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/lit/ - Literature

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10570059 No.10570059 [Reply] [Original]

tell me your passions and hobbies anon

>> No.10570065
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this isnt /soc/

>> No.10570077
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I like watching hockey and my home town team is doing really well this year.

>> No.10570189
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good taste

>> No.10570193



>> No.10570194

polynesian language and culture

>> No.10570196

In between researching for my dissertation and reading fiction, I enjoy watching and thinking about anime/manga

>> No.10570197


>> No.10570199

I like making experimental music. Its basically glorified pedal noodling but its still fun.

>> No.10570200

masturbating and shit-posting on the tubes

>> No.10570212

patrician taste

>> No.10570218

are you me? lol


>> No.10570234


>> No.10570252

hunting and fishing I guess. Don't remember the last time I did either though

>> No.10570262

watching sport, drinking and contemplating suicide

>> No.10570267
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I'm obsessed with midieval, renaissance, and early modern history, especially art and literature but also the politics and warfare of that time, weapons, armor, fortifications, the noble families and their heraldry, the great leaders and legendary warriors and explorers, I could go on for days about it if I was so inclined.
I plan on going to school for archaeology this year.

>> No.10570268


>> No.10570271

basically browsing /fa/ and trying to draw and failing

>> No.10570279

As well as working out

>> No.10570297
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super smash melee
mountain biking

>> No.10570302

Graphic design

>> No.10570319

I like running, music, learning about different kinds of stuff, meeting new people, travelling, occasionally playing theatre
>just ignoring a thread I don't like is impossible

>> No.10570322


>> No.10570326


>> No.10570332

i fantasize pretty often about getting into that sometime
what do you do?

>> No.10570338


>> No.10570361

Egyptology (I learned Middle Egyptian in high school)
Experimental Jazz
Abstract Mathematics

>> No.10570367

Marine biology

>> No.10570390
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I'm currently studying undergrad in the city but in vacations I mostly do stuff in a farm.
I have planted Coffea, a few citrics (oranges and lemons), bananas and sugarcane.
I want to do some pisciculture but I can't do it right now.

>> No.10570395
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Mostly drawing but a small amount of writing and coding.
Also animu/mango

>> No.10570398
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>> No.10570423

I put all time into my career. No need for bullshit hobbies.

>> No.10570430

what´s your career all about?

>> No.10570435

Can you recommend a good place to start about these subjects?

>> No.10570437
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Reading isn't my passion. My only passion right now is finding out what my passion is.

>> No.10570439

Do you enjoy a sad and meaningless life

>> No.10570449

Get out
Get out, too
>t. brainlet
Patrician, though slightly gay.
Go away Yost.

>> No.10570450

Hanging out in the part of the library where all of the rich pre-med ladies study and take one home to leech off of because I'm a starving poet and artist

>> No.10570451

Dunno, vidya? movies? music?
And studying the rest of the time
A day only has 24 hours sadly

>> No.10570453

Im a doctor.

You derive meaning from stamp collection and skateboarding? Perhaps a meaningless life isnt so bad after all.

>> No.10570462

philosophy (mostly theology)
drawing (pencil, ink, charcoal)
makin music

>> No.10570464

whose your main? hugs winning genesis!?

>> No.10570466

you've literally never done that.

>> No.10570467

Sounds like living the dream life.
I would like to grow some plant or something edible inside (since I'm usually in my student dorm where I obviously have no garden), happen to have a suggestion where to start?
>that cute pic
wtf I love nazis now

>> No.10570469

kek, can you give me some advice about how to get laid? i don´t know how to comunicate with women

>> No.10570470

>judging people in this kind of thread
extremely gay

>> No.10570471

>besides reading books
reading books about books

>> No.10570473

I paint, work out, go to talks and discussions and enjoy the company of whores.

>> No.10570475

I love Italo Calvino

>> No.10570479

I "literally" have and it's more common than you think
In college it's a lot more straightforward, especially today. You both want to fuck. It's just a matter of making them comfortable and showing them you are someone who they can at least trust for a night or two.

