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/lit/ - Literature

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10601302 No.10601302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you had a qtpi /lit/ gf would you love her unconditionally even if she was super autistic and weird

>> No.10601307

I would love her more.

>> No.10601326

dream gf tbph

>> No.10601333

Yeah, assuming she wasn't a third wave pseudofeminist whack job who never shuts up about women's rights no matter the topic & had a softcover copy of the feminine mystique that she doesn't think I noticed has never once been opened.

>> No.10601359

hahaha you've met like, 5 women
or you're just talking to white women

>> No.10601371

More importantly, would you love her if she was ugly?

>> No.10601378

Why would anyone ever willingly talk to nonwhite women

>> No.10601394

Nah. First white girl in a decade+, actually.

>> No.10601407

I'm a qtpi lit gf but I got dumped because I'm too autistic and "into chan culture"

>> No.10601415

Solid 4 and up if she wasn't too fat. In my mind I'm picturing a girl with those big rimmed glasses, wears sweaters, skirts, and tights often, and sits in the back of rooms with a book in her hand. I'd love her so much desu

>> No.10601426

I'm pretty sure the only kind of girl who could ever love me would have to be super autistic and weird, so yeah.
a real qtpi lit gf would never call herself a qtpi lit gf.

>> No.10601428

>a girl with those big rimmed glasses, wears sweaters, skirts, and tights often, and sits in the back of rooms with a book in her hand

>> No.10601434

I'm 100% okay with ugly girls, as long as they're actually ugly and not just fat

>> No.10601435

be my gf pls

>> No.10601437

I knew a girl who fits this description perfectly. Eventually, I asked her to lunch. She happily obliged and it was all roses for a little while but then her severe depression stirred up again and she decided she was in no place to start a relationship. Feels bad. There was even a little real-deal synchronicity here and there but oh well. I still hope I'll see her again some day though, because I've never liked someone's personality so much and it made me realize how shallow and superficial all my infatuations were beforehand. I was probably just projecting my anima but who knows.

>> No.10601446

You are both probably better off this way. It is really hard to be with people who have mental problems like this, and if you are not 100%, completely, unwaveringly able to support them, then you will both be worse off for having it. It's very sad to think about, but it is true.

>> No.10601455

I'm okay with this but how

>> No.10601459

Go back to lying about how many people you've fucked on /fa/

>> No.10601468

Nope. Also, I'm like 37 and I'm not an incel, that might be why it's hard to believe one man could date 8 women in nearly 40 years on this planet.

Jesus it's not even a lot

>> No.10601470

This. Don't fall for the manic pixie dream girl fantasy. You'll quickly realize how in over your head you are if you're not prepared to deal with someone that has bpd, depression, or other severe mental health issues. Then backing out is much, much worse than if you realized that in the first place.

>> No.10601473
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Stop. I can only get so erect.

Real talk though you shouldn't fall in love with images in your head or stereotype someone just because they do one activity that doesn't actually say anything of your potential compatibility.

>> No.10601482

stop being me

>> No.10601484

Yes. I don't know how supportive I'd be, since I've never been in a situation like that. She always derided herself as immature but I appreciated that she was mature enough to be honest about how bad her problems were.

>> No.10601487


>> No.10601489

books for this feel?

>> No.10601494

Be my friend pls

>> No.10601499

does that involve talking?

>> No.10601502

Yes but not very much

>> No.10601506

ok. let's talk again when something comes up.

>> No.10601509

dae wypipo

>> No.10601514


>> No.10601533

>implying the nouvelle heloise is tumblr
it's sad one day death will relieve you of the suffering you deserve.

>> No.10601574
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unironically Tender is the Night

>> No.10601587

Is it actually that good? I haven't read him in a decade.

>> No.10601642

open bobs

>> No.10601652


>> No.10601859


Every woman I've met in the past 5 years has claimed some form of mental illness, usually anxiety or depression. Is it the stylish thing nowadays to say you're fucked up in the head?

>> No.10601930

It is in my opinion one of the finest books ever written in the English language. It's where Fitzgerald finally puts his wonderful prose into something actually meaningful.

