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10584229 No.10584229 [Reply] [Original]

>majoring in English

Remind me why people do this again

>> No.10584253


There are cheaper ways to become a gas station attendant.

>> No.10584261

It's useful for soft skills jobs etc. If you aren't going into education. It's also a common pathway to law school along with philosophy. I knew a guy who used his English degree to write manuals for a company.

>> No.10584269
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For the love of it and because it has something to offer. You can get a job with an English major--much more easily if you are thinking about where you want to be once you're out of school; learning a side skill while you're in school makes it much easier.

You don't need to take up a vocational degree in order to land a decent job.

Don't be an anti-intellectual retard. We already have enough of those in the world.

>> No.10584277

>not getting rich off STEM and going back to college later

>> No.10584279

>tfw you major in English and people think that you majored in grammar and ask you to proof-read their stupid shit

>> No.10584286

That's basically dooming yourself to becoming a lawyer, though. That might be fun for a bit but most lawyers grow out of it by their 50's and move on to something else like stock and bond options. (this evidence is based purely on movies, as personally never met a lawyer besides my Jewess ex-girlfriends father.)

>> No.10584290

It's also a common degree to get a MLS, linguistics, creative writing, journalism, history, or any other humanities graduate degree with.

>> No.10584292

Lol sounds like the movie lawyers are rolling in cash. But I know a few lawyers that love their work so I mean it's kind of an individual thing

>> No.10584293

>you're an English major? Can you write my essay for me XD

>> No.10584295

>not getting rich off crypto and accidentaly self immolating on a luxury yacht going twice the speed limit by the age of 25 and never dropping out of college until you made 3 million USD with strippers due to an oil explosion caused by tyrone dropping his cigarette into the engine

>> No.10584311

You need to become a priest. they will pay for you to study greek, philosophy, english, theology, etc. and then set you up with a cute christian girl.

>> No.10584320

>he doesn't know that priests are celibate

>> No.10584333

I meant pastor, that is if you don't mind being a filthy proddie

>> No.10584354

Look up Fortune 500 CEO's majors...

>> No.10584452

>going to law school

Remind me why people do this again

>> No.10584456

>implying anyone here's good enough to become a fortune 500 CEO let alone a CEO

>> No.10584536

just go to a good school and maybe you can actually become a writer

>> No.10584548

>not charging them to edit

>> No.10584556

Because some of us can get into Cornell, UCLA, etc. And the starting salaries are absurd

>> No.10584562

you can either actually make a difference for a modest salary or go into some taint licking field like patent law and make bank

>> No.10584589

>all this delusion mediocrefags tell themselves to justify the insurmountable debt they’ll accrue under the erroneous nothing of making it into biglaw

>> No.10584606

It must be easy to fail when your this above it all.

>> No.10584620

not that interested in law, also not horribly saddled by debt bc im a trust fund babby

>> No.10584626

Why are you lying

>> No.10584650

why would i lie about that? it's not something to even be proud of. even if i werent i could get a scholarship to like penn anyway if i just committed to working in the public sector.

>> No.10584652

Okay bud

>> No.10584713
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>> No.10584770


Becoming a teacher and it's very comfy desu.

>get to write essays and read theory/critique all the time

>get to study authors and discuss historical context, themes, style, etc. amongst peers

>get put on to a bunch of writers that i may've been unaware of otherwise

>around other people that enjoy the things that i enjoy

I love it honestly.

>> No.10585159

because their parents/counselors pushed the "study what you love" meme that made some sense for them when college was dirt fucking cheap and an arts degree had some value in the job market

>> No.10585932

>I knew a guy who used English to write manuals for a company.

>> No.10586133

There is an English professor at a certain UC who is very good friends from childhood with my father. I think I should go there and fast track myself through grad school on the back of this relationship and get into higher education. What do y'all think bout dat?

>> No.10586203
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Getting a computer science degree alongside my English degree for financial stability but thinking about trying for a doctorate in English and maybe a professorship? Someone drop me a redpill on academia - what are my chances of getting a job, and what's the workload like? I really know almost nothing about that world, just that I like reading books and I seem to be pretty good at writing papers. I'm also a decent instructor/teacher from what I know, so I think I might make a good fit.

>> No.10586295

Some people are rich and don't need a good goy certificate for a job

>> No.10586306

>implying your degree matters

If you aren't a social autist and actually use university for the connections it provides, you'll be much better off than getting a so called in demand degree

The only exceptions to this is where a degree is needed specifically so medicine ect

>> No.10586633

>People who dont like my major are anti intellectual
>t.unemployed engish major

>> No.10586679

High school or prof?

>> No.10586754

Fuck academia. Especially non-STEM shit. Liberal arts/humanities degrees are fucking worthless. The people that get them now don't even contribute to society or the economy.

Here's some advice for you morons:
Either go STEM or ditch college and learn a trade. And by go STEM I mean stick with Engineering or Computer Science mainly unless your a god tier genius at Math or some shit.

Otherwise you're wasting your time and money. Colleges should just be turned into pure vocational schooling anyway.

But as it stands right now, honestly, get a real degree. You want want a marketable education, not a political indoctrination. You can get the latter online easily enough.