>> No.10570489


>> No.10570517 [DELETED] 

not real hobbies

>> No.10570522
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How are painting and drawing not real?

>> No.10570524
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>> No.10570528

>passion for something is not real because some random idiot on an ugandan painting board said so

>> No.10570530

t. doesn't do anything except posting on 4chan

>> No.10570546
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I paint, read and watch films in order to hide my insecurities behind pompous postering.

>> No.10570547 [DELETED] 

>being this mad you were singled out
You probably including some weak shit like fucking "doodling" on your list. Get real.

>> No.10570562
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I wasn't even in your list, just wanted to point out that you're an actual autist.

>> No.10570569

>look mom, I replied to everyone

>> No.10570570

Was a pretty low effort post and a majority of it is in response people saying trash like masturbating and anime. I think you're the autist for caring.

>> No.10570580

that's what makes you/him an autist though, most of those you/he replied to were obviously not meant to be real hobbies

>> No.10570585
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just basic things. math, games, explore, watching anime.

>> No.10570596
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>instead of ignoring his post so that nobody does this again, let's all reply to him so everyone can see how to get easy (you)s
You are silly sometimes, /lit/.

>> No.10570603

Lofi hip-hop vibing sessions, exercise, and laughing until my head tips under the desk at stupid videos (just any, anything at all. a.k.a I love wasting my time for my emotional benefit)

>> No.10570620

Good taste. London?

>> No.10570627

Playing sax, lifting, medicine, maths

>> No.10570636
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i like u

>> No.10570639
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Videogames, music, programming, women.

>> No.10570645

Writing Off-Broadway plays

Playing the trombone and keyboard in jazz band, playing harmonica

>> No.10570656

Cross country skiing, mushroom hunting, bird hunting, canoeing, and hiking

>> No.10570679
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hmm I guess the best place to start is to pick an important person or place or period you're most interested in and look for all the information you can find, as you read you'll see references to other people and places or events, you should then look for information about those subjects, which will lead to other things, and so on until you have a good base of knowledge about the era you were interested in. unironically wikipedia is a great tool for this as they will usually have a simplified history or timeline of events and info and when you see a name or place that you've never heard of you can click the link and read that subjects timeline, it's not perfect but it's a good place to start.
for books..
the 100 years war encyclopedia is an amazing source for midieval warfare and politics, but it's like $150 iirc
for early modern (or early 17th century) war and politics I'd recommend Europe's tragedy, a new history of the 30 years war, it doesn't cover everything but I think it's a good starting point for that period.
and there's tons of good literature from the high renaissance and 17th century, like Dante, Machiavelli, and Petrarch to name a few well known examples (also I'm currently reading Leviathan by Hobbes and I like it so far)
as for art I'd say just start by googling midieval or renaissance art and find an era or an artist you like and search from there
I'd like to say also that I am not an expert on any of these subjects, just someone who is very passionate about the period, and I'd recommend you ask others who are knowledgeable about the time for their recommendations as well.

>> No.10570699

Walking in nature

>> No.10570706

I wish I could play as well as this chink
I wish I had been taught piano from an early age https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6HeE14KSv_Ls2qALTbmKuw/videos

>> No.10570708
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I forgot to mention that if you're interested in heraldry there's a "wappenwiki" that has a huge database of heraldry and coats of arms, organized by regions and titles.

>> No.10570715

>I put all time into my career. No need for bullshit hobbies.
>post on 4chan

>> No.10570723

Surfing, skiing, listening to shoegaze, participating in my Christian community.

>> No.10570725

Monochromatic jigsaw puzzles, drinking Cola, spending time with my girlfriend.

>> No.10570736
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I like to whistle, smoke tobacco from corn cob pipes, and identify flavors in scotch with a glencairn.

>> No.10570792

sounds comfy, please tell me you live in a log cabin...

