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10594046 No.10594046 [Reply] [Original]

Is it actually correct to lose your virginity?
i always took it as self evident but after reading mishima and hearing rumours of nietzsche, tesla, newton's chasteness now im not so sure

>> No.10594051

it's correct if you want to do this
it is incorrect rape if not

>> No.10595935

Don't forget Kant, Kierkegaard, etc

>> No.10595966

Every time I see that picture my first impression is that he's one of those weird gachigasm(?) gay pornstar Twitch chat memes who's also got panties stuffed in his mouth. I've seen that pic of Mishima posted here a billion times and I still get that weird initial impression. I don't even browse Twitch.

>> No.10595972

Think of it: there's a chance virginity is the key to the afterlife, and one day you might be able to cash that sucker in.

Now consider: sex is pretty trivial when you think of it, and the thought of never loving anything higher than some goofy broad who, in the grand scheme of things is really a nobody with a mess of hair and shaved armpits, and nothing really impressive intellectually, is really horrifying when you think deeply about it.

So I say if you still have your v-card hold on to it, unless of course you've masturbated, which probably is just as bad as sex, and in that case I guess your options are to hope there's some empty nose bleed seats in heaven, or just throw in the towel and get what little enjoyment from sex in this life that you can.

>> No.10595975

>Nietzsche hated prudence and deniers of life
>couldn't even get laid once

>> No.10595998

The only people proclaiming it's incorrect are people who can't get laid

>> No.10596000

Mishima had kids nigga

>> No.10596020

His wife's sons were very proud of their step-person's virginity.

>> No.10596872
File: 119 KB, 577x477, finalRedpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't get meme'd to it by pop culture, but I don't think you should abstain from having sex with a girl you love.

>> No.10596882

This unironically is how I know he had a tiny tiny dick and I don't say this to pick on him ikf

>> No.10596900

oh wow some great people were virgins

what about the other billion virgins who are just losers

serious answer now though: stop looking for similarities between you and great people you admire, like "omg this guy was a lone child, are lone child better writers?" or "this painter used to get up early and drink whisky, what a life of genius!" or "this person started writing at this age i still have time!"

you can literally break the rules (which does not exist btw)

>> No.10596942

You should lose your virginity just so you know how overrated sex is

>> No.10598160

Sex isnt over rate, you just under rate the value sex has

>> No.10598170

>So I say if you still have your v-card hold on to it, unless of course you've masturbated, which probably is just as bad as sex, and in that case I guess your options are to hope there's some empty nose bleed seats in heaven
But not masturbating causes health problems.

>> No.10598172

> "omg this guy was a lone child, are lone child better writers?"

They are not only better writers, but also great film directors. All the greats were at some point of their formative years isolated. Check any of the more artsy big name film directors: they all were either weirdos or sickly, making them lonely.

>> No.10598221

None of the major religions proclaims that being a virgin is required for going to heaven, wtf are you talking about.

>> No.10598485

If you're a normalcuck, it's "correct". If you're not, it doesn't matter.

>> No.10598638

>Twitch chat memes
gachimuchi is 11 years old dear newfag

>> No.10598658

a lot of those are wrong, da vinci used to fuck his boy servants rather commonly if i recall (that might just be a progressivist deception though)

>> No.10598991
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*blocks your path

>> No.10598999

*gets fucked in the ass by sailors down at the docks*

>> No.10599163

>a seventh of the world population is virgins

>> No.10599187

Sex outside of heterosexual monogymous Christian marriage as defined in the New Testament and the writings of the Church Fathers is a mortal sin that kills your soul. So are onanism, sodomy, and adultery.

>> No.10599219
File: 32 KB, 442x480, E2A000D9-984D-40D9-BFE1-2063F0ECA70B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sex is pretty trivial when you think of it,
Eh not really, it seems like it in passing but you don’t think of the implications and consequences. Namely forming life in your image, getting to do something intimate with another human being when we are so psychologically distanced from each other by design and by modernization, and simply releasing chemicals that make you feel great and which are not comparable to those release from spanking the monkey
> and the thought of never loving anything higher than some goofy broad who, in the grand scheme of things is really a nobody with a mess of hair and shaved armpits, and nothing really impressive intellectually
This is a really misanthropic and unhealthy view to carry around with you as you interact with and attempt to empathize with your fellow man. It’s something that sounds good in a novel, but would be very hard to come to conclusion with organically unless you are truly a sexual and social outcast against your will. I truly don’t think most people are in circumstances to take this viewpoint seriously if it weren’t introduced to them through misanthropic or sceptical writers. Whenever I hear something like this, I wonder which one the poster or speaker is complicit of: using critical literature and religion incorrectly as escapism, or having a fugly face. I hope in your case that it’s the former and that you can step back and create more separation between what you read and what you live

>> No.10599278

I've had sex with a half dozen women, all of them beautiful except one who was very attractive. I've never gone for a high score. I'm not physically prepossessing but I'm not ugly either. I regularly get sexually propositioned by women. I've reached the age where my sex drive is slowing down and I no longer feel compelled to seek sex at all. I can tell you that people who idolize women or sex are lying to themselves. Women are worthless for anything besides sex (at least western women, who have utterly failed their duty to be wives and mothers, or even lovers) and sex isn't important to a man with his priorities straight. Your energies are best directed elsewhere. The people who push hypersexuality through the mass media are doing it to manipulate the young to buy certain products or politics.

