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1060016 No.1060016 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

I have come to you today to ask of a simple opinion regarding the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. For those who have read it, I wish to ask of you. Do you believe the world that Huxley has created is a utopia, or a dystopia?

I personally believe it is a utopia, because I, for one, prefer to live in a world where ignorance is bliss, and bliss is happiness. I would be content, even as a simple Epsilon as long as my life was happy.

So, what does /lit/ think of Brave New World?

>> No.1060025

That book, that's what Obama is doing to America

>> No.1060027


>> No.1060029

Then I believe that Obama is doing the world a favor.

>> No.1060031

I like to look at it like this. Given the choice between Brave New World and 1984, which would be the better place to live in? Obviously, Brave New World. It's a utopia.

>> No.1060032

Brave New World was perhaps Huxley's most inferior work, couldn't we discuss Point Counterpoint instead?

>> No.1060036

Utopia, obviously. The masses get to live the ignorant blissful lives they want, and the intelligentsia get shipped to island resorts where there aren't any morons to bust their balls and they can practice art or philosophy or whatever freely.

>> No.1060047

Frighteningly insightful and accurate.

I, for one, do not want to be part of a brave new world. People are happy, but they're not legitimately emotionally happy. They're happy like a junkie is happy. I'd rather live out a natural, organic existence and enjoy life for the roller-coaster it is.

>> No.1060054

Personally being able to think freely and having the opportunity to be and do whatever I'd like is far more fulfilling than living life in ignorant bliss where all my basic needs are met for me.

To me it seems like a dystopia disguised as a utopia.

>> No.1060056

I agree, OP. After all, a gram is better than a damn.

>> No.1060057

Im reading this currently. I feel that its a dystopia as much as our own society is dystopian. In every society the majority accept what they are given and are happy with it. The

>> No.1060058


What makes the one happiness legitimate and the other illegitimate? It's identical chemicals in the brain in both cases. What difference does it make if they're there because of your experiences or attitude, or because of something you snorted?

>> No.1060065

1. That's only from your current perspective, which is just as legitimate as that of the brainwashed drugged up citizens in BNW.
2. If you still felt like that, you get a free lifetime vacation to an island filled with other intellectuals just like you.


>> No.1060089

"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" Carl Sagan

>> No.1060090

True. Either way I guess we're all trying to convince the masses how much better life could be when really we're just talking in circles.

>> No.1060097

Without lows, you can't fully appreciate highs. There is no freedom to a junkie or to a resident of Brave New World. Even the alphas are slaves to the establishment. Your capabilities and position are determined at birth, and you can't change them.

You can't earn anything. You can't build anything. You can't progress at all. You will never feel the joy of coming from a lower-middle class family and being the first in your line to graduate college. Sad frog face.jpg, ect.

This is why people that work in cubicles are usually miserable. When you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor, it drains you (whether you know it or not). You don't even get to breed. In Huxley's prophecy, humans are basically just another animal on the factory farm.

>> No.1060106

Who needs breeding when you have sex?

>> No.1060110

Wow, all of your arguments here have truly inspired my thoughts. /lit/ has truly lived up to their expectations.

On a side note, out of all the people that I have asked this very question to. Near all, if not all, have responded to say this novel is a dystopia, and that living life without freedom of choice, is a life not worth living. Personally, i think that its just the fact that by reading the book, most people side with John, and end up believing this. However, i believe this is not a conclusive argument as to why it is a dystopia.

Anyone else have any thoughts as to why this book is a dystopia?

>> No.1060112

>There is no freedom to a junkie or to a resident of Brave New World. Even the alphas are slaves to the establishment. Your capabilities and position are determined at birth, and you can't change them.

I don't see your point.

>You will never feel the joy of coming from a lower-middle class family and being the first in your line to graduate college.

Yet you will always feel absolute joy. Whatever trivial joy you get from your achievements is just a lesser chemical release in your brain compared to what's achievable with drugs.

>> No.1060119

Not you, apparently. Protip: a healthy relationship will fulfill your life in more ways than casual sex ever could.

>> No.1060123

This is a lie perpetuated by women to force men to care about them.

>> No.1060126

A nigga can get high and fly around in flying cars all day?
shit man thats the best kind of utopia

>> No.1060131

Don't be an idiot. We fall in love to pass on our genes. Why does that call for a monogamous relationship? Because that has the highest chance of success in most cases, when it comes to humans.

>> No.1060137

The highest chance of success to pass on your genes is to fuck everything you get a chance to.

>> No.1060141

Did daddy leave mommy when you were young? ;_;

>> No.1060146

Yeah, if you want all your sons to end up in jail and all your daughters to end up in strip-clubs.

Well adjusted people tend to come from healthy relationships.

>> No.1060147

Nope. Their relationship of utter devotion to one another has always sickened me, though. It's irrational. Why stick with one person when you can have so much more? It makes no sense, so why would people do that?

>> No.1060151

What happens to my children is none of my concern. Your life is your own problem. You deal with it yourself.

>> No.1060155

...and now I've reached my autism/troll tolerance level for the day.

>> No.1060159

>can't refute argument
>call person autistic and/or a troll

You certainly know how to prove your point.

>> No.1060180

That's why humans do a lot of things. I'm certainly not autistic; I even have a girlfriend. I happen to enjoy seeing the world through scientific ideas, however.

>> No.1060189

children can rape children?

>> No.1060199

they can, and do, engage in ... exploration with each other. both sides consent, of course, but sex is pretty much mandatory even for children.