>> No.10570810

Strength training.
Nothing better than hitting heavy squats/deads/bench then showering and getting nice n' cozy with a book and a big mug of coffee and maybe takin' a nappy.

Playing drums.
Looking at pitchers of girls real vaginas and doing BIG CUMS to my penis.

>> No.10570825

Until just a few months ago on top of literature my main hobbies were: Computer Programming, Video Games and Cycling
In the past few months however I have lost all interest in everything I once enjoyed apart from literature, I have become a misanthrope and am extremely unhappy as a result.
Any books for this feel?

>> No.10570833
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Guns, cooking, crappy old jeeps and V8 motors.

>> No.10570852

Working through a computer science degree and probably going to do a phd. I've kept my grades super high but it's demanding and doesn't leave me a lot of free time, so I read books whenever I have an hour to burn. Also paint warhammer 40k very rarely and listen to a lot of music. Lately I've been getting into candles if someone can "get into" candles.

>> No.10570856

It's not exactly empathetic to your situation in particular by Hofstadter was always fun for me and recharged my curiosity in the world. Godel Escher and Bach is good but his essays in Metamagical Themas are good one off reads that can help you feel a little more excited to be in your own head.

>> No.10570867

Your passions are all more or less solitary pursuits. Being a misanthrope is lonely and feels bad a lot, but c'mon bro, are you SRSLY gonna fall to ur hands and knees and surrender to the pains of existence? Toughen up, ho. Let your despair give you strength.

>> No.10570881

Collect sell trade high end sports cards
Playing piano+guitar
Playing soccer
Drinking whiskey
Lose all my money in crypto
Biomed engineer by trade

>> No.10570885

I am a consumer of all amenities. A sojourner of all experiences, no one path lay under my tread, and I can never stay on one path for long. Fucking sucks, I never become a master of anything.

>> No.10570888

What sort of whisky do you like?

>> No.10570895

Let’s hear your hobbies anon.

>> No.10570903

I'm in debt and get some kind of sick pleasure from it.

>> No.10570928
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Watch film
Used to party and hang around the artsy scene but now I'm a recovering alcoholic and I pretty much just stay away from people

>> No.10570934

Hi dan

>> No.10570947

Firearms, military history, martial arts, outdoors.

>> No.10570956

Writing, learn languages which leads to reading books but that's fine, women

>> No.10570981

Every hobby I have in some way ties back to reading. I have an interest in birds of prey, but I can't exactly go out falconing, so I read about them. I feel very limited

>> No.10571010

how is the artsy scene?

>> No.10571113

You don't have to play piano at an early age to play like that.

>> No.10571149

Not him but it is quite hard to have time for learning piano when you have college and/or a job.

>> No.10571152
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Are you literally me?

>> No.10571162

playing violin
watching old films, specially Japanese cinema, (+) specially Japanese golden age/new wave
studying Japanese language and culture (I'm not a weeaboo)

not many things, but I enjoy them

>> No.10571175

dissertation info? Thinking of getting into higher research.

>> No.10571190
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I collect beetles, fossils, maps and I workout most every day and watch what I eat. Also I've basically cut all ties with the normie world so I just indulge my autism

>> No.10571222
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Post an origami of yours!
Pic related is one I made past year.

>> No.10571244

I'm 25 tell me how I can make it into the artsy scene where do I start? Downtown?

>> No.10571430

visual arts
opera and dance (only occasionally tho - I've seen like one ballet live, one recording, and three modern dance performances)

I'm the artistic type :^)

>> No.10572004

So you're the art dude at the campus

>> No.10572061

And I'm ashamed to say, video games

>> No.10572062

I have an interest in historical witchcraft and magic so most of my non-fiction is about that subject. I spend a good deal of time walking down to the YMCA to swim and spend a lot of free time at various festivals. Occasionally there's an opera or traditional musical performance.

