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10562592 No.10562592 [Reply] [Original]

Cormac McCarthy on going through life without working:

>I always knew that I didn't want to work. You have to be dedicated but it was my number one priority. Life is brief and to have to spend every day of it doing what somebody else wants you to do is not the way to live it. I don't have any advice for anybody on how to go about that except that if you're really dedicated you can probably do it.

How does one do this? He says it was his number one priority but his books didn't sell much and he turned down offers for speaking engagements. How did he get by and how would a prospective neet do so?

>> No.10562607

Should have invested in Bitcoin

>> No.10562615

what an entitled little shit

>> No.10562616

>tfw climate researcher who's been into weather since 8th grade
I get paid to do the same shit I'd be doing for free.

>> No.10562620

How so?

>> No.10562630

He lived in poverty. At one point he lived in 'shack with no heat and running water in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains outside of Knoxville'. If you're actually talented and not a pussy you could do it.

>> No.10562638

I don't know man. He lost a few wives because of it. I agree with him but I can't imagine saying something like expecting my wife to do what he expected but, hey, I'm a young nobody.

>> No.10562639

>Anything that doesn't take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth doing.

>> No.10562643
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>it takes talent to live in poverty

>> No.10562649

I'm honestly thinking of starting stand-up comedy.

I figure after a couple years I'll be good enough to make money.

I don't want to be a bigtime comic or anything, just enough to get by in a batchelor apartment on the outskirts of a big city.

I think my goal is attainable. Telling jokes for a living is far superior to working in a fucking post office Bukowski style.

>> No.10562652

How'd he feed and clothe himself while doing that?

>> No.10562681

Comedy is dead, though.

>> No.10562693

I'm being sarcastic because that's what boomers would say about a millenial with this attitude. But being an autist, my theory of mind is in the toilet

>> No.10562710

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10562711

pimped his wife?

>> No.10562721

I will revive it.

>> No.10562742

>How does one do this
Didn't he spent a good amount of time in the Sonora desert writing BM?

>> No.10562760

I don't know. Where does one find biographical information on him? Have there been biographies of him written already? I assumed since he is so provate that this stuff wouldn't come out until he is dead.

>> No.10562821

Would Tolstoy approve of this?

>> No.10562833

Good to know supermerican author would approve of the NEETscholar lifestyle

>> No.10562878

damn i knew something really resonated with me about this guy... too bad he's a highly respected author and i'm an alcoholic NEET
i'm gonna do it though okay???? i'm not gonna work just like daddy cormac OKAY????

>> No.10562897

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.10562907

I don't like working either I'm just doing it so I can quit at some point and do what I want and have enough money to do it

>> No.10562910

"Working is commendable, but work is contemptible."

>> No.10563035

Would BM ever be adapted and would you want to see if it were as faithful to the book as possible?
>another 10 minute scene of...wild flowers
>Another scene of nothing but a group of very dirty men riding horses through another desert
>3 minutes of violence which makes the opening of Saving Private Ryan look tame
I would literally masturbate in the theater during those storm scenes though

>> No.10563051
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I admire his endurance but I'd never be able to do that. He lived in abject poverty for a good thirty years and lost a couple wives before he was finally able to live off his writing. The way the protagonists in "Child of God" and "Suttree" live is not that far off from what he did on a day-to-day basis.

>> No.10563068

Are those fucking teeth?

>> No.10563069

>The way the protagonists in "Child of God" and "Suttree" live is not that far off from what he did on a day-to-day basis.
So when you say he "lost" a few wives?

>> No.10563087

yeah, my teeth. on my copy of tristram shandy.

>> No.10563088
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A proper translation from text to screen isn't possible. If a BM movie ever were made, they would have to change so much of the content and story to make it marketable. The book's story is way too abstract, violent, and horrific for most film-going audiences. However, once they start softening it, the movie would stop being a BM adaptation. Another problem is finding the right actor to play the judge.

The only director I would trust to do it right (especially in regards to the visuals) is Stanley Kubrick and maybe Nicholas Winding Refn. Unfortunately, the former is dead and while I love the latter, it would be an enormously ambitious undertaking even for him.

>> No.10563093

I don't mean it that literally, dingus. Lester Ballard and Cornelius Suttree just lived very remote, meager existences on the fringes of society. They didn't have much to their names except the rags on their backs and were constantly alone with their thoughts. I suspect the reason the portrayal of their lives is so vivid is because McCarthy was writing from experience (to a degree).

>> No.10563097


>> No.10563099

I think he means it takes talent to be a starving artist and get something out of it than some stories about how miserably you lived before you got a job.
It may blow your urban NEEt mind, but basic wilderness survival is a thing. If he was writing at the time (I don't know anything about his life), that probably got him a few small luxuries.

