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/lit/ - Literature

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10575494 No.10575494 [Reply] [Original]

Can good taste be acquired? Can you improve your comprehension of literature? I never went to art school, and although I read carefully and watch movies with sharp attention, I feel like I'm always missing stuff. In my own writing, sometimes I'm not sure what's good or bad.

What do?

>> No.10575500

It's normal, just read more.

>> No.10575502

Thank you Desu

>> No.10575533

When you read more, or study any art more for that matter, your taste develops. It is completely normal for your taste to be altered or sharpened over the years. Critiquing your own writing is hard, don't you worry.

>> No.10575551

Appreciate the response. If anything, I'm more worried about being too soft on my writing. In thinking that something is good, when it really isn't. I'd much rather the opposite. And sometimes I tell myself my writing is shit but I'm not exactly convinced that I'm being honest with myself; rather, I'm just saying it because I should. The reality being that I'm just unsure of how I feel.

>> No.10575558

I know the feeling. Maybe you could try posting the parts of your writing you feel insecure about, so people can give you feedback.

>> No.10575586

>Can good taste be acquired?
yes, by not caring about what others think

>> No.10575611

That doesn't ensure good taste. Plenty of people with shit taste don't care what other people think of them.

>> No.10575620

>implying that there is such a thing as good taste
just read whatever you find either valuable or enjoyable
Why force yourself to read through something you hate only because it makes people think you have good taste? It's not like you'd think about it enough to learn from it since you hate reading it. Sure, people say that Shakespeare is good and I'll check him out because of that. If I like it, good and if not then I won't read another book of his.

>> No.10575624

yeah bro art is like, subjective, dude.
*hits bong*
*reads pulpy fantasy book n.3818479"

>> No.10575630

thanks for letting us know your opinion on fantasy books, anon

>> No.10575631

You have to develop taste for things, it just takes time. Read widely and a lot, learn from the best and know why they are so esteemed, and brush up on your technical knowledge of grammar, literature, art, canonical works, and philosophy.

>> No.10575639

my pleasure

>> No.10575644

that is not really what I meant but okee, maybe you'll figure it out some day

>> No.10575649

yeah bro art is like, objective, dude.
*hits pipe*
*reads pulpy 'classic' that canon slaves jerk off to n.3818479"

>> No.10575679

I'm in the middle of my first edit, as soon as I'm done I'm posting it here. I want People to critique the shit out of something I love.

>> No.10575682
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>> No.10575688

>pulpy 'classic'
That's a contradiction in terms, brainlet

>> No.10575703

just when i thought he can't be a bigger pseud

>> No.10575717

Obligatory "How to Read a book" by adler suggestion. And yeah you'll probably get better taste the more you read.

>> No.10575725
File: 72 KB, 400x508, 1-Gaius-Petronius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10575728

Is it possible for one man to ride Harold Bloom's dick this hard???

>> No.10575739

dude, If i read tolkien ripoffs for the rest of my life it's fine because, let's be real here, honestly, Shakespeare? Ain't nobody got the time for that
*plays overwatch for the rest of day*

>> No.10575754

I'm sorry that your standards are so low

>> No.10575798

Cool, I'll check this out (assuming it's a serious suggestion)

>> No.10575804

I'm sorry that you think you can know about a persons standards by reading one comment they made anonymously

>> No.10575952

Yes, reading has left me jaded so that i no longer enjoy movies, tv, music, or even books i used to like.

Though i still enjoy reading classic literature (from the classic period, that is)

>> No.10575963

After spending time doing drugs with art students my taste in music improved dramatically.

>> No.10576426

Yes, It's litteraly the reason people told you 10090999990 times to START WITH THE FUCKING GREEKS.

>> No.10577041

Shit, maybe it's time to read the Greeks then...

>> No.10578827

You oppose the concept not for an intelligent reason but simply because you do not like the people associated with it. truly the worst and most despicable kind of bug.

>> No.10578914

You couldn't make your standards any clearer than you did in your first two posts

>> No.10578927

t. Someone who reads tons of Tolkien ripoffs.
Stop getting triggered by memes, retard.

>> No.10578932

Bugfaggot go wallow in the filth

>> No.10578939

I will start with the Greeks soon, I promise.
I already have some kind of mythology dictionary and a book about the culture. I'll get right on it in a month or so. Cheer up senpai.

>> No.10578943

Eat shit you peabrained mongoloid.

>> No.10579000

You're a subhuman product of the culture industry, your brain and imagination rotting away from memetic disease, all communication reduced down to the chittering of an insect. people like you would be executed if it weren't for the fact that you make such great examples of the absolute depravity that can be contained within the human mind. An example and lesson to all, all the better for the fact you can't even see the death toxins and virulent mutagens spilling out of you