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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.56 MB, 4128x3096, 20180129_200253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10607425 No.10607425 [Reply] [Original]

Stack + shoes thread

>> No.10607452
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>> No.10607517


>> No.10608072

How was school today?

>> No.10608116
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>> No.10608149

Seattle Coffeeshop Literati / 10

>> No.10608160

Thanks, I've always wanted to visit Seattle. I've been up to Oregon and I liked it, so I figured the further you go from California the better it gets ergo Seattle must be a pretty cool place.

>> No.10608164
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>> No.10608165


>> No.10608172

gay thread

>> No.10608173


>> No.10608258
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>> No.10608632


>> No.10608729

Are you just getting into the occult and eastern studies?

>> No.10609893
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>> No.10609908
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I'm bare feet.

>> No.10609912

Why stop at Seattle then? True patricians continue on to Bellingham

>> No.10609916
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>hitchhiker's guide next to IJ

>> No.10609932

it's been a couple years. those aren't all my books i just chose a few at random and put them next to my shoes

>> No.10609934

post feet then, memester

>> No.10609951
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Don't hurt me

>> No.10609957

why would you put the soles of your shoes on your books?

>> No.10609958

I'll hurt you for putting your shoe on top of a book barbar

>> No.10609960

Fuck you that's why

>> No.10609963

>morning of the magicians
how is it? been wanting to read that

>> No.10609964

you don't want to know what crowley's ghost is going to put on top of you tonight, m8. don't do that

>> No.10609967

If you're into the occult it's great

>> No.10609973

are you a woman?

>> No.10609991

If there is any femanons on, can you just post the books with your bare feet?
Im curious if foot health has anything to do with taste in litetature.

Spread toes to if you don't mind! Thanks

>> No.10610031
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I believe we have an ulterior motive here.

>> No.10610043
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I just finished the gunslinger, i didn't care for it. i don't think i'll continue the rest of the series

>> No.10610060
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>> No.10610072 [SPOILER] 
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sorry footkun i have no coordination<33 goodnight, enjoy your cornflakes

>> No.10610080


>> No.10610084
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great idea for a thread, OP
here's mine

>> No.10610093

why would you be reading all of these at the same time

>> No.10610100

A cow died for those

>> No.10610194

to reach nirvana

>> No.10610201

Thats not how you reach nirvana friend

>> No.10610219
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Are you taking a class?

>> No.10610263

not op, how do you reach it then?

>> No.10610296
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>that stack

>> No.10610302

Understanding what the idea the idea of a void is, and how yin and yang act around itm

>> No.10610327
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>> No.10610359

some sugar helps with the veggies

>> No.10610411

nice black boots all of you :)

>> No.10610453


Srsly wtf is up with these boots. Are you all goth bitches or skinheads?

>> No.10610456

What ingenious female foot fetishist started this?

>> No.10610460

probably art bros, male equivalent of art hoes

>> No.10610471

>tfw reddish-brown boot masterrace

>> No.10610477

not even a foot fetishist but those are pretty cute

>> No.10610483

lol that's the average /lit/ user, better that than nerd bros

>> No.10610501

What shoes are patrician?

>> No.10610502


i live in a relevant city and its wintertime

>> No.10610504

stop trying to fulfill your weird fetishes on a Cantonese train spotting board

>> No.10610514

show them you filthy slut

>> No.10610522

Fucking this. Who the fuck wears Doc Martins besides Art Bros and Goth Bitches. Get a pair of running shoes or vans like a normal person

>> No.10610535
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here are some real boots /lit/

>> No.10610540

>not art bro

>> No.10610557

Tbh I think patrician clothing is a meme, aside from some special occasion stuff for women. Just dress in things you like, you'll probably look like a member of whatever subculture you're a part of but there's nothing wrong with that. If you'd have to try to be patrician with your clothes, you can't pull those looks off.

>> No.10610562

I've autisticly taken visual surveys of classmates' footwear in several classes and vans/chucks always have multiple pairs represented.

>> No.10610565

so /lit/ is all university fags with hipster boots?

>> No.10610568

>aside from some special occasion stuff for women
Could you please specify?

>> No.10610575


>> No.10610589

The Bible? What? You should start with the Greeks, man!

>> No.10610596

big if true

>> No.10610597

vans lol

>> No.10610607
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Hi lads how are you

>> No.10610615

What's the Carré book?