>> No.10563105

BM could be made into a movie it would just be a financial disaster as I alluded to because you'd need to have a lot of scenes where "nothing" happens and it's just the gang riding through various landscapes.

It would require a good budget and a lot of time and effort and the fact that its audience would be limited.

>> No.10563109

you guys need to relax. i know what he meant. i merely twisted it in such a way to serve my own purpose. see, i derive humour from intentional misinterpretation, and while it typically ends up either annoying others, or makes them attempt to clarify (which i am very patient with) I still find the occasional appreciative chortle from within and yet more occasional still, from without. I mean no harm or offense, and I do hope that you both enjoy a pleasant evening with healthy, happy, and safe loved ones. Truly.

>> No.10563127


>> No.10563131

James Franco was gonna adapt it awhioe back but never did. I actually think he'd be up to the task based on his Faulkner adaptations.

>> No.10563134

Because I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out and figured it would be a neat picture to take and post on /lit/ over a year prior to our current conversation. I post it rarely. I feel it is quite the provocative and curious image.

>> No.10563137

People on this board are the most humorless I've ever encountered. They'll respond 'lmao' to the most broad, scatalogical bullshit but anything more subtle than that and they'll get upset or, even more often, not even realize there is a joke.

>> No.10563143

I suppose it takes people like you or I to slowly infiltrate their precious almond
joys with our insidiously subtle humours, considering there are four of them, we shall have plenty to go around shan't we?

>> No.10563151

Sorry but you're not funny. just saying

>> No.10563155

Well, that's quite all right of you to think so. I appreciate your observations, and will appreciate them in the future. Please don't hesitate to share!

>> No.10563157

>James Franco was gonna adapt it awhioe back but never did. I actually think he'd be up to the task based on his Faulkner adaptations.
Good God no.
I saw some pre production thing he did of it and it looked fucking horrible.

>> No.10563162

I said it before - I'll say it again.
Animated Blood Meridian.

>> No.10563165

it would work if they got the guy who did the hobbit animation.

>> No.10563172

That fucking guy needs to be done away with. I've seen too often how he wants to make books that shouldn't be movies into movies.

The pretentious sloth mouthed cunt

>> No.10563174

Nice if he finished Passenger already, with all that free time he's got?

>> No.10563180

I was thinking of art house kind of shit, with swathes of colors and distorted figures and landscaped. It'd be more easy to attain the surreal nature of the work and you wouldn't have to worry about finding a 7 foot tall bald competent actor to play the Judge.

>> No.10563191

If u put woman before ur work ur porbably not going to make it. Path to glory is not paved in bougie domesticity funded by bougie sinecures. People who get $$$ jobs give up on their dreams unless the job was the dream

>> No.10563192

Blood Meridian, by James Franco

Daniel Day Lewis as Glanton
James Franco as The Kid
Woody Harrelson as The Judge

Lol I would put 50 bucks on this

>> No.10563211

No, it'd be absolute shit.

>> No.10563239

I always thought a Gravity's Rainbow movie would have to be animated like Looney Tunes.

>> No.10563241

Exactly, this is literally what would happen though. You'd have to listen to Woody fake slur through his horribly fake southern accent about things in creation existing without his consent while making smug faces

>> No.10563277
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>its a hobby i dont have to report my books as income

>> No.10563283

Calling someone who wasn't trying to be funny 'not funny'.

Weak. Looks like you got your feelings hurt and couldn't muster even a mediocre rebuttal.

>> No.10563290


>> No.10563306

Its not too late.

Put a 1000$ into coinmetro ICO
Its priced in at 11 cents EUR and has prospects of reaching up to 15$ or more

You wont make it but thats 130K with little work

>> No.10563307

still not funny dude

>> No.10563322

This is God-tier bait. Top kek. You got him, anon.

That's what I'd say if I was one of you easily impressed, humorless retards.

>> No.10563350

The Proposition and The Rover exist.

>> No.10563407

>getting this mad cause you're not funny

>> No.10563437

Reading No Country for Old Men, don't know if retarded or just plebe, but what is the central idea?! I get the corruption of money, the impossible force of broad social change, there's some loveydovey shit with the sheriff and carla jean, that emotion transcending petty material, but what is Chigurh??!?

>> No.10563439

>Trying to understand McCarthy without first understand the Greeks

>> No.10563446

Shove your meme up your ass.

>> No.10563457

Consider nobody laughing cause you are not funny?

>> No.10563460

Stay in the dark then. I could be the Christ for all you know.

>> No.10563462

You're my fucking ass.

