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10586749 No.10586749 [Reply] [Original]

Is he, dare I say it, correct?

>> No.10586765

>"All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility."

Yes, he is correct. Mill btfo 99% of people in authority and exposed modern political dialectic as mere eristics. We live in dark times.

>> No.10586776

He was right... in the only time and place in history where truth was able to declare its independence from power.
That day is almost gone. So if you want to make a living off being an intellectual you'd better find some oligarch to hitch your wagon to.
And start reading up on Leo Strauss.

>> No.10586781

If he was still alive today he would admit that he was wrong.
Freedom and utilitarianism sound nice but are memes.

>> No.10586818

He was one of the original nu-males, married like a good cuck to a literal feminist and was balding at like 25

Why were all moralfag libtards beta?

>> No.10586823
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delete this

>> No.10587157

He makes several really good points in his book 'On liberty', which I consider one of the most important political books ever.

>> No.10587181

Reading the second chapter, On Liberty of Thought and Discussion, was one of the greatest moments of my life. I think in that chapter he hits upon one of the greatest achievements of the human race, and definitely one of the singular contributions of the Western ethnos to the race, namely the epistemological principle of free speech as an ontological necessity in any self-conscious system of knowledge. Not just as a nice moral principle or emotional commitment, but as something actually philosophically and logically necessary to knowledge at all, to the practice of inquiry itself. It's essentially Hegelian, and if it had been stated by Hegel as a high metaphysical principle instead of by Mill as part of a merely political treatise, it would be better appreciated.

>> No.10587520

equality comes before freedom

>> No.10587534

>they haven't read his book on Political Economy

Why even bother.

>> No.10587612
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Yes, and a wonderful writer.

Good post.

>> No.10588410

this. golden apples rain like gag ping pong balls.