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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 162 KB, 1000x1501, Rupi-Kaur-about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10607898 No.10607898 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about the most important living literary figure, the official YAS QUEEN of /lit/, rupi kaur?

>> No.10607922

>the most important living literary figure
that'd prolly be me or bob dylan

>> No.10607925

she was a trierarch
but he had his oars cut off

>> No.10608130


>> No.10608137

she was a successful poet
but he was a bitter virgin

>> No.10608142

>brown person
>isnt even 30
>upper middle class
>trendy urbanite
I wonder what she writes about...

>> No.10608145

Hi, welcome to /lit/

>> No.10608158


>> No.10608181

>endless Jordan Peterson threads
>endless Rupi Kaur threads
>endless /pol/ bait threads
The absolute state of this board...

>> No.10608185
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come home white man...

>> No.10608344

What pornstars look like her?

>> No.10608641

I want her to poo all over my loo (my weiner...or mouth), I want her elephant trunk to let roar a golden stream of krishna juice unto my untouchable loins, wrapped in satin sheets, her bare oiled breasts rubbing up and down my torso , I want to be Rupi$ little bindi boy, please meditate on my prayer, we can do yoga together by the sewer river and slurp curry by moonlight, I am not a beta bitch cuck soy boy, I will treat you right my darling princess, please pick me please please, please deficate on my behind my lovely, so I may shove your worthyness up myself, and press it out to know the experience of a true one, please poop in my pillow case and disallow me to empty it for the months you allow me to stay in your guestroom...please, I beg you... I need this, I am crying, I am screaming, I can hardly even...pleasee....pleaseeeee Rupi...seriously, no really...I swear...please...seriously...im crying...oh my god...fuck...please please I need this

>> No.10608664
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>triggered snowflake

>> No.10608679

she's hot but her poetry is awful

>> No.10608880

I want to operate her call center and giver her customer service.. I wanna upgrade her dada center and wire her IT

>> No.10608886

please let me slurpee your honey glazed churro, my one and only, may you star in my follywood play, and let us lay down in the desert on a magic carpet and do peyote on a crystal summer night while I rub your lamp and let out pop a geenie

>> No.10608892

while the crickets chirp all around and the sweet scent of poverty fills the sandy air....my darling....my jasmine princess... let my hump your camel...and spit between your toes...my dearest dear

>> No.10608896

>and let out pop a geenie
who may grant you 3 wishes...but I will bargin for an extra one for only $9.95 more

>> No.10608923

please rubi...I beg of you...prettiest gracefullest goddess of love and light...I am on my knees...though now am moving to the laying on my back position and I await you....please....oh my god....I need this... I need you....please I love you....please unload your innards onto my penis...please engineer the pungent doo into a sturdy castle casing around my pillaric shaft...please keep your miraculous anus, your most glorious most high behind just above while the poop is still dangling creating a tethered bridge from you to me...please ruby...you dont understand... my gemstone....we need our insides to touch....the sacred star stuff must entwine and enrapture us towards reincarnation....we must achieve nirvana together my soul sister...please hoist your hiney remained there, with the poo bridge sturdy, and let me slowly with my own hands grasping my buttocks lift myself upwards...skywards...to the heavens....I know you see this symbol...the magickal spiritual union in all of this....please...it must be done...let it be so...twas said, and so, twas was.... and let me just slowly dip upwards in and out of your succulent goo...please...please...I need you...I love you...

>> No.10608940

>things that make cuckservatives cry:
>niggas takin a knee

>> No.10608964

>more like...rupert get out your binoculours and microscope and scour the world scene to see if there is anything we can exaggeratedly feign outrage over to distract from all the real outrage towards us

>> No.10608987

what is that

>> No.10608992

may our children have much incenste

>> No.10608994

nah, you don't know me


>> No.10609016

your smooth brown luscious luxurious skin...let me explore your crack and gargle your yolk...let us start our lives together eating healthy....let me make your eggs white......let me whip your holy cow...massage your sacred calfs...with my tongue and penis.....you are the utter goat...let me stand far beneath you awaiting the drops of your precious milk... to formulate at the corners of my lips like a lively dew...please....my dude....

