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10587932 No.10587932 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest comic novel since Confederacy Of Dunces.

>> No.10587939

The House Painter, by Terence Keane, Random House, 28 dollars
Reading Paint Dry Michio Kakutani

Mr. Keane's posthumous offering, "The Housepainter" makes it a delight to speak ill of the dead, even perhaps a duty. You may remember Mr. Keane as the author who became famous in New York for a day last fall when he took his own life. We know Mr. Keane took his own life thanks to a 12 page suicide note. A note so filled with tedium it left the reader saying, "Get on with it already," and now we are given the sophomore novel by the suicide, a cliche so depressingly popular it is threatening to become a genre. Before we read a word from Mr. Keane, we must plough through a 30 page forward by the publisher, Ms. Julie Grau. Ms. Grau tells us what a true and misunderstood genius Mr. Keane was in life. This proves imperative as there is not a single word in the novel that might lead the reader to a remotely similar conclusion.

That comment is a mite unfair. There is one clue in "The Housepainter" that its author is, indeed, a misunderstood genius. You see, the protagonist of the novel is, you guessed it, a misunderstood genius. This would be too much a coincidence. His name is Jack Marjerrison and he is a housepainter by day, master impressionist by night.

The choice to make the hero an impressionist painter is no mistake,as it is clear Mr. Keane fancies his prose spare and elliptical. But Mr. Keane fails on an epic scale, as the children say, and ends up leaving us a portrait of the artist as a dull man. Mr. Keane limns his characters so thinly they become transparent. If Mr. Keane was capable of one deeply felt emotion in his life, it is invisible in this joke of a novel. I pray this not sound mean, but as award season approaches, I nominate the bullet that entered Mr. Keane's skull for Best Editing.

Of course, the hijinks of a lovable bunch of losers that surround Mr. Marjerrison is no accident at all. Combined with the author's end, it intentionally forces us to to ruminate upon "A Confederacy of Dunces". In fact, the foreword directly suggests a comparison as Ms. Grau's cynicism appears to have no fence. Well, then, allow me to take the bait and compare the two. I knew John Kennedy Toole, I read John Kennedy Toole. You sir, are no John Kennedy Toole.

>> No.10587963


It was pretty funny. I laughed out loud several times. I love pretty much all of Norm's work, so I was a biased reader.

>> No.10588276

>I nominate the bullet that entered Mr. Keane's skull for Best Editing.
Fucking kek

>> No.10588361

lmao this is fucking brutal

>> No.10588392

Norm claims to read untranslated classic Russian literature

>> No.10588407

I didn't think Norm was funny back when he was on SNL. He's still not funny now. There are many books on my "to read list". This bit of filler isn't on it.

>> No.10588431

>forward by louis ck


>> No.10588479

We are truly among e/lit/es tonight

>> No.10588480

>doesn't think that Norm is the funniest man alive
What are you, retarded?

>> No.10588539



You mean "down syndrome"

>> No.10588712

The entire novel is this funny.

Keane is such a pompous dick. I like how he sees Norm as a complete redneck and retard.

>> No.10589287

Anybody remember him flaming Bret Easton Ellis on twitter?

>> No.10589320

>a portrait of the artist as a dull man
Very nice, Norm

>> No.10589340

>Bret Easton Ellis is the talentless hack's talentless hack
holy shit

>> No.10589636
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>> No.10590326

I remember Norm mentioning on Twitter he was going to meet either Thomas Pynchon or Cormac McCarthy. Did he talk about that at all afterwards?

>> No.10590411

Not that I recall. Would like to know more though.

Lately Norm has been going on about how he's writing his new book which will be released under a pseudonym.

>> No.10590493

Does anyone else wish he'd have any interesting people on the podcast instead of just his retarded SNL buddies? He's great and the podcast can be great, but he seems to insist on getting the shittest guests possible.

>> No.10590682

I just want Super Dave again

>> No.10590720

Stephen Merchant was my favourite one.

>> No.10590765

he should debate David Benatar

>> No.10591111

>I see Bret Easton Ellis calls himself a writer in his Twitter bio. More of his brilliant satire.
>Alice Munro is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to automaking. Bret Easton Ellis is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to literature

He's right you know

>> No.10591151
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>even norm pretends women offer anything if value to get progressive points

normie normie normie. come on. hes always sucking silvermans dick too. you think he feels the need to do it because he makes so many hitler and faggot jokes?

>> No.10591360

Norm often says things he doesn't or can't possibly believe. Like calling Amy Schumer the funniest and things like that. He also says other contrary or contradictory things just to fuck with people ('Clinton killed a guy') but the pleasing statements seem purely to please people or get some acceptence.

Him championing Monroe is honest I think tho.

>> No.10591524

Not to fall into idolatry too much, but I feel that if there's anything that Norm takes seriously, it's literature.
It's why he mentions it so little, despite clearly loving it.

>> No.10591612

Norm has an entire twitter thread on how much Pierre Trudeau influenced his national identity. He's not some limp-dick alt-righter

>> No.10591642

Yeah totally agree

I also think that he doesn't mention literature often because of his 'comedy persona'. Don't know if I can word this right but he often uses his 'ignorance' to comedic effect. I get a feel that he doesn't want to be known as a reader. Because people dislike having a very smart guy as their clown/comedian. It hampers the comedy or something. I recall a radio bit between him and Dennis Miller (a comedian who uses every opportunity to show how much he knows) where Miller keeps making Moby Dick references and Norm just makes some joke about a penis or the holocaust ignoring all the references (even though Norm has for sure read Moby Dick and prolly knows it better than Miller).

>> No.10591655

>Because people dislike having a very smart guy as their clown/comedian
I don't think it's this so much as Norm always seems very uncomfortable on a personal level with other people seeing him as smart and talented. He completely shuts down in his Letterman interview when Letterman starts complementing him and saying that he isn't living up to his talents.

>> No.10591690

People think this is him trolling but I have a feeling he's pretty much being completely honest lol

Norm is actually the most /lit/ comic


>> No.10591700

I never saw this guy outside of 90s comedies up until last year but all of a sudden he became every board's favourite comedian. What did he do?

>> No.10591713


>> No.10591728


>> No.10591735

That one is edited here is the full version, this and a few other moments made me realize how based norm actually is, I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes "progressive" types have been holding him back in hollywood, or he just isn't willing to compromise.


>> No.10591754

Jesus Christ, I don't know if that's the case with 4channers or burgers, but it takes too little for you faggots to make someone your champion. I would expect this from a people starved for entertainment and conflict, but entertainment and conflict are present in literally every aspect of our society, why do you still keep seeking more?

>> No.10591772

Disregard the faggots above. He wrote a book several months ago and it was posted often

>> No.10591778

He wrote a book and started an interview podcast, both of which got pretty popular. He's also just very likeable.

>> No.10591784
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>Omg conflict is bad

Sounds like you maybe need to eat some red meat and do some fighting. Or just roll over and die, whatever works for you.

>> No.10591794

Imagine being so insecure about your country you have to make a post like this.

>> No.10591797

kys lol

>> No.10591832
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>the way that joke goes completely over her head

>> No.10591874


this made me like him more than anything. Also this:

>> No.10591880

I really like Norm's style. This one in particular is just the most perfect shaggy dog joke every told.

>> No.10591890
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>childhood is thinking norm meshes best with conan and letterman
>adulthood is realizing he works best with andy


>> No.10591940

This if not that funny, really. It's mostly cheap shots and it gets old fast. Are this Keane person and his book real? Not that it'd change my opinion on the above passage.

>> No.10591945
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>t. I love big juicy black cocks