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10598748 No.10598748 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will make me value women as human beings?

>> No.10598803
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having a beautiful girl who you love smile laugh and touch you and you talk with her tremulous soft little voice about anything it doesnt matter she is perfect and wears cute sweaters with the sleeves pulled down and narrows her shoulders and holds her arms while standing then in the morning her black hair is all messy and shes shy about it but you tell its fine really its better fine stop worrying i love you so much more than everything and it makes you wonder about whats bothering her because she acts weird now even though youre so happy and honest thats all i want but she doesnt want you anymore i dont think she ever liked me and instead of saying that just lets it taper out into a sad pensive shadow before some other man so much different talks to her and she switches over like it was nothing because it was nothing to her all along but she is still everything even when shes gone

>> No.10598808

In Praise Of Older Women will make you see women as human, and not higher ethereal beings

>> No.10598818
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Read Charlotte Bronte

>> No.10598947

Is that Lady Gaga’s meat dress?

>> No.10598952

Why do you want to believe a lie?

>> No.10599622

Augustine's Confessions

>> No.10599640

That will only make him further despise women

>> No.10599644

Your moms diary

>> No.10599647

The complete works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

>> No.10599648

What a lovely race of people

>> No.10600386


>> No.10600600

and then only a few years later you realize that it was this kind of oversensitive perception und overadjusted behavior towars her that really drove her away and then you go on facebook and see that she's not so hot anymore and has gotten at least a little fat so you just think to yourself everything went better than expected although the occasional woman-hate thread on 4chan is as tasty as ever

>> No.10600609


Holy shit is that statue wearing 2 more statues?

>> No.10600623
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One day I'll be happy too.

>> No.10600660



>> No.10600682


>> No.10600942
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>> No.10600945

Madame Bovary

>> No.10600948

Am I wrong to think that 99% of people like this are the way they are because they had bad relationships with their mothers? I don't mean in a Freudian sense

>> No.10601081

This. I often wonder if all the misogynists on this site all have absolutely shit-tier mothers (and aunts, grandmothers, sisters etc). It's the only way their beliefs make sense to me.

Of course, the alternative is that they're memeing. That probably accounts for at least 75% of it.

>> No.10601132

This is oversimplifying.

Just because you have a bad relationship with your father, for instance, does not mean you will form a bad opinion of men in general. I would guess that people who have bad parents are actually more likely to see a contrast between people who resemble their parents and people who don't. People who are closer to their parents tend to be more wary of others, strangers for instance, whereas people with bad parents tend to leave home and explore, finding themselves more at home with other people.

Your relationship to your mother has a much more broad effect on you, it is not just about women. You probably don't really make a distinction between men and women for a long time; think of yourself as a child, you might have learned that the men in your life were more stern and the women more friendly or playful, but even then you were probably not connecting these impressions to gender. Rather, you associated gentleness with "Grandmother" and maybe seriousness with "Grandfather" but you did not yet associate Grandmother with "women", for you had not thoroughly investigated this category at such a young age.

Now, this is not to say that your relationships with your family will have an effect on how you deal with others, and how you approach your first love and so forth; they certainly will, but it is not as simple as saying a bad relationship with a mother equals a bad relationship with women. If all the women in your life are bad, then yes, you might end up coming to the conclusion that women in general having something wrong with them.

>> No.10601176

But you have to ask yourself: do any of my male friends wear makeup and/or have a physical attraction to me?

You would say, Of course not! If they did I would not be friends with them, because my friendship revolves around different things, and them wearing makeup or finding me physically attractive would detract from that.

Now then, how could you be friends with a woman, given that most women wear makeup and tend to have physical attractions for men? This is surely not something you can identify with, so how can you say that this is a friendship, if this person (were they a male) would not meet the conditions you have for all the people you consider friends?

Clearly, women are something very strange, and not at all like men. This is not to say that we have to treat them badly, but clearly women think differently from men, if they are not ashamed of wearing makeup, or being physically attracted to males.

I do not condone misogyny, but for me it is easy to see why you would not want to be friends with a woman. What male friend of yours wears high heels? How could you take seriously--as a friend--a thing which wears high heels and carries around a purse? Answer me this.

>> No.10601234

Narrow thinking. Sexual energy and attraction exists within most everyone. You dehumanize those who could potentially be interested in you?

You could have male friends deeply in the closet. You would cast them off if you found out one was attracted to men? Even in a scenario where you were not a secret object of same sex affection, you just know he's gay.

>> No.10601255

>Just because you have a bad relationship with your father, for instance, does not mean you will form a bad opinion of men in general
Of course not. You have it the wrong way round.

The point is that if your father -isn't- a complete bastard, you're unlikely to end up thinking all men are complete bastards, simply because you know at least one man isn't.

