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10608097 No.10608097 [Reply] [Original]

>Claims to have read Nietzsche
>Cries like a bitch in front of millions of teenage boys whilst hooked on antidepressants


>> No.10608099

he looks like he needs a glass of water

>> No.10608114

You do realize that Nietzsche killed himself right?

>> No.10608120

Well Nietzsche did love tragedy

>> No.10608123

Isn't taking self-help advice from a dude on antidepressants like taking dieting advice from a dude that's 300 pounds?

>> No.10608132
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This is what your average christcuck looks like.

>> No.10608240
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>> No.10608246

>Cries like a bitch
while reading Ayn Rand. That's the saddest part

>> No.10608247

that's not genetic fallacy it's called being prudent

>> No.10608249
File: 13 KB, 200x200, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck can men cry in front of others? My toxic masculinity won't let me, I only cry silently in my bedroom.

>> No.10608251

What? No he didn't.

>> No.10608252

Muh fallacies

Lmao, typical Peterson brainlet

>> No.10608253

He died of pneumonia, how is that suicide?

>> No.10608274

Actually a very Nietzschean thing to do

>> No.10608276

hahahahahah how is crying on camera even real hahahaha just wait till your done crying to record. like nigga wash up and start the recording over again haha

>> No.10608304

A man that doesn't cry has something wrong with him. A man that cries over petty things also has something wrong with him.

Even Achilles cried.

>> No.10608308

A man who purposely cries on camera and then uploads it has something SERIOUSLY wrong with him.

>> No.10608369

I'm too dead inside to cry

>> No.10608380
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>> No.10608390

Bitch-ass pussy.

>> No.10608460

Can I get a source on this anti-depressant claim?

>> No.10608464

why would this negate any advice given?

>> No.10608468


>> No.10608475

Looks like he didn't clean his room that day.

>> No.10608477
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Imagine producing a frumpy daughter like this lmao

>> No.10608485
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>Peterson is on the pharma-jew

Do you guys think his dick has stopped working yet?

>> No.10608499

in that pic he looks like if you took a byronic hero, aged him by 30 years or so, gave him alcoholism and placed him in the modern world. a strange mix of moody darkness and modern ennui

>> No.10608507

damn that's an impressive chin...is this shopped?

>> No.10608509

>Okay Mackayla, ready to see what you looked like four years ago?
>I guess so
>Well too bad fatty, here comes the tape

>> No.10608513

>she's been on anti-depressants since 12

what the fuck

>> No.10608521

i had a hearty belly laugh at this post

>> No.10608522

she isn't fat, what's wrong with you

>> No.10608526


>> No.10608533

No, it's Jewish.

>> No.10608543

(((Jordan B. Peterson))) experimented on his daughter from a young age with experimental drugs because he's a (((psycho analyst))).

>> No.10608552
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but why tho

>> No.10608575

dude wat

>> No.10608603


Shhh, don't question daddy Peterson, daddy wants what's best for you, just give him shekels on Patreon and he will show you the way.

>> No.10608644

what percentage of psychology students do you think are mentally ill people whose main motivation is trying to understand their own illness? I'd say 100%

>> No.10608736

anecdotally 100%. My mum used to work on a medical disciplinary board which encompassed psychologists. All of the crazy fucks who had harassment cases against patients were psychologists. One psych called my mum and told her that he would kill himself unless she stopped investigating him. Another was disciplined because he got a flight delayed because he had a temper tantrum about the airline not having PJ's in his size, They're legit a bunch of narcissists and charlatans. Also if a wom*n says she studies psychology just walk away its not worth dealing with that perfect storm of crazy

>> No.10608794

relevant to the discussion

>There is a false saying: "How can someone who can't save himself save other?" Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?"

t. Nietzsche

>> No.10608811

>Take life advice from me, the man who raised a basketcase daughter who hallucinates and wants to die
>also buy my rug special price of only $3000

>> No.10608838

Making fun of his daughter and their depression is just fucked up. They endured some of the most fucked up shit and you're making fun of them for that? I wouldn't wish that illness on my worst enemy.

>> No.10608844


>> No.10608847

I study psychology online so i can only speak for myself since i don't interact with any classmates. I chose to study it simply out of interest in the field. I know i have some mental issues, but those didn't influence my decision (as far as i know). I've lways liked psychology, even before i knew i was fucked up in the head.

