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/lit/ - Literature

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10601787 No.10601787 [Reply] [Original]

Swagger edition.

>Who is the swaggest character in sff
>what makes him such a pimp
>defend your answer



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.10601794

First for webnovels are novels too

>> No.10601801

>Who is the swaggest character in sff

well any answer other than gerald tarrant is wrong

>> No.10601806

Book club anon trying to talk about HG Wells over in >>10600598, go tell him what you thought if you read it

>> No.10601832

Robot men from space versus nazi wizard gorillas. Would you read it?

>> No.10601856

>judging potential novels by the wackiness of their premise
I hope none of you guys do this.

>> No.10601879
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Are any of the Star Trek Voyager novels decent?

>> No.10601912

sanderfag a hack

>> No.10601971

Actually, I am book club anon. I don't think we need a new thread for the discussion, based on last thread we were like 3-4 anons who actually read the book. Any way, I'll post my prepared post both in this thread and the other and let the others decide where they want the discussion.

>> No.10601989

Sorry Reading Trials Anon. I was too late to make the new thread, so this wasn't made the Trials Edition.

>> No.10601991
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I'm not at home at the moment so I could not make a fancy image for the finish. Bummer.

>Did you like the book?
>Thoughts on the atomic bombs and their effect on the world?
>What do you think of Wells Utopia/NWO?
>A couple of threads ago an anon informed us that Wells, 15 years after writing this book, idolized authoritarian figures like Stalin and Mussolini. Did you see any such tendencies in this book?
>I enjoy reading older sci-fi and comparing the predictions in the stories to how things actually turned out. Do you? What do you think of Wells predictions?
Also, Wells seem to dislike Americans, both their president and the people themselves were presented as dumb and shallow in the book.

Answer whatever questions you feel like or just write down some random thoughts on the story. I'm slightly busy at the moment so I'll post my thoughts later today.

Also, respond to this post with books you want to read during the next month. I'll compile a poll and we'll vote during the next thread, then in the thread after that we'll start reading the next story.

It's fine, it's not like we need to dedicate the whole thread to it.

>> No.10602030

lol do you even have to ask?

>> No.10602308
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>> No.10602343

It's shit. Star wars and star trek books are trash.

>> No.10602382

There are degrees of trash though. Some are enjoyable, others are irredeemable garbage.

>> No.10602414

i didnt get to read it but i will for the next one, i promise.
>books to read next month
the shadow over innsmouth
a night in the lonesome october

>> No.10602451

I honestly did not like the book very much, it's main merit was Wells' somewhat accurate prediction of the atomic bomb, he got the destructive power and effect of radiation spot on and the comical fact that they had to be armed and thrown by hand did not take away from that.

His utopia (and the effect of the bombs on the world) was certainly an utopia, it felt so much like a fantasy that I could not bring myself to believe it could exist nor care for it. Regarding authoritarian fetishism, there are traces of it in the post-war council but at the same time the Balkan King is BTFO. Wells' seem to like authoritarian figures as long as they're 'good'.

The prose is, as usual when it comes to Wells, enjoyable but the story was simply dull. And since it describe events easily comparable to real life events and got most stuff completely wrong it feels kinda naive (especially concerning the worlds reaction to the destruction) and not worth the time spent reading.

>> No.10602654

>Did you like the book?
It was a nice read, sure.
>What do you think of Wells Utopia/NWO?
I'd be interested in a comparison between it and other earlier/later utopian musings. Such as how the worlds wars affected those ideas. Was this kind of thinking a large factor in the formation of the European Union?
>Also, Wells seem to dislike Americans, both their president and the people themselves were presented as dumb and shallow in the book.
I don't know if dislike is the right word. It seemed typical of European sentiment at the time. I get the impression that Americans and their presidency were seen as rather silly and ineffectual. Perhaps this is due to the vacillation of policy inherent in the American political system that would have been strange to those with a long tradition of monarchic rule?

Being a creature of the modern day (and an American), much of the tension and emotional appeal did not resonate with me.

>> No.10602830
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Like the Doom video game books. I read the first and it was good.

The end.

>> No.10602861

>Was this kind of thinking a large factor in the formation of the European Union?
That's actually a nice point. The "precursor" to the EU, the European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC) was kind of similar to the world governing council in that it was a nation spanning authority created to prevent the possibility of further wars between the member nations. However Wells dialed it up to 11 and included the entire world.

>> No.10602874
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How can the post-apoc genre find originality?

>> No.10602897

Has there ever been a post-apoc story where it was treated as a good thing? Like the world actually ended up being better and full of happier people?

>> No.10602902


Little tempted to say Earth Abides

>> No.10602904

Any story written with the main goal of fitting a genre, for example post-apoc, will have a hard time being original.

>> No.10602906

Adventure Time?

>> No.10602913


Actually I wouldn't say it was better, just that it wasn't super violent. The characters were happier than others I've read in the genre though

>> No.10602928

I thought the book to be a bit tedious. Sometimes humouros, especially at the passage with that fat soldier, but some of the descriptions of planes and other inventions were just plain boring.
The real gem of the book was the fifth and last part. Really enjoyed the scenario, where we follow the deformed politcian on his last days on earth. That was a bit moving.

He actually described the effects of atomic bombs quite well in my opinion. My problem is not the atomic bombs themselves but the political utopia stemming from them. Wells would be probably disappointed at our semi peacefulness which is achieved by nuclear deterrence.
I also did not enjoy his simplistic views of government. His idea of invoking world government through a simple meeting of political figures and scientists may sound good on paper, but would probably just end up as another draconian regime fueled by idealism. You can clearly see that Wells was an authoritarian by nature.

As stated so often before me, Wells predictions are one of a kind. His descriptions of them might be boring at times, but they do hold their literary merits.

>> No.10602999

>However Wells dialed it up to 11 and included the entire world.
In Wells story the devastation was evenly spread across the globe, whereas in history much was confined to Europe. I guess the populations in intact nations would lack the same motivation for a more global preventative authority. Even then, Europe has a long history of warring kingdoms that countries in the Americas do not. Possibly one of the reasons various forms of collectivism find more willing populations there than in the US?

>> No.10603028


Your vehement admiration is by no doubt unique. I thoroughly enjoy you going through the effort of reaching out to me, albeit I am completely clueless as what you ever hoped to achieve with that.
Did you imagine me thanking you for your support? Did you imagine me giving you some half-assed words of encouragement?
I am in the process of writing the next book in the series, did you think you would encourage me in some way? The only thing you have accomplished is wasting my time by responding to you when I could be writing the book. Are you happy with that? Does your ego feel fulfilled now that an author has finally replied to you, no doubt you've reached out to many authors, we know your kind. You have delayed my book, but I have no doubt you feel very good with yourself indeed, because you have received a response.

With the upmost love and respect -

>> No.10603029

Amusingly I'd say Wells' "The World Set Free" fits. Possibly not quite apocalyptic enough, though the Dutch might disagree.

>> No.10603078

Concerning authoritarianism, it seems to me that Wells simply preferred globalism/socialism/fascism to monarchal/nationalist authoritarianism. You could put it like that: Wells liked good willed authoritarianism. The good guys in theory.

We know how that always turned out. But no need to go further into that.