Yet there seem to be plenty of anons voicing similarly extreme views about women. Assuming they genuinely hold those views, it seems logical that they can never have encountered a woman they didn't hate.

Therefore they must have shitty relationships with their mother.

If it helps, just consider it logically:

A: I hate all women
B: I don't hate my mother

Both of these can't be true.

>> No.10601297

I would hone in on the relationship a person has to that attraction. If a person had attractions to men, that would not necessarily be grounds for casting them out of friendship. What would be grounds for it would be if they were not ashamed of those attractions, which most women are not. I could not be friends with a shameless person.

Then why aren't there at least an equal amount of man-hating anons who had shitty fathers and should therefore hate men? Or are you saying that all the anons here had good fathers (since they don't hate men) and horrible mothers (since they hate women, according to you)?

>> No.10601342

As a side note to >>10601234:
I am not merely prejudiced against homosexuals, since I also think physical attraction to women is worthy of shame, though it is more understandable.

>> No.10601388

Bukowski's "Women"
Brett Easton Ellis' "American Psycho"
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki - "Naomi"
Arthur Schopenhauer - "On Women"
Marilyn Manson - "Long hard road out of Hell"

You'll be an ally in no time!

>> No.10601398

Clearly you have some kind of issue with sex/attraction in general.

>> No.10601463

>Then why aren't there at least an equal amount of man-hating anons who had shitty fathers and should therefore hate men?
Que? You're still thinking of this backwards, despite me being as clear as I thought it was possible to be.

I'm NOT saying that the reason they are misogynists is because they had bad mothers.

I'm saying that their misogyny is (apparently) so extreme ("I hate all women") that logically they must hate their mothers, because mothers are obviously a subset of 'all women'. Anons who say "I hate all women" therefore either (a) don't really mean it, or (b) have a terrible relationship with their mothers.

I say absolutely nothing about the -cause- of their misogyny.

I'm also not talking about "all the anons here". No idea where you got that from. I'm an anon and my mother is pretty cool.

Incidentally, anons saying "I hate all men" would obviously be even weirder, since most of the anons here are men. They'd therefore need to hate themselves as well as their fathers and every other man. But that's by the by since I'm absolutely not asserting a causal relationship between (a) having a shit parent, and (b) hating all humans of that parent's gender.

>> No.10601505
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Valuing them as human beings? Why would you want to do that?

A beautiful painting of a beautiful woman may make you value them as something special though. Maybe not "as human beings," but something else, maybe something more. Something worth protecting.

>> No.10601517

My Antonia and Kristin Lavransdatter

>> No.10601557


>> No.10601562

Yea. Valuing something as something else is definitely good. Moe is indeed the highest form of respecting women.

>> No.10601571

Mother's don't count as they treat you differently from other women due to maternal instincts

>> No.10601582

the demographics of this board precludes discussion of daughters, but I want mine to crush anyone who stands before them.

Family>awful gender discussions

>> No.10601696

Please seek professional help. You do not have to be this way.

>> No.10601703

The Lady: Studies of Certain Significant Phases of Her History
The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Will Not Give Women a Future
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex and Feminism

>> No.10601715

Ok, I understand you better.

So what is the point of the argument: Misogynists hate all women and therefore must hate their mothers?

What >>10600948 seems to be saying is exactly what you say you are not arguing: that men are misogynists *because* they had bad relationships with their mothers.

>> No.10601723

Is this a woman making this comment? Do you ever feel strange about putting make up on your face? As in, a sudden realization of: wait, why am I doing this? I don't care about makeup! This is humiliating!

Have you ever had that?

>> No.10601731

Anything by de Sade.

>> No.10601733
File: 342 KB, 1280x730, 1280px-John_William_Waterhouse_-_Echo_and_Narcissus_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you reply to me? My post is nothing like the others.

>> No.10601735

>poor judgment

I'm thinking it was indeed a woman.

>> No.10601792

You sound like a woman hater. Makeup is an intrinsic part of feminine beauty.

>> No.10601842

That's not what I was concerned about. I was asking, how you -feel- putting on makeup everyday? Do you ever think: "Hmmm, maybe putting on makeup is a waste of time and degrading because I am basically painting my face to give it a different shape in order to aggravate mens loins so that I might attract a mate and be impregnated and give birth to a slimy fleshling spawn."

Do you ever think this? Because that's what I would think if women suddenly started saying to me that makeup was a part of masculine beauty, and had to spend time coloring my lips a different color instead of reading Kant or Augustine or working a job or praying.

>> No.10601850

>I am basically painting my face to give it a different shape in order to aggravate mens loins so that I might attract a mate and be impregnated and give birth to a slimy fleshling spawn."
that is a good thing to desire

>> No.10601874

Putting on makeup makes them feel like women, something that our society today seems to have no real respect for anymore.

