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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 790x1024, 5.3.10GlennBeckByDavid-Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1058312 No.1058312 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

"Glenn Beck today announced he will write the Bioshock 2 novel, following the release of John Shirley's take on the best-selling game. Beck said he drew much of the inspiration for his written work from Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand's other works and so looked forward to writting about a game many consider to be a modern re-hash of Rand's classic novel."

Thoughts, /lit/? I'm not sure how well he would do, being honest.

>> No.1058329

Bump for insanity

>> No.1058343


>> No.1058346

It all sounds so stupid.

Just read your asses some Thomas Pynchon, and leave this shit the fuck alone.

>> No.1058350

I'm a big fan of Bioshock though, has anyone read any of Beck's stuff?

>> No.1058352

I'm in

>> No.1058362

>I'm a big fan of Bioshock though
I'm a big fan of don't give a shit.

>> No.1058364
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>It all sounds so stupid.

okay, I'm with you so far...

>Just read your asses some Thomas Pynchon, and leave this shit the fuck alone.


>> No.1058373

you guys know it was about time right

>> No.1058375


>> No.1058383

I don't know about you guys, but this is great news to me. I really admire Ayn Rand, I think her writing style is better than any other author but Glenn Beck's thriller was masterfully crafted and possibly the best book of the century so far and is a fitting tribute to Ayn Rand's works.
I don't really know what Bioshack is but I'm sure it'll make for a very interesting novel with Glenn Beck behind it.

>> No.1058400

Ayn Rands philosophy does not account for that some people shouldn't make their own decisions like some minorities have demonstrably lower iq and spatial skils. so Ayn Rands theory of self determination is logically flawed.

>> No.1058402
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>> No.1058425

Retards like yourself shouldn't be allowed on the internet. You should be kept in pens with other retards and ground into something useful like food or fertilizer.

>> No.1058427

i haven't really been looking honestly but i just checked vuze and no dvd rips yet it seems
i'm sure it will be all over /tv/ when it's out

>> No.1058432

I didn't even know Beck could read.

>> No.1058656
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>> No.1058664

Objectivists, and libertarians in general, I pose one question:

We already HAD an entirely laissez-faire industrial complex; it was called late-18th-century Britain, and it was a shithole. What would make a "Randian" society any different?

>> No.1058668



>> No.1058669

that poster meant late-19th-century I assume.

>> No.1058680

That makes even less sense. What part of global imperialism is libertarian? Also, it wasn't a shithole. Life before WWI was pretty fucking sweet. It's not named the Belle Epoque for nothing.

>> No.1058694

>>1058680 Also, it wasn't a shithole. Life before WWI was pretty fucking sweet. It's not named the Belle Epoque for nothing.
Yeah, phossy jaw was awesome.

>> No.1058706

>implying I'm talking about the military or the privileged class
No, I'm talking about the working class, the 80-90% of the population that were essentially anonymous to history due to the injustices of early Capitalism

>> No.1058707
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>Life before WWI was pretty fucking sweet.
yeah, yeah.

>> No.1058708
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What's the source on that quote, OP?

>> No.1058713
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>> No.1058729

>>1058708 What's the source on that quote, OP?
There is none. It's just trolling.

>> No.1058732

Its not very good trolling. OP didn't make any fake news stories to back up his claim. But it doesn't matter Rand was invoked which means /lit/ goes into full retard mode.

>> No.1058733
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>> No.1058737
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>> No.1058734

I figured as much, but it seemed odd enough to be possible.

>> No.1059002

I guarantee you, every one of Glenn Beck's books are ghost-written.

>> No.1059034

I for one, am excited about this.

very excited.

it could be one of three things

complete trash
mediocrely written and offensively hamfisted
fucking glorious

hell fucking yes, motherfuckers

>> No.1059035
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>> No.1059046
File: 19 KB, 589x375, isay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the themes behind bioshock were staunchly anti-randian.

Isn't the story of Bioshock the story of what happened to all the free intelligentsia once they abandoned civilisation?

>> No.1059056

You still don't know what you are talking about though, it wasn't free market capitalism.

>> No.1059060

"As for his team approach to writing, Beck says, 'There's clearly no way that I'm sitting behind a typewriter or word program and pounding this out. ... I have my vision and need someone to make sure that vision stays there.'"

>> No.1059063
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>> No.1059074
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>"As for his team approach to writing, Beck says, 'There's clearly no way that I'm sitting behind a typewriter or word program and pounding this out. ... I have my vision and need someone to make sure that vision stays there.'"

>> No.1059095
File: 27 KB, 695x316, Not_sure_if_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