>> No.10603109

Are there good japanese scifi authors by any chance?

>> No.10603216

Naruto Uzumaki

>> No.10603220

>mostly confined to Europe
Basically the whole world suffered from the economical and social effects of the war and eastern Asia was literally blown to kingdom come. I think that the reason that a organization like the ECSC appeared in Europe and nowhere else had largely to do with the homogeneity of the post war central European leadership and to some degree people. And the fact that no single member country had a noticeably stronger military presence compared to the others.

>> No.10603409
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I'll make it my quest to read everything PKD wrote and then possibly make some sort of infographics about his work in this thread. Though I'll probably skip that kids book he wrote.

>> No.10603446

Not that I am aware of.

>> No.10603545

What is the dark souls of fantasy books?

>> No.10603562

Semi-ironically BotNS.

>> No.10603602
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>> No.10603646
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I've already completed this quest (minus perhaps a few of the more obscure unanthologized short stories) and I can assure you that it is a journey well worth it.

>> No.10603653

Can anyone recommend something good with a Paladin/Holy Warrior as the protagonist?

>> No.10603682

What webnovels are people reading?
Anything good?

>> No.10603696


>> No.10603824

I read re:write by "who cares" recently. It was pretty good. The author succeeded in deconstructing isekai imo.

>> No.10603844

What do you guys think about Too Like The Lightning. I've read like half of it. There some cool ideas, but the flowery prose, eight billion characters and literally nothing happening are boring the shit out of me. Is it worth powering through?

>> No.10603878

Doomguy fucks the loli

>> No.10603895


>> No.10603914
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I'd imagine so. And to finish it off I'll probably tackle the final boss, The Exegesis of Philip K Dick. But before I do that I'm quite interested to find out how his 50's novels are since those are basically just wiped from the public consciousness, as if he just magically popped into the world with Man In The High Castle or something. And maybe I can help spur some discussions outside of the token Ubik/VALIS/Stigmata

>> No.10604014

Whoever it was in the last thread who bought the stack of books: the Stephen Hunt book is the third in a series. The first two are pretty good, sort of a Victorian adventure pulp mashup, with pastiches of that era. I quite reccomend the first in the series, "The Court of the Air."

>> No.10604028

What is the most woke science fiction out there? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10604033

deed of paks, coldfire, vagrant trilogy seems to be that but I'm like 4 pages in

>> No.10604040
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You should be reading this next.

>> No.10604048

>Holy Warrior as the protagonist
Can akka be considered a holy warrior? He tried to bring the unbelievers to the truth for decades.

>> No.10604052
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I don't read scifi or fantasy but if any of y'all nerds could give me a book with similar feel to pic related, I'd be mighty thankful.

Everything about this game is perfect in my opinion, it's like it was made for me. Any book that has a similar atmosphere would probably get my dick nice n hard.

Thank you anons.

>> No.10604072

You are behaving like "we nerds" know what that pixelated piece of shit photo is.
You want a book that doesn't make sense? Non0 matter how much you read it?
Imajica and Dhalgren

>> No.10604080
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I thought that reading novel after novel would enrich my own writing, but it's instead led to me avoiding the actual act and simply reading more. After Hobb's Assassin's Quest I'm going on a reading hiatus. No more books till I've produced something.

>> No.10604121

I'm sorry anon. I figured that the best people to recommend something would be people who recognize the game.

It's from Hyper Light Drifter. Its a fun game, with great atmosphere. It has no dialogue or words. All show, no tell. Good time.
>we nerds
you know i'm just joshin ya, anon :^)

>> No.10604195

literally me

>> No.10604214

>hyper light drifter
thats a tough one. maybe the fifth season by jemisin is what youre looking for.

>> No.10604248

I haven't played Hyper Light Drifter or read Dhalgren, but they seem like a good match

>> No.10604315
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This is /sffg/'s current infographic on PKD.

>> No.10604323
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The Green Knight's Squire.

>> No.10604335

I like it, although I agree that it spends too much time diddling around with exposition. Nothing much has happened by the end of the first book. I'd probably drop it if I had a problem with Palmer's writing style.

>> No.10604361

Yes well I want to focus my autism to make something a little more extensive and bring in his short stories too.

>> No.10604396

/r9k/ VS /pol/ isn't an original idea

>> No.10604432

I love Too Like the Memes.

>> No.10604448
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Please tell me which I should read first.

>> No.10604449

Yeah I figured, I was just giving you a baseline.

I'd be especially interested in more on his short stories. Years ago I read an anthology that was mostly pre-1960, and I read Faith of Our Fathers (by far the best of his short stories I've read) in Dangerous Visions. Since then there's been a reprint of his collected stories, but I haven't gone back to them.

>> No.10604478

Hyperion, without a doubt

>> No.10604491

These books were such a pain in the ass to track down. You cant even buy them on the Kindle store.

>> No.10604511

Good, things should be read on print anyways

>> No.10604533

Faith Of Our Fathers is definitely essential It's criminal that it didn't win any sort of award. Especially considering the meme that's propagated that he was a better short story writer than a novelist. Which I don't think is necessarily the case from what I've read so far. Though I guess some people may prefer him focusing on just one idea in those rather than juggling a few in the novels.

Of what I've read of his short stories I'd for sure recommend I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon ( surprised that hasn't been adapted yet desu ) and Retreat Syndrome ( basically We Can Remember It For You Wholesale but a lot better ) Cadbury, The Beaver Who Lacked is another personal favorite of mine for being a bit more oblique than the other short stories.

>> No.10604547
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It would bother me less if the books were easier to find in secondhand book stores where I live, sadly not the case. That is a series that I wish a publisher would do some reprints for, I'd buy them in a heartbeat.

>> No.10604578
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Anyone read the Prince of Nothing series? I'm almost done book two. Man I want to like it but it is not pulling me in. Achamain is the only redeeming factor of the series, otherwise it's all about a manipulative pseudogod, death, war, women being objects, with an major splash of determinism.

I do like the author's blog though. Seems like your common depressed dude who has read too much philosophy and science.

>> No.10604721
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>> No.10604731 [DELETED] 

Not the anon you replied to. I literally saw that book just last week and almost bought it. But I felt like I did not want to dive into a new series still being written/released when I could pick up a series that is already published and not have to wait for sequels that may never come.

Was this a poor choice? I too have been interested in a paladin/holy warrior character that is played straight instead of a either the stick in the mud that other 'cooler' character riff on, or as the Javert-type character who is well meaning but ultimately just a hindrance to the true protagonist.

>> No.10604867

Seconding Hyperion. Don't read the sequels though (Endymion etc)

>> No.10604941

Fall of Hyperion is better than the original.

>> No.10605041
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Brothers. Is this the year that tight pussies will bs stretched?

>> No.10605123

It was shilled on here a lot a few months ago. I really liked it.
I think Kellhus (spelling?) is a really interesting character and on the whole it subverts your expectations of a fantasy novel. I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like it though. I find Bakker's blog somewhat pretentious, but I've read and loved all his books.
If anyone has any suggestions for sff which has similar themes that'd be great. Peter Watts is the only one I've really been able to find.