>> No.10563466

Little bitch. Faggot. Drop your address if you're squared up, motherfucker.

>> No.10563468

You're speaking to Culla

>> No.10563475

>You're fucking my ass

Dam Son. You truly need some Aurelius and asap.

>> No.10563477

Shut up you fucking retard, bitch. I'll seriously kill you. I mean it.

>> No.10563487

You may be the retard bitch that I'm fucking but there is seriously no need for such vitriol on a book forum. You clearly haven't read Aristotle if you're in this basic pitfall. I'm trying to help you out of it but you're letting a wounded pride hobble your education.

>> No.10563490

Give me your fucking address. I'm gonna put a bullet between your eyes.

>> No.10563495

You can kill me, but you cannot kill ideas - ideas such as those expressed in Plato's Republic. Your ignorance only harms you, causing you to do such foolish things as asking a citizen of the world for his "address".

>> No.10563501

The republic is baby brained bullshit.

>Dude is it, like, better to be good or just appear good? This totally isn't a conversation that 12 year olds could have.

>> No.10563517

Its accessibility only speaks volumes for its power and modern relevance. The only shame here is your apparent inability to attain an understanding of a book beyond that of a 12 year old... Examine that.

>> No.10563519

Socrates was a fag. Deal with it.

>> No.10563533

I've already "dealt with it". It is you who must walk through the fire next.

*flicks cigarette at your abdomen*

Though... You can't even comprehend mccarthy...

*smirks under brim of hat*

>> No.10563715

>basic wilderness survival
impossible to do in the UK

>> No.10563722

>CMC thread without several mentions each of corncob, hack and tortilla
Is it because Americans are still sleeping?

>> No.10563786
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Lads, please, is there any news on The Passenger? I'm dying, boys.

>> No.10563882

I share many laughs with people in my life over many things I say. I do not worry so much over who finds me a funny person or otherwise. I just felt it necessary to explain to someone my process. I am sorry you didn't enjoy it. I hope that you and I can move on from this.
I do note that there was a small fight over the subject, but I know it means very little, observing people acting through those moments in their loves is in some ways therapeutic. I hope that I haven't scarred you in any way with my humorous quotes about poverty. I know they are at times controversial.

>> No.10563907

I disagree completely but you good luck with your senior year.

>> No.10563914

Last i heard he said his next book had a woman main character and it was long. Never mentioned the passenger as the title though.

>> No.10563916
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He's speaking from another time, alas, in our own timeline we face the peak of working hours across all of human history. Of course this is only valid if you account for smartphone interactions with the workplace as work, as well as overtime (paid and unpaid) and the fact that you are basically plugged 24/7 to what you're doing in most above-minimum wage jobs. But would we not consider all of this anyway? We physically are much better off than factory workers during the first industrial revolutions yet we still have our own special samsara of anxiety and existential dread looming above our solitary heads. And this is on top of having wealth inequality actually bigger than before, even though we are made to think we have more luxuries due to wealth increase all across the board (a little for mostly everyone, a huge chunk for a dozen people).

If you want to not work at all, you're going to face hardships worse than if you lived in the wilderness (being a beggar is definitely lower than being a hermit on the shit list of survival), and there is less and less proper wilderness to be lived in out there. You might as well accidentally stumble upon someone's untouched but bought-for land and properly imprisoned.

Being dedicated has little to do with not working today, because any and all dedication is valuable enough to capital that it will streamline you into the kind of work McCarthy is talking about. That's why he turned off lots of proposals related to writing himself, that would mean he accepted co-optation of his pleasure into becoming regular packaged, hard worked products. Being mediocre was his own way of keeping away from doing what other people want. Alas, being mediocre is the only option for most of us nowadays and it we will still be gnawed at from that.

>> No.10564003

Produced by Seth Macfarlane

>> No.10564174

Lol ok you got me

>> No.10564557

Can somebody just answer this question?


>> No.10564575

Fuck yeah

>> No.10564581
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>> No.10564597

Kafka’s existence is a counterargument.

>> No.10564642

Llewelyn and the sheriff are American archetypes. The sheriff's the John Wayne hero of old, but he's lasted into the modern day. He's aged, disillusioned, and worst of all, frightened and impotent. Llewelyn is something newer, the gunslinging hero out for himself and his family rather than some roving protector of innocence like Ed-Tom. He's a. Vietnam veteran, resourceful, and has someone and something to fight for

However, these archetypes are set against both time and reality, and both are defeated. Chigurh is the brutality of modern crime and antagonism. He isn't there to oppose the hero, he isn't there to enforce an agenda, he's there because he wants to be there, and he's there because violence is indiscriminate. There's a moral truth to its senseless application that obliterates old hope. He's also the foreigner, the stranger- something not part of what he is destroying. It plays on old nationalism in part, but it also just sets him up further as something distant and alien.

