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File: 32 KB, 481x450, Jordan-Peterson-e1504191461507-481x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10575329 No.10575329 [Reply] [Original]

>"Behold! I am weary of my wisdom, like a bee that has gathered too much honey; I need hands outstreched to take it."

Is he, dare I say it, helping western man step away from the proverbial ledge and overcome their vices?

>> No.10575335


>> No.10575510

>Kermit, the uh, pseud here

>> No.10575596

Nice projecting.

>> No.10575610
File: 185 KB, 960x518, kermit-the-frog-in-siberian-gulag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhhh so I've done some reading and I've uhhhhh realized that..... realized.... uhhhhhhhh..... realized that many people are not uhhhh... eating..... eating their multivitamins...... that's uhhhmmmm...... uhhhhhh.... some-some-some-something uhhhhhh something you guys should do.

>> No.10575626


Let me guess, he's another "women bad, muslims bad, israel good" internet celebs, right?

>> No.10575632

If you watch his early videos(specifically about mythology and popular culture) you can see that although he is a good public speaker practically, what he actually says is mostly messy nonsense. He'll ramble on about values and mention Jung in a roundabout away and then drift off again.
In his newer videos, where he's obviously decided to squeeze some money out of the large number of disenfranchised males(with no father or something) on the internet, he repeats self-help mantras. This alone might be a positive thing, but he has also decided to play to his market by taking certain stances or even changing them(he criticised MGTOWs, and then backtracked) in order to not offend his userbase. I think this shows a very cynical side to someone who ostensibly is out to challenge stupidity and help people, which is a shame.

>> No.10575634

No he's just another centrist skeptic but a little to the right hence he gets attention for supposedly being controversial. He's pretty much a Mike Cernovich but with a functioning brain.

>> No.10575719

>be Jordan Memerson
>want to make a lot of $$$ and gain notoriety quickly
>perform the brave, heroic act of refusing to use someone's gender pronouns
>get worshiped as a hero by autists on the internet for whining about a letter he received from the school's faculty
>never receive any actual death threats, never have his life threatened, never actually get censored, never get imprisoned, never even get fired from his job
>simply whining about gender pronouns and being a professor of psychology is enough to be labelled a martyr for free speech by gullible anti-SJWs on the internet who desperately want an authority figure to affirm their whining
>whine about postmodernism and the cultural marxist boogeyman, even though postmodernism is a massive, broad subject never cite any actual literature or works or books by postmodernist authors or the Frankfurts, just say "they're all dumb guys trust me" like a true academic while occasionally namedropping Foucault or Derrida without actually addressing any of their arguments
>give the anti-SJWs you conned an imaginary enemy to blame all their problems on, while posing yourself as a hero when you've done jack shit and ironically whine about virtue signalling in academia while proposing no actual solutions to the postmodernist boogeyman
>fearmonger about a Canadian bill that you didn't even bother reading that was just a slight modification of a previous human rights bill that has already been in effect for decades, only it added "gender identity" to the list of criteria that you can't discriminate someone for and doesn't even affect universities because it only has federal jurisdiction
>virtue signal about how you would go on a hunger strike if you were arrested because of this bill, even though to this day no one has been arrested because of it and there isn't a single shred of evidence in the legislation or court records suggesting that would happen
>claim that a disgruntled twitter employee deleting trump's account is treason, then delete your tweet when everyone calls you out
>make 65k US dollars a month on Patreon from gullible morons who think you're brilliant for making glorified vlogs that spout Jungian purple prose, whine about children's movies being feminist propaganda and make vague, whiny criticisms of postmodernism that isn't backed by any actual evidence
Ah yes we have a true """intellectual""" on our hands.

>> No.10575801

Dude clean your room.

>> No.10575823

And I'm tellin ya BUCKO you don't want to go there, it's a really dark place. And once you get there it's hard to get out. Solzhenitsyn talks about this, and I've read Solzhenitsyn. It's DARK STUFF BUCKO. Never mind that the CIA wrote it, it's DARK STUFF. And you don't want to go there. But I've read Solzhenitsyn, and it's not really obvious, it's really complex stuff. And DARK. And Solzhenitsyn is one of the deepest writers of the 20th century. He knew the darkness BUCKO, and. you. don't. want. to. go. there. He was a hero because he spoke the truth. It's hard to come back from that place, but he did. He cleaned his room and got the BUCKOS out of his country. And the other thing that's so interesting is that lobsters knew all this stuff. They cleaned their rooms 20 million years ago. And if you don't clean your room BUCKO it's a DARK PLACE, and trust me, you don't want to go there. I've been there, and trust me, you got to sort yourself out. And that's by no means obvious. The clean room is the foil of God. Clean your room, bring him out of that DARK PLACE man, and that's your father saved. Got it BUCKO? You get to be top lobster, and that's by no means obvious. It's an archetype, I've read my Jung. It's a DARK PLACE man, I've read him. He went into that DARK PLACE and saved the lobster. And that's because he took the time to pet the cat BUCKO. And trust me, you don't want to go there. It's tyrannical, you don't want to go there. And it's by no means obvious. It's pathological. Trust me, I know BUCKO. I spent 30 years studying the Jungian archetype in the Concentration Camps. It's a DARK PLACE, you don't want to go down that road. And that's by no means obvious. And NEETCHA too, he was in a DARK PLACE BUCKO. It's mind-bogglingly brilliant stuff. And by no means obvious BUCKO.

>> No.10575825

Go self-mutilate somewhere else.

>> No.10575849

>helping western man
>American manchild/neets


>> No.10575950

Quote's from Zarathustra for all the idiots who don't realize.

>> No.10575996

I like Peterson, he's a good public figure. He isn't afraid to touch on metaphysics and is a big fan of Jung. He likes to talk about the logos and archetypes and how to functionally incorporate them into your life. He's someone like Alan Watts but then more focused on the western school of thought. Whenever I hear him speak, I'm always suprised at how well spoken he is. He's a nice fellow perhaps he's trying to capitalize on his new found success but he would be a fool if he didn't. I see that people on here like to call him a pseud but I don't see that as a bad thing.

>> No.10576026

Live stream with uncle Pete right now:

>> No.10576032

Without a doubt, yes

>> No.10576036
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>I see that people on here like to call him a pseud but I don't see that as a bad thing.

>> No.10576046

It's no joke

>> No.10576051
File: 1.20 MB, 3672x3024, 1430439994302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I find it hard to follow what he is saying when he starts going more in depth about psychological concepts

what is a good entry point to psychology? can I just pick up Freud and Jung or do I need some more groundwork to properly digest this stuff? Do I start with the greeks?

>> No.10576062

Pick up The Freud Reader by Peter Gay and supplement with YouTube clips, and web searches until you get a handle on Freud and psychology. After that you could read Freud: A Life of Our Time by Peter Gay. Its a very good biography of him and it tells you a lot about his ideas, his peers, and the whole scene at the time for contextual knowledge. After that branch out wherever you like: read read Jung, read more about Freud and read his unabridged works, learn about psychoanalysis in greater depth, etc. You do need to start with Freud though.

