buddhist spirituality books?

>> No.10622024

Robert Reich

>> No.10622026

V for Vendetta

>> No.10622027

Cormac Mccarthy

>> No.10622028

add sartre and camus
also "how to win friends and influence people"-tier shit

>> No.10622030

Maybe Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.10622031

dawkins and harris but no hitchens?

>> No.10622056

Hitchens is dead and gone, no one talks about him anymore
"how to win friends and influence people" is below midwit tier. I'm not so sure about satre and camus

>> No.10622068

How is 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck' not below it?

>> No.10622072

yeah i removed it.
What do you think of the handmaids tale?

>> No.10622080

theyre fine. add coelho too

>> No.10622091

Not him, but a good add imo, given that feminists everywhere have been shilling this novel

>> No.10622107

Prime bait

>> No.10622117

alan watts

>> No.10622129
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Okay, i think that's enough. If anyone want's to add anything else, feel free to take over.

>> No.10622204
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>> No.10622210

I unironically believe beta males enjoy Wallace; either ironically or unironically, it doesn't matter.

>> No.10622230

can you fit dangerous by milo?

>> No.10622244

how about history of the US by paul johnson

>> No.10622248

>daniel deronda instead of middlemarch

>> No.10622260

Below 'midwit' imo

>> No.10622267

Why i no longer talk to white people about race (or however it's called)

>> No.10622305

mention 5 contemporary books on philosophy or thought that you would not put on here?

>> No.10622384

Anything with a distrubutist, social capital, or good environmentalism flavour.

>> No.10622427

why is taleb there?

>> No.10622833


>> No.10622838

Is Mark Fisher on that chart?

>> No.10622845

Should have cosmos by sagan but bretty good

>> No.10622850

You forgot Stefan Molyneaux's Art of the Argument!

>> No.10622905

Bad chart, go home.

Good chart.

>> No.10623422

cheers anon, saved

>> No.10624555

really anons - what do you actually unironically like?

>> No.10624609

That doesn't answer the question.

>> No.10624638

Good lord.
If I ever did this before (which I don't think I ever have) I now know for sure to never do it in the future; and for that i am grateful to this godforsaken site.

I never knew the beta male smile was such a widespread pandemic.

>> No.10624662

I've made a thread dedicated to this here >>10624643

>> No.10624710

a lot of these books are actually great

but fuck i despise the Wasp Factory
idk how anyone finds that "disturbing", Frank is a little coward bitch. The premises of killing children as a child is sick but Banks executed the story telling so poorly.

>> No.10624731

"Roman History"
No Polybius, Tacitus, Plutarch

list is butt

>> No.10624738

Needs some C.S. Lewis

>> No.10624739

meditations lmao
and what the fuck is joe rogan doing on there

>> No.10624754

Now make a guide on actual well done, non midwit books

>> No.10624808

it's a secondary sources guide

>> No.10625016





>> No.10625018

this but unironically

>> No.10625080


but no, CoC is important and you should read it.