>> No.10599290

You won't find much support here from the wimpy and insecure 19 year olds but very true.

>> No.10599302

>I regularly get sexually propositioned by women.
c'mon dude you sound like a goddamn bot

>> No.10599304
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sex is mostly a waste of mental energy and of physical energy

>> No.10599306

I'm white and I live in Japan and the women here constantly flirt with me.

>> No.10599351

That explains it. You’re a sexpat and a misanthrope. I hate to say it but I’d rather take advice from a 19 year old than a juvenile old guy

>> No.10599365

Not if done with love

>> No.10599372

Actors and actresses are essentially nonhuman though. It’s the one field that useless and wrongfully self absorbed people with good faces can find success. They’d still be nonhuman if you ripped their faces off.

>> No.10599533

sex is a part of a powerful emotional bond with a woman
break up with the woman and you break the part of the psyche responsible for that bond
do it enough times and you permanently destroy it, like a building foundation getting dynamited over and over, it becomes unusable
this will be a terrible burden should you ever want to have a meaningful loving relationship with a woman in the future, but if you plan on nothing deeper than casual hookups for the rest of your life it's probably fine

>> No.10599554
File: 341 KB, 500x375, constansa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>powerful emotional bond with a woman
>emotional bond
>with a woman

>> No.10599684

this cope tho

>> No.10599709
File: 108 KB, 649x648, celtjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no semi-civilised gf

>> No.10599722

>do it enough times and you permanently destroy it
this is a very cruel thing to tell them anon

>> No.10599827

I know that, I just meant that the only place you see it these days is Twitch chat.

>> No.10599834

I just want to have sex with Authentic love

>> No.10599872

Sex is waste of physical energy. Whats a waste of mental energy are relationships, fuck relationships.

>> No.10600211

I'm not a sexpat. Like I said I don't take women up on their offers because I'm not interested in sex anymore. I'm not a misanthrope. I just hate vanity.

>> No.10601287

I can confirm that it works.
I'm only level 23 but it's already a very powerful magic. The main advantage is that succubi don't have much power over you and second I'm transforming huge loads of seed in to DMT

>> No.10601596

Fucking this.

>> No.10602090

Lol fag

>> No.10603673

Nice meme. Nocturnal emission exists for a reason

>> No.10604754

>Is it actually correct to lose your virginity?
It's not correct to do anything outside your ability to do. That's about the extent of it with that question.

>> No.10604781

Sex is a miserable experience. A few fleeting moments of pleasure exchanged for a lifetime of regret, shame, and the painful realization that human connections are often transient and based on false pretenses.

T. Guy in his twenties who's had sex with several women and was in a long term relationship

>> No.10604811

>Sex is a miserable experience.
for you

>> No.10604832

if I pulled you off, would you die?

>> No.10604882
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>> No.10604897

this anon preaches the truth.

i don't want you to start worrying about the mark you'll leave on history because it doesn't matter, but it's still a good metric in this case. imagine what the greatest men have done in history. has their virginity ever mattered? has the fact that they had sex ever really contributed anything at all to their contributions to mankind? the answer's almost universally no, and that's because sex itself is as beautiful and majestic as taking a shit, and about as subjective too. it's a base process and any mysticism or spirituality we apply to it is just that, mysticism, being applied to something inherently just a biological function, and the label of virgin is the very same, a meaningless label.

so no it's not really incorrect to be a virgin or not. it really doesn't matter and it's a dumb as hell way of measuring someone's worth because we're not animals anymore.

>> No.10604989

>muh its all relative
>mysticism isnt universal and therefore its bad
>these deeply pyschological events wont change you mentally
>its just biological dude and therefore meaningless
>we're not animals anymore
holy shit grow up pleb

>> No.10605089

its a bit more acceptable if it's voluntary
if its involuntary then its tragic

>> No.10605536

refute me. i invite you to. i want to be proven wrong.

>> No.10605559

This. I have never masturbated or had sex, I wash the sheets when I need to, everything's fine.
>muh 0.000001% increased prostate cancer risk
Not worth it mate.

>> No.10605562

There is no such thing as male virginity. The concept was never meant to apply to men. Just because a pop culture idea of male virginity exists doesn't mean you should take it seriously.
If you're a girl, save it for marriage, there's no scenario where it would be a bad thing unless you're trying to date a guy who just wants to use you for sex.
If you're a guy it doesn't matter, male sexual purity has never been valued in any society.

>> No.10605573
File: 38 KB, 851x584, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male sexual purity has never been valued in any society

>> No.10605578

>what do homosexual pedophiles prize the most

>> No.10605580

ITT: Autistic virgins talk about "higher intellectual pursuits" and "purity" while wasting time on an Italian pizza making forum.

>> No.10605582

Implying you know more than the do about their trivial pursuit which further implies that you your self walked this very same journey

>> No.10605602

That's a very cute projection anon

>> No.10605904

spooks have inherent meaning and refer to something more real than reality.

>> No.10605934

I think as long as you control your sexuality, and you don’t let it control you, then you’re ok. Semen retention and cultivation sexual energy is a good move. And if you decide to have sex with women, then try to form a bond, be intimate, and be in love.

Otherwise sex is just lustful passion, and that has NO place on the spiritual path.

>> No.10605947

I couldn't imagine how destroyed I would be if I had and lost mew.

>> No.10605972

>masculine concept of important sexual attribute (virginity) applied to those in a weaker more feminine role