>> No.10576064

>that image
STFU pseud

>> No.10576155
File: 259 KB, 500x666, 1501094052717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt mind sucking a pseudo's dick
>uses it as an insult

>> No.10576159

Nice projection

>> No.10576198

I will never understand why this guy is worshipped.

>> No.10576232

Haahahah whats your major butthurt issue with this guy? He's exposing very obvious leftist dogma, that's been left uncontested for way too long.
Are you saying the media sphere is not dominated by leftist brainlets?
God damn this board is disgustingly socialist.

>> No.10576248

If he wanted to "expose" anything he's actually address the thought of said movements rather than cherrypicking fringe examples and simply claiming all disagreement with the Peterson leads to Stalinism.

>> No.10576250
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1516617836751-fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a compliment, stop projecting.

>> No.10576256

>perform the brave, heroic act of refusing to use someone's gender pronouns
This never happened, he just denounced a Canadian law requiring the use of preferred pronouns under threat of fine.

God I don't even like the guy, or anyone who comes out babbling neo-Jungian garbage as a replacement for original thought, but if you're gonna take the piss at least get it right.

>> No.10576259

How so?

>> No.10576281

That's the problem - Jordan Peterson is a psychologist, he's not a literary critic or (despite what his followers would tell you) a philosopher. He's not attacking ideas that inform how people as a whole should live their lives; he's only performing bottom-up, "clean your room up Billy" psychological pandering but on a large scale.

Its great and all that someone's willing to step in and play surrogate daddy in a society rapidly undermining men, but he's not producing concepts strong enough for those men to live on. I guarantee you that Peterson worshippers will fall back into their old ways once they come off Daddy's attention pipeline.

>> No.10576286

Jung informs psychology as a whole today to a degree Freud never did; you only need as much Freud as is necessary to comprehend Jung, and then some neoJungian analysts to see how the theories evolved.

>> No.10576311
File: 1.40 MB, 394x298, 1516573746547-pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than a normie and a normie is baseline.

>> No.10576321
File: 586 KB, 200x270, 1515897496044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that backhanded compliment
>that gif

>> No.10576331

You're just wrong! I mean, Peterson, well he looks at things in high resolution! And Chomsky will tell you about language but he doesn't talk about the damn logos! It's like, well what the hell are you gonna do with language if you don't have a moral center?

and the bloody post-modernists always think they can just do away with pesky religion and just fall back on their marxist ideals, it's like, no way. They try to tell you that their communist utopia can exist but it depends on what you mean by "exist"! Then they might say that by exist they mean make it the primary economic system of an entire country but then it's like, well what the hell do you mean by "country"?

You know, these types of things aren't obvious, and marxism is just a low resolution representation of a very old, ancient, ancient idea. Marxism is the snake in the garden of eden, and you'd bloody well better be careful when you're dealing with this sort of thing!

>> No.10576349

The only Peterson I've watched is the interview he recently had that blew up and a follow-up interview he did with a Dutch media outlet. I was surprised at the level of discourse he engaged in during the second one; it's not brilliant logical analysis or anything, but it's a higher level than many people engage in regularly.

He is attacking some ideas that inform how people as a whole should live their lives. There is an common idea for many people that to be moral you just shouldn't do bad things, whatever that means. For Peterson, you can only be moral if you have the capacity to do bad things. In fact, he encourages you to make yourself "dangerous" in his own words in order to be able to engage in moral activity, and in fact for him making yourself dangerous is moral in a sense.

If you have that moral standpoint, it resolves some issues, though raises others. It is now moral to make yourself a proficient marksman specifically for the purpose of having the ability to kill people, even if you never actually kill people. It is moral to make yourself into a Chad so that you have the option of fucking a new girl everyday, even if you intend to settle down and marry. You can see why it's an appealing morality to young men, since it gives them options. It can also lead to a sort of nuclear arms race scenario where everyone is giving themselves nukes even if they don't intend to use them.

I don't think he's a philosopher. He is a literary critic, in that he has done analysis of literature. I don't like listening to him much because of some of his speech patterns, but he's not the pandering pseud you make him out to be.

>> No.10576374

He may not leave a legacy but if he can guide people towards reading and developing, that's a good thing. And his role in the current political climate undeniably needed.

As said, he's a good speaker, but i don't think his intention is earn easy points with a mindless crowd. He simply dislikes how infantile the west has become.

>> No.10576381
File: 27 KB, 158x132, 1516541711160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only Peterson I've watched is the interview he recently
At the very least do more than ONE research on him before giving your opinions

>> No.10576387

He's just preaching Neitzschian Ubermensch nonsense at that point. And I never said the man wasn't intellectually capable, he's well educated and academically trained. He's just not positing ideas about how the world works and how we should live in accordance to that - instead he's just asserting basic lifestyle choices that assist individuals in attaining one of a few pre-selected concepts of 'happiness'.
His platform boils down to a specific frame of Utilitarianism with a Nietzsche twist, which isn't a winning combination. Again, once people come off the attention pipeline they'll be just as hollow.

>> No.10576402

>He may not leave a legacy but if he can guide people towards reading and developing, that's a good thing
I'm worried he'll do the opposite; my own personal criticism of psychoanalytics is that they encourage an individual to ignore, or merely selectively engage with outside media and instead favor a perverted concept of self-actualization catalyzed by the teachings and rituals of a guru like Peterson. It's really no different from religion, which has always been framed around psychological manipulation.

Peterson's assertion that one needs to behave as though God exists in order to align themselves with the currents of a society built on religious ideology, for example, is a great excuse for an individual to never explore theological works and form their own answers.

>> No.10576431

>a perverted concept of self-actualization catalyzed by the teachings and rituals of a guru like Peterson
the frustrating part is that actual Jungian psychoanalysis doesn't really tell you how to live your life and shit, but rather vocalize what your dreams are( which is the unconscious communicating with the conscious)

>> No.10576434

Again, just from the interviews I've watched he obviously does posit ideas about how the world works and how we should live in accordance with that. For instance, he posits that humans operate by introducing logos into chaos. He specifies that it is better to introduce that structure with an end towards good, which is a moral specification, even though it doesn't really specify what good is.

In the second interview I referenced the interviewer is able to boil Peterson's thought into 5 main ideas. If Peterson was just spewing forth examples of how to make your life a little better, those main ideas would reflect that. Instead the main ideas deal with things like the Archetypal Hero's Journey and other higher forms of discourse.

I'm not a big fan of Neitzschian Utilitarianism either (which I think is a decent description of his platform). In fact, I think Peterson has a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of Christian metaphysics based on the interview he gave; for him good relies on evil in order to be good which is not what is commonly accepted in theology. But, he's not just telling people to clean their rooms. There are guiding principles given which can be applied by the individuals who learn them, if they so choose.

>> No.10576504

>Peterson's assertion that one needs to behave as though God exists...
What do you mean here? That it reinforces a casual take on theology? I'd say he might just as well introduce people to religious ideas, from a psychological viewpoint.
Possibly counterproductive if the only way to achieve true morals is to actually believe and not just read it as psychological phenomena.