>> No.10610626

what else

>> No.10610629

to be fair, I wear bootcut and a big ole belt buckle, with a flannel + t shirt combo
Im >>10610535
I'm from a very western town

>> No.10610634

seven pillars of wisdom is top shelf patriciancore, i actually read that book in jail

>> No.10610646

Jail, huh? Read much books there? Had fun?

>> No.10610674

Women's clothing is much more varied than men's, as a whole. But day to day, most girls probably dress like guys, in that they find pieces that are in a style they like, look good on them, and are appropriate for whatever environment they're in. Most girls won't spend a lot of mental energy putting together highly creative outfits outfits for everyday life, they have stuff that works and call it a day.

For occasions where women are expected to dress up, it's a little different. There are so many different options, styles, and ways to put things together that it's a shame not to get creative. It's easy for many women to fall back on generic "nice" clothing in whatever cut flatters their body, and it will probably look fine. But for the truly /patrician/ woman, the chance to dress up is an opportunity for creative expression, another chance to explore something interesting. The best looks are both interesting and make you look good. But these efforts can take a lot of time and effort and money to put together. They would also likely be inappropriate for whatever environment you're usually in.

>> No.10610681

Oops, "But these efforts" should be "But these outfits." Sorry, phoneposting

>> No.10610686

yeah it was a pretty good time. i was there for like 2 weeks, and i didnt read any other books because pillars of wisdom was the only one i had on me when i went to jail. i wrote a really long quote from it on the wall of the cell. one of the jailers gave me book five of game of thrones when i asked for a book, but i couldnt get into it. it was shit plus i hadnt read the other ones before so i gave it back.

>> No.10610701

i dont thin anyone patrician would spend too much thought or time on fashion.

>> No.10610709

>they give you the 5th installment in an ongoing fantasy series

jail sounds not fun. But was the quote if I may ask?

>> No.10610712

>t. autismo

>> No.10610717

i don't have the book on me so i cant reproduce it exactly. its where he talks about fighting in a regimented modern army vs the freedom of fighting with the bedouins. considering that this was military jail, and i was there for disobeying orders, i thought it was appropriate

>> No.10610719
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>/lit/ is full of poofters
I'm not surprised

>> No.10610720


>> No.10610721
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>> No.10610729
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i want to believe this is real

>> No.10610735

I get why you would think that for daily clothes, but for times to dress up I disagree. It's like food. You probably have stuff that tastes pretty good and is fairly healthy that you eat regularly. But for a special occasion, if it suits your taste, you can choose to go to a nice restaurant that has wild, intense flavors and gets creative with their food. Hopefully it will be different from anything you've had before.
Or you can go to a white tablecloth restaurant that has decent but "normal" food and gets good reviews from 60 year old country club members on yelp.

Why be satisfied with being bland?

>> No.10610736

Why no Fire and Fury?

>> No.10610743

Have it on .pdf

>> No.10610744
File: 1.95 MB, 2880x2160, 20180130_002049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Frankenstein and these are the books I plan to read/reread next in order down

>> No.10610822

>indifferent to aesthetics

>> No.10610879

Well, these are some trash books so I guess it's fine?

>> No.10611015

Why not? lol

>> No.10611049


>> No.10611199

I have the same pair myself! Great boots.

>> No.10611205

dont actually go to bellingham it's a spiritual void and cursed

>> No.10611242

To be fair, so is Seattle

>> No.10611252

my guy

>> No.10611264

not gonna argue on that one

>> No.10611548
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dirty bois

best itt, ann d aswell?

>> No.10611573

Those DMs have barely been worn, haven't been polished and almost certainly haven't been baptised.


>> No.10611586
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>> No.10611729
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Just got these shoes in the mail. What yall think?

>> No.10611908

they aren't black. and they aren't boots.

>> No.10611919

Heard Hell House is trippy. Would love to read it someday.

>> No.10612123

I gagged

>> No.10612172


>> No.10612435

This is disgusting , placing ones shoes over books . Fcking godless westerners .

>> No.10612448

>bootfags have reasonable taste
>sneakersfags have no respect for books and other terrible habits
>grills are still whores
>footfags are still weird
i feel like this thread didn't teach me anything i didn't know already. bumping regardless

>> No.10612455

is this autosaged or am i retarded?

>> No.10612457

Nice. Is that a hard cover edition of intro to the hindu doctrines?

>> No.10612460

epic disregard that bump warning i suck cocks like the rest of you faggots

>> No.10612815

yeah, thanks brother

>> No.10612834
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Need to clean and polish my shoes, they're looking pretty gnarly at the moment.