>> No.10605136
File: 315 KB, 1025x550, Hes at it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot is back again writing portal fantasies. You thought he would have learnt his lesson with the Frontier Base series.

>> No.10605147

Dazen built the cells to contain the dead men who are actually the companion things the people who become gods meet. In building the black one he drove himself mad.
Kip isn't the lightbringer. It's probably someone like the colour prince.

>> No.10605227

I actually found Bakker after reading Blindsight by Watts. I wanted more philosophy in my SF&F. Good luck with your search. Maybe Permutation City by Greg Egan? Themes include AI, consciousness, mind uploading, yadda yadda.

>> No.10605239

Sounds like you fellas need Adam Roberts.

>> No.10605289


>> No.10605308

>Adam Roberts
cheers man, where do I start with Roberts?

>> No.10605322

My Roberts trifecta is Salt, Stone, and New Model Army, but some anons really like The Thing Itself which seems more directly philosophical.

The Dispossessed but instead of the anarchists being morally superior peaceniks they're terrorist rapists.

One of the extremely few murderers in a human space civilization infantilized by their AI nanotech is hired to kill the entire population of a planet.

>New Model Army
Democracy applied to the military leads to the culmination of Hobbes.

>> No.10605329

bless you

>> No.10605377

Can confirm Coldfire trilogy has an excellent paladin protagonist. The books are a bit heavy-handed with archetypes in their characters, but its still an excellent read especially if you get into the setting
I read the follow up Magister trilogy by the same author. Its good but very dry and no paladin if that's important to you.

>> No.10605705
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I really enjoy the writing in games directed by Yasumi Matsuno, are there any books that have a similar feel to them?

Surprisingly good stories for games of their respective time periods, Final Fantasy Tactics stands as my favorite FF and Im sad the series devolved into J-pop bait.

>> No.10605797
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Yes hello, yes, I finished Too Like The Lightning and Seven Surrenders (the first sequel) quite recently. I can let you know that the pacing improves with Seven Surrenders, in fact from the last quarter of Too Like The Lightning onwards throughout the sequel, stuff actually happens. It becomes more interesting.

My primary issue with this series thus far is the characterisation, and by that I mean the lack of it. The entire thing seems to be first and foremost a vehicle to talk about 18th century philosophical and theological ideas.

That is fine with me, I find that interesting and I will read Will To Battle (the third book) after I read a few other things by different authors.

>but some anons really like The Thing Itself which seems more directly philosophical.
Yeah. Ties in quite nicely with the Ada Palmer discussion, I think if you liked The Thing Itself you'd like her series, and vice versa.

Need to read some more Roberts soon. I reckon it's the residual irritation at this foreward to the SF Masterworks edition of Fifth Head of Cerberus that makes him a lower priority for me, despite enjoying what I've read of his own stuff.

>> No.10605800
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>I reckon it's the residual irritation at this foreward

Really messed that one up didn't I. How Embarrassing.

>> No.10605801

>the residual irritation at this foreward to the SF Masterworks edition of Fifth Head of Cerberus

Never, ever read forewords.

>> No.10605803

Lessons have been learnt.

>> No.10605913

Roberts IRL is a pompous blowhard but he manages to tone it down quite a bit for his novels.

>> No.10605935

If you like Watts you'll like Egan. He's like Watts but with CompSci/Mathematics instead of Space/Biology.

>> No.10605953

So why do they never publish their shit in a proper format? Do you seriously expect me to read this shit in a browser on a eye raping display?
Give epub or kys.

>> No.10605975
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Just finished Revelation Space. It fits into the same sort of lineage of scifi as Blindopraxia, in fact, it plus Evangelion seems to be the daddy of Blindopraxia. It's medium-hard scifi compared to Blindopraxia's medium scifi.

>RS appears to be written with greater technical proficiency than Blindopraxia
More exploration of Chinese Room, Turing etc. The worldbuilding is better and the Jugglers, Shrouds etc are all very conceptual and highly interesting. The prose is also less awkward (or perhaps being a bio major makes Blindopraxia seem awkward as high school /sci/ is inserted everywhere as opposed to RS' more unfamiliar astronomy /sci/)

>99% of the characters are shit
Revelation Space makes Blindopraxia's Sarastri look well adjusted, this is Blindopraxia with much less Evangelion (well there's no Shinjis here for obvious reasons) and about five times more autism. Almost every character is a casual sociopath and an asshole and will regularly kill people, comment on the fact that they don't care about people dying, muse on the fact that they don't care and slice off people's necks and comment on the fact that they died in an interesting manner. The only two characters I ended up caring about were Calvin's beta level sim, Lascaille and Khouri.

Good worldbuilding, good plot, terrible characters (especially when compared to authors like PKD who makes his people feel like people) who all seemed to be the same sociopathic person copied and pasted multiple times. Ending (the ultimate ending) felt more than a little weak and contrived and so did the actions of certain characters. 4/5.

>> No.10605996
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I was just listening to Ben Shapiro's 1/22 episode of his podcast and in his "Things I like" segment he mentioned that he loved Brandon Sanderson. Also he made this tweet recently.

Just wanted to let you all know.

>> No.10605997

>Greg Egan (born 20 August 1961)[2] is an Australian science fiction writer.

>> No.10606001

>shit taste
Are these correlated /sffg/?

>> No.10606006


>> No.10606009

>x likes y

>> No.10606011
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>listening to Ben Shapiro
>being a non-radical right-winger

>> No.10606062

>Sanderson is the best modern fantasy writer and it ain't close
Wow. I don't think I've read a more scathing put-down of fantasy in my life.

>> No.10606070

>Ben Shapiro
Literally who? Have he written anything of value?

>> No.10606079
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>> No.10606084
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>> No.10606172

Hyperion then bin the rest

>> No.10606177
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>anons discussing Adam Roberts
>anons discussing Ada Palmer
>Blindsight not mentioned all thread

i think my work here is done

>> No.10606181
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in fact, a meme to celebrate!

>> No.10606187
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>the dominic julia sex scene

ah yes... ah, yes

>> No.10606191

>missing the Rick and Morty poster talking about Blindopraxia just a few posts above

>> No.10606221

>tolkien, gene wolf
>every YA author ever

I dunno man, maybe.

>> No.10606224
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How does one become prolific, /sffg/

>> No.10606232

Write every day. Understand the kinds of plots you can write well. Organize your time.

>> No.10606239

> le "conservative" meme
A ""conservative"" is just a liberal who wants to ""conserve"" the liberal values of the previous generation. Of course ""conservatives"" are morons.

>> No.10606242
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Reminder that Denna is a well-written character.

Yes, it's possible she fucks various men for money, but hey, a girl needs to make a living.

>> No.10606270

You don't really read Reynolds for the characters.

>> No.10606317
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Fuck off shill. None of them should be mentioned. You philosophags and your philosomeme.
>tfw he got me to respond

>> No.10606324

Devi > Denna

>> No.10606335

>mfw this is what the regressive left really believes.

>> No.10606343

>G.K. Chesterton is the regressive left

>> No.10606354
File: 806 KB, 583x2000, Makes me sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/ - american politics

>> No.10606360

Is it just me or is there a running theme of Kvothe being dominated, negged, and beaten up by attractive women? The only girl who actually seems somewhat nice to him he's completely uninterested in.