>> No.10601876

And here I rest my case, gentlemen. Women would rather serve as an incubator for worm babies than pursue intellectual refinement, and this is why I have nothing to say to them.

>> No.10601884

Hegel will make you realize all we are is a collective of ideas male or female.

>> No.10601885

Why should I have respect for someone who paints their lips red to let a bunch of sweaty, hairy males know she is in heat and ready to copulate?

>> No.10601907

If I was a woman I would feel humiliated walking around, having a bunch of primates want to violate my physical body and grunt on top of me. Disgusting, almost horrifying. What a lamentable existence that would be! A curse, in fact! But women apparently are not revolted by this, and in fact, seek to enhance their opportunities by accentuating those parts of themselves which men drool over, and this is supposed to make me feel empowered! What kind of lunatic thrives in such a state? I am glad I am a man and don't have to endure the disrespect of being treated like an object, having men stare at the meat on my hindquarters as I simply go in public, just out to grab a book or some chicken while I return to my studies at home, which are most important to me.

>> No.10601919

Your conception of both men and women seems condescending and inaccurate.

>> No.10601938

I am just a man who delights in studying and seeking God, and think copulation is actually disgusting and uncomfortable from an objective standpoint. It is only under the intoxication of lust that one would be able to find it palatable. A sober mind would not be enticed by the prospect of grinding one's genitalia against those of another person.

>> No.10601953
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First, not all women are sirens, or harpies, like you suggest. The function of makeup is not as vulgar as your vulgar mind makes it sound.

But I don't blame you for your ignorance. Our media and modern news rackets have destroyed real femininity: the fine beauty of the mother and all her daintiness, loving, and fury. There is no place for it in modern society, and the sociopolitical reformations we have experienced over the past multiple centuries have done nothing but suppress it, to the point of near extinction.

Gone are the days when men and women were raised separately, and were raised strongly as opposites, and there were real men with real masculine integrity who desired real women with real feminine integrity. Democratized the entire affair has been, and what does that lead to? The utter consumption of the feminine by the masculine. We live in a hypermasculine society now. Women compete directly with men, and are forced to look down on their feminine traits, which prevent them from competing with men; men, meanwhile, have become lost in the bizarre ritual of chronic masturbation, with hardcore pornography fed to them on a daily basis, and have become increasingly homosexual as well, like yourself, because their constant self-absorption has consequently left them with a severe lack of integrity. This society we now live in, which fails to provide both men and women with the proper rites of passage that they used to experience, makes everyone overly exuberant about themselves, tyrannizing all forms of life in the process. Men don't want women anymore, they want other men. They don't respect femininity, they only respect themselves, masculinity, because they lack self-respect and project this onto a tyrannical mask that they wear. They are neurotic and they think all of life is war, not in the Heraclitean sense, but in a much more corrupt, diabolical, narcissistic sense.

The feminine was not always "lower" than the masculine: weaker, yes; but they used to be divided. In our society, strength and efficiency are all that count: the feminine is destined to die out in such a battlefield. And it is a tragedy. So much beauty has been lost.

>> No.10601967
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>> No.10601975

>women powerful beauty grace feminine etc etc

She still had to lay on her back while a man grunted on top of her and spilled some fluid into a fleshy hole between her legs. Imagine how viscerally unsettling that would be. What does it say about women that they apparently consent to all this?

>> No.10601976

For a short read consider A Walk to Remember by Nicolas Sparks.

But be warned it may hurt your very soul.

>> No.10601998

Imagine if that were your daughter or sister. How would you feel looking at that picture? Why would you be painting that picture? Now why is it different if it is someone else's daughter or sister?

>> No.10602012

Women are barely conscious, never mind humanity.

>> No.10602022
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>She still had to lay on her back while a man grunted on top of her and spilled some fluid into a fleshy hole between her legs.
The eye that sees ugliness is alone ugly.

>Imagine how viscerally unsettling that would be.
The feminine doesn't find it unsettling. It finds it fufilling. That's why it is opposite of the masculine. The masculine does not understand it: but only the ignoble masculine disrespects it, and the homosexual masculine dislikes it.

>> No.10602038

>How would you feel looking at that picture?
Proud to have such a beautiful specimen in my bloodline and proud that she found a man with good taste, healthy desires and artistic talent.

>> No.10602061

I think I get it now. You are a closet crossdresser or have transgender feelings and are deeply ashamed of this. It's okay. Accept your proclivities. There are many accepting communities out there for you.

>> No.10602071

Because you too should seek help. If you cannot understand women as human beings you will never be a fully realized human being yourself.