>> No.10565063

so are post offices

>> No.10565211


>> No.10565361

You know that Woody is from the south right?

>> No.10565441

Anything west of the mississippi is not the South

>> No.10565457

Nice "no true scotsman" fallacy.

>> No.10565484

I don't blame him. I'm a datacuck and it sucks. I'm only 22 though so hopefully I'll find something less depressing in the near future.

>> No.10565502

Save your money and buy some land.

>> No.10565509

Kafka barely worked. You should have said Wallace Stevens or something.

>> No.10565532

That's not what this is. There is a clearly demarcated boundary of both geographic and cultural division.

Tell me about Murphy's Law and Occam's Razor next, you redditor fuck.

>> No.10565551
File: 21 KB, 620x447, dfwscared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image search
>it links to this post

>> No.10565557

I told you, it's my teeth, man. I can grab them riht now. What's a fairly common book you like?

>> No.10565567

Kid met Judge in Texas(tho we do not know if Judge is originaly from Texas), Woody is from Texas so if we assume that Judge is from Texas too I do not see how their accents would differ.

>> No.10565574
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too late, I chose for you.

>> No.10565589

>James Franco
Ehm isn't The Kid supposed to be 14

>> No.10565601

Thanks, just finished the book. Is it postmodern when Ed-Tom is revealed to have abandoned his comrades? The old archetype is showed to be flawed. Also found the portrayal of women interesting. The young girl going to Cali getting shot dead has obvious implications with regard to those aspiring to leave behind their old life and start anew.

>> No.10565607

Put them on Jurassic Park if its got the cover with the silhouetted dino teeth.

>> No.10565628
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>Woody Harrelson as The Judge
a challenger appears

>> No.10565638

>scribbles alimony payments into notebook

>> No.10565674

You don't unless you want to live off of a piece of land for the rest of your life, or you get govt bux. I would recommend working part time if you really are uninterested in having a job.

>> No.10565682

please stop mang
good choice tho

>> No.10565714

dang, i don't have any crichton books.

>> No.10565735

What about Mein Kampf, would be really memey

>> No.10565762

RIP Cormac McCarthy

1933 - 2018

For you guys from the future wondering how I knew, it was just a lucky guess

>> No.10565768


I saved your picture. I hope you're OK with that.

>> No.10565812

absolutely! i'm glad you liked it enough to save it. it's basically my feelings about reading tristram shandy. pulling teeth. it's just such a damn whimsical and structureless book that fucks with me. i still haven't gotten past 30 pages.

>> No.10565817

It's good to know there are people who actually give a shit about these kinds of things

>> No.10565831

You're a fag

>> No.10566148

Not him but so are you.

>> No.10566174

>pre production
They're often pretty terrible. Just a proof of concept kinda thing, so it's not necessarily an indicator of how good the film would be. Still, a tough adaptation...

>> No.10566248


>> No.10566329

Still waiting on your address, fag.

>> No.10566333

i sold that for drugs, actually. not meth, but stimulants. any other ideas?

>> No.10566449

iirc he basically lived off his wife during his shack days

>> No.10567272
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>Chigurh is the brutality of modern crime
I admit I've only watched the movie but didn't Ed-Tom suppress the fact that it's always been violent?

Also regarding BM being a movie. How could you ever put something like this onto a screen?

>“That night Glanton stared long into the embers of the fire. All about him his men were sleeping but much was changed. So many gone, defected or dead. The Delawares all slain. He watched the fire and if he saw portents there it was much the same to him. He would live to look upon the western sea and he was equal to whatever might follow for he was complete at every hour. Whether his history should run concomitant with men and nations, whether it should cease. He’d long forsworn all weighing of consequence and allowing as he did that men’s destinies are given yet he usurped to contain within him all that he would ever be in the world and all that the world would be to him and be his charter written in the urstone itself he claimed agency and said so and he’d drive the remorseless sun on to its final endarkenment as if he’d ordered it all ages since, before there were paths anywhere, before there were men or suns to go upon them. Across”

>> No.10567368

Where's David Brown?

>> No.10568792

>Investing in a bubble

>> No.10568812

or you could just ride the fellowship train till tenure

you know, if you're actually talented

>> No.10568849

>misses the fact that he basically worked part-time or at least decent hours and remarked that the part of his life spent not working was the best of his life

>> No.10569327

And I'm still waiting on you to finish the Greeks. You're not supposed to talk to grown-ups until you do.

>> No.10569340
