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/lit/ - Literature

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10583268 No.10583268 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever complimented your writing?

>> No.10583270

No, I don't write. But people have complimented my outfit

>> No.10583280

was it as cool as the one in the op pic?

>> No.10583298
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Yes, usually along the lines of "YOU wrote this??"

I get the feeling people think im a dumbass because I'm slightly socially weird and I don't articulate myself well while speaking.

>> No.10583300

Your mum, m8

>> No.10583302

In ninth grade my biology teacher asked me if I had gotten an older student to do my paper for me. She didn't believe I'd actually written it since I was a pretty terrible student and she thought the paper was unusually well-written. I've always considered that a kind of compliment

>> No.10583303

Several of my teachers/TAs

>> No.10583305

Yes. An old teacher called my writing "cerebral and chilling", friend gushed when I wrote a storyboard and couldn't believe what I had wrote. Feels good man

>> No.10583316

Once got told "Oh my God you're so good at writing" by a girl I was arguing with texting. Thats all I needed to hear

>> No.10583447
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>He didn't realize that she was making fun of his pretentious arguments

>> No.10583453

Nah she was an idiot. I miss her everyday

>> No.10583494

Do you remember what you said

>> No.10583629

"ayy bby i lik u so hard u prey 4 prandeesh to lik ur pooci while i fuk other bitch"

>> No.10583637

My English Professor told me that maybe the Humanities weren't for me.

>> No.10583650

kek what did you do?

>> No.10583656

yes plenty of times

>> No.10583668

a couple times, mostly my friends who were not writers themselves when I showed them
when I was in HS I submitted a poem and story to some youth art thing which I didn't even go to, apparently the guy who looked them over really wanted to talk to me though. He ended up just writing that my story sounded like I was trying to emulate Poe and I should find my own voice and write something more modern, which I did. He said my poem's meter was off and he didn't know there were any young people who wrote with strict meter/rhyme about gay shit like Greek gods.

>> No.10583670

Someone here always says they like my poetry.

>> No.10583674

She went to being mad at me immediately after. I can't even remember what it was about

>> No.10583679

yes, frequently. my rhetoric seems to be praiseworthy as well.

do you actually dress good or do people just compliment le peacoat and le quirky clothes?

>> No.10583688

Everyone I've met. I write raps too so I've gotten some cool praise from people I'd never expect.

>> No.10583699

My beta readers are pretty ravenous

>> No.10583732

He said that I wasn't prepared to put in the amount of research and dedication required to write high level humanities papers and I agreed and he told me that I might be better off studying something like computer science or psychology.

>> No.10583742

>research and dedication
>humanities papers

Oh man

>> No.10583893

I wrote some shitty lame story about blowing up a building for my year 12 final
My English teacher said it was very very good
My history teacher also told me I was very empathetic after I had written a report about gay bashing in the 50s and 60s, little did she know I only wrote about it because I let 4chan choose my topic
Whatevs I'm an idiot because everyone else in my dumb shit hick school was mega retard

>> No.10583900

I'll bash you faggot

>> No.10583915
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>this much resentment

for what reason

>> No.10583937

he's repressing his homosexual desires for you

>> No.10583946

All the time, but I think it's shit.

>> No.10583949

yea im pretty gud

>> No.10583963

A couple times, yes.

>The worst was a girlfriend who couldn't muster the intelligence required to scroll up in texts to read a comment she'd made. I screenshotted her text and politely told her to go fuck herself in the caption/title. I think I called her a tit when she messaged a week later.

>The best was meeting a panel at a comic convention, and one of them mentioned an old short story I wrote as an example of fanmail they loved. I wasn't as much their fan when we were at the convention, and I'd forgotten about the letter. It wasn't great by any means, but they were gracious with how they chose to complement it. Didn't feel the heart-swell of pride, or like I was amazing, it was more of a deep gratitude and the feeling I'd somehow reached someone that seemed impossible to reach before. Like we're both just human, and I can get "there" too.

>> No.10583965

My professor said my writing was great.
Might have just been because I was studying in Thailand and everyone else wrote like shit though