>> No.10602086

Understanding =/= valuing

>> No.10602099

He's trying to apply a rigourous standard of logic to what amounts to anons letting off steam online. Misogynists needn't necessarily hate their mothers and when they make statements like 'I hate all women' they are clearly being hyperbolic. The anon you're replying to can't seem to see that.

>> No.10602132

Oh, your bloodline, eh? So this thought actually runs through your head: "What a great bloodline I have, much better than all the other bloodlines out there."

And this gives you pride? For what? Something you had nothing to do with? Your genes which you did not create? You are saying: I am proud of the product of my genes and their ability turn raw digested food into this fine specimen of flesh!

And this man you speak of, he's going to make your bloodline even better, and what a fine bloodline it will be, and all your future descendants will look upon themselves and think, what a great bloodline this is, and so forth?

Have you considered, -really- why you are so enamored with the human form? What is it, -really- that you see in it that strikes you so? Have you ever experienced the opposite? Have you ever looked at a foot and thought, "Well, that's really a strange looking thing, rather bizarre if you look at it for too long" or "Why am I enticed by woman's buttocks? Am I really not that far removed from a baboon? Will the pursuit of trying to grasp the essence of these buttocks really lead to a fulfilling life?"

Another womanly retort. This is what always happens when I try to explain anything to women, they just make patronizing, snarky remarks in hopes that they'll appear to have won the argument.

>> No.10602135

Meant to post all this together.
All of you should try and get out of your bedrooms and actually interact with people. If you are not just larping as people with crippling emotional problems (primarily the sex-hating anon), then you must be aware at some level of how miserably unadjusted you are to real life. If you are larping, please stop shitting up the board. In either case, you do not need to act this way. Please seek help, either professionally or through fostering friendships with well-adjusted normal people. You do not have to continue in this state. Maybe take the time to talk with an actual human woman. Put aside your neuroses momentarily and try to see your grotesque mental state for what it is.

>> No.10602146

>The masculine does not understand it
I wouldn't say that men don't understand it. The feminine is the counter to the masculine, and the each call the other into being. I feel most masculine around feminine women and, presumably, vice versa.

>> No.10602153

Thank you for caring, anon.

Why is it that finding sex repugnant means I have mental problems? I do not mean to say that I do not feel lust, I mean, when I am in a sober state of mind, I have no interest in women or sex, and find the former rather childish and unintellectual, an the latter an ultimately fruitless endeavor as far as my own individual life and spiritual development are concerned.

>> No.10602166

I wont be able to convince you that I'm not a woman, but if you always assume that anything positive towards women is written by one, that's a really easy way to never engage with the argument.
>women and their opinions are shit
>x argument is in favor of women
>x must have been written been written by a woman
>x is shit
You see how that's stupid?

>> No.10602171

You're going to great effort to make things seem as ugly as possible. Also, just because the anon explains the details behind his thoughts and emotions that doesn't mean they're consciously thought out in the moment. Concern for your own bloodline would be prioritising your own children over a stranger. There's nothing naive or primitive about that.

>> No.10602177

Why would one want to be adjusted to this society? Better to burn it all down and build something better

>> No.10602182

i think you're just repressed. more power to you i guess.

but sex is a normal part of life. everything that lives today got here though that. for most of our history its been a primary concern. to find it repugnant is to find being human repugnant, which i dont think ill ever understand.

>> No.10602186

yeah theyre ugly but shes not bad. good facial features just weird chin/hair

>> No.10602191

Evolutionary psychology and The Bible.

I will sum it up for you though. It's not women's fault that they are attracted to what they are. However their desire is largely (but not completely) plastic in the sense that they will be attracted to "top" men, regardless of what those men are qualitatively, as long as they occupy a high position in the hierarchy.

WHO occupies the high position in the hierarchy is however determined by men. Therefore if what we value as a society is money, commodities, and psychopathic individuals who are more likely to obtain those by ignoring moral convention, then that is our fault collectively as a society.

To normalize female behavior, men should take control of society and seek to normalize it. But most men are too busy sucking Cristiano Ronaldo's cock or cheering on psychopaths who transgress all virtue in order to achieve money and power. Because most men would quite enjoy being in that position themselves and like the American Dream, think that it's just a matter of time until they themselves achieve it.

Psychopats should be ostricized from society and all of its functions, their social value should be that of a worm. But because most of population today is rotten at the core, that will never happen. There is nobody who can ostracize anti-social behavior because nobody is interested in living a life of virtue anymore and those who are, are ironically themselves ostracized. So in our society there is no role for the "virtous sage" anymore which leaves nobody that would ward off degenerate behavior. There is no father-figure, no old man with wisdom, no priest, nobody who has the authority to say that some behavior is wrong. And the root of the problem lies in the rejection of God which has brought forth all of this.