>> No.10609039

Why are Indian women both hot-looking and disgusting-looking at the same time?

>> No.10609064

Most likely cause your inner racism is clashing with your primal lusts

>> No.10609073

how many examples are you basing that on? Does it hold true for all, majority? Or you are almost entirely making that judgement based on rupi pic? either way, its probably the seeing of the indian man in them

>> No.10609081

>seeing of the indian man in them
if you think about it women are just feminine men, so if you like women your probably gay

>> No.10609117

this but unironically

>> No.10609125

yeah I'd hate fuck rupi so hard

>> No.10609138

I can't look at her without knowing what Indians smell like.

>> No.10609207

Literally everyone shits, dude. Kaur's Canadian anyway

>> No.10609210

This is either 10/10 bait or the first authentic boomerpost I've seen on /lit/. Either way, congratulations.

>> No.10609261

Everyone shits, but not everybody shits in a street.

>> No.10609416

absolutely disgusting

>> No.10609472

I'd let her shit in my designated shitting mouth

>> No.10609573

not lit, kys

>> No.10610282

How pronounce name? It make rhyme with poopy car?

>> No.10610691

In her defense, she gave someone a chance to write this beautiful profle, which is basically one long backhand about how Rupi Kaur is an image-obsessed hack.


>> No.10610706

>Milk and Honey, the 25-year-old Punjabi-Canadian’s first collection of poetry, is the best-selling adult book in the U.S. so far this year.
holy shit ive never even heard of her before this thread. i thought she was some obscure meme

>> No.10610722


>Kaur does not like to read when she is writing, and says that she hasn’t finished a book all year. Now that The Sun and Her Flowers is complete, though, she’s looking forward to digging into the many books she’s bought and not yet started.

“I will always go into a used bookstore,” she says, even when she’s working. “I’ll collect a lot of covers that inspire me — whether it’s the paper inside, whether it’s a font, so then later I can be like, okay, how’s mine going to look?”


>“This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer. “The dream is to have him design my next book.”

I didn't know I could hate a total stranger this much

>> No.10610795

Wipe it bind it milk and honey
White girls buy it get that money

Despite the praise of jewish gallants
Bindi bimbo has no talents

>> No.10611142
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>> No.10611145
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>blood sweat tears of 21 years

>> No.10611646

Don't know if you're agreeing with me or trying to prove me wrong, but it still applies.

>> No.10611661

>gargabe "poetry"
>is the best-selling adult book in the U.S. so far this year.
how? why? what the fuck is wrong with americans.

>> No.10611662

Ngl, would smash

>> No.10611667

>criticizing dear leader
How the tables have turned

>> No.10611672

We let corporations decide our ideals because we have none on our own

>> No.10611688

but how did she gain that much traction, was it all instagram or social media? was she "discovered"? her shit is incredibly bad i cant believe what im reading.

>> No.10611691

It was mainly social media stuff, yes.

>> No.10611694

>was it all instagram or social media
I would imagine so. The article briefly mentioned that she had a social media presence of some kind. idk I stopped reading when I got to the part that said she was a best selling author, because wtf

>> No.10611697

im seeing in the blurb from her 1st book that it talks about violence and sorrows, so ok another "victim" and a heap of roasties feeling identified by this. is this more of a mob than actual readers?

>> No.10611705

I didn't know that YAAAAAS QUEEN, SHE SLAYS was even a thing until a few weeks ago.

I don't think I like this planet, when can I go to the Sun

>> No.10611707

You're just speaking in vague terms that have no purpose except to reinforce your preconceptions.
Look, it doesn't matter, most likely her audience is not you, nor are they an audience you'd want to write for. You may as well get upset about the state of the plastic wrist-band industry, it's just not relevant to literature or even to genre fiction.