Maybe i'm biased, I'm from the worst part of Scandinavia where there's the kind of ideological monopoly and rampant social engineering which he opposes.

>> No.10576539
File: 50 KB, 551x515, 1488304932965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want your dad to be a real esoteric philosopher but he just gives you practical advice for being successful in the real world instead

>> No.10576544

>other forms of higher discourse
NeoJungian garbage, I discount it entirely

It reinforces an entirely secular worldview that accepts religious memetic concepts with no attempt to explain why those concepts arose or how they are relevant to a higher idea of what is real. I'm not advising he go full esoteric Gnostic or something; he could at least attempt to bridge the subject/object gap and address the concept of objective morality (which he won't do because it runs counter to his Nietzsche-driven view of post-Enlightenment thought

>> No.10576555

>the world isn't fair
ain't that the truth

>> No.10576578

>practical advice for being successful in the real world instead
If you both align your ideas of happiness with Peterson's AND can't reach that happiness yourself, you're beyond saving.

>> No.10576613

His explanation for how those concepts came to be is entirely psychological and basically ancient humans way of dealing with chaos and a growing society.
I was raised in a atheist environment so there might be something fundamental i don't get here, but i feel this secular approach of believing (without believing) hasn't gone on for long enough to show it's fruition.

>> No.10576638

>secular approach of believing (without believing)
The issue here is that it's a band-aid solution to ward away moral nihilists, by saying that there's TOTALLY an objective power structure and morality, while also admitting that there's no objective power structure or morality to keep atheists and fellow Nietzsche acolytes onboard.
Instead of just adressing the concepts of moral absolutism and moral relativism, Peterson throws out a sophistic argument that lets him hold no palpable position to be attacked (except by the religious, who he certainly doesn't care about)

>> No.10576651

>His explanation for how those concepts came to be is entirely psychological
*unverifiable thesis

>> No.10576658

Also the idea that religion has at its heart a phenomenological purpose flies in the face of all accounts of ancient and contemporary theology; Peterson is misattributing the modern preconceptions of symbology as posited by Jung and neoJungians to ancient peoples and their ways.

>> No.10576683

If you think about it Peterson's conception of christianity is very similar to that of some postmodernists like Vattimo, which is pretty funny.

>> No.10576721
File: 153 KB, 400x289, 1515795025647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many levels of irony is he on right now?

>> No.10576743

Well to me, an atheist it certainly seems very possible that roots of spirituality come from human phenomenology. Even if it wasn't intentional or even conscious.

Maybe i should read the bible.

>> No.10576875

yeah, he isnt. he is preaching the opposite of it. if you watch the podcast he did with joe rogan and bret wienstien you can see it clearly. with bret preaching Nietzschian Ubermensch nonsense

nietzsche called the death of god and peterson is calling for the dead god to become ressurrected because he doesnt believe the ubermensch is actually achievable

>> No.10576906


>> No.10576958

>>whine about postmodernism and the cultural marxist boogeyman, never cite any actual literature or works or books by postmodernist
This was what first tipped me off to the fact that he is 86% bullshit, before all the more recent merchandising and such made it painfully obvious.

>> No.10576976

It doesn't matter what it "seems very possible", this is not how academic research is done. Joseph Campbell was a much more "centered" JBP and people shit on him to this day for por scholarship, despite him never having made the kind of leap Peterson typically does (like the process you mention in your post).
Every evidence we have seems to imply this was not the case, you can't just say "but see I'm a psychollogist and what they REALLY meant was..." for people living today, what makes you think you can do it for people 5000 years ago?
I bet you're one of those cunts who think evopsych is a science but philosophy isn't.

>> No.10576992

his conception of truth is as well

>> No.10576996

Don't post here again you retards.

>> No.10577047

then Peterson fundamentally misunderstands Nietzsche

Not an argument

He completely ignores the political and cultural context that informed religious developments in favor of an unverifiable meta-conscious form of communication of ideas and abstractions.

>> No.10577063

Living the dream.

>> No.10577070

no u

>> No.10577102

how does he misunderstand nietzche?

>> No.10577110

He's a literal who to 99% of people, and even philosophy students largely don't know who he is.
Alexander Dugin is someone doing things in the world.

>> No.10577120


>> No.10577123


>> No.10577130

I hate anglos so much.

>> No.10577131

Jordan that you?

>> No.10577141

His conclusion is that we should embrace utilitarian social christianism, which is kinda like the complete opposite of what Nietzsche believed.

>> No.10577226

despite all of his faults, Peterson is ultimately the good guy and most vocal detractors are simply left wing ideologues who curse him for calling them out on their shit and I havent seen any argument to convince me otherwise

>> No.10577273

>utilitarian social christianism

what does this mean?

>> No.10577283

being christians because the alternative of atheism has negative effects on your health
not him btw

>> No.10577291

>he completly ignores the political and cultural contex

I don't think so. Take his exemple about how Marduk is a representation of an ideal leader. I find it hard to dismiss it completly because of Marduk's story, powers and how the kings acted as avatars of Marduk . Do you have exemples of interpretations you find disconnected from reality

>> No.10577306
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>The Post-Modern Empire is ended tonight
what did he mean by this?

>> No.10577330

agrees with your definition then i dont see how peterson is calling for that

>> No.10577337

watch his sam harris debate
His whole argument boils down to
>faith healthy, so god real, ooga booga

>> No.10577346
File: 47 KB, 850x400, quote-whether-the-gods-are-inside-or-outside-makes-very-little-difference-to-whether-there-jordan-peterson-126-89-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>faith healthy, so god real, ooga booga
no. literally 2deep4u

>> No.10577360

Thanks for a template. Will come back with eye-opening memerson memes.

>> No.10577383

See this is exactly my point, you can't assign a definite intent to the symbology of a culture thousands of years old.

>> No.10577433


Here he does some of that. Also I see no issues with showing how radical left can quickly lead to extremes because it's something prevelent right now and you have to quickly show why something as alluring as "let's make everyone equal" isn't actually a good idea.

>> No.10577459

>He's just not positing ideas about how the world works and how we should live in accordance to that - instead he's just asserting basic lifestyle choices that assist individuals in attaining one of a few pre-selected concepts of 'happiness'.

What do you mean, he does that all the time, all the stuff about how everything goes to shit when people stop telling truth and how every person is actually already a demon. Also chances are people won't actually become empty if they will treat they job as important, get some friends and choose to take responsibility for something that is important to them.

>> No.10577471

Why not? He doesn't seems to be wrong. Marduk seems to at least partially represent an ideal leader.

>> No.10577507

Because we don't have the information to declare that. Hell, who defines these symbols anyways? The individual members of the culture that engendered the symbol no longer exist and our records of them are incomplete and biased.

Marduk well may be the god of leaders and kings, and also shoving pickles up your ass on leap years. For Peterson (or anyone) to declare an interconnected symbology of ANY kind is just based on unverifiable assertions but he acts as though these definites are keys to society.