>> No.10608854


>> No.10608872

Peterson has shit genes which enable chronic depression. Did you even watch the video?

>> No.10608951

there's this new self-help book (12 rules or something?) that he might benefit from

>> No.10608965

yeah, i bet he hasn't even read maps of meaning what a fag

>> No.10609062

just ignore the redditfags pretending to be /pol/

>> No.10609084

if he browsed 4chan instead of reddit he would know he needs to power lift to cure depression

>> No.10609112

he claimed to have benched 225lb.
powerlifting doesn't really cure depression, first of all in some stages of depression it's impossible to make any progress in it, but secondly if it works it's a good self-esteem boos every PR, but eventually you'll reach a plateau and that may actually make things worse, lifting by itself increases stress, failing PR increases it even more.

>> No.10609121

same crack kills

>> No.10609129

un ironically: nietzsche would cry on camera today

>> No.10609134

This has to be bait. Whenever Peterson is asked "do you believe in God?" he responds with "define God," or some other non-answer. If he truly believed in Jesus Christ he would be preaching the gospel instead of hiding behind agnostic bullshit.

>> No.10609135

underrated af

>> No.10609141

he's a christian larper

>> No.10609144

i think it increases the sense of self sufficiency, i wasn’t strictly thinking on the aesthetical consequences (which is good) as a boost of self esteem. focusing on something, ending a set... that helps rewiring. te stress induced by exercise returns its fruits because it rebuilds you stronger.

>> No.10609148


>> No.10609149

he was too proud and shy and stuck up. i seriously doubt it. he would probably release one video where he discusses some dry historical topic but with some flair, originality, and an air of authority. then shortly after he would become inexplicably embarrassed about it, and in a fuming rage unmerited by the circumstance delete the video, and then delete his youtube account

>> No.10609151

Yes, he's a larper. He isn't a real Christian.

>> No.10609155

he knows his target. conservatives and increasingly libertarians signal a lot on christianity as a statement against islam. he’s strategic about that.

>> No.10609156

he literally is

>> No.10609158


>> No.10609160


Can someone explain to me why this lunatic is taken serious? He literally claims the objective truth behaves as a lie because it doesn't align with his political agenda.

>> No.10609185

How wouldn't it? Psychology is interesting, but obviously not all facts. If I'm going to believe someone, I want examples and results.

>> No.10609186

i’m browsing rapidly his channel, every title is typical youtube clickbait. i can’t respek him. he’s anti aesthetic af. cringey. i can’t even put into words.

>> No.10609192

>Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead?
>............................................................I cannot answer that question.
>It depends on what you mean by Jesus.
>I would say at the moment I'm agnostic about that issue.
He claims to be a Christian but whenever he gets asked about Jesus's resurrection he gets extremely wishy-washy. Like >>10609141 said, Peterson is a Christian larper.

>> No.10609198

I know, if he owned up that historically there is evidence that Jesus was resurrected, perhaps I would take him more seriously.

>> No.10609208

he would obsess over a detail where he thinks he might be seen as naive person by trolls, get embittered about that, realize he’s overreacting and feel ashamed. he was too sensitive, he wouldn’t resist a day in a world where every word you say goes to an anonymous target who might reflect your image in all sort of ways. he might die of self awareness after one snarky comment.

>> No.10609209

The period when I fell into severe depression years ago (straight-up psychomotor retardation) was ironically when I was at my strongest and every other girl checked me out. If someone is in trouble because of no friends, regret over academic choice, bad financial situation and so forth, like I was, their main priority should be to fix those problems and not use lifting as escapism, like I did. Not saying people shouldn't lift, they should, it's great, just not a cure.

>> No.10609214

sorry about that. i was catatonic so exercising, even just walking, was a nice step forward. but i was already in the mindset of actually wanting to get better.

>> No.10609221

you, my friend, have understood nietzsche. i know nietzsche hated being pitied, but man i feel so sorry for him sometimes it makes me depressed. he was a sad case. very lonely guy.

>> No.10609239

I only cry in front of my father, but that's only because I love him and feel so goddamned blessed to have a man like him love me.

