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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 455 KB, 720x536, 20180130_093426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10610577 No.10610577 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question fellas, how do I write a philosophical essay without sounding like a childish pseud?

>> No.10610580

By not giving a fuck

>> No.10610586

Don't tempt me, harlot!

>> No.10610590

By knowing what you're talking about

>> No.10610593

Keep it straightforward and stick to the point without any flowery embellishment. Don't try to impress anyone, just try to put forward a clear and strong argument. Show confidence in your position but not haughtiness or arrogance. That's about it.

>> No.10610604
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i hate women!..

>> No.10610612
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Avoid buzzwords.
Avoid unnecessary padding.
Avoid name-dropping.
Avoid cliches and overused tropes.
Avoid writing about things that are currently popular.
>Don't use joke titles or funny footnotes.
>Don't use endnotes.
>Don't double-space your text.
>When quoting passages in other languages, do not translate them.

>> No.10610637

>>When quoting passages in other languages, do not translate them.

What, I assume you mean self translation, if a good translation is available you should definitely use it

>> No.10610643


Nah. No translations at all.

>> No.10610653

No padding

No bullshit

You give your argument and thats it

>> No.10610658

The only time you should refrain from using a translation is in the case of French quotations. Just to make fun of people who can't speak French

>> No.10610682

Don't try. Don't force it. Less is more.

>> No.10610697

Have sound arguments. If you're writing about very esoteric and meta topics where airtight argumentation isn't going to make your argument stand out, you'd better really know what you're talking about.
Read about the topic. Cite relevant works, even if you disagree with their assertions.

>> No.10610700

French, Greek, Latin shouldn't be translated for this reason. Also, if you're writing a paper for your government and your country has multiple official languages don't translate anything in an official language.

>> No.10610702

Hello Soseki

>> No.10610755

know philosophy

>> No.10610763

Make as many references as possible, how good your essay is will be completely judged based on how widely you can pull relavent examples from. From novels, poetry, theatre, painting, films, history, idioms, the more diverse set of things you can pull from the better. The big thing is that if you are a pseud you will make bad pulls and everybody will know.

Also always leave French quotations in the original, this is KEY. All non-pseuds can either speak French or can pretend like they can sufficiently.

Also you don’t *have* to be a leftist, but if you can write in a leftist idiom then all the better.

Make references to Hegel.

Start it off with a quote in untranslated Greek.

>> No.10610866

You take the problem honestly and actually think through it. If you're not good at writing you're not about to, but you can gain style by reading things. My own writing is a mix between Hegel's analytic autism and Marx's/Hegel's metaphorical phrases and allusiveness since they're what I've read most (and I like their style).

>> No.10610918

>My own writing is a mix between Hegel's analytic autism and Marx's/Hegel's metaphorical phrases and allusiveness since they're what I've read most (and I like their style).

So basically you're a childish pseud

>> No.10610927

why are there so many of these posts tonight is it because Valentine’s Day is coming up?

>> No.10610935

Only women care about valentines day

>> No.10611009

I care about Valentine's Day because woman become desperate enough to sleep with me due to overwhelming feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.10611032
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no its because theyre pretty and cute and beautiful but they wouldnt care if told them that even if i really do mean it and i like them so much but they dont ever like me at all and then on a literature board i see a picture of the girl with cute little shoulders holding a book biting her lip like she likes me but she doesnt! she doesnt

>> No.10611066

Your fault for being born ugly

>> No.10611289

who is the grill?

>> No.10611297
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Fully support this advice, writing anything in 2018 is a mindfield - just dont sound too autistic and im sure you will be fine though :)

>> No.10611302

Minefield* shit

>> No.10611402


>> No.10611421

god i miss her

>> No.10611522


>> No.10611557

1. be good at writing
2. have original ideas
3. don't be a childish pseud

>> No.10611583

New Sincerity in the preface.

>> No.10611594

Go back to your grave, Heidegger

>> No.10611606

>When quoting passages in other languages, do not translate them.
Pseud or lazy hack maneuver. Only acceptable for individual words, with a context around them such that a#nyone" understands it.

What you should do, is: Have the quote in its original language, then a translation, then a short interpretation; using that—or this (but not this).