>> No.10606361

I need a time travel book to read

>> No.10606367

Fela > Devi

>> No.10606393

This is actually painfully common in modern fantasy, and it's because the authors are dweebs. You can usually tell from the way the protagonists interacts with women whether the author is an "orbiter" or in a long-term relationship/marriage to a plain-looking harridan. It's basically the Western equivalent of manga protagonists being losers/perverts in reflection of the mangaka. Look at the women in Wheel of Time, e.g.

>> No.10606397

>the United States is the only place where politics is generally divided into sides that want things to change more and that want things to change less

>> No.10606406

It's the only (relevant) place where the bitching is about conservatives vs liberals and liberals is a code word for lefties.

>> No.10606417

rec me some lefty scifi

>implying liberals are left

>> No.10606423

The Dispossessed.

>It's the only (relevant) place
This is correct.

>> No.10606436

The Left Hand of Darkness
Perdido Street Station
Ancillary Justice

>> No.10606439

Devi > Mola > Fela

>> No.10606470

>The books are not bad, because I believe there will be an unexpected turn of event there, at the very end

>> No.10606607

So basically modern male protagonists are becoming female protagonists? Where their defining characteristic is "being pretty", and the "romance" is the mc being borderline raped by incredibly aggressive hot guys? If you flipped everyone's sexes it would basically be high fantasy 50 shades.

I'm beginning to think it might have more femdom than the sword of truth!

>> No.10606609

Does Robin Hobb have any good books?
Or should i just stay away?

>> No.10606653

What do you consider modern when it comes to fantasy? Jordan started writing WoT 28 years ago.

>> No.10606660

>any good books?
Good, sure. No great books, out of the ones I've read, however.

>> No.10606663

Anything post-1977.

>> No.10606677

It's been a pretty good week for IRL cyberpunk, hasn't it?

>Fitness app maker inadvertently releases locations and patrol routes for "unofficial" military bases worldwide
>Twitch streamer uploads genetic data to prove she has the right to prepare African food on-air
>British man forced to transfer cryptocurrency at gunpoint

Anything I missed?

>> No.10606707

>>Twitch streamer uploads genetic data to prove she has the right to prepare African food on-air
This was so fucking stupid. What is wrong with americans?

>> No.10606715
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To be fair she won the mulottery and looks pretty white.

>> No.10606716

Half are crazy and half are stupid.

>> No.10606719

How many times to I have to repeat this in this general. Modern isn't the same as contemporary for godsake at least learn this much if you're browsing the literature board.

>> No.10606732

That's not my point.
Why would she get banned for making African food even if shes the whitest person on the planet?
Is making non-american food considered racist in America?

>> No.10606745

I'm not sure since I despise streamers, especially the boob-showing type, but I guess the specific African foods she was making looked like racist parodies. Some African food is really weird.

>> No.10606752

La goblina...

>> No.10606755

literally 56%

>> No.10606767

everything is racist nowadays anon.
humor is dead and especially if you are white you are forbidden from doing anything non-white while slowly all the things and achievements of whites are being claimed by others.

>> No.10606777

I thought that was just /pol/ shitposting.
Is it actually true?

>> No.10606778
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>> No.10606797

I liked All You Need Is Kill by Sakurazaka. They're stronger in the manga department, obviously. Check out Tsutomu Nihei if you're interested.

>> No.10606798

just because /pol/ is spouting nonsense most of the time doesnt mean they dont actually get the gist of things.
in general its mostly academia and liberals that are like this.
unfortunately they are in a position of power to impose their beliefs on others. its happening more and more often. one example i can give you for example is some poor stoner kid being accost by some chick for having dreads which she sees as cultural apropriaton on her.
this is a tame example mind you. not that i care for the plight of stoners but its the principle behind it. theres other things like for example students being forced to take mandatory diversity classes and things of that nature.
i like to again stress its mostly just in academia and the liberal circles but as mentioned they are in a position to impose their mentality on others.

>> No.10606814
File: 1.82 MB, 2142x3056, BLAME! Master Edition v03 (2017) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz-BLAME! - c023 (v04) - p104 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime Nihei was a god.

>> No.10606819

It is pol shit posting. Pol-types have been claiming other race's achievements for their own for decades/centuries. When you talking about black inventors they say the only thing a black invented/discovered was peanut butter and peanut oil.

Just ignore, hide and report the /pol/lies.

>> No.10606833

Which is nonsense, because the Aztecs had peanut butter.

>> No.10606839

NO licensed media """novel""" is decent
Not Star Trek, not Star Wars, not WH30K, not BattleTech, not Halo, not anything

>> No.10606841

actually i quite enjoyed some of the stargate novels.

>> No.10606847

The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe

>> No.10606848
File: 1.10 MB, 3192x2124, Hey Pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. Don't shit up the general. >>>/pol/ stay in your containment.

>> No.10606851

Well, since anon is complaining about modern fantasy, dweebs and WoT he's obviously not talking about modernism. Fuck.

>> No.10606855

They've been reissued in larger omnibuses
Or search for more secondhand bookshops? Try using librarything to search your area

>> No.10606858

>Twitch streamer uploads genetic data to prove she has the right to prepare African food on-air

>> No.10606882

his art went to shit when Q Hayashida left

>> No.10606920

Science Fiction has always been on the liberal/leftwing/libertarian spectrum of politics
Plenty of writers dont make a point of putting politics in their work
But some explicit:
The Space Merchants, Gem - Frederik Pohl
The Dispossessed - Ursula K. LeGuin
Gold Coast trilogy, Mars trilogy, NYC 2140 - Kim Stanley Robinson
And even authors you could call right-libertarian like Heinlein and Poul Anderson weren't the rabid nuts like todays rightwing and lolbertarians
How is that lefty?
Why did those loser puppies wanting to blame other people for their lack of success react so badly to it?
I read it, its a standard Baen-tier space fantasy adventure space opera I thought
Oh, whats that, the sentient space ship cant differentiate gender of its crew? Well fuck me thats a big revelation aint it.

>> No.10606936
File: 7 KB, 259x195, get in here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do girls read science fiction?
What kind of girls are they?
How do you meet them?

>> No.10606943

Read much Heinlein have you?

>> No.10606951

I was accosted by a girl in a used bookstore once. She made me buy Sanderson.

>> No.10606958

i know a girl that only reads rape fiction.
literally its the only thing she reads.
shes married and has 5 kids. from the same guy. as far as i know she isnt damaged in the head or has cheated on her husband.
but all she reads is rape fiction.

>> No.10606959

>Do girls read science fiction?

>> No.10606967

>Do girls read science fiction?
Some girls do.

>> No.10606970

pretty much every female character in that "trilogy" is better than Denna.
what makes it worse is that she's covered in deathflags at this point. all that time reading about Denna, which could have went to more interesting things, is going down the drain next book.

>> No.10606981

a couple
he reveals halfway through a work that a character is Black or Filipino or whatever, what do you think kids reading in the 50s thought of that?
women tend to be equal
free love
mocking organised religion
>I was accosted by a girl
did anything lewd happen?

