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10576217 No.10576217 [Reply] [Original]

Read Greek tragedies

>> No.10576237

The woman is very close to the classical beauty, but her curves are still too jagged.

One of the key differences between classical and modern beauty is that modern emphasises sharp angles and exaggerated features, whereas classical prefers soft curves and harmonious features.

>> No.10576245

Friendly reminder that the Greeks, and most archaic societies, found being overweight a point of attractiveness.
The bust on the right clearly has swollen cheeks that sag against her jawline and the lips of an American 35 year old single mom.

>> No.10576249

I used to be very sexually attracted to statues
I wish I were trolling.

>> No.10576261

Nope, it's not overweight but perfect weight evidencing perfect healthiness. Her cheeks don't sag, they are perfectly full without being overly full.
It's just that moderns like exaggerated features, e.g. gaunt cheeks, pointed cheekbones.

>> No.10576285


They liked them thick did they?

>> No.10576288

who doesn't like them T H I C C

>> No.10576300
File: 39 KB, 500x1003, 55e3cf90b6f2147f8216c675b861611e--roman-sculpture-art-students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you my hs art teacher? He used to compliment classical sculptures over their ability to sculpt perfect asses all the time.

>> No.10576308


>> No.10576325
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How does this make you feel?

>> No.10576357
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nah but when I was in middle school/hs I wrote a bunch of poems about how much I wanted to fuck them. and he is not wrong tbqh

this is some grade A shit I unironically wrote when I was around 12 or so

funny enough when I actually got to see some of the shit I was obsessed with when I went to Florence for the first time I just straight up fucking cried like a beta bitch, it was too beautiful and I just felt unworthy

>> No.10576362
File: 244 KB, 1200x1526, Pygmalion_and_Galatea_(Gérôme)_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576369
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I like this description a lot (Lucian (Amores 13-14))

>> No.10576379
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greek humor was so much more sophisticated
>inb4 'not a tragedy'

>> No.10576384
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>> No.10576409

wish i was there to see it

>> No.10576484

>I told you that one day I wrote my name in pencil on the backside of the Venus of Praxiteles in the Museum. Was that not desire?

>> No.10576495

The Romans were better

>> No.10576497

There is a dutch book where some artstudent fucks a plastercast of a venus statue.

>> No.10576502


>> No.10576510

Don't think you're supposed to talk about Goddess bums.

>> No.10576520

name and author por favor?

>> No.10576525

it's venus's bum so it's ok

>> No.10576534

Aphrodite/Venus wants you to talk about her bums

>> No.10576565
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Kort Amerikaans by Jan Wolkers
Of course not the entire book resolves around it.

>> No.10576583

sorry im retarded.

>> No.10576600
File: 253 KB, 645x773, 1494234823524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't seem like it's translated into english
I hate it.

>> No.10576621

maybe you can watch the movie with english subtitles somewhere

>> No.10576630

Who is the pretty lady on the left, OP?

>> No.10576647

angie karantoni

>> No.10576654

But well she looks like a thot in the other pics

>> No.10576669

unironically love it when people have those really androgynous faces I just wanna shove my dicks in their mouths
one dude from my hs had this perfect-ass Mediterranean heart-shaped face and dsl with freckles all over his cheeks.... literally one of the cutest fucking faces I'd ever seen, and I mean that in the gayest way possible

>> No.10576686

> me on the far right

>> No.10576694

The butthurt theatremask?

>> No.10576699
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I'm going to leave this here for you guys

>> No.10576727

reminder that greeks would jerk to this

>> No.10576755

hmmn they were into cankles too?

>> No.10576766

I wish I could watch a good performance as well

>> No.10576817

thick but without access to excercise so they were just doughballs

>> No.10577214

Pygmalion detected

>> No.10577228

>we decided to see the whole of the goddess

was this intentional

>> No.10578182

watch Boxing Helena

>> No.10578483

Then why did the bodies they carve have abs and protruding muscles?

>> No.10578707

let's get back to talking about having a harem of beautiful greek women (virgins) and youths and fucking all of them

>> No.10579051
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>> No.10579056
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>> No.10579062
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you're welcome

>> No.10579089
File: 89 KB, 417x234, 1432756870303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that by the same lady who makes classical-looking sculptures with huge fucking tits and cocks?
I remember her statue of Priapus had a massive fucking meaty schlong on a display pedestal lmao
would fuck
..... how the fuck though? that's so much detail and effort, she's so fucking beautiful
pic related
seriously how did those sculptors manage to make it look like that? she looks so soft and warm like if I reached out and touched her her clothes would get disturbed and if I poked her I could push her skin
I know I sound like a soyboy but I could seriously cry thinking about how beautiful this art is

>> No.10579091
File: 1.58 MB, 4000x4000, DP202855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This statue looks like a girl I know, sometimes I just stare at this picture thinking...

>> No.10579107
File: 68 KB, 561x800, chauncey-ives-undine out of the water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want more???

hot n' horny single lady statues looking to get fucked IN YOUR AREA