>> No.10611941

The greatest analogy I've been given is that engaging in philosophical discourse is like entering a swank cocktail party. No one wants an asshole who crashes the affair, starts drunkenly rambling to himself in the corner.

Instead, find a small circle of people who share your interests and wait to hear what they have to say, before replying to them in a direct address. An example: Gregory Vlastos kicked off a huge debate about the inhumanity of Platonic eros. Martha Nussbaum took up Vlastos' charge, but modified it slightly. A contemporary (Frisbee Sheffield) says, "Hey, this whole debate is getting off topic!" That's when the newcomer says, "Well, perhaps there's an alternative reading that would satisfy everyone involved."

>> No.10611965




I found these helpful in school

>> No.10612043
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Sof, an old camwhore.

>> No.10612152

If you don't have any academic training then just fuck off. If you do, then doubly so.

>> No.10612626

>Read Orwell's "rules for writing."
>Use simple words whenever possible.
>Avoid clichés.
>Use at least one example to support everything you say.
>Quote only when you're directly arguing for or against an author's ideas. Otherwise, leave them out of your paper.
>Use Chicago-style footnotes for citations and asides, so your reader doesn't have to flip to the appendix.
>Begin and end with your thesis statement.
>If your thesis is complex, break it down into sections and argue for each section separately.
>Introduce your idea completely before you give examples of it. Give examples before you make formal arguments.
>Shorter paragraphs tend to be better.
>Shorter sentences tend to be better.
>Don't be afraid of semicolons; they're good for connecting two brief clauses.
>Narrow your focus. A paper can only discuss so much.
John Searle is a good example of high-quality philosophy writing. He brings things down to earth without dumbing them down or losing sight of nuance.

>> No.10612639

I want to cum on her chest and on her lips and in here mouth and fuck her pussy must taste like honey lubaluba give me some!

>> No.10612764

dont call her that please she is very pretty and probably nice so dont

>> No.10612775

Like >>10611965 said, read http://www.jimpryor.net/teaching/guidelines/writing.html

Several of my professors in intro philosophy courses have recommended this article

>> No.10612843

technically its gods fault

>> No.10612902


thank me later

>> No.10612917
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can I thank you now?

>> No.10612920
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>> No.10612926

The true nature of the cum slurping thot is revealed. Thank you for denying the narrative the sweet innocent nymphet

>> No.10612935

>why don't random internet women encouraged by neets like me conform to my puritanical standards of conduct
just kill yourselves now and save us the media uproar when you go on your misguided little murder spree

>> No.10612946
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>> No.10612953



>> No.10612954

>les freres karamazov

is she /ourthot/?

>> No.10612955
File: 569 KB, 1280x800, Screen_Shot_2018-01-26_at_10.35.27_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon, even though I'm not ugly. I'm just unlikable and socially autistic. I blame my parents.

>> No.10612958

Hope Anon murders you

>> No.10612966
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1471905192458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you got me. However, I'm in education and employment, but I have horrible social anxiety. Also I like femdoms

>> No.10612980
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>> No.10613243
File: 640 KB, 400x313, LkvIsyf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.10613294

Why does /lit/ have the best gril pics on 4chan?
Except for /a/, obviously.

>> No.10613327

Anyone else find it ironic that she is wearing a cross necklace.

>> No.10613334
File: 7 KB, 204x247, 1464843857170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only women care about valentines day
y-yeah t-this!

>> No.10613377


That picture made so horny were she here, I would have ripped that book out of her hands and fucked her on the spot. But when I saw your link the mystique was gone and I no longer desired her. Why am I like that? Why is the idea of a woman so much more desirable than the woman herself?

>> No.10613382

Why would it be any other way?

>> No.10613389

It seemed part of it to me.

>> No.10613399
File: 40 KB, 246x246, tireddrinkwoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coming up on my 22nd straight valentines day alone

>> No.10613415


Quit blaming God, you sad fuck. Take a shower, hit the weights, gain height, get a clue.

>> No.10613417
File: 38 KB, 552x400, Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is just about dominance or submission do you even read daddy Foucault?

>> No.10613457


Because it has lead to me willingly choose jerking off to videos of women than actually fucking them.