>> No.10606989
File: 56 KB, 506x374, Martin tell me more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.10606993

they're not in your neighborhood

>> No.10607041
File: 30 KB, 369x269, Sex with a girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're serious, see if there's any sci-fi book stores in your area. Become involved, join book clubs, go to meetups and other events. See if there's a local group on Goodreads or even Facebook. Be ready to deal with plebeian taste and a majority of guys.

Also, there is probably more than 100 individuals lurking and posting in this thread. You're probably interacting with GIRLS on a daily basis.

>> No.10607047

Approach her and strongly hold onto her wrist, while showing her one of her rape books. If her breathing gets deeper, go for the pussy.

>> No.10607048

>did anything lewd happen?
Sanderson? No, and neither was my recc. Just that the place was a warren with dead ends and narrow aisles so there was no escape.

>> No.10607072

did that once.
she almost broke my hand.

>> No.10607083

There is a bookshop with a major collection, and it also serves as a comicbook shop, pop culture merch shop, etc
Which just attracts the worst of humanity
So many times I am trying to browse BOOKS and have to contend with neckbeards and goth bwws in corsets there for overpriced toys they will never unbox and yaoi manga

>> No.10607085

tfw Kat x Annie never ever

>> No.10607120

Yeah, that's just the way it is. You'll have to wallow though the shit and hope that there's gold nuggets to find.

>> No.10607185

Narahara Ittetsu

>> No.10607327

It seems to me anything narrated as an audiobook by Tom Weiner instantly doubles in quality.

>> No.10607437

Malazan is the better series for super epic edgy fantasy, but neither of them are particularly good. Nice world-building in both, but way too much pretentiousness and especially bloat for Malazan.

I do actually like how suitably evil and depraved the villains in PoN are, but it would have been nice to contrast that evilness with genuine goodness and heroism instead of the 'EVERYONE IS SHITTY' nihilistic crap.

>> No.10607649
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Eisenhorn and Gaunt's Ghosts are kino pulp tho

>> No.10607656

nah they are terrible
the idea that normal people can be recurring characters in a wh40k story misses the friggin point so hard

>> No.10607956

I'd go with Snow Crash. I don't really like Hyperion all that much.

>> No.10607966

depart my thread, heathen

>> No.10608043

Pleb. Hyperion is up there with Dune as a gold standard for sci-fi/fantasy.

>> No.10608088

Are the Hyperion sequels really as bad as people say?

>> No.10608135

Hyperion is a 10/10
Fall of Hyperion is a 10/10
Endymion is a 8/10
Rise of Endymion is a 6/10

>> No.10608197

Any recommendations on books like Doctorow's Little Brother and Homeland? Does not have to be YA (better if not, actually), just a fiction book that deals with though internet+law stuff

>> No.10608223
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>mfw I see this pic after reading it all in low res

>> No.10608273

FYI the sequels turn into Mormon anti-government propaganda.

>> No.10608355

Little Brother really fell apart in the second half I felt
I think Scalzi and Crichton have both written some light speculative novels on those subjects if you want to check them out, those kinds of things are my guilty pleasure. Especially the Crichton book where an evil illuminati is plotting to destroy the world by telling people global warming is real and the main characters are a ragtag band of "honest" enviro scientists who have to stop them what a guy

>> No.10608382

scalzi is an immense liberal, I wouldn't read anything by him

>> No.10608403

>like Doctorow's Little Brother and Homeland? Does not have to be YA (better if not, actually)

his latest book is for adults. not sure exactly what it's about, but it may work for you

>> No.10608404
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I'm trying to become a sci-fi writer on the side (possibly more if I can make a living) and I've been writing up short stories and sending them to magazines like Apex, Clarkesworld, F&SF, etc. No acceptances yet but I remain hopeful.
Does anyone here have experience writing short stories, especially science fiction, and getting them published? Any recommendations or things I should look out for? I've included places like Strange Horizons in my list, but I'm a white guy and I don't think they're too interested in me. Should I just ignore them or keep trying? Also, what is your workflow like?
I can post an example of my writing if anyone wants, but I'm mostly interested in the logistics of it.

>> No.10608410

They're not that awful but for me it just really ruined a lot of the elements of Hyperion, like all the Kassad-shrike shit

>> No.10608432
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I doubt anyone wants to read your shit, but it sounds like you're on the right track so keep at it I guess. Ideally you want to get in the industry and make some contacts then you can get some longer scripts actually read.

>> No.10608441

well it's not very good

>> No.10608452
File: 71 KB, 450x571, kantdoit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I find the villains in this book to be terrible. Evil for evil's sake. And the whole sexual angle is bush league. I hate what he's doing with sex in his books, though admittedly it ties into the theme that we as individuals are pretty much not in control / not free.

re: Bakker's shithead characters, I'm assuming his point is that's how people are in real life - self-centered, greedy, bound by their upbringing/genes/culture/thefuckinatomsintheirbody. Perhaps Bakker's believes the actual world is grimdark. The big contrast to this is maybe Achamain, the tortured soul who's at least trying to make the world a better place. Same with Cnauir, who isn't necessarily bound completely by his upbringing (shit, or is he?). I'm not sure where to place Kellhus. He's kind of a fuck, that's for sure, and views humans as both predictable and disposable. He's like the dude who read wayyyyy too much utilitarian philosophy, made it in politics, and thought it was okay to drop the bomb on all those people. Or something.

>> No.10608520

Christ on a crutch fantasy and science fiction are such a waste of fucking time and energy.

There is literally nothing redeeming about genre fiction.

>> No.10608531

well it got me laid once so checkmate

>> No.10608536

I don't like stories that take place in the real, boring world unless it has some sort of horror or mystery element to it. Otherwise Sci-Fi/Fantasy is the way to go.

>> No.10608546

>There is literally nothing redeeming about genre fiction
Is there no place for entertainment in a mans life my pseud?

>> No.10608564

>well it got me laid once

Don't lie to me you, you filthy fucking faggot.

>> No.10608565

Would you describe Ovid as genre fiction?

Because it's definitely fantasy

>> No.10608566

The same can be said for all literature.

>> No.10608574

No. You should literally be devoting every waking second and thought and action to God.

>> No.10608586

Oh I see that Ursala Le Giun or w/e the fuck died.....

Don't think I've ever read anything by her
Ah she had a blog where she complained about Trump & Republicans
Guess I never will lol

It's strange how these people write about fictional races and nations and cultures, but they would scream "racism" and "hatred" if you brought things they call good in their stories to the real world

>> No.10608613

Read it again, the translation's actually accurate and the plot makes sense.

>> No.10608628

I'm the second TLtLfag. I spoiled myself on about 90% of Will before it was even released thanks to a senpai who ripped the google preview for me.
>tfw some FUCKER beat me to being first in line to borrow the book with a completely non suspicious and definitely legal library card so I had to wait hours for the regex extension to catch the upload to mobilism

>> No.10608633
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>le SFF was left-wing meme
Only the most rabid nuts today support the Vietnam War.
>wanting to blame other people for their lack of success
What, you mean blame the people that have presided over the biggest-ever plummet in traditional SFF sales? Because they're successful? Because Corroding Empire was good?

>> No.10608670
File: 37 KB, 892x555, royalties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm trying to become a sci-fi writer on the side (possibly more if I can make a living)
Then publish it on Amazon or Steemit.