>> No.10577536

he doesnt argue faith, he argues pragmatism

in the sence that you are the product of an old tradition. he argues that the old christianity is dead, as nietzche described. but he argues that that is the point, christianity has always been a changing thing like all traditions. all he is saying is dont dismiss the bible as a source of insight. he tries to prove this by giving a psychological interpretation of the bible which is 100% atheistic.

in the same way, people tell you to read the greeks. the greeks of the odyessy are dead and so is the culture, but you should still read that literature because it has influenced the west many times. by doing so you take a part of it, and it is revived in you, its not the same as it was but it is still in a way alive.

thats how i see it

>> No.10577545

These assertions aren't based on any verifiable information or truth beyond a very simple correlation between Jungian ideas and statistical information on human happiness statistics. I'm not saying Peterson's ideas are bad or don't work, I'm saying that the philosophy behind their development is wafer thin and will not do to inform the worldviews of Peterson's audience past the immediate effects of Peterson's teaching.

>> No.10577556

>psychological interpretation of the bible which is 100% atheistic
Which is inherently nonsensical and why psychological techniques intended to ward off momentary lapses in mental function or stability should not be treated as philosophically relevant.

>> No.10577573

Well, some interpretations are just much more likely than other. We also have access to at least some kinds of texts about them which is how we know Marduk was the leader of the gods for exemple. I also think there's some values that are shared by societies regardless of space and time as there is a biological common base between humans.

The facts that other culturs justified that their kings reigned because of the authority of some greater lordly being just prove that to me.

>> No.10577575

i must be a fucking idiot, how is it nonsensical?

>> No.10577586

I really hate it when meme thinkers like this get picked up because they're moderately intelligent and can bat away utter morons like Cathy Newman

>> No.10577596

>I also think there's some values that are shared by societies regardless of space and time as there is a biological common base between humans
Campbell thought the same thing, and his concept of the monomyth informed an entire generation of western cultural productions.

It was also based on fucking nothing and his contemporaries harshly criticized him for not doing his due diligence.

Peterson spouts this idea because it aligns with the neoJungian interpretation of the Jungian collective conscious; there's no evidence supporting its existence and it does as little to explain the internal forces of social groups as any other broad-stroke theory.

>> No.10577601

Tbh I am not going to claim to be some academic or literary critic that is familiar with the works of all the people Peterson cites but as someone that frequently listens to his shit and has dabbled with some metalogic and nihilism literature I feel confident in saying that I really do not feel that the sort of thinking Peterson's cult advocates for is productive; at least not in the serious sense. What the fuck is the use in being more and more meta with your thinking? What is the use in concluding that there is no meaning to life and life = suffering? I can appreciate this line of thinking being a good contribution to one's overall psyche and wisdom profile but harping on it like him and all his followers do just isn't productive to leading a healthy and fulfilling life. Not to mention that he is flat out wrong. I don't have anything bad to say about Peterson himself since I do enjoy the thought experiment of some of his lectures but fuck I just don't see the point in this type of philosophy

>> No.10577603

Theological concepts ingrained into society are not equatable to secular psychological memes. This is a big part of why theists and atheists have been at complete ideological odds for the entirety of history.

>> No.10577617

Peterson is a distant cousin of the psychoanalysts, he just chose to schism at the philosophical point Nietzsche inherits instead of going full retard relativist/hedonist "muh Lacan". His ideas still suffer the cognitive dissonance of those schools, only under the surface.

>> No.10577628

I'm pretty sure Cathy Newman was just shitposting that entire "interview", I've never seen someone act that irrational and plain stupid.

>> No.10577639


>go on /lit/
>read a few threads
>most of it is low effort bait and /pol/posting
>make one high-effort post with original thought and content
>it's in a thread that no one reads or posts in
>no dialogue
>go on front page
>Peterson thread number eight thousand of the day
>realize I will be called a cuck for this post
>realize that the ones who will do it will do it even though I predicted it, because they think that makes it more funny, because they are chronically low-effort porn, internet and video game addicts who breathe nothing but resentment and thrive in their own failure
>leave /lit/ forever
>eventually meet people capable of stringing together two sentences of original thought instead of endless, stale, autistically repetitive, extremely low-effort and resentful shitposting
>have fulfilling life

>> No.10577643

I was with you until
>leave /lit/ forever
>eventually meet people capable of stringing together two sentences of original thought instead of endless, stale, autistically repetitive, extremely low-effort and resentful shitposting
>have fulfilling life

fat chance, enjoy your stay cuck

>> No.10577648

Question. How come Peterson is subjected to attempts of character assassination all the time instead of people trying to argue against his points? The whole Channel 4 thing was an obvious attempt to ambush him that failed miserably, and then even more pathetically, the guardian published an article that tried to save face by saying "security experts" were called in over all the supposed harassment and threats the reporter conducting the interview received. It all comes off as some weird vendetta

>> No.10577650

you're here forever

>> No.10577653

>The facts that other culturs justified that their kings reigned because of the authority of some greater lordly being just prove that to me.
You have an oversimplified understanding of ancient peoples. The Persians, for example, believed in a divine right for their King but also maintained the divinity of other kings under Persian subjugation and strove for the preservation of existing hierarchies in captured countries; meanwhile the Greeks believed in a universal Pantheon which other cultures merely misinterpreted and did not believe in a sole divine right of monarchy but instead in a form of divine inspiration for monarchs and governmental reformers alike.

Actually research these topics and you see how Peterson's and Campbell's ideas don't add up.

>> No.10577656

We're moving from a guilt culture to a shame culture

>> No.10577660

but both are products of the mind. why shouldnt they be

>> No.10577662


>> No.10577663

Because he's a vocal detractor of the radical left

>> No.10577671

the stupid motherfuckers running the identity politics neoliberalism racket have failed to recognise they're destroying the leftwing politics they claim to support with their insane irrational attack dog tactics and are doubling down on abuse on anything that may give the slightest hint of disagreeing with their agenda

meanwhile the vast majority of working population continue to be systematically exploited and disenfranchised

>> No.10577673

Belief in a system of unproven metaphysics due to cultural exposure to those ideas AND/OR concerted efforts in self-education and enlightenment are not equatable to having nightmares you child.

>> No.10577675

>make an appeal to emotion
>if that fails, shame the person and try to brand them with the scarlet letter
This seems to be the modus operandi, but she was even bad at that.

>> No.10577685
File: 327 KB, 1624x920, Zentralbibliothek_Zürich_Das_Kapital_Marx_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I warned you about cultural marxism bro...

>> No.10577695

They'll keep trying it till it sticks.
It's too cost-effective at controlling people to just give up

>> No.10577697

"cultural marxism" is a nonsense expression

>> No.10577702

A lot of useful and accurate expressions are.

>> No.10577704

what do nightmares have to do with this exactly?