>> No.10602204

Sounds to me like you are attempting to make sex and women repugnant because you are bitter that women have never shown interest in you. Because of this you attempt to turn them into inhuman objects of revulsion. This is a mentally unhealthy way of dealing with these issues. You need to work through these things and realize that human sexuality is a natural and enjoyable part of living, and that women are just as complex and intelligent (or not) as men, though often differently socialized.

>> No.10602206

you cant be a pious and genuine christian with so much bitterness anon sorry

>> No.10602211


What does this even mean? Excrement is a normal part of life. Rape is too, statistically speaking. So was cholera and such.

>> No.10602224

God must have wanted to be rejected

>> No.10602254

yea both you and i know that's a false equivalence.

sex is a very basic expression between human beings. our relatives in the bonobo world practically use it as a greeting.

its fine if you dont want to take part in it but you should understand that it comes as natural as language.

>> No.10602287

Psychopaths are the only gift to civilisation that humanity have produced. All religion and government find their origin in psychopathy.

Enjoy your slave mentality and remember what type of person created for you and why....

>> No.10602299


Your "relatives in the bonobo" eat their own shit. It's not only a legitimate equivalency, but a material one too.

>> No.10602300


>A sober mind would not be enticed by the prospect of grinding one's genitalia against those of another person.

The force of this fedora tip registered on the Richter scale

>> No.10602306

>Baby's first Nietzsche

>> No.10602358

>Your "relatives in the bonobo" eat their own shit
no that's fairly rare

>> No.10602360
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>> No.10602369

Humanity is repugnant

>> No.10602551
File: 424 KB, 1085x1508, embearassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this neoliberal garbage on /lit/. stop your fascist shit with "respecting women" and "adjusting to society".

>> No.10602573

what about gay men lusting after you?

>> No.10602576

>And this gives you pride? For what? Something you had nothing to do with? Your genes which you did not create?
Why should I not be proud to have great blood in me? Why should I not be proud to be who I am?

Why can this pride not exist alongside the pride from one's actions? Pride in one's family is where the daring to take great action that you will be proud of too starts.

You have this whole affair backwards. Love for the spirit is corrupted in bodies where love for the body is lacking.

>> No.10602594


>> No.10602596

read The Face of Another

>> No.10602605

Brilliant thread lads, havent laughed this hard in a while

>> No.10602607


>> No.10602627
File: 159 KB, 1080x1349, 1491859195167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just be honest about how shallow nearly all women are? I mean they lack that perhaps slightly autistic drive to have a real passion or interest in something; well not all, I'm not try to be mean it makes me really depressed actually. Though I think they make up for it by how kind they are, and you know that means a lot to me, even little things like her crying during a movie really shows a sweet soft empathy and I just want to hold that or when they get all excited about pretty stupid stuff I love to see her eyes light up or how she walks differently in a good mood and acts all silly
Forgot where I was going with this, but if you hate all women that can only be indictative of projected self hate, really I understand, because they represent all your shortcomings or physical flaws, but then they bring into being from a look or the general futility of even talking to them. There is also a weird dynamic around sex and promiscuity that I feel as well and is all over this thread, that's harder to explain though, but it is interesting

>> No.10602634
File: 118 KB, 291x475, Sorcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further, brudah!
Daughter of the Forest!
(It is the first book of the trilogy.)
It is about Sorcha, a daughter of a viking during the viking invasions of the 7 kingdoms of Britain.
It is a really good historical trilogy.

>> No.10602668

That’s one hell of a middle-part.

>> No.10602718
File: 80 KB, 957x960, 15391465_1808689196038236_3897898849563808308_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The average woman is shallow, but so is the average man.
But I agree, I like to have a pet girl too.
I like to watch girls being cute and doing cute stuff, as long as it isn't exaggerated.
I also like about girls being like dogs who want to be with you and dig into your interests.

>> No.10602726

They have a passion for social interaction. Is that not valid?

>> No.10602753

Well not really, and they kind of tie together, like on a hike or something when you end up talking for a couple hours those kind of girls just don't cut it, because they don't care, and I want them to

>> No.10602755


>> No.10602842


See: >>10602012

Whenever women speak of themselves it's always in eerie terms - processing, reframing, internalizing, etc. The best candidate for p-zombie status. I've never gotten the impression that their light is on.

>> No.10602847

This says more about you than about them

>> No.10602878
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You are so pathetic you larping faggot.
Fucking retarded wizard ...
What's this then, Shlomo?

>> No.10602891

How are woman-hating anons so un-self-aware? How is it even possible? How can they be helped?

>> No.10602908



>> No.10602978


What does it say?