>magazines like Apex, Clarkesworld, F&SF, etc. No acceptances yet
Because they're backed up to their gills in slush trash, you've got to make friends with them to jump the line. Trust me, they're easy to contact, but it probably wouldn't be worth it.

>Should I just ignore them or keep trying?
SFF magazines are dead dead dead. Publish it yourself and shill it on social media and you'll get at least a couple sales, at least enough to give you the ego boost you need to keep writing. Even if you do get into Asimov's or Clarkesworld or whatever you won't get back in for a long time, you'll start to wonder if it ever really happened. Keep writing things, put it up on your blog, Steemit, even Wattpad's better than trying to walk the pulp short story route when the pulps have been dead 75 years.

>> No.10608674
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based pkd

where's my boy gene?

>> No.10608677

>le sales shows what is a good book meme
No one pleb gives a shit about what a bunch of retards are aligned politically. That's why Ready Player One sold and everyone else is a bunch of autists fighting for scraps.

>> No.10608678

is this loss

>> No.10608684

Fifth Head of Cerberus is outright about vietnam being retarded dude

>> No.10608686

only retarded thing is that it was started by communists & communist sympthizers and deliberately lost

>> No.10608690

George MacDonald was a preacher, and his love for his flock is readily apparent in all his characters but especially his villains. Reading his fantasies, you know this is a man who has seen the upside and downside of humanity and continues to have faith. He wrote his books to glorify God, and they have brought many people closer, so much that when C. S. Lewis wrote his "The Great Divorce," he placed MacDonald as his Virgil when he tours Heaven.

God needs genre authors.

>> No.10608691
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>my boy jack vance
>my boy heinlein
>my boy lafferty


>> No.10608704

Gene wasn't even in the scene then. His first novel came out in 1980, making him technically more of a neophyte than Terry Brooks.

>> No.10608707

>my boy (some of the most well known authors in genre)
wow what a brave move of you to adopt them

>> No.10608711

Creating your own universes and propagating them through selling them is sacrilege.

There is a reason why there is such a thing as book burnings.

>> No.10608714

>instead of the 'EVERYONE IS SHITTY' nihilistic crap.
>wahhh why doesn't a book give me a nice bedtime fairytale instead of talking the truth
>why isn't this book overly optimistic about shit
kys. You optimistic fags who behave like the world isn't a shitty place, and that looking at the world as is, is somehow 'nihilistic', need to neck yourselves asap
>but we need to remain positive, we need goodness and heroism
>if you look at the world without selective blinders you are super edgy
plz an hero

>> No.10608719

>t. butthurt internet catholic who converted because of deus volt :DDDD and probably doesn't even go to church

>> No.10608721

lol calm down

>> No.10608726

>talking the truth
are you literally 13

>> No.10608741

If it's up there with dune that means it's shit. Dune hasn't aged well at all.

>> No.10608751


>> No.10608755
File: 42 KB, 906x572, mountainmeadows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begome mormon

>> No.10608766

>a fiction book that deals with though internet+law stuff
>deals with though internet+law stuff
>though internet+law stuff
Wtf? Are you esl? You posted this exact shit last thread and it still made no sense then.

>> No.10608780
File: 86 KB, 281x267, 1507219240953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet you took the time and effort to post here

>> No.10608791

What's some pro-communist scifi?

>> No.10608799

Dune is shit and Hyperion is not

>> No.10608812

Starship Troopers

>> No.10608823

Damn she cute. How big you think her penis is?

>> No.10608837

That pic is some pretty meta-memeing there, anon.

>> No.10608848

Cryptonomicon. You're very welcome.

>> No.10608851
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Oh look who it is.

>> No.10608865
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>> No.10608881

No book descussion group in existence has that many attendees.

Or men and women in the same room.

Nice fantasy, faggot.

>> No.10608891

Please explain pic

>> No.10608899

>The Mountain Meadows Massacre was a series of attacks on the Baker–Fancher emigrant wagon train, at Mountain Meadows in southern Utah. The attacks began on September 7 and culminated on September 11, 1857, resulting in the mass slaughter of the emigrant party by members of the Utah Territorial Militia from the Iron County district. The militia, officially called the Nauvoo Legion, was composed of southern Utah's Mormon settlers (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the LDS Church). Intending to leave no witnesses and thus prevent reprisals, the perpetrators killed all the adults and older children—about 120 men, women, and children in total. Seventeen children, all younger than seven, were spared.

>> No.10608906

Yes. Anyone who doesn't toe the line, and drink the koolaid about how a nice place the world is, is a 13 year old nihilistic edgy.

>> No.10608919

We have on the regular at least 75 personages in this general.

>> No.10608925

>September 11, 1857,
I guess that number is significant to Klapistanis. Please like to attack yall on that date.

>> No.10608991

>Killed 120

>> No.10609018 [DELETED] 

This is why leftshits shouldn't write fantasy. They don't even understand it's meant to be FANTASTICAL.

>> No.10609048

>Man, I find the villains in this book to be terrible. Evil for evil's sake.
I'm not saying you're dumb, but this is an extremely dumb thing to complain about in Fantasy of all things. I understand the complaints about the villains basically just being rape monsters, but it feels truly horrific and vile rather than them simply non-rapingly killing people. And I'm fine with villains being truly villainous and evil.

>> No.10609055
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Why haven't you read Super sales on Super heroes and Daniel Black as yet?

>> No.10609061
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>> No.10609068

The Vertical re-release of the series is really nice quality and well worth the money IMO.

>> No.10609071 [DELETED] 

>admits he's a leftshit
kek time to leave, soyboy.

>> No.10609072

Nobody should be allowed to write fantasy if they don't even believe in fairies.

>> No.10609094

>if someone responds to me it's the person i responded to originally
>if people don't want me shiting up a general with blatant pol bait they must be Americlap left
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is soy!
commit sudoku

>> No.10609098

Na, you're right. My expectations were high considering Bakker's background.

>> No.10609116

But fairies were malicious beings who stole your infants and fucked your shit up for nothing more than lulz.
Same shit >>10607437 is decrying as nihilistic. They are evil for evil sake.

>> No.10609140

>philosophag thought he getting a humanity condition wankery
You cunts are the cancer that rots at the heart of fantasy. You all need to excised with utter prejudice. You kill everything you touch with your human understanding bull. Ugh.

>> No.10609146

>what are trickster archetypes
They'll steal your baby to tithe it to Hell one moment and they'll bless you with a singing voice so beautiful it makes angels cry the next.

>> No.10609164

Meh, showed her my books, then we banged the same night. Then turned out she was a bouk who lived with her brother all her life plus she rode horses so I ducked

Best post all thread apart from the one about the Too Like the Lightning sex scene

>> No.10609169

>i-it's bad for a p-purpose
>they arent nilistic
>they are a archtype
>them being bad has meaning

>> No.10609177 [DELETED] 

I sit on welfare comfily shitposting in a tiny room, some people work hard and buy lots of things and go on trips, muslims for some reason jihad and go on cunny rape pilgrimages to western europe. The world is your oyster. It's a weird place to be sure, but really we have more personal choice than ever before, so you probably only have yourself to blame for unhappiness

>> No.10609178

??? does dis mean she fucked her brother?

