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10586847 No.10586847 [Reply] [Original]

Is she /ourgirl/?


>> No.10586863

this is the last place I expected to see this channel. her content is too wholesome for you degenerates

>> No.10586875

>non white
you bet

>> No.10586877

fuck off

>> No.10586878
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The possibility of corruption of innocence and deflowering of a pure bosom makes it all the more appealing.

>> No.10586890

She seems sort of nice and wholesome but her presentation is awful and uninteresting and these things she lists are a bit... ?. I hope her writing is better.

>> No.10586906

Not nice or wholesome, and it's painfully obvious how much she's projecting her sense of superiority through a strawman character.

You wouldn't let a man get away with it. Don't make exceptions for women.

>> No.10586908

getting this triggered over a humorous video

>> No.10586912

You're delusional. Really quite badly delusional.

>> No.10586923

to the defence!

>> No.10586944

This is a strange one. If her books were actually good she wouldn't really need to make a writing-tube top 10 videos...this isnt like your regular booktuber who just reads shit books like Jane Austen, but a writing-tuber.

Also, the video is really hard to watch. She's attempting to breakaway from "pop-culture" books but is in some weird sort of try-hard limbo between blue and red pills.

>> No.10586987

>read description
>They're like nails on a chalkboard.
WOWeeeee~! Nicely done, woman. SUCH A GREAT AND WONDERFUL CLICHÉD LINE!! No, little girl. What an awful, trite, inane thing. There's nothing worse than espousing these fluffed-up phrases. Everywhere, the clichés rot stinks up the place like a rotting hamburger. Where did society go wrong, folks? Was it female's suffrage? Direct democracy? Farming? Every day we stray further from original thought. Every fucking day.

>> No.10586993

this is some next level cringe

>> No.10586998

Women rely on someone to think for them. Whatever part of that thinking is not done by a man, the rest is done by the society they live in.

>> No.10587014


Where the fuck do you people even find the energy to be mad about the stupidest shit?

>> No.10587026

>what is sexual frustration

>> No.10587057

>By day, I'm a fantasy author, blogger, and YouTube host who shares writing tips. By night, I plot world domination. Did I mention I write books?

I die a small amount each day.

>> No.10587077

Is this what NEETs do all day? Just get outraged over the dumbest fucking shit?

>> No.10587167

This. She tries, but it’s boring and unfunny

>> No.10587190

>Hi, I'm James Joyce, author, pappappapparrassannuaragheallachnatullaghmonganmacmacmacwhackfalltherdebblenonthedubblandaddydoodled, connoisseur of fleshly delights and politics reviewer. By night, I long for Cynthia's farts. Did I mention I write books?

>> No.10587242


Who are you quoting?

>> No.10587319

She is like a mixed breed of an altright sjw and a fun r9k girl.
She is mostly uninteresting and that video wasn’t particularly funny but I d bone his caramel colored cunt

>> No.10587484

*holds up guinness*

>> No.10587701


>> No.10587710


>youtube listicle

Why do you hate yourself? Goes not only to you OP, but to anyone who watched it. Fuck it, to everyone on this board.

>> No.10587760

I was ready to shit on her until she shitted on Stacy. She's /ourgirl/ indeed.

>> No.10588486

Getting angry over cliches is a cliche in and of itself.

>> No.10588491

He's trying to show he's cool and hip by saying James Joyce is a hack.

>> No.10588500

report non-literature threads

>> No.10588510
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>> No.10588527

her videos are so unfunny that i find them really funny and cute idk. I'm a fan, there's a level of sincerity and earnestness that she conveys that makes it hard for me to just hate her videos