>> No.10609260

It's pretty clear he had an experience with hallucinogens in which he met Christ. He'll never say it in public because of his position, but you can piece it together yourself pretty easy. His belief structure is probably far too unorthodox for public opinion, but he probably has a more personal relationship with Christ than you do. Spiritual gatekeeping is an atheists game anyways.

>> No.10609286
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All you people going against Peterson are no different than the Pharisees who went against Jesus and tried to slander his name.

>> No.10609291

Or he could be pandering.

>> No.10609302

>claims to be Ubermensch
>cries like little bitch when a horse gets treated like the untermensch he is

>> No.10609309

he had the most acute, deep mind. i think he functioned very visually in his mind. he gets never unjustifiably verbose even in his most intricate ramblings. he understood instinctively the underlying motives under every persons behavior, their fears, their obsessions. very plutonian, in a sense that he felt deeply whatever was going on but he also felt imprisoned by the intricacies he could understand, probably fearing other people could read him as well as he could about everything. but he was unfortunately cringe made flesh and longed to be loved and accepted perhaps even by people he despised. which was hard being that eccentric and at odds with what it takes to be loved and accepted (a bit more agreeableness than he could offer)

>> No.10609330

Someone please link the video.

>> No.10609337

In Canada, you don't have much a Christian base to pander to; he was pretty much doing the opposite by being a leading intellectual who was openly religious. You don't live up here do you?

>> No.10609352

>longed to be loved and accepted perhaps even by people he despised.
I once saw an excerpt from a letter he wrote in which he said that a minutes conversation with a stranger on the street was enough to convince him of the vanity of his writing, to want to throw it all away. Something like that. I wish I could find it.

>> No.10609365

Also very Kafkaesque...

>> No.10609387

nice ad hominem you made.

>> No.10609403

i`m psychologist, a fucking lot of colleagues have mental health problems, even depression, that doesn´t stop them to scientifically give aid to others, you a re a pleb, next time you find you are sick please seek for a 100% healthy doctor, fag.

>> No.10609417
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>"just follow these twelve easy steps to overcome your problems"
>is on medication for depression
>self help author
>can't help himself
there is something wrong with this picture, it's not a fallacy

>> No.10609447

>misspelled the name of the guy who did the illustrations because he didn't give a shit; just give me the money bruh

>> No.10609450

true help can be given only by monks who successfully overcame all sins, not by a sinner.

>> No.10609456

would be nice. i’ve read all his works but never digged into his personal literature

>> No.10609475

he clearly isn’t in the position to give help, just look at his target which is mostly libertarian tards failed yuppies. if he actually was looking out for people to help would care more about the traps he treats with condescension.

>> No.10609486

oh, come the fuck on, get the fuck out with your hippie false deeper bullshit

>> No.10609500

pretty sure he's being sarcastic

>> No.10609511

he can't become a best-seller trying to help 0.3% of the population

>> No.10609539

Even if he were a full Christ(cuck)ian like yourself, it would still be bad, Christcuck.

>> No.10609557

so he baits to whiny bullies with a martyr delusion about flymon os peach

>> No.10609558

>i`m psychologist
stop larping, you arent

>> No.10609565

being psychologist and being depressed is like being a dietologist and being obese or anorexic

>> No.10609602


>> No.10609681

What did they endure? Any particular tragedies?
As far as I know she grew up in a first world country with a rich daddy. There are people who've had it much worse yet don't go around attention whoring

>> No.10609689


>> No.10609720

>this one eunuch who can't stop trying to tarnish the name of a successful psychologist on the back-end of an imageboard

>> No.10609728

That's rhetorical, by the way. I think we all know it's because you're upset that someone in a position of power isn't pandering to your mental illness.

>> No.10609755

I thought I was studying psychology due to intelectual curiosity and wanting to be useful to others. But then I tried to off myself and am now being medicated for depression.

>> No.10609771
File: 102 KB, 818x636, codePEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT IS UP, FELLOW KEKBOY!? Did you get your sweet new Peterson book? CODE PEPE!!

>> No.10609773

what the fuck is this drama-quenn's problem?

>> No.10609774

not sure why there's so much hate for this guy
He's not an incel like half the people on this board. He's got a good family, a stable marriage, and a good source of income.