>> No.10609191

Jesus fuck why is there so much pol in fucking lit? Why don't you sad sacks stay in your containment echo chamber. Jesus christ fuck

>> No.10609222 [DELETED] 

Never go full soy, yurokebab.

Evil for evil's sake is NOT nihilistic and I'm not claiming it is.

>> No.10609227 [DELETED] 

Please go back to the Marx threads, cuck.

>> No.10609245 [DELETED] 

Am I actually supposed to pretend preteen girls getting literally gangraped to death in Sweden isn't happening? It's pretty fucking noteworthy. You people are insane

>> No.10609317

It's because you're complaining instead of reporting the posts.

>> No.10609353

is there going to be a new poll soon?

>> No.10609418

I think we were supposed to mention candidates first so that a poll could be made.

>> No.10609605

>bad things happen in the world therefore Bakker's writing is "realistic"

I think >>10608726 got it right, no one older is this retarded unless it's medically diagnosed.

>> No.10609648

>Creating your own universes and propagating them through selling them is sacrilege.
Did St. Thomas More commit sacrilege when he wrote Utopia?

>> No.10609677

I am reporting but nothing is happening.

>> No.10609692


Some do, but they generally go through official channels. Wuxiaworld has Martial God Asura (lol) and OppaTLs has Main Character Hides his strength on amazon.

They had to make a deal with the original author/publishing company. Web is a different medium so it's easier to escape legal attention.

>> No.10609754

>RS appears to be written with greater technical proficiency than Blindopraxia
I agree with most of our points but this I find surprising. Watts' characterisation and prose may not be great, he seems to be incapable of writing a servisable plot not limited by couple of location and a handful of characters, but his hard-sf autism is one of the best in business. Only Egan can compete with him. Or maybe it just tickles my autism the right way and I'm too fond of neuroshit, I dunno. Also a bio major btw.

>> No.10609791

I've only read the first book and really enjoyed the Priest's, Scholar's and Poet's tales, but mostly I found it's imagery and Kiets wankery too indulgent. But I'm mostly a hard-sf fag so whatever.

Also it does have shit on Dune at least as a historical milestone for science fiction.

>> No.10609976

>but mostly I found it's imagery and Kiets wankery too indulgent. But I'm mostly a hard-sf fag so whatever
I'm very much the opposite, I think they Simmon's captured characteristics of romantic writing and description very well, then again I do enjoy my Keats and Hawthorne

>> No.10610003

>Why haven't you read Daniel Black as yet?Because he's a cuck. Book starts with him getting cucked by his wife.
>trusting women even once

>> No.10610106

god, why can I come up with a plot for anything but what I actually want to write?

>> No.10610117
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to be fair, the rape aliens being fundamentally evil is an important plot point

you don't find out why until book 7 though

>> No.10610293

But how do you talk to a girl in a public shop?
No licensed media """book""" has ever been good

>> No.10610300

Just read the first two Hyperion books, which were written as one and split for printing

>> No.10610312

>I require total ideological conformity
That sounds retarded

>> No.10610321

Keep submitting, try the fanzines and semi-pro zines too, maybe try attending a Clarion workshop

>> No.10610365
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really liked it. I've read all of them and even though bakker is a bit of a pseud hes still better than most fantasy authors. A lot of people are put off by how edgy it is and how almost all the characters are pretty evil but I liked it and honestly even Kelhus at least is trying to save the world. The dunyain are absolutely the best part of the series imo but the magic system is really good and the whole series was a breath of fresh air after reading hundreds of series where the good guys are mostly good and there are no rape goblins/aliens.

If you're put off by it being depressing the series might not be for you.

>> No.10610370

>What, you mean blame the people that have presided over the biggest-ever plummet in traditional SFF sales
Wright, Vox, Correia and the rest are cry babies who can't accept they have poor sales because people don't like their work
They interpret their lack of success through the lens of the rightwing politics they have been brought up in
And determine its not because of quality or readers preferences
No, it must be because of der librul conspiracy
Undermining society from within
Their proof? Authors they don't like win awards, works they don't like win awards
That's proof there is a conspiracy what more do you need
And if sales figures are your proof, then that's the free market at work and it will correct any biases of editors and publishers selecting works for politics over content
But that's a moot point because the works you puppies bitch about are big sellers
>only the most rabid nuts today
So the typical rightwinger
Supports in the 60s and 70s was quite widespread, as people accepted what the government told them and the rationale of America intervening in the world and didnt know what was really going on
I don't know why you're even bringing that up could you please explain its relevance?
He wasn't published yet when that letter was posted
No, this is retarded
He'd been writing short stories since the 1970s
It used to be you'd develop your craft for years with short stories in magazines and anthologies before taking a crack at a novel

>> No.10610408

The USA was never fighting for commitments to the Vietnamese people, it was there to stop independent nationalism and to not lose face and maintain credibility elsewhere in the world - Kissinger spoke of how it would look in the Middle East if they withdrew or suffered defeat for example
It was in fact fighting the Vietnamese people with bombing and defoliating the south and forcing people into "strategic hamlets" or the city slums where their corrupt Diem government could control them

They could have withdrawn in 1965, that's when the threat of independent nationalism was overcome in the region, Suharto came to power in Indonesia killing about 600,000 people in the first year alone

>> No.10610422

>Wright, Vox, Correia and the rest are cry babies who can't accept they have poor sales because people don't like their work
>this projection

>> No.10610428
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daily reminder Worm is criminally underrated and literally the best web novel on the internet atm (thats not a high bar but its good so read it cucks)

anyone reading worm 2? I wish the little black girl would spy on me

>> No.10610440

They are projecting you're right

>> No.10610441

There's a sequel? How/what is it?
The first one was decent, but WAY too long and everything after the timeskip went totally to shit.

>> No.10610450

How do you know it's a transgender?

>> No.10610451


>> No.10610455

>and the whole series was a breath of fresh air after reading hundreds of series where the good guys are mostly good
I see you've never heard of 'grimdark' or have only read Prince of Nothing. Hint: It's been a dominant style in fantasy for years now done by dozens of authors and is the complete opposite of a "breath of fresh air."

>> No.10610458

Why did you use a gender neutral pronoun?

>> No.10610459

Go to bed, Scalzi. You're drunk.

>> No.10610466

>for years now

More like decades. Hell arguably even Conan counts.

>> No.10610467


>> No.10610481

Yeah Watts' characterisation is a little off too, but the off prose/jargon is usually the first thing I notice about him. I love Egan's shorts so I can't wait to dig into his long novels. Nevertheless, despite their shortcomings these are all definitely worth reading.

>> No.10610487

>Hell arguably even Conan counts.
Nah. There's a difference between the natural strain of horror that runs through Sword & Sorcery and the outright nihilism of a lot of grimdark fantasy. I'd say Moorcock started the grimdark (nihilistic) fantasy with Elric and Martin kicked it into popularity with ASOIAF. But both of those series seem tame in comparison to where the modern edge masters took grimdark fantasy. But yea it's definitely been a thing for a few decades now.

>> No.10610632

>I love Egan's shorts so I can't wait to dig into his long novels.
Man, you're in for a treat. Diaspora is in my top five sf novels.