>> No.10601943

If there are any qts in this thread please be in London

>> No.10601972


There's a difference between professionally diagnosed mentally health patients and those people that fetishize mental illness. Often times they are mutually exclusive and for the latter it's just misguided wishful thinking.

>> No.10601982

It’s like when people on 4chan say they have autism.

>> No.10602004


I got on 4chan because of /pol/ as well but I grew out of it, and you should do it too.
It's full of beautiful boards where you don't need to be edgy about feminism and all that stuff. You'll get old soon, anon, if you keep fighting imaginary enemies. How many feminists do you actually know? I'll tell you: none. They only exist in youtube videos.
It's all to keep you angry at imaginary enemies, anon.
Enjoy life.
Read books.
Talk to real women.
And maybe, one day, you'll stop being a hopeless virgin. :)

>> No.10602088

Trust me, she was depressed.

>> No.10602478

Dude, I have no problem with any of that shit. I'm 110% apolitical. I just enjoy triggering people from time to time.

Rest of your post is funny shit, I wish it merited a response

>How many feminists do you actually know

oh man, this is great rusing!

>> No.10602561

What do you mean "even if". /lit/ is synonymous with super autistic

>> No.10602575

pls be my gf, i'm better than the other anon

>> No.10602923
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even if she was a
>third wave pseudofeminist whack job who never shuts up about women's rights no matter the topic & had a softcover copy of the feminine mystique
i would want to help her out maybe start on all the cool 60s feminist/existential stuff whatever i dont care i just want a girl who reads to like me thats all

>> No.10602957


Hey, I got no problems with 1st wave, second wave feminism, but when you get to 3rd? Shit starts jumping the shark.

I wish she'd actually read Friedan, but truth be told she barely read anything, just pretended to half the time after googling a summary.


>> No.10603014


>> No.10603033

No. I met an asian girl once who was sort of cute, although could use a bit of work. She said that she collected Shakespeare and Lewis Carroll, but her autism manifested in her speaking in rapid bursts, so you would get a complete verbal torrent of three or four different ideas, and then she'd just stare at you. She also had no sense of tact, so the tone she took was always weirdly arrogant and self-centered. It was impossible to hold a decent conversation with her because she had no idea how to pace out her ideas so that you could properly engage with her.

For some reason I find autism more disagreeable in women than in men.

>> No.10603046
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In theory, yeah. In practice no because I'm addicted to conflict and get bored with girls who are super lovely.

Pic very much related.

>> No.10603059

If she were with you, that wouldn't be the thing you would notice the most.

>> No.10603076

No you're right, it wasn't.
And I never said it was.

I didn't notice that until I started picking up on inconsistencies in ideological claims and checked her book case on a whim.
Read the fuck out of my old Metal Hurlant shit, tho

>> No.10603133

The only qtpi lit girl I know isn't autistic or weird and is in fact super attractive and quite possibly into me
But sadly she is my best friend's little sister who I've known since I was like 12 and she was like 9

>> No.10603143


>> No.10603149

She's going to Harvard next year and I'm stuck in Atlanta at a stem school

>> No.10603158

If she's into yuropoors then I'm off to Harvard next year to write my thesis

>> No.10603173

>severe depression stirred up again and she decided she was in no place to start a relationship.

hm this was me with the last girl i dated. still think about her from time to time and regret it a bit but >>10601446 assured me that it was the right thing to do :)

>> No.10603178


>But sadly she is my best friend's little sister who I've known since I was like 12 and she was like 9

>This is you brain on modernity.

Wow how terrible, that you've known each other for a long time and have friendly ties with the family outside of the context of romantic relationships. It would be total hell for your best friend, realizing that his sister was with a friend he knew was great and really liked.

>> No.10603186

Yes. But it's rough. The trusty Greeks will help me out though

>> No.10603213

It feels strange because she was closer than my actual biological sister growing up. I haven't broached the subject with my friend so I don't know how he would feel about it.
The fact that she's spending the next four years going to college in a city on the other side of the country really ends it.