>> No.10611713

her huge audience defines what literature will be in the future, its relevant.

>> No.10611719
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No, it doesn't. Her huge audience isn't interested in literature. Her huge audience defines what popular mass-media instagram style pseudo-poetry will be popular in the future. That is not the same thing, and doesn't matter. It's not worth getting angry about, nor will getting angry about it change anything.

>> No.10611733

nice bait

>> No.10611735


>> No.10611782


>> No.10611809

rape ... she writes about rape

>> No.10611857

she was a spartan ally calling for assistance
but his boundary sacrifices were unpropitious

>> No.10611934

This. I'm not bothered by instapoetry because it's categorically different from good poetry (which was largely dead long before instapoetry hit anyway).

It's conceivable that a very small proportion of instapoetry fans could move on to non-terrible stuff. If so, that's a plus. But if not, it's just a sphere of production-consumption that has nothing to do with good literature and really doesn't affect it.

>> No.10611940

She became Instagram famous because she posted a picture of herself with menstrual blood on her trousers and (this is the important part) Instagram deleted it.

What a time to be etc

>> No.10612097

Holy shit there are actual 5o somethings in this board posting Trumpfacebook memes

>> No.10612128

Not really. There's always been a divide between commercial writing and literature. Do you think pulp fiction novels are a worrying thing?

>> No.10612147


Who is this ooze flooz, this shaft-gripping siren-sibling, this penis peculator, this oubliette coquette, this pants perfricator, this dick delectation, this prick polyplectron, this fleering fuckdoll? What meretricious minx, what rod-quop-thot, what tit-mass alloplast bearer is she? Which lubricious lass, which ribaldry recrudescer, which load-lodestar is she, Muse of my assignation invitations?

>> No.10612185

Kek, check out this line from her Wiki. Also interesting to read about the many plagiarism allegations.

>All of her work is written exclusively in lowercase, and the only punctuation used is the period. In the Gurmukhi script, there is only one case and only periods are used. She decided to write this way to honour her culture. She also says that she enjoys the equality of letters and that the style reflects her worldview.

>equality of letters

>> No.10612229

90% of books are bought by women

>> No.10612238

when letters
made equal
there is love
in the alphabet

guys r8 my poem

>> No.10612254

what, you think that some letters are more important and need to be capitalized to show their supremacy? fuck off letter bigot

>> No.10612431

i rate this
something something rape
vagina vagina
vagina tears cuts through skin
flower petals in my period

>> No.10612476

[to the music of 'Cop Killer' by John Maus]

Street shitter,
Let's shit on streets tonight,

Against the waa-aaals
On the floo-oorr

>> No.10612483

>write a sentence
>split it up into a few lines
>call it a poem
why do people do this?

>> No.10612593

I fucking love John Maus so much, especially after he was the only one who didn't disavow MDE

>> No.10612605

it must be their culture of arrogance but nothing is worse than a "woke" westernized desi or arab

>> No.10613202


>> No.10613637
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>> No.10614001

omg so true

are people getting dumber each year?

>> No.10614018

jesus christ

>> No.10614023

good post

>> No.10614054

>Meanwhile I work 10 hour graveyard shifts in a fucking factory.
>But hey. That's not writing pseudo poetry.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Isn't all of her poetry just faux-profound prose? None of it seems to have any interesting imagery, tense, stanzas, forms, etc.

I find it funny that what are ostensibly modern "novels" are FAR more poetic than all of garbage. The Waves and practically everything and anything like it.

"Let us again pretend that life is a solid substance, shaped like a globe, which we turn about in our fingers. Let us pretend that we can make out a plain and logical story, so that when one matter is despatched—love for instance—we go on, in an orderly manner, to the next."


"I see nothing. We may sink and settle on the waves. The sea will drum in my ears. The white petals will be darkened with sea water. They will float for a moment and then sink. Rolling over the waves will shoulder me under. Everything falls in a tremendous shower, dissolving me."