>> No.10577705

not at all, it just only adequately refers to intersectional feminism so there's no reason to use it

>> No.10577714

>le front page

>> No.10577715

cultural marxism is just another term for critical theory and all the dogshit that is derived from it (gender studies, white privilege studes ect)

>> No.10577718


Pragmatism isn't nietzschean, and he is DEFINITELY a pragmatic christian, in that he thinks christian faith might not be real or ideal but that's the best we have (the term I use for that is social christian, sorry if it's consufing). Very few things can be less nietzschean than becoming a christian because this is the most practical / less damaging philosophy. The whole point of the ubermensch is precisely the opposite of that: so what that christianity gives people a way to cope with tragedy and loss, a real transvaluator of values shouldn't need to cope with suffering, he should use it to become even bigger, better and stronger. To accept a god because it'll mean less suffering on the long run is literal slave mentality at it's most extreme.

>> No.10577724


>> No.10577731
File: 11 KB, 236x232, 1514411960174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it. You are "self-aware". Oh look at you shining star in a sea of piss. Simply brilliant work being cognizant you god damn buffoon. You overthinking twat. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10577739

Painting, trigonometry, theology, law and cooking are all products of the mind. Are they the same thing?

>> No.10577745

Well yeah I already know that. I svould had myself more clear. I think there's some similarity between cultures because of our great biological similarities. I'm not saying that Mzrduk is THE ultimate representation of leadership but merly one of the many abstractions men cames up with to represent leadership. And of course he doesn't represent only that. I could oppose your exemple by pointing that Persians and Greek seemed to find some similarity between their gods and the foreign ones. Likewise the Rwanda easily became Catholic because they found many similarity between the one god they worshiped and the cathomic YHWH.

Society will affect our ideals but there's some assumptions that can be reasonably made about what some weird shits like gods are about.

>> No.10577746

>supporting the left wing

I think you're using words you don't know the meaning of, lad.

>> No.10577754

>a real transvaluator of values shouldn't need to cope with suffering, he should use it to become even bigger, better and stronger
this just gives meaning to suffering and therefore is a way of coping with suffering.

which is why it is impossible.

which is what peterson also advocates. he just maps the idea of using suffering as an opportunity to improve yourself onto christianity by saying its always been there and that the reason its always been there is due to the collective unconcious.

>> No.10577766

would you just please just shut the fuck up with your contant "liberal" bitching? you faggots are worse than /pol/ and jews

>> No.10577769

My lad, you're ignoring one thing: These religiions are similar in their similarities, yes, but these similarities don't account for their usually much bigger differences.
Nietzschean meaning is necessarily self-made, and there's nothing impossible in that. Peterson does shit but tie up a bunch of fancy quotations (I mean, as much as you can call Jung and Campbell fancy) to self-help drivel.
>improve yourself onto christianity
lmao what the fuck does that even mean. Never since DFW has someone needed to write so much shit about why it is ok to be a neoliberal WASP cunt.

>> No.10577775

it's all evolutions bro

>> No.10577782

If the memetic symbol of, for example, The God of Kings is too multifaceted to draw a direct value and meaning from, why bother with that symbol? The symbology Peterson uses is equally obscure; metacognition is a meaningless rabbithole to run down. The entire concept lacks ontological, or even empirical, value.

>> No.10577795

ill write it again

peterson is saying you can find the transvaluator of values within christianity.

>> No.10577810

Except you clearly can't because christianity is a set of values against transvaluating values.
That'd be like trying to argue Christ didn't found a new church, he's just a transvaluated jew.

>> No.10577819

shhhh anon its okay because Christ isn't REALLY real just pretend he is so you fit in

>> No.10577833


Because it's interesting desu. We'll never know the full symbolism of Marduk, but surely with what we know about it we can guess a part of his function and with that maybe see how other cultures represent those same functions. And that way we see what makes people ticks. Yeah it isn't useful maybe but I've always found this kind of thing greatly interesting. People were ready to die and order their lives around these kinds of symbols.

>> No.10577847

in that way you can seperate the teachings of christ from the 2000 year tradition of christianity

>> No.10577858

What strikes me is that he is literally like every other youtube personality, no better or worse than the likes of Ham Sarris, Joe Rogan, or whoever is the rage of the week right now, but he polarizes this board much more than anyone as well. That's probably due to Peterson's elusive nature of being able to tickle multiple spots that are universal (or trivial) enough to resonate with anyone, thus making him an object not easily discardable. It doesn't help that he is a philosophical aperitif for people unprepared to tackle philosophy properly, the baby's first existential intoxication, first revealing basic phil problems to the unaware and then presenting immediate, and utterly uneclectic, solution before them. He's basically an auto-immune infection for anons.

>> No.10577859

Gee nigger I don't know by studying christian theology and ACTUALLY studying anthropology and history of religion and not nitpicking shit like JBP does to make Jung sound smart to incel faggots.

>> No.10577860

Its interesting in an anthropological sense, but to assert symbology as the foundation for human interaction is absurd

>> No.10577864

Or by just bridging the need for objective moral handholding in your own conscious and asserting your own system of ethics

>> No.10577869


Question: how come people still unironically believe that there is any intellectual content whatsoever in the entertainment industry (that includes newspapers)? That's what Peterson is, he is entertainment. Yes, he is an academic, but that's not what his persona draws on. He is to the late 10's what Hitchens and Dawkins were to the late 00's. The similarity between "BASED Jordan B. Peterson ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS idiot SJW's" and "10 greatest Hitchslaps on IDIOT theists" Youtube videos are so glaringly and painfully obvious. Peterson, like Hitchens, like Dawkins, like Molyneux, is primarily a Youtube phenomenon, and, as such, ridiculous and a total and complete waste of time. People do not "debate" his points because he isn't in the sphere of debate, he is in the sphere of spectacle. So he goes on the news - do you honestly think the news is a place for debate? He is pure entertainment. People watch his videos while they're procrastinating and stuffing their faces with junk food. He writes shitty self-help books for crying the fuck out loud. He is a genius businessman, I'll give him that. He keeps people hooked - the demographic he sells his "change yourself" bullshit to is the exact demographic that will never change. If you took Peterson's advice, you wouldn't be on fucking 4chan, and you sure as shit wouldn't be scouting the internet for new shitty self-help videos by him. If his con actually worked, you'd need exactly one piece of advice from him, before "sorting yourself out" and never needing his snake oil again. But you don't. And you come back for more. And you buy the self-help book, and you sign up for the self-authoring program, and you don't change, you just keep on wasting your youth.

And don't think this is part of some attempt at character assassination - it's not. It's frustration of how shitty /lit/ has become with these hordes of Petersonfags. There's been hundreds of threads in the last week alone. If you want a critique of postmodernism or modernity, start a thread asking for recommendations for works. If you want traditionalist thinkers, start a thread about that. If you want traditionalist literature, just read the fucking sticky or ask - just don't start another god damn Jungian-self-help-clean-up-your-room-Kermit-con-man thread.