>> No.10603217

>Weird and autistic gf
>Larping as a feminist to fit in with the mainstream normy flow
I don't see these as being compatible personality traits inside the same person. I don't think you understand what's going on with the non-intellectual feminism.

>> No.10603222

if she wasn't weird that would be an issue
regarding the autism depends if it's in a cute way

>> No.10603229

Gee, maybe the shit she was putting up her nose or her diagnosed mental illnesses had something to do with that?

I don't think you lived my life, and I don't think I feel like explaining any further. Whatever.

>> No.10603294

I get that this is bait, but honestly I kinda agree, it depends on the person though

>> No.10603306

Bit of a long shot but are there any /lit/ anons in Australia that aren't misogynists?

>> No.10603324

>georgia tech nerd

>> No.10603326

This. One thing dudes don't take into account is that girls don't reveal the real crazy shit until like, 6 months into a relationship. Then they let it all out.
My last gf had a manic episode and spent an hour crying in my bed after I told her I was unhappy, and then told me she loved me. I sent her home and broke up with her a week later. Wish I had been smart enough to do it earlier.

>> No.10603352

Thanks lad

>> No.10603370

Damnit anon I want a manic gf who crys i want to hold her and help her I want that kind of honest intimacy

>> No.10603433

You'll only learn by experiencing it. It's awful. It's really offputting and awful. There's nothing intimate about it.
A girl can only cry about literally nothing at all in front of you before you're filled with cold disdain.

>> No.10603448

don't worry, you get to hook up with her after your friend shoots your boss who happens to be the governor of State which is totally not Louisiana

>> No.10603469

no! aaaaaah this makes me feel so bad you left her at her most vulnerable and im not blaming you it just drives me crazy i love seeing girls cry- but not in a weird way! i just want to hold them thats all

>> No.10603479

Fuck no, you do not. No.
Gets old faster than Tao Lin.

>> No.10603529

You should stick to anime

>> No.10603546
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I just wish I could have someone who cares about me

>> No.10603547

That's what I said for a fucking year until it became every fucking night for hours at a time holding her arms behind her while she calls you a piece of shit for not letting her slash her wrists with your razor. You can't sleep at night because she has her fucking panic attacks and you start missing class and not getting your work done and failing shit. She guilt trips you every single waking moment until you have to spend them all with her, and you lie about being busy so you can have a night to close your eyes in peace.
Every day she cries about how you don't love her anymore and you have to explain that you do, but every time you say it you know it's slowly becoming more of a lie.

>> No.10603552
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>tfw this isn't an if in

>> No.10603556
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I'm already super autistic and weird. If anything I'd much rather a nice normie girl who will get me out of the house and out of my head more.

>> No.10603574
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Never again.

I pray.

>> No.10603579

i dont like you guys!

>> No.10603596

Especially if she's autistic and weird.

>> No.10603651

Reading these replies makes me so happy. I wish I had a nice bf I could discuss lit with

>> No.10603669


>> No.10603675

This gives me hope for finding a bf.

>> No.10603678


Fuck no. There are better girls out there that make up for the fact they aren't very literary or philosophical. Personality > interests

>> No.10603679
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Hi there, my game is existential dread, what's yours cutie?

>> No.10603685

i hate that term so much, no i wouldn’t i would want a vaguely sociable and responsible Woman who dresses well and has good taste and proper hygiene

autistic short hair boyish neoteny is not attractive im too old for that stupid shit

>> No.10603689
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>> No.10603785

I know about 6 militant feminists on a fairly personal level, I come into contact with much more during my daily routine though.

>> No.10603820

You put up with way more shit than I ever have. I

>> No.10603834

Would sum qt3.14 be my pen pal?
Ill share my poetry and my deepest thoughts with you

P.s pls dont fall in love with me

>> No.10603858

people super into their own heads make very bad relationship partners. they could not talk to you for two weeks and think its totally normal. then they get upset at you for being 'too needy' even though theyve told you that they love you.

>> No.10603868

This thread makes me happy :')
Hey if anyone wants to discuss lit join https://discord.gg/Va7hpF