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10605595 No.10605595 [Reply] [Original]

I hate greentext and its memeing and oversimplifing nature, it's a sign of sickness and decadence if noone takes anyone serious anymore. It's also useless to write something you don't mean to satisfy a senseless pleasure (except when someone really is too incapable of logic so you have to meme him the message if you want to manipulate him)

Why do you try to convey your thoughts and spend your time not with words and meaning but with this gateway of memes and greentext so one may see what you mean when you imply it. It's not much different than niggers/ white ganster trash/ instagram people and so on trying to say something with their limited vocabulary and their need to sound cool (which is their fear of social exclusion battling with their weak ingenuity)

is greentext and memes a hindrance to intellectual growth? if not, why?

>> No.10605611

>Be OP
>Go to containment website of retards on the internet
>"wtf, why is everyone so retarded?"
Why do you do this, OP?

>> No.10605620

I can only truly express myself through greentext.

>> No.10605657
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>write long heartfelt post in greentext
>only response is someone asking who I'm quoting

>> No.10605670

t. purpleprosefag
Greentexting is the most direct and emotionally pure form of expressing oneself through writing. No obscure metaphors, no buffering characterizations which don't reach at the same point as an
inserted inside of it.
Yea, many people may do it to fit in, just as you say, that doesn't change anything.
To sound cool? No, lul. If anything, greentexting is the least pretentious form of communicating your ideas.
As for whether or not this is a hindrance to intellectual growth, it could be so since greentexting in general is low effort storytelling (which again, doesn't mean bad storytelling, quite the contrary, in fact)
also, who are you quoting?

>> No.10605682

At some point in the future the greentext style will be recognised as a new form of poetry.

>> No.10605713

>be homosexual
>hop on 4chan.net slash lit
>see limeposting
>fists fly outward in a fit of rage
>knock copy of Zettels Traum off the shelf
>hits me square in the head
>wake up speaking in riddles
>write a sequel

>> No.10605720

Greentext is literally prose poetry.

>> No.10605758

I disagree completely. It is very direct and efficient, particularly good for discourse as you can break someone's text down and answer specific sections in a very succinct manner.

>> No.10605810

it's efficient and good to use to tell things not worth telling