Peterson has a genetic predisposition for clinical depression so it isn't really his fault. he's done everything he can do. He also said that he came off the antidepressants

>> No.10609778

We are all siners. God doesn't save us because we deserve it, but because he loves us. But you have to accept his love and try to love others because God loves them too.

>> No.10609782

Guy is an obvious charlatan. Amazing how successful he’s been duping people.

>> No.10609788

He’s not even sorted out bucko. I bet his room is dirty af.

>> No.10609792

Why hasn’t this loser killed himself yet?

>> No.10609815


>> No.10609817

>isn't getting advice from a person with the exact flaw you're seeking to get rid of a bad idea

I'd say no, depending on if it's justified

Surgeons deal with patients who have godlessly unfortunate illnesses and ailments.
Some people have just seen some shit. most advice is for the speaker and not the receiver.

memento mori meme and all that

>> No.10609836

this can't be real

>> No.10609838

Time to kill myself, again

>> No.10609861

I only cried when my dog died

>> No.10609863

>put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others

t. people that don't want to die for stupid reasons

>> No.10609903

>modern philosophers
Humanity is a disgusting species.

>> No.10609927

So this is the world we live in...

>> No.10609994

not really, since he says he recommends taking antidepressants if they help you. it's actually just being consistent.

>> No.10610006

>Not escaping from the underworld

>> No.10610007

>even a psychopathic murderer cried
wtf i love crying now

>> No.10610012

If the 300 pound guy actually dates, his advice is more valuable than a good looking guy's. Because it means he has actual game. You must be retarded to not get that.

>> No.10610019

juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that basically crippled her for years. imagine being a kid and being in excruciating pain for days on end and not being able to play. iirc she had a total ankle replacement at 12 or something.

>> No.10610027

he waffles on the christian question. in an interview on quillette released yesterday he said he doesn't call himself a christian.

>> No.10610036

>tfw i could heem every here

>> No.10610055

Diets, retard. Not dates. Petersonfags literally can't even read.

>> No.10610056

Don't let those boys on /pol/ tell you that your dick is small because you received vaccinations as a child. It's just small because you're a little guy.

>> No.10610096

jesus he was fucked. dude just needed to shoot the shit with baker and slap a hoe's ass. i know he was adamant about not drinking and "no fun" in general.

>> No.10610114

>i know he was adamant about not drinking and "no fun" in general
he suffered from a ton of illness so he didnt have much choice in that regard. tons of migraines, vomiting, deteriorating eyesight, sensitive stomach, etc

>> No.10610136
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>Doesn't believe in Christ beyond a social tool
>Is a Christcuck
wat, ur like a little babby

>> No.10610170

But Nietzsche was a total bitch.

>> No.10610208

not really, as they'll often be knowledgeable and experienced in the topic.

>> No.10610216

I haven't cried since I was like 12. I got emotional expression and investment beaten and bullied out of me since birth.

>> No.10610252
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>> No.10610254

t. brainlet

>> No.10610307

Lol are there illustrations in the book. for babies who cant read yet

>> No.10610346

I went on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds when I was 10. I'm 20 now and I slowly stopped taking them when I turned 19. The meds helped, but only a little bit.

>> No.10610371


>> No.10610372

lmfao this kills the individualist

>> No.10610461
File: 160 KB, 768x576, 1368234872384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just became a clinical psychologist a year ago. I was fucked up in the head, but I was able to sort myself out almost completely when I was in my early 20's. I didn't start going to college until I was 24. I decided to get into psychology because I was interested in the topic and I thought I had an unique perspective. A lot of my classmates were fucked in the head too. Some of them had things under control, but there were a lot who were still looney. One of my classmates killed himself in his dorm room during my junior year. I didn't know him that well, but supposedly he was bipolar and had mommy issues.

>> No.10610464

>the man who raised a basketcase daughter who hallucinates and wants to die
Yes, certainly he raised her in such a way as to engender hallucinations. It's hard to approve of what's in that video, but some of you guys are right out of the intellectual gutter

>> No.10610475

what's your specific degree and where did you get it? are you analytically trained?

>> No.10610520

The argument in that example appears to be perfectly valid, doing something because a fortune cookie tells you so is ridiculous.