>> No.10572377

Kurosawa is a hack

>> No.10572476

Watching sports and playing basketball.

Working out most nights.

Learning languages (couple more months of solid practice and grammar skills I will be ready to start reading French books).

Learning/studying psychology.

Dabbling in various artistic mediums; i'm really into art right now (viewing and learning, not actually painting), before it was cinema.


>> No.10572478

>Watching sports and playing basketball.
>Working out most nights.
>Learning languages (couple more months of solid practice and grammar skills I will be ready to start reading French books).
>Learning/studying psychology.
>Dabbling in various artistic mediums; i'm really into art right now (viewing and learning, not actually painting), before it was cinema.
not /lit/
There we go

>> No.10572490

I like to hike and ride my bicycle.
Also like classical music.
I watch anime and also spend a lot of time reading hentai manga

>> No.10572512
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>I watch anime and also spend a lot of time reading hentai manga

>> No.10572526

Any other unironic amateur boxers here? I'm pretty much done now, but was at it for a couple years

>> No.10572533

I like editing vocals. I did it for Blindlight and have done basically every game the past few years with the great success of never having my name in any of the credits. I'm considering editing audio books, but in all honesty that sounds far worse than editing shitty video game dialogue.

>> No.10572580
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>> No.10572588

I do ballroom dancing.

>> No.10572597
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Classical music

>> No.10572598
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I like writing stories and playing videogames. At the moment, it’s not enough to fill up a life. I just don’t know where to get started. I feel like I honestly have almost no interests whatsoever. Everything is default... I like it because I haven’t found a reason to dislike it, not because there’s something positive in it.

>> No.10572608

I like running and lifting but need to do both more.
I slap da bass
Im trying to get together a band.

>> No.10572611

Oh and i forgot to mention cycling.

>> No.10572620

I wanna get into boxing but don't have money for lessons ;_;
same w/ tennis.

>> No.10572631

I'm not passionate about anything. I read because I feel obligated. I play video games because it helps to pass the time. I watch television shows and movies because I feel like becoming a screenwriter is the only way I'll ever become a writer and avoid working a traditional job. It's a real chore.

Sleep is the only thing that makes me feel less shitty about my life but most nights I only get about five hours of sleep. Either I'm anxious and can't get to bed or my dogs start barking at shadows at 5 in the morning.

>> No.10572639

I study Mathematics & Art History in my spare time.

I enjoy cinema, cricket and wine.

>> No.10572640


>> No.10572655
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drinking wine, watching other people play videogames online and jerking off to shemales

>> No.10572666

I also enjoy walking for long distances. Occasionally visit museums/exhibitions. I try to write, but I give up too easily. I have a dream journal and enjoy writing down my dreams a lot, because I like the surrealism they offer.

>> No.10572669
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Ah, I see you're also a man of culture

>> No.10572705

Gardening, drawing, video games (card games, strategy, puzzle, the occasional RPG). Would like to get into piano.

I was wondering about this, because clown school was a lot of fun, they use a stage, not sure how different theater is from clown school.

>> No.10572707

Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics, Laminations, and Teichmuller Flow is a book I'm reading. Differential geometry, especially when you start dealing with manifolds is absolutely amazing. Sadly I a bunch of Mochizuki on the backlog though.

Wish I could deal with this type of stuff more at work.

>> No.10572715
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damn i thought id be the only one
go rags

>> No.10572723


Running (used to be competitive, now I just jog for fitness)
Shooting, inherited a 1911 and a colt woodsman
Films. Especially 40s-50s American films but others too. I've gotten a little bored with them the past couple months though. Haven't watched anything in a while. I have watched every movie Ingrid Bergman has been in (something like 50+). I used to obsess over her.

I'm considering picking up a combat sport because I'm not doing any intense exercise anymore. Right now I'm intrigued by Judo, Muay Thai, and Boxing. I'd like to be able to fight but also want to avoid the long term brain damage.