But you don't want that. You want to revel in the spectacle. You want to watch the "SJW's get ANNIHILATED". Because you're driven by resentment, marked by cowardice and profoundly intellectually lazy. That's why you don't change. That's what Peterson has realized, because he is smarter than you, and that's why he is making 100k a month that you probably contribute to on Patreon and why you're pissing away your youth watching retarded tumblrinas being retarded and feeling smug about not being retarded yourself, all while you're wasting away in the pale glow of your late-night lit screen.

>> No.10577884

>proving the point by attempting to character assassinate Peterson without even addressing any of his points
really got my noggin a joggin

>> No.10577906

good stuff there anon

>> No.10577909

The problem with JBP is that his "them" is pretty much /lit/ (before the invasion): post-modernist, leftist, pro-critical theory, blah blah blah
Doesn't help that he's also a worse Campbell, who has always been hated by /lit/. He has the same problems as Sam Harris, in that he's a personality which kinda alligns with another board (/pol/ and /sci/ respectively) and that they also go against what your typical /lit/izen believes as well.
Take a look at that Nissim Taleb something guy. He's also a meme right wing eceleb right now, but a lot of the shit he does (shitting on anglos, on the enlightenment, blah blah blah) are ok with /lit/, so most threads about him are people who already agree or going "yeah I wanna disagree with him but he's right so w/e". I'm high and non-anglophone, so sorry if my post is too messy.

>> No.10577920

Ok but I don't think he does that. Peterson is just saying, I think, that people are trying to represent stuff with those symbols because a good symbol is so memorable and easy to propagate. That's also how he's justifying stuff like Star Wars. We want to see those symbols and archetype played out, hence the many, many movies and books and video games we have today.

>> No.10577925


>really got my noggin a joggin

This is the kind of low-effort, unreflected, thought-terminating meme response that is interesting because it denotes the exact and diametrical opposite of what it exemplifies.

I'll refer you to the part about profound intellectual laziness and invite you to read it closely.

>> No.10577928

Anon, I think you deconstructed Peterson

>> No.10577938

But Peterson is telling you to keep doing what you enjoy, but also to actually work toward your futur. He's not telling you to stop browsing 4chan forever.

>> No.10577942

This is /lit/, we're fucking aware BUCKO

>> No.10577969

thats cool, you still proved the point by just attacking petersons as a person instead of his arguments

>> No.10577982

Peterson's entire FIELD, clinical psychology, is descended from neoJungian academics who formalized Jung's concept of collective consciousness into a series of symbological ideas. Its all over the field's terminology and framework.

For example, symbology informs Peterson's idea of religion, hence his nonsense 'pretend to be christian because society'. He's advocating for interfacing with symbols just because.

>> No.10578009


I didn't attack Peterson, I called him a genius. Again, I'll advise you to read my post closely. Youtube-attention-span is a bitch, but it can be overcome with hard work.

>> No.10578039

But part of our values comes from a christian society At least that's the case in my country. I don't get what you're trying to say.

Anyway I'm going to bed, no need to waste your time on a lengthy answer anon.

>> No.10578066

I really hope this level of discourse isn't indicative of the average Petersonite

>> No.10578075

Lol good description

>> No.10578099

The average Petersonite is far dumber


>> No.10578242

I'm gonna need to see some bloody sources, bucko

>> No.10578427


What's the citation system for youtube videos?

>> No.10578613
File: 429 KB, 2048x1536, 10661728_321913381329277_8083746595671644681_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In departing with the seemingly drastically different approaches of structuralism and phenomenology, Derrida and Foucault left behind a totalizing idealism shared by both schools of thought, which had left their adherents unable to explain the differentiated and uneven realities of both philosophy and history. It is not Derrida and Foucault who reproduce this totalizing idealism, but Peterson. Contrary to his self-professed reputation for straight talk and hard truths, Peterson’s conception of all the various phenomena of social life as expressions of a curiously interpreted intellectual episode happens to be consistent with the most speculative of philosophies: an idealism that claims ideas descend from heaven to earth.

>Drawing on his reading of western philosophy, Derrida showed that throughout its history there were varying yearnings of a “metaphysics of presence”: the notion that some pure, unadulterated truth exists independent of the derivative and distorted forms in which it is expressed. Beginning with Plato, this was dramatized in the opposition between speech and writing. In speech, said Plato, one was faced with the presence of the speaker and the possibility of directly accessing the truth of his utterance. But in writing the speaker was absent, and his words could be misinterpreted. This is all Derrida means by “logocentrism” — the presupposition that speech was primary to writing, that it was a representation of ideas that preceded its utterance. The logocentric way of thinking, long customary to the point of being a truism, is an evasion of the fact that philosophy, and therefore any quest for truth or knowledge, can only take place within the impure, in-between field of language.

>Derrida’s meditations on these questions are both more complex and more precise than some dormroom soliloquy punctuated by the bubbling of bong water. The question Peterson accuses him of answering with dangerous equivocation — whether there is such a thing as objective truth — is not one he poses. That question is so vaguely and poorly framed as to be irresolvable. The point is that we have no direct access to truth, that it cannot simply be made present. Instead, we have to pay attention to the various forms of secondariness, impurity, difference, and distortion which actually constitute our thought.

How will JBP ever recover?

>> No.10578657

I don't even get how these people can all keep crying about "objective truth" and so on when Kant (or Spinoza or even the fucking greeks) knew the noumena is simply out of reach of human cognoscence.

>> No.10578829

>Jung informs psychology as a whole today to a degree Freud never did
t. zero experience studying at a clinical or analytic institute

>> No.10578844

>helping western man step away from the proverbial ledge

apparently that means spamming him on the internet. good job stepping away from that proverbial ledge now buy a fucking book

>> No.10578847
File: 128 KB, 1600x960, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. It’s been three centuries since science discovered it. If truth, as you say, can't be known... then our basis for an objective morality falls apart.

>> No.10578865
File: 41 KB, 599x320, dork 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s been three centuries since science discovered it.

>> No.10578870

You can't base objective morality on scientific truth. The distinction between facts and values still holds and is unbridgeable by science.

I challenge you: go from a scientific truth to a moral truth.

>> No.10578876

>can't even recognize a meme

>> No.10578881

not only did i recognize it i even posted a tweet from the person who coined it so fuck you

>> No.10578886
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>> No.10578900


>> No.10578916

Aristotle BTFO
Dostoevskij BTFO

>> No.10578922

That's a terrible simile

>> No.10578949

zarathustra was by far nietzsche's worst work, too much drugged up euphoria and bad poetry.

nietzsche was at his best when he was edgy and mean

>> No.10578955

Christ, that's so flawed.

>> No.10578957

>the CIA wrote the Gulag Archipelago
Let me guess, you just finished reading the first half of The Communist Manifesto and now are awaiting the revolution.

>> No.10578965


>> No.10578975

nope, it's shit.

too bad nietzsche never got to his real magnum opus

>> No.10578999


1) He confuses stupidity with evil.
2) He fails to see that morality is about relationship with other people.
3) Still not offered an ought, for example a christian martyr would hear him out and feel no obligation to follow his prescription even if he accepted all his facts.
4) His imperative leads to behaviors that many of us would consider immoral: for example dictators that install totalitarians regimes to avoid being overthrown (which really sucks).