>> No.10602980
File: 35 KB, 500x430, 81a0f2996579a900112004a7b3e550ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaah i this was so comfy i watched the emma stone one instead and she was so pretty and nice it was like we were talking together and she liked me enough to invite me over and listen im actually starting to tear up and dont make fun of me im just being honest instead of hateful like some of you

>> No.10603017
File: 386 KB, 2048x1188, 16463694_1832628590310963_1181346451751363227_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't make any sense, faggot.
So you are telling me that women are all shallow and stupid?
That is just insecure and pathetic childish behaviour at worst and trolling/larping at best.
Women can be smart and bright too, it is just fucking rare. But smart men are rare aswell and this thread is the best example.

>> No.10603022

I don't think you can do it via books, you have to actually talk to women who aren't vapid and boring.

>> No.10603031

>women who aren't vapid and boring

>> No.10603060

He’s incapable of standard levels of empathy

>> No.10603072
File: 99 KB, 566x590, 1516401236435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man, "Daughter of the Forest" that I mentioned above is written from Sorcha's perspective, a narrative writing.

At some point you literally get gang raped in the book.

>> No.10603104
File: 43 KB, 634x461, putput.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the best part is that it is written by a woman and Sorcha is literally 12 year old at that point.
If that doesn't help you to feel more empathy towards females then you are literally a muselmann or a nigger.

>> No.10603107

You argue like a woman.

>> No.10603131

No it doesn't

>> No.10603138

>practically no book recommendations
This board is being overrun with the wrong type of people.

>> No.10603141
File: 27 KB, 600x334, upendra-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a flirt?
You want a dick pick?

I argue like a guy who is not braindead yet.

>> No.10603144

>it was nothing to her all along but she is still everything even when shes gone
Oooh nice rhyme, I'm stealing it

>> No.10603146

I recommended a book, but you are right, I am kinda the only one with a recommendation.

>> No.10603202

Plenty exist. My mum and her friends, and my sister and her friends, girls I know at university etc.

>> No.10603209

That's because it's not a lit question. It's one that can't be answered by reading.

>> No.10603226

A room of One's Own and The Second Sex will at least make you understand us a bit better. Murakami too, I'm not saying he's brilliant, but it suits your purposes.

>> No.10603265

The problem with finding a book that will make you value women as human beings is that women and men are two different kinds of human beings. If you evaluate a woman using the criteria for a man you'd come up short, and the reverse is true is well.

>> No.10604159
File: 87 KB, 726x544, 1c256-6a00e5508185978833017d3d280332970c-pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is just an evolution of "tits or gtfo". I don't come on /lit/ to learn about women. I come here for cathartic self expression. Part of that is sexual frustration due to my relative youth. Don't take any of this seriously, any attempt to defend yourself will be met with ridicule because you're a fucking idiot who can't understand why 4chan has a culture of "tits or gtfo". So please, go and make yourself useful by posting nudes on /gif/ so I can jerk off to you later.

>> No.10604167

The more you learn about women the less you value them. This is universally true.

>> No.10604184
File: 7 KB, 250x156, 1516396058114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't come on /lit/ to learn about women.
what if i want to
what if an anonymous medium with a literary bent is the perfect place for that

>> No.10604197
File: 21 KB, 335x335, fuckgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you're more pathetic than people who larp as hating women and women put together. there's sincerely 0 chance you get useful non-generic advice from 4chan about how to interact with women. if you REALLY want to learn about girls, there's a thread for that on /adv/. just fuck off with your niggardly anime-tier white knighting you underachieving beta cucklord.

>> No.10604232
File: 204 KB, 1280x960, 1517071930174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your problem pal i wish there were more grls here they have different perception i welcome the diversity (heh) and like the idea of maybe talking to one without knowing
besides i want to read about grls anyway theyre cute with slight shoulders soft features and little voices theyre funny in like a "haha! silly girl-" kind of way i want to boop them on the nose but metaphysically and i dont mean that in a demeaning way its beautiful and i think more of them than anything
and dont be so vitriolic now- where do you get all that anger? really you probably snatch it out of yourself and that isnt good

>> No.10604242

>diversity (heh)

>> No.10604243
File: 722 KB, 567x607, 1513574887773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the holocaust, but for women and real

>> No.10604251

Man, you're cringey. Take it from a "grl".

>> No.10604256

>tfw my mom is just a dumber, feminine me with all the same narcissism and bitter hatred for humanity

>> No.10604260

hey im >>10604197 wanna hook up?

>> No.10604286

Depends, do you ascribe to the "womyn hate" thing?

>> No.10604292

nah, I'm just here to quasy-ironically purge myself of another tinder date flaking on me.