>> No.10572726
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me too. i just wish i could find someone who even has a middling interest to play against

>> No.10572727

Who are your favorite directors/actors?

>> No.10572742

What’s to be done with people like us...

>> No.10573056
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You know Trashville is going to collapse with >Finnish goaltending
But then again I follow the San Jose oldfolks home so who am I to talk.

>> No.10573122

mostly sleep (14hours per day)
worrying about not passing school
being mad at myself for not reading as much as i'd like to
being mad at myself for not playing on a piano i bought last week for 1300€
lying in bed watching youtube shit because it's the only thing i can do really when i have no energy but half a day left until i can go to sleep
playing video games in case i get out of bed, mostly just run into a wall or get myself killed in another way because i realize i dont care
contemplating buying nembutal
texting friends who want me to go out with them that i'm busy
browsing reddit/chan even though ive already read every thread on the boards/subs i visit
go to the kitchen because I haven't eaten in a day but too lazy to cook anything

>> No.10573154
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>> No.10573219
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Classical guitar and anime.

>> No.10573252

sports betting

>> No.10573260

Where do u live anon

>> No.10573267

Having a imaginary girlfriend
Cars and mechanics
Going /out/
Shitty music

>> No.10573277

>being mad at myself for not playing on a piano i bought last week for 1300€
Im also mad at you anon. Wake the fuck up and start hitting them notes or...

>> No.10573328

learn brazilian jiu jitsu

>> No.10573403

>programming for esoteric systems
>systems electronics
>learning languages
>asian history

And to a lesser extent, film, anime and videogames. Although I can't remember the last time I sat down and did either of those for more than 20 minutes before stopping and doing something else.
Pic related

>> No.10573414

Nothing. Even reading is painful. I really need to die.

>> No.10573441

Anime & Manga

>> No.10573677

Latin, Greek, Running, lifting, Football (soccer)

>> No.10573704

Sports, international politics, history, video making/editing

>> No.10573773

currently spending the remainder of a size-able inheritance $2.5 mil US to prove that Portugal was founded as a proto-imperialist Kingdom of Conscience by the Knights Templar.

>> No.10573786

that's interesting, how are you going to prove it?

>> No.10573805

I collect skulls, and I'm obsessed with fish. I've got fish tin toys, fish bags, fish novelty pillows. I also collect rocks, and hotwheels americana cars from 50-70, since I'll never be able to drive. I own two human bones and music boxes make me really sad.

>> No.10573809

>tfw there's a court in my small town where people can play for free
>no friends to play with

>> No.10573811

Why can't you drive anon?

>> No.10573814

Shooting and hooning about. Math, I guess

>> No.10573834

I've got a tick in my eye that's psychosomatic. When I'm stressed, or when it's bright out, my eyes flicker and roll into my head. I can only mitigate it, but on bad days I end up effectively blind.

>> No.10573851

total pleb

>> No.10573857

this nigga gets it

>> No.10573863

tfw 26 yo M1 med student at DO school

>> No.10573867

Damn, sucks to hear, hope you enjoy your hobbies, if its any consolation driving kinda sucks, sitting in the fecal position for hours on end stressing about going down the high way at 70 miles an hour with ten tonne killing machines racing by.

>> No.10573892

I like to play golf. I've played since I was a young lad. My hometown's country club is one of my most favorite places in the entire world. I look forward to teaching my kids how to play when they come of age. Most beautiful game ever invented.

>> No.10573941

>early Bergman
>van Sant
>Bela Tarr
>von Trier
>Claire Denis

>> No.10573980

where's Griffith?

>> No.10573998

thanks. still sad I'll never be able to go on a solitary road trip in my 69 mustang (white/wine red decal/interior) through the american midwest.
But, on the positive side, I've got friends I can go on roadtrips with.

>> No.10574016

Hahaha that's good, my favorite part about roadtrips is when I don't have to drive. You can take in all the scenery while somebody else does the work. Have fun on your roadtrips, the Midwest is nice, I'm sure you'll like it.