>> No.10579033

>3) Still not offered an ought, for example a christian martyr would hear him out and feel no obligation to follow his prescription even if he accepted all his facts.
he would though, but a christian martyrs way of making the world suck the least is to make sure that everyone honours God and his commands and anything else is extremely terrible and an eternal hot stove for the masses.

>> No.10579067

To the martyr the will of God has more authority than the well being of human beings.

>> No.10579072
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they coincide perfectly though since serving god to your greatest ability leads to the most perfect reward

>> No.10579078

He's basically the millennial Ayn Rand and he appeals to precisely the same kind of imbeciles.

>> No.10579104

but even if it didn't you would still need to serve. It is a lucky coincidence that God is willing to rewards us.

>> No.10579210


This is as anachronistic as Galilean motion. One cannot make a "minimally suckish" decision because you cannot know every fact all the time, sometime, somewhere your call may become a totally "suckish" one for an observer, more over, your actions have repercussions which may resonate in ways we cannot predict.

>> No.10579215

I don't understand the problem with him making money. If anything it's a testimony to the value of what he has to offer.

>> No.10579230

As someone who unironically enjoys watching his psych lectures, I completely agree with you

>> No.10579247

>postmodernism is a massive, broad subject
It's literally just one half retarded guy's projection of the fact that he only thinks in words onto reality as a whole.

>> No.10579257

No please stop posting

>> No.10579258

you're just intellectually lazy. what are you putting your energy into that isn't your choices?

>> No.10579285


I'm not against the motion, what I propose is that one must take into account a certain villany in our actions, otherwise it is just wishful thinking. One can only reduce waste, not get rid of it entirely.

>> No.10579319

Fortunately so many decisions do reap repercussions you can slash out 99% of them in almost any situation. Thank god for not having free will.

>> No.10579321

He's fun to listen to - not dry or pedantic. Peterson talks about interesting applications of (frankly) boring and inaccessible material to modern life, namedropping some famous smart people along the way so we can all feel smart too. There's no harm to it at all, it's just butthurt armchair philosophers getting mad.

>> No.10579331

I don't get it. just do that then.

>> No.10579396

>people still care about peterson
When will this embarrassing fad die out?

>> No.10579653

It bothers me deeply that I used to thing this jackass was interesting.

Sure if you exclusively listen to him you get a nice neat package, but if you have the good faith to listen to the other side you quickly find out this guy will just repeat his misrepresentations and talk as if hes doing a youtube video instead of addressing the people calling him out on his lies.

Like in his interaction with canadian lawmakers, he backpedals because he has 0 arguments against the actual law and he goes from saying "I COULD BE ARRESTED FOR SOMETHING I SAID IN MY CLASSROOM" to "UHM... BUT ITS CONFUSING"

fuck this faggot and fuck you if you lack the good faith to go see for yourself what that laws effects and intentions are

no, you fucking faggot, in reality laws dont work in the way that you think they do, a teacher being reprimanded by her superiors in relation to a JP video has nothing to do with the law about gender identity being added protected against discrimination

>> No.10579896

So it finally happened, guys. Someone recommended Jordan Peterson to me irl. It wasn't even a /pol/tard, it was this really smart colleague of mine, who is a respectable researcher and total normie, who votes Democrat. Is JP for normies now?

>> No.10579909

ha the lindsey graham fiasco PROVES that his fear of it being used as a law are more then merited. The recording clearly states they used that law as a threat. keep your head buried in the sand though faggot!

>> No.10579937

Nice projecting

>> No.10580094

>simply whining about gender pronouns and being a professor of psychology is enough to be labelled a martyr for free speech

Considering the times we live in and the way he goes about it all I would say yes. He's a result of these ridiculous times and the crazy liberal agendas that try to stand in the way of basic freedom.

>> No.10580113

he is not considered a martyr of free speech by anyone who isn't a right winger.

And usually right winger consider free speech only in so far as it allows them to keep repeating things they have been proven wrong about without consequences.

On the other hand the right has always been very in favor of censoring speech and art when they can gain from it.

>> No.10580178

He's a martyr because he can't even do a normal interview without all the bias left wingers spinning it into how a minority of trolls sent threats to someone, as if that makes him like that minority. He's been targeted by harsh character assassination and yellow journalism pretty much nonstop. His ideas aren't even that wild, that's what's sad about all that.

>On the other hand the right has always been very in favor of censoring speech and art when they can gain from it.

Yeah and so has the left. And that's what we deal with now, there's been a liberal agenda in the West for a while now. I'm sorry if you're too thick headed and brainwashed by your professors to see it.

>> No.10580242

>choose to debate only the dumbest of left wingers or an imaginary self-constructed left wing agenda because it's easy and they're dumb
>be called out on your lack of merit
>not his fault, he has to debate vicious left wingers that can't into debate, and resist yellow journalism from liberal agenda lobby provocateurs
typical Petersonite

>> No.10580271

The Plot against Saying the N word.

Seriously what is the liberal agenda when biology determinists like Pinker, and conservatives like Niall Ferguson have positions at Harvard? Why are thy not getting fired.

On the other hand you know who couldn't get jobs in academia and still can't? Marxists.

>> No.10580278

ironically only people who can't form an argument say this

>> No.10580287

Yes the problem is its the kind of functioning brain that might suit a Mike Cernovich

>> No.10580294

This is so spot on I'd have trouble seeing the spot in the first place.

>> No.10580304
File: 5 KB, 205x246, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have trouble understanding what he's saying
>but I'm sure its important

>> No.10580311

I think we're mostly butthurt because he's the absolute apotheosis of what most people on this board are, barely credible diletants and pseudointellectuals. Its like that abyss with the monsters in it in Neetch ;^)

>> No.10580341

dubs confirm

>> No.10580571


>t. butthurt tranny

>> No.10580615
File: 52 KB, 256x352, 1513597626929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to thing

>> No.10580619

stop responding to this one post

>> No.10580636

Nice inferiority complex
hows jpb's cock taste

>> No.10580637

What did I say that was dumb? This isn't even from Jung or Peterson.

>> No.10580640

I don't know because I'm not a Peterson fanboi

>> No.10580643

Why are you attributing zarathustra to peterson

>> No.10580654

It’s not a coincidence that god is the greatest good

>> No.10580688
File: 105 KB, 1420x946, 11-penn-jillette-grub-street-diet.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceeds to whinge and complain

>> No.10580704
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this. Watch any of his debates and he's so dishonest its incredible. Dude is a legit sociopathic opportunist.

>> No.10580709


Chuckled, GJ anon.

>> No.10580729

What is curiosity for 500 Alex

>> No.10580737

This. I even think that gender identity stuff is todays hysteria, but I have to say that Peterson is a complete hack.

>> No.10580761

This topic is just the leftist playbook.