>> No.10604293

tbqh my mom is a fantastic woman and I have nothing but respect for her, but I still think that 95% of women are degenerate roasties
If anything, having such a strong icon of femininity in my life has made me even more aware of how most girls don't measure up
and also 75% of my "misogynist" posts are just memes and banter, yeah

>> No.10604328
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 5.54.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mom is a fantastic woman and I have nothing but respect for her

>95% of women are degenerate roasties

Nice, you got the Virgin/Whore dichotomy! Dude, this is gonna well for you in the long run. Hold tightly to those beliefs, and continue thinking of your mother as an unimpeachable goddess figure - if you have any crisis of faith just start comparing every woman you meet to your mother, piece by piece. You might want to like, keep a moleskine or some shit for all those dirty roasties who don't make the cut.

>she hasn't transcended sexuality entirely yet!

Exactly. Keep looking. She *must* be perfect.

>> No.10604344

not really, she actually slept around a lot in college and had me out of wedlock, so she was pretty much peak roastie
the difference is that she went through the difficult effort of transcending her base nature and actually improving her own character, something I see much more often in men than women
also the girls I'm attracted to/go out with are usually significantly different, but nice armchair psychiatry you namefagging waste of oxygen why don't you go back to /mu/ or whatever hellhole you crawled out of. Don't bother replying, you've already been filtered

>> No.10604356
File: 659 KB, 826x1000, mfw jana sterbak vanitas-flesh dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian artist Jana Sterbak made the original meat dress, way back in the early 1990's ("Meat Dress For An Anoerexic Albino").
Anything Gaga did was borrow or steal

>> No.10604357
File: 36 KB, 300x250, superthumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you know that actually made me feel really bad theres some ironic affects when i post but the idea is honest and i thought it was nice everyone was being mean and i thought i was nice you know sorry im so weird im sorry
its why im so nervous because some people think they like me and then i talk honestly and they dont like me anymore and usually i dont like me either so i dont know

>> No.10604372
File: 41 KB, 600x600, v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap, but I could just take my name off to send you this:

"The implications of the study are that any mates a female has had may leave some legacy—in the form of physical or other traits that are carried in the semen (but not the DNA-containing sperm)—that could show up in her future offspring with another mate."


Roastie in college. Hrmmmmm.I wonder who your dad REALLY is. It's like some tootsie pop shit, eh?

>The world may never know.

>> No.10604397

Yeah my biological dad is not the man who I grew up with since the age of two, although I do have a strong relationship with that man and consider him my father
even if I wasn't chimera'd (which btw is mostly /pol/ hyperbolizing bullshit), I'm still a mongrel mix of four different kinds of "white", there's no purity in my bloodline so I don't really care
don't make me start filtering viper pictures fag

>> No.10604431

Look dude, I have no beef with you.
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Seriously. Dead on.
I'm a mixed breed Dutch Wop M'self, and I'm with you. It don't matter. We're human, and if you're close to your pops, genetics or no, that's your pops. Wish I had a decent relationship to go back home & visit. Christmas was a fekkin' nightmare.

And yeah, part of me simply wanted to test the tenacity and uniformity with which you uphold your own ideals, but WGAF, man? You're more than an ideology and I shouldn't a fukked with you.

Take it easy, man. No hard feelings.

>> No.10604452

kek no problem I wasn't looking for a fight just adding my observations to the thread
I stand by the fact that most women are whores and have no desire to be anything more, though
sorry to hear about your family troubles, hope things get better

>> No.10604466

Hey, I feel like I don't even know those people, most days. Hell, they old AF anyway.

My inner firestarter can't help but jump at blanket statements, it's a habit. I also got this thing about giving people second chances. Always blows up in my face.

Even though I may or may not have reason to feel similarly, I wasn't looking for a fight either. Just bants. Take it easy.

>> No.10604726

Anon, you should write professionally :^)

>> No.10604749


you’re good and i like ya. and you seem innocent and thoughtful which is most important, way way more than whether girls think you’re weird (because girls, as lovely as they are, can’t really think very well). but i hope you know Christ, my friend

>> No.10604869

I'm not really the best guy to talk about women, never had a gf for instance, but if there's something I've learned is that deep down you (and I refer to all men with this) don't want an equal to "value" in the same way you would value another man, and if you do, then you don't want a traditional feminine woman.

Thing is, I don't know (and I don't think anyone knows yet) if men and women are socialized to be different or if it's a matter of biology, possibly it's a combination of both. When you realize that there are inherent differences, you need to understand that you have to value women, and people for that matter, in a perspective that allows them to be valued, otherwise you are set for disappointment and shortcomings when socializing. I've lived all my life around women, my father was distant and not a very emotionally supportive man, but in my sisters and mom I've seen forgiveness and a very warmful support to make me feel protected (which is bad in the long run, but not badly intentioned).

I'm a very emotionally shut-down individual for reasons not worth exploring, but I have to admire the level of emotionality that I've seen in women. It's something so hard to express naturally for me, because I'm always rationalizing everything I do, so spontaneity is like a feat of nature in my very academic and rational eyes. Even then, women have a very skillful touch to subtext in conversations, which I believe requires intellect. And I'd be a damn liar if they weren't good at teasing.