>> No.10574040

>reading books (obviously) and attempting to write my own
>playing retro vidya
>going on hikes
>writing music, learning songs
>wasting hours at a time on the internet

>> No.10574060

>Making music
>Listening to music
>Working Out
>Getting drunk as fuck to drown my depression
>Tending to my cat

>> No.10574157

Eating pussy, heh

>> No.10574249

> mahjong online
> try to mix myself drinks failing miserably
> watch anime (specifically majokko and mecha)
> read hipster manga
> watch hipster movies or shitty horrors
>listen to music

>> No.10574308

I wouldn't consider this a hobby, but I've been keeping an extremely niche community alive for the past year.

I've thought that a decade-long bonding between those people doesn't deserve to die a slow death that would lead many to a grinding, alienating isolation.

And I'm failing at it. I've come to realize those people are children that cling to that community's idealized past. They tear at each other while refusing to grow and participate in this community with the maturity that will only keep it alive.

Letting it go is the only solution now. But then I will have to recenter myself on rebuilding who I am without this niche. And I barely think I am ready for it.

>> No.10574311

Working out and this.

>> No.10574324

My motherfuckin nigga. Have you seen Loveless yet? At the risk of bragging, I met him once and he is incredibly humble and witty.

>> No.10574326

You really think you're the only one holding this board together?

>> No.10574330


Not this board. I think /lit/ is a pretty self-sustained community. It doesn't need the active work of anyone.

>> No.10574333

I like going to museums and searching through paintings online. I try to like music, but I'm finding less to my taste than ever before.
I love cinema and writing about cinema.

>> No.10574391

what do you all your fishers fish for? trout? squid? river? ocean? dinner? prizes?
>tfw have been actively effort posting here for years as a back up plan to >>10574308
i should probably write articles and get paid but think of the children

>> No.10574698

>specifically majokko and mecha
List me your top 5 mecha

>> No.10575182

It's on my list!

Who are your favorite directors, Anon?

>> No.10575389

>not a single korean director

>> No.10575413

metal detecting
lifting weights

>> No.10575430
File: 16 KB, 265x434, weininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop having more than one hobby

>> No.10575588
File: 124 KB, 925x737, WomenRedpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Competitive gaming
Partying(My favourite but I don't it often because I have no friends where I currently live)

>> No.10575614

Film, cooking, shooting/hunting, camping, piano. I want to get into gardening, maybe with a grid system or something

>> No.10575640
File: 322 KB, 2048x1376, zooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ + programming and drawing.
>tfw reading is the only hobby I never have time for

>> No.10575663

Grand Strategy

>> No.10575680
File: 822 KB, 2048x1536, 38588835386_8b316e967a_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other /o/tist's here?

>> No.10575691

Thanks, I went to Denmark last summer and was trying to figure out the symbolism behind the Egeskov-våbenskjold but don't know where to start

>> No.10575759

That man is definitly not human

>> No.10575811

Music, politics, history, and sports.
In that order.

>> No.10576956

what makes that a good martial art?

and to the anons that said they do math as a hobby, why, and how did you get into it?

>> No.10577015

Sons of Kojima?

>> No.10577106

Playing saxophone
Cultivating my half acre

>> No.10577613 [DELETED] 

Hobbies: Cross Country Skiing, Counterstrike with the lads,
Passions: Trying to achieve a scientific understanding of my subjective experience.

>> No.10577618 [DELETED] 

2nd passion is playing geetar & drums

>> No.10577636

Hobbies: Cross Country Skiing, Counterstrike with the lads,
Passions: Trying to achieve a scientific understanding of my subjective experience, also geetar and drums

>> No.10577670

Writing essays
Playing the recorder
Being on the lookout for interesting subjects
A slight amount of Japanese animation and video games

>> No.10577820

I enjoy shitposting and pretending to read books.

>> No.10577836

you have become jaded and toxic anon