>> No.10613473

prostitutes man

>> No.10613512 [SPOILER] 
File: 207 KB, 451x600, 1517347508878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honed aesthetic sensibility

>> No.10613540

Gorgeous. May I enquire for further examples?

>> No.10613571
File: 95 KB, 300x298, mirag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have /ourgirl/
you could have saved her

>> No.10613600
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>> No.10613604

Read Ritual in the Dark by Colin Wilson

>> No.10613616

I honest can't tell if you're being serious or not. Makes you think.

>> No.10613695

Two Questions:

Do you have a background in philosophy, and why are you wanting to write a philosophical essay?

>> No.10613706


>> No.10613727

I'm starting to get the feeling that if I want to give up jerking off, I'll have to quit this wretched site for good.

>> No.10613754

did she died?

>> No.10613774

do it anon. this board does nothing for you and everything to destroy any kind of healthy development you could have. just read books and be free.

>> No.10613799

Depends on the odds of the reader knowing the language. English and German are mandatory in schools here, so sources in those two languages (and sometimes French) generally aren't translated - but sources in e.g. Japanese, isiZulu or Slovenian definitely should be.

>> No.10613825

Why would you do that? As long as its not stopping you from doing other things.

>> No.10613868
File: 162 KB, 952x952, 1514372546281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they aren't all stolen pictures from /fa/

I find most boards post the same pictures anyway.

>> No.10613886
File: 181 KB, 1500x1305, unwound-asphalt-shirt-ADDITIONAL-563b7cea3d25c-1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that an unwound shirt?

>> No.10613946

Are soles /lit/ approved?
It's called selection.

>> No.10615309
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>> No.10615434

ok. not all the time but moments like now, seeing a woman's body, the little things that characterize a woman's body--the paleness, the smoothness, the shapeliness, every little suggestion of her inner nature--these things fill my mind and afflict me with something resembling madness

>> No.10615477

I’m just glad it’s not flooded with chink women like yours.

>> No.10615479

thank you for posting evidence that we have terrible taste too

>> No.10615506

you said it brother.... wow you said it. I think I"m going to lay down now.



>> No.10615527

the ultimate aprodisaic is that of soul

>> No.10615555

Yeah, pretty much this. If you actually know your shit and understand it you won't be tempted to write bullshit in the first place, or copy the writing style of others who you think sound good but don't really get.

>> No.10615572

you're overthinking
she looked desirable in the OP picture and she looked like shit in most of the pictures in the link
like who told her that lifting one leg sideways like a pissing dog is hot

>> No.10615607
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What's wrong with her? Might seem somewhat unattractive at first, but look how perfect the angle of her face looking downward is (eyelashes), the whiteness of her skin, that expression of boredom yet intellectual concentration...

A lot better than your pseud-tier thots. Here's another qt

>> No.10615630

I want you to feel pain for being this ugly and stupid

>> No.10615703

Foucault basically regurgitated a shitfuck of ideas (regarded as revolutionary) which he basically borrowed from the likes of Erving Goffman and Durkheim. Social psychology for pseuds

>> No.10616284
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>> No.10616451

Why would I be kidding? One of the main themes is the inability to realize the sexual ideal.

>> No.10616506
File: 29 KB, 408x354, mira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well have

>> No.10616524

Just looks like no makeup + allergies or temporary sleep deprivation, desu

>> No.10616539

Damn Mira got old so fast

What the fuck is up with them spic genes

>> No.10616544

That looks remarkably like an ex girlfriend of mine.

>> No.10616560

With Mira it's probably less about genes and more about lifestyle

>> No.10616656

Asian women don't possess intellect fullstop. Weak X chromosome in asians

>> No.10616731
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>t. Elliot
Funny how it's always so easy to spot half-asians.

>> No.10616745

No I'm 100% white but I've dated mostly asian women. Took me too long to realize that they and almost all of their families and friends are essentially retarded with regard to several big aspects of general humanity. Asian men are better in this regard but the effect is still there in dampened form. Asian women are pseudohumans on the scale of sub-Saharan Africans.

>> No.10616769

Sure bud, we all know how you cry yourself to sleep every night because of lack of love from your tiger mom.

>> No.10616775

The "tiger mom" meme/phenomenon exists because of exactly what I'm talking about funnily enough