>> No.10610553


>> No.10610635

Will she inherit the cult, is she the next in the line of succession?

>> No.10610659
File: 986 KB, 1440x815, sadpeterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punished peterson: a hero denied his meds

>> No.10610672

It's ok to cry, this is just a big cosmic joke.

>> No.10610680

Show me a monk that overcame his sins. Even priests are imperfect.

>> No.10610688


>tfw you will never marry Mikhaila in order to obtain best dad

>> No.10610692

why are you talking in 3rd person

>> No.10610696

this is "i know you are but what am i" tier humor

>> No.10610698

its almost worse since the guy who is 300 isn’t fucked for life, he can change. the person on anti-depressants is already dead. their brain will never ever recover

>> No.10610726

it still managed to get a reply out of you so i'm leaving with a full stomach.

this. lost his shit over a horse.

>> No.10610734

You can say this for Tao Lin and Jimmy Dore but /lit/ never goes there.

>> No.10610759

pick one my dood

>> No.10610776
File: 231 KB, 1024x1024, patroclus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and swift-footed brilliant Achilleus looked on him in pity, / and spoke to him aloud and addressed him in winged words: 'Why then / are you crying like some poor little girl, Patroklos," (16.5-7)
Even Achilles knew crying was for little bitches.

>> No.10610781

>Even Achilles knew crying was for little bitches.
he did more crying in the iliad then any other character

>> No.10610863

He spent the first half of the Iliad pouting like a child and putting all his comrades at risk because Agamemnon cucked him, and then he spent the second half murdering the entire Trojan army in a temper tantrum over the death of his boyfriend, which was indirectly caused by his previous pouting. Achilles was more of a little bitch than any other character.

>> No.10610906

my sister who is an MD says that genius professors also tend to be heavy smokers

>> No.10610917

So do retarded bums.

>> No.10610950

the point being the most prestigious professors in medicine being heavy smokers does no discredit to their expertise

>> No.10611065

>giving aid to others
>not being able aid oneself

wait wait wait how about not jumping over the topic faggot. your fucking colleagues can rip off depressed idiots for money, but if they can't even help themselves, their help is very questionable

>> No.10611098
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lol fuck off you cunts. Do you not realise that the depressed have actually thought about the mind and therefore have a better understanding?

Would you rather take road safety advise from someone who has never been in a car crash to someone who has?
Would you rather take sexual health advise from someone with no STD or someone with HIV?
Would you rather take reading advise from someone who was illiterate until the age of 20 or someone who was blessed with reading from the beginning?

The answer to all 3 is obvious. You want advise from people who have been where you are, and are where you are heading and therefore know how to avoid it. The advise 'please be careful when shaving your ballsack' is more meaningful coming from a man with blood pouring down his legs than a man with a perfect hairless crotch. Maybe some of the retards here need to reconsider their positions.

>> No.10611101

it's simple:
peterson markets self help methods.
he's depressed.
therefore his methods don't work, or atleast work well enough to produce results for their own author. that does not inspire confidence in the methods.

>> No.10611102


>> No.10611112

this post is without meaning

>> No.10611146

this was an incredibly stupid post. You take advice from people who have made good choices that have prevented harm. After the fact it is too late.

>> No.10611190

>The advise 'please be careful when shaving your ballsack' is more meaningful coming from a man with blood pouring down his legs than a man with a perfect hairless crotch

>> No.10611213

>Peterson has shit genes which enable chronic depression
aren't genes just a meme?

>> No.10611228
File: 21 KB, 395x500, fredandfrenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looked so awkward, it's weird that the only picture where he looks like a normal human being was taken when his brain was already completely mushy and destroyed, and his sister had propped him up to display to her Nazi friends

>> No.10611246

>Jimmy Dore
doesn't he get like 50 views per video?

>> No.10611257

oh stop it shes cute
i like her

>> No.10611270

Until he learns some humility and better judgement.
You know, one of the major points of the story.

>> No.10611275
File: 776 KB, 599x598, 1486675659865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, nobody is criticizing the story, anon was just showing how retarded it is to use Achilles as an outstanding example of non-crying men

>> No.10611619

No, memes are social genes. To quote my old lecturer, "Volleyball is a meme."