>These intentionally vague laws aren't bad! Just allow the government to have this power!
>He's mean! He has been LINKED with alt-eight meanies!
>His credentials are awful!
>You havent correctly defined post modernism! Nevermind that he's attacking real people and leftist activists! And no, I won't define post modernism!
>Jung's theories were bullshit!y own critical theory bullshit should influence laws? What, you don't like those laws? But my theories are just harmless academia! Now pass those laws citizen!

>> No.10580905

>This topic is just the leftist playbook.
only if you're a politicized brainlet to whom everything comes down to left vs right. This is exactly the mode of thinking that Peterson and others like him narrow people into, people like you, anon. You probably read the first few posts and decided to reply with your drivel while there's a lot of compelling arguments for both sides in this thread, but why should you bother reading it all if it's more optimal to just write a snarky, misguided post and switch tab to youtube and watch your BASED Kermit repeat himself a thousandth time. Not a leftie myself btw.

>> No.10580921

>Not a leftie myself btw
of course, you're far too dogmatic and intelligent to separate things into left or right. You just sit in the middle and are above it all correct?

>> No.10580956

God you're so fucking dumb. Gas yourself

>> No.10580963

measured thought kills the polfag

>> No.10580966 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10581006

chapo go home

>> No.10581065

>said he's not a leftie
>he's on lit so likely not rightwing neither
>must be a fucking """"centrist""""... generic_politburo_attack.exe
Nice angry politiker rhetoric. With hard work you'll be able to overcome this nonsense and maybe even rewire some pathways so that they don't all lead to >marxsists everywhere, alt-right nazis, puny centristfags

>> No.10581117
File: 69 KB, 1193x254, Screen+Shot+2018-01-24+at+10.48.16+pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You browse a board with these people...
The funny thing is they're too scared to speak like retard babby on /lit/ but loosen up when the thread gets moved to /pol/

>> No.10581126
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>On the other hand you know who couldn't get jobs in academia and still can't? Marxists.
Not an anti-Marxist or a Petersonfag but come on now.

>> No.10581170

anon goes beastmode on peterson fans.
very good post, only point of contention is that in the real world you can barely ever "fix yourself" with "exactly one piece of advice" - to refer to peterson's profession, clinical psychology, barely anyone with serious problems can be genuinely "sorted out" with one session. psychatric therapy is a long period of slow development, trial and error, and so on. same for any sort of change or development like learning... one shouldn't be content with factoids and surface-level understanding, they will not get you very far.

that said, i agree with your condemnation of the whole patreon affair and the almost cult-like racket being run. i have no idea what peterson intends to do, or is doing with all that money. i'm not sure why he charges so exorbitantly either. clinical psychologists and psychiatrists who rely on paycheck from their work (and not donations) often charge according to a sliding scale so that poorer people can still get therapy.

>> No.10581322

I don't understand why people dislike his patreon. Why the fuck wouldn't you do the same if you were in his place? Plus people are mostly there for his FREE youtube video. Giving him money is entirely optional.

Also he shat quite a lot on the alt-right too, it's just that his arguments seems to reasonate better with them than the alt-left or whatever you want to call them because they share some common themes.

I do agree that petersonfag are annoying and are making too many threads about him but that doesn't mean he's a hack.

>> No.10581355

true, the patreon is probably the least egregious, if at all - except for the question of how he spends his money. it's his own business, of course, but given the amount he receives i wonder what stuff related to his audience's interests he's actually investing in.

the thing that irks me a bit is the high prices he charges for shitty personality tests and the self-authoring shit.

>> No.10581421

I think most people don't really care about that, they just do it because they want to. There's also the fact that doing the kind of stuff he do must take quite some time and might eat into his other paying activities.

Yeah the personality test is shit tho, he could do it for free. I noticed he come off like a cunt on twitter, but whatever. He isn't perfect but as long as he keep posting stuff that interest me, I'll keep watching it.

>> No.10581433

>refuse to use gender pronous
>get accused of hate speech, being a transphobe and abusing his students on live TV
>basically gets proven right

>> No.10581493


An umbrella term pertaining to the philosophy that came out of the Frankfurt School in the 40's, 50's and 60's, which kept the same basic societal structure Marx suggested.
However, the intermediate steps toward utopia were revised. Rather than the proltariat lighting torches and arming themselves with pitchforks to recapture the means of production with force, culture would be the means to slowly errode current western society as opposed to rapid physical revolution.

This is why Gramsci suggested infiltrations of all western institutions, schools, libraries, academia, police, military, government etc.
How to actually use culture then was to promote feminism, transgender rights, the abolishment of the nuclear family, christianity and religion all together, open borders etc.

>> No.10581506

It is cynical pandering at worst and voluntary self-cucking at best, even so just because it is voluntary doesn't suddenly make what they are doing any less stupid.

>> No.10581546
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>his is why Gramsci suggested infiltrations of all western institutions, schools, libraries, academia, police, military, government etc.
That was someone else who said and advocated that. What Gramsci did advocate was the creation of a counter-hegemony to those institutions, to create its own culture for the proletariat, not so they can then seize the means of production, but so they can actually consider it as a possibility.

>> No.10581560

>Dostoevskij BTFO

It really bothers me that he only made an argument for morality as a means to secure a better afterlife; obviously implying that the book and the ideas are at least in part centered around the belief of a God

>> No.10581582

lmao /lit/ is so fucking butthurt he's a best seller

stay poor

>> No.10581597

Gramsci said nothing of that, you retarded turbopleb.

>> No.10581640

good post anon

>> No.10581648


Prison Notebooks, you fucking thundercuck

>> No.10581759

Universities are literally bestowed to corporate interests and government funding (which is in the hand of Republicans) and you are scared of Gramsci and the Frankfurt School.

Ppl here are so stupid not to see that political correctness came to be because conservatives were firing anyone who spoke of economics and its influence on culture and politics.

So if you were an academic in the 70s and you talked of disruption of unions and the nascent lobbying industry in Washington you would have no career, but if you talked about movies being racist “sure go ahead” said the conservatives funding you.

Why do you think the CIAwas funding the Paris review and the new left review?

Why do you think the famous meeting at John Hopkins on structuralism where Derrida became famous was funded by the Ford foundation?

Why do you think that the super conservative yale was pushing deconstrucion through DeMan?

>> No.10581772

so is the guy who roasted Blumpf

>> No.10581779

good post.

why are you on here though, if you realize all that?

>> No.10581878

ironically only people who can't form an argument say this

>> No.10581890

Overwrought. Satire should be light and flow easily.
Edit it down to about half the length, don't repeat yourself constantly, and it might work.

>> No.10581898
File: 72 KB, 547x768, macaroni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Pseud" is the /lit/ equivalent of Holden Caulfield's "phony"

>> No.10581931


>> No.10582005 [DELETED] 


>> No.10582099

but Holden was a pseud and so was Salinger

>> No.10582106

I'm not projecting my rhetorical incapacities at you tho.

>> No.10582109

Way to get the inference.

>> No.10582116

Why does this character look like trotsky?

>> No.10582362