>> No.10610834

Poll in next thread. We're a little thin on candidates so far desu.

>> No.10610865

>But how do you talk to a girl in a public shop?
Fuck me, I don't know. If she's browsing you could try asking her for recommendations, or recommend a book yourself if she's looking at something you've read/pretend to have read.

Or simply copy a couple of posts from this thread and read them out loud to her.

>> No.10610911

fucking KEK. GTFO with this retarded garbage. Does anyone even read this unironically?

>> No.10611054

your post has hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.

>> No.10611150

Nobody cares about Fu Manchu's Threesome Body Problems or whatever it's called.

>> No.10611200

The problem with Chinese sci-fi is that they aren't using it to subvert or critique their oppressive regime like the Soviet sci-fi authors did but rather they simply kowtow to the Communist Party and write around it

>> No.10611211

Many animal species gestation period and adolescence is short because they are much simpler mentally.

The smarter a species is generally the longer these periods are. Humans, as the most intelligent, have childhood last almost two decades.

Now, presumably an AI would could be many many times more intelligent than a human. Could an interesting story be about AI needing an extremely long adolescence to develop?

>> No.10611215

Why is it always necessary to subvert or critique your regime? Maybe they like kowtowing to the Communist Party.

>> No.10611216
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Peak kino trailer for his masterpiece:

Especially kino lines:

>> No.10611218

Sounds like a long-running sitcom.

>> No.10611223

Several reasons
>it displays intellectual and ethical cowardice
>it actively limits creativity instead of honing it
>it doesn't lend Chinese science fiction any uniqueness

>> No.10611229

Maybe they consider kowtowing to the Western intellectual regime cowardly.
>limits creativity
Three Body Problem is widely praised for its creativity.

It's very easy to be creative and unique while leaving some subjects just plain off-limits. Take the lack of religion in so much Golden Age and Campbellian SF. It's this historically essential part of human life that's just handwaved out of the picture, "we grew out of it" and it's gone, yet those works manage to be amazingly creative in their own way.

>> No.10611234

read roadside picnic

>> No.10611235

holy shit alzabos are fucking terrifying.

>> No.10611237

Because communism is a criminal form of regime. We had it and it wasn't good.

>> No.10611241

The Chinese seem to like it. Maybe it suits them better.

>> No.10611243

>the problem with these foreigner's books is they aren't actively trying to make their government like our government

>> No.10611267
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Big Gene is good at evoking horror

>> No.10611277

>Hey let's share everything
>"No anon, this is a criminal idea"
I'm more of a conservative person myself, but don't be a retard.

>> No.10611280
File: 47 KB, 315x475, 30062403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lookng for Stephen Baxter's Obelisk anthology. It's on on libgen, it's not on bookz, it's not on any of the smaller sites and I really want to read it but I'm a poorfag. Does anyone have an idea of where I could find it? At this point I'll even apply for a closed tracker.

>> No.10611281


>> No.10611286

History won't change just because you don't like it. And trust me, I know my country's history better than you.

>> No.10611292

Anon please, don't let the name fool you.

>> No.10611296

Read the thread dude, whatever the oppressive Chinese regime is they don't seem as interested in subverting or critiquing it as Soviet authors did.

>> No.10611303

I had some slight issues with this while reading the Three Body trilogy. The rest of the world goes to shit but somehow China manages to endure until the end of humanity despite losing a lot of relevance to the Fleet nations, also all non-Han are either incompetent self-centered morons or downright evil. It's worth noting Liu Cixin is actually very critical of the worst excesses of the cultural revolution and all the party line bullshit that happened before the Deng reforms, but I think it's standard party line that those times were bad even if Mao is still on the bills.

On an unrelated note I love how you can infer Liu Cixin is a huge weeaboo and personally likes western pop culture, he even mentions Legend of the Galactic Heroes in the second book, for fuck's sake.

>> No.10611318

Yeah but the person I was responding to said maybe Chinese authors weren't critiquing the Chinese Government because they liked the communist government. Obviously this can;t be true if the government isn't communist.

>> No.10611375

>The Chinese seem to like it. Maybe it suits them better.
Maybe the Chinese Communist Party is communist the same way the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was heavenly, but all the same subject was why Chinese authors don't critique their government. The form of that government is immaterial.

>> No.10611415

>Because communism is a criminal form of regime
Context is important anon :)

>> No.10611430
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>> No.10611448

I'm pretty sure that some of the characters and characterizations in Dark Forest (especially Zhang Beihai) were "compensation" for how hard 3BP came out against the Cultural Revolution.

>Sure, Mistakes Were Made in the past, but with things now are great and our dedicated political officers will put in the ideological work to make China Glorious!

Death's End pretty much completely dodges the questions of the CCP's future though. What we see of the government seems to be pretty much what Asimov or Clarke had in mind -- bland technocrats.

>somehow China manages to endure until the end of humanity despite losing a lot of relevance to the Fleet nations
Eh, so do American and Europeans, even if it's somewhat lip service. Actually, the Africans get pretty fucking short shrift. Over and over in the books he mentions American, Western, and Eastern consortiums/cultures/characters and even brings in fucking Australia but our Negroid compatriots were always conspicuously absent in such roll calls.

>he even mentions Legend of the Galactic Heroes
He refers to the galaxy as "the sea of stars" several times as well. I don't know if that's a LoGH reference or a common expression in Chinese though.

>communism is a criminal regime
What he's talking about, I believe, has to do with both how communist government operated in practice and how they dealt with economic conditions created by their policies. Regarding the former, communist governments typically had highly enlightened written constitutions, laws, court systems etc but in practice these were all totally ignored by security services.

Their terrible command economies also bred criminal syndicates which, eventually, intermingled to some extent with the government. Think about how great government-created shortages of booze were for American organized crime and then imagine if there had been shortages of practically everything, for decades.

>> No.10611471
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>When you post in a thread past the bump limit.


>> No.10611472

The sea of stars is definetely a LoGH reference, it's the third opening's title.

I'm also pretty sure Cheng Xin's boss in Death's End is meant to be named Thomas Wayne.

>> No.10611816
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Why do all these guys try to trick me into fucking them?

>> No.10611864

>Nah. There's a difference between the natural strain of horror that runs through Sword & Sorcery and the outright nihilism of a lot of grimdark fantasy.
>natural strain of horror
>outright nihilism
Oh go fuck yourself. You just shit talking about modern genre books, but your precious s&s is exempt? People have been getting raped for amusement for millennia and still do, but I guess that is just nihilism revisionism.
I can't wait till the fall of Burgerland and rape is rampant across your territory, I wonder what you will tell your sisters /aunts/ mother/cousin, when a pulsating erect penis comes their way.

>> No.10611890

that... that left eye is a magnifying lens.. when he looks at the eclipse he will blind himself

>> No.10611905

The Strugatsky brothers' critique of the regime started out sublime and discrete, only when they where not sent to Gulag did they grow bolder over the years. Chinese literature written in China and published in the west is still a young genre and already there's some criticism against older history. I'm sure we'll see more of it in the future.

Yeah, because all Chinese literature written free form influence of the Communist Party praise Mao, the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward etc...