>> No.10611624


>> No.10611706

>psychopathic murderer

>> No.10611720

I wouldn't say social. The original notion is 'idea gene', which is far more accurate. Hermits can have memes and be infected with new ideas they then begin to spread, you know. Social viruses carry and disturb the memes, this is perhaps the better way to look at it. Hence we can be influenced by dead societies and their memes.

>> No.10611750

Just because someone walked the wrong path doesn't mean that they know what's the right path. The answer to your questions is not obvious at all, I'd lean to take the opposite option of yours.

>> No.10611751


So Nietzsche staged a photo were he is a symbolic horse pulling the carriage of known super-slut Lou Salome, a woman he was desperately in love with, and she is presenting a whip and a devious expression.

This picture just screams femdom fetish, and yes, it was staged by Nietzsche himself. Could it be that this inclination lies behind the insufferable pseudomartial bravado of his writings, that they were a way to distance himself from an obscure realization that he was in fact a slave by nature, and absolutely loved it? Could it be that the infamous Turin horse finally made him realize what he had been all along, finally made him reconcile his nature with himself, but the force of the collapse of the aristocratic persona he had spent a lifetime of writings building up snapped his mind?

>> No.10611752

>not sure why there's so much hate for this guy
>He's not an incel like half the people on this board. He's got a good family, a stable marriage, and a good source of income.
that's probably why

>> No.10611758


You seem to be misunderstanding. The hate of Peterson is derivative. It is hatred of Petersonfags and Petersonthreads that is primary. Shitting on the idol is not done out of ill-will towards the idol, it is done to anger the worshippers.

>> No.10611763

this tbqh. anything bad i may have written in this thread was just done in the good spirit of shitposting. in reality idgaf about peterson, he seems like an ok guy except for all the money grubbing

>> No.10611769

>Would you rather take reading advise from someone who was illiterate until the age of 20 or someone who was blessed with reading from the beginning?

Just fucking lol at this larping. You have never, ever taken reading advice from such a person, you pseud.

>> No.10611860

>toxic masculinity

>> No.10611863

he probs got it from frenchin that horse

>> No.10611865


>> No.10611872

>He's got a good family, a stable marriage, and a good source of income.
you sound like you wanna suck ur dads penis

>> No.10611880

only fags don't want to suck their dad's penis

>> No.10611882

stop projecting, degenerate

>> No.10611906

So, what's his problem this time?

>> No.10611917

sucking dick isn't gay if you say "no homo"

>> No.10611930

hesychasm is the closer i can think of. zen masters. generally people who can guide you via accepting rather than exasperating a war against depressed, bipolar angsty teens on tumblr.

>> No.10611932

It's a bad, needlessly fuzzy example anyway. A more to-the-point one would be:

>Nazi scientists have discovered X
>X cannot be true because it was discovered by Nazis and Nazis are evil

>> No.10611943

same for me. i don’t think he’s dumb or low iq, certainly he’s a good speaker but i can’t give mad pros just because he’s rich. shall we shut up at rich people?

>> No.10611952

Except he's crying over Ayn Rand. It's still weird, but not Christian at all.

>> No.10611962

about what concept is he crying about? i feel bad for him he’s like girls who cry at rupi kaur

>> No.10611971

Except surgeons are actually trained to do what they have to, proved themselves in exams and can operate anytime while Peterson has to compensate his own failings with his position among the crowd. He's a good man but he's painfully banal and cringy, especially with that carpet selling. In more traditional times he would be great as a priest.

>> No.10612035

Yeah, but a europe Priest. Selling Beer on the side.

>> No.10612037

Who better to tell you about some dark places than someone who has been there himself and lived to say "trust me you don't want to go there bucko"?

>> No.10612090

He felt depressed about his inferiority to Wagner, which was later compounded when the whole masturbation scandal at Bayreuth occurred. This more than anything was what would drive him of the edge.

>> No.10612198


>> No.10612201

He's still there, so it seems like a bad idea to take advice from someone who doesn't even know the way out.

>> No.10612210


>> No.10612425
File: 107 KB, 700x1000, 21d8c3200f53d7020e22e223f17a85c000bbb14240274c0d0735ecdda7c2cbe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fuck sake, now I know where all these cancerous Petersonfags come from

>> No.10613241

>about what concept is he crying about?
the decline of Western man