I'd say that the crisis arises when you want women to act like men and you set your value scale accordingly. Why would you do that? They could act like men and become your "equal", but then you would be looking for a man in a female body. If you want to learn to value women, you need to lower your guard and become a dull mere mortal that learns to value those stupid and vapid women with makeup and who are attracted to Chad. Intellectuality can only take you so far in life, but in order to appreciate all the aspects of the human experience you need to become a stupid boy that is willing to put effort into it.

>> No.10604870

Surprised nobody's mentioned this yet.

Clan of the Cave Bear.

>> No.10604933

You must be a newfag if you think anyone is going to read four paragraphs of reddit spaced reddit toned garbage

>> No.10604939

I'm not that guy and I don't even go on reddit, but I've never understood why you wouldn't want to have a line between your paragraphs. It makes it so much more legible.

>> No.10604964


In order to value women you need not seek out exceptional females, you need only to recognize that your devaluation of women is a maladjusted coping mechanism because you will never create life and therefore cannot be a God

Once you make peace with your status as an inferior being you will integrate with women much more easily

>> No.10605054

When your first sentence contains that many commas I can't take you seriously.

>> No.10605231

The Brothel in Rosenstrasse.

>> No.10605268

This guy is amazing, to say the least.

Renaissance tier artist.


>> No.10605298

Not even close, sorry.

>> No.10605315

Nah, my mother is a wonderful person (for a woman) and I love her. Always have.
But that doesn't mean that I somehow project that onto all other women. Like one of the other anons said, because I've had such a good mum, I know that other women simply don't measure up in comparison.
Too many girls now try to enter the realm of men and pretend they're our equals. These are the women I struggle to get along with. But my gf of over 4 years accepts that men and women are different. We have different domains and there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10605359

This, unironically.

>> No.10605361

>reddit spaced
this was a super-weak meme to start with, and no one if even doing it anymore, kid.

>> No.10605364

>Like one of the other anons said, because I've had such a good mum, I know that other women simply don't measure up in comparison.
I suggest you check out the resources at meatspin.fr

>> No.10605390
File: 310 KB, 520x667, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Nietzsche will.

>The perfect woman is a higher type of human being than the perfect man: also something much rarer.

>Everyone bears within him a picture of woman derived from his mother: it is this which determines whether, in his dealings with women, he respects them or despises them or is in general indifferent to them.

>For the male sickness of self-contempt the surest cure is to be loved by a clever woman.

>All society that does not elevate one draws one down, and conversely; that is why men usually sink a little when they take wives, while their wives are elevated a little. Men who are too intellectual have great need of marriage, though they resist it as they would a foul-tasting medicine.

>There are women who, however you may search them, prove to have no content but are purely masks. The man who associates with such almost spectral, necessarily unsatisfied beings is to be commiserated with, yet it is precisely they who are able to arouse the desire of the man most strongly: he seeks for her soul — and goes on seeking.

>In a state of hatred women are more dangerous than men; first and foremost because, once their hostility has been aroused, they are hampered by no considerations of fairness but allow their hatred to grow undisturbed to its ultimate consequences; then because they are practised in discovering the wounded places everyone, every party possesses and striking at them: to which end their dagger-pointed intellect renders them excellent service (whereas at the sight of wounds men become restrained and often inclined to reconciliation and generosity).

>It is perhaps no rare occurrence that noble-minded and aspiring people have to undergo their severest trials in their childhood: perhaps through having to assert themselves against a low-minded father absorbed in appearance and deception, or, like Lord Byron, to live in continual conflict with a childish and irritable mother. If one has experienced such a thing one will, one's whole life long, never get over the knowledge of who one's greatest and most dangerous foe has actually been.

etc. But Nietzsche is a philosopher, and if you miss this part, you will miss the intentions with which he writes. If you understand this and you read his works, you'll find he's incredibly therapeutic, especially today. He will rejuvenate your masculinity which will at once rejuvenate your love for femininity. Jung may also be a good read for this.

>> No.10605422

>that is why men usually sink a little when they take wives

I know this doesn't apply to his context, but interestingly enough men seem to benefit from marriage more than women do (when looking at health and happiness at least).

>> No.10605437

Only moderns think you have to think about things in a universal sense and they have to apply to all of humanity. I hate all women except for the ones in my family.

>> No.10605492

>women as human beings
they aren't human, I'm sorry to tell you this

>> No.10605519

is anon dare i say it /ourguy/?

>> No.10605521

'waaah im equal to non-braindead men'

>> No.10605532

>no one if even doing it anymore, kid
he literally just used the meme.