Except that The Waves is over 300 pages. So give or take 300 000 words compared to Kaurs.

>> No.10614061

I would think of poetry this asinine ironically for laughs when I worked my shifts. Wrote down some of it too.

>> No.10614077

>She actually made two verses rhyme
Wow... I think she's evolving guys

>> No.10614111

Kaur is obviously terrible, but 'not as good as Virginia Woolf' is hardly a fair criticism. The opposite of damning with faint praise.

>> No.10614129

Bad move tbph. It's easier to look non-terrible by avoiding all poetic conventions. Even if her audience knows no poetry, bringing in rhymes invites comparison with song lyrics, and she's worst than most of those I can think of.

>> No.10614147

Well yeah. But i just mean to point out that her work doesn't even reach the bar of prose.

I'm legitimately confident that there are many anons on /lit/ that have, when trying to right something profound, have made more "poetry" than Kaur. Because, in fact, if you just write down a good sentence or two a day you're already more talented. When I think of a nice analogy or imagery I don't think of myself as a fucking poet, I think of it as the bare minimum to be a captivating writer.

>> No.10614195

she was a successful poet
be he
was a bitter virgin

>> No.10614198

Why does everyone post this extremely touched up and photoshopped picture of her that displays here ugly curry traits as desirable anglo traits? If you literally look at any other photo of her she looks like a disgusting ugly curry shitter.

>> No.10614201

how did this happen

>> No.10614206
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>desirable anglo traits

>> No.10614208

It's what young white women with dyed blonde hair says when they finally get their starbucks coffee at 1pm after they just woke up from a hard night of fucking random dudes.

>> No.10614239

>there's a fucking sketch of Urkel accompanying the poem
A-am I supposed to read that in Urkel's nasally, ironic, voice?

>> No.10614248
File: 61 KB, 500x562, sexy liam with unibrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a pubescent brit with a unibrow
Dawg, have you never seen a young Liam Gallagher???

>> No.10614255

Also this kid would look better if he could unstain his two front teeth, shave the mustache regularly until it starts to grow fuller, and get a better haircut.

>> No.10614745


what other theme songs can i repackage as poetry?

>> No.10614754

She didn't do shit, this is the Family Matters theme song with some line breaks

>> No.10614785

I LOOOOVE equality female poetry POC so much give me more starbuckscore scribbling with my soy latte please mr goldstein hmm so good

>> No.10614896

The popularisation of trite feelgood nothings with neither rhyme nor verse such as Kaur's being peddled as high poetry may turn out to be the worst thing to have happened to literature since the loss of library of Alexandria.

>> No.10614969


>> No.10614972

>being peddled as high poetry
literally who the fuck does this

>> No.10614989
File: 12 KB, 400x264, 757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat the fuck

>> No.10615541

1) great minds think alike
2) found poetry
3) the intern who wrote that one got fired

>> No.10615848

That's how people heard of her, she only stayed popular because of her basic white girl insta aesthetic

>> No.10616355

>a swarm of flies has
>a thousand eyes
>yet i see more
>of you
>than they ever could

>> No.10616376
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>> No.10616381

>tfw it was a masterminded big publication house think tank of think tanks buzzfeed amazon 'boyband esque' mickey mouse club uberpop conglomeration to create the ideal idol to embody the perfect zeitgeist sale

>> No.10616408

"Adult" book probably refers to porn and in the States there's no such thing as artistic nudity. Those books have pictures of badly drawn vaginas, thus they are porn, and being mainstream, it sells better than the average porn mag.

>> No.10616418

That's not what "adult" refers to in this context. It's "adult" vs "YA."

>> No.10616425

i think anon is saying that defacto a lot of that YA(sssss) lit is basically porn

>> No.10616444

>tfw yaaaasssss has been used in your country for years as something you say when really excited and now its ruined

>> No.10616480

What country are you from?

>> No.10616520

scotland, its a lower class thing

>> No.10616800

America belongs to Amerindians. Go back to europe.