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10558751 No.10558751 [Reply] [Original]

>"Oh, you like philosophy, anon?"
>"What's the meaning of life?"

>> No.10558762

Fulfilling your contract with God

>> No.10558768

shut up you dumb reddit poser piece of crap

>> No.10558829

Contract? As in the contract of Christ purchasing you out of the world and into the kingdom of heaven?

>> No.10558852



The meaning of life is to return to God and this has been known for centuries. Man even knows it himself intuitively but his ego has denied it from him.

>> No.10558866

Virgin existentialist answer: Make your own.
Chad Hegelian answer: In a different historical context you wouldn't be asking this question.

>> No.10558878


>> No.10558882
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>> No.10559320

>>"Oh, you like philosophy, anon?"
Not really.
>>"What's the meaning of life?"
To live.

>> No.10559385

Define meaning.

>> No.10559590

Define life

>> No.10559598
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There is none

>> No.10559601

nah, philosophy is an outdated field of knowledge

>> No.10560946

Can you elaborate on Hegel? I am a brainlet

>> No.10560956



>> No.10560960


How so? You science can tell you everything that happens if you ignite your grandmother own fire. But wether or not you should do it is left to philosophy.

>> No.10560962


>> No.10560974

Philosophy can't give you any "shoulds" either. It can only tell you that it cannot do so.

>> No.10560983

to live meaningfully

>> No.10561048

Where did normoids get this idea from that the meaning of life is the most important question philosophy can posit?

>> No.10561064

It is kind of an important question.

>> No.10561089

what would you present are some of the most important questions that can be asked?
isn't the question of what is the most "important" question arbitrary and without out meaning as it depends on the cirumstances.

>> No.10561146

But what is God? And how do you return to him, her, it?

>> No.10561158

Has any philosopher given an interesting answer to this?

>> No.10561170

Why do people say 'meaning of life' when they obviously mean 'purpose of life'?

>> No.10561171

The ones that point out that it's a retarded question.

>> No.10561209

The greeks

>> No.10561210

Did you just say man is not his own ego? LOL Christians are retarded.

>> No.10561215


The purpose of the universe is to entertain God. If you're not entertaining God, you have no purpose. Except to take care of those who DO entertain God. God likes soap operas.

>> No.10561233

He obviously means ego in the literary sense (ie self pride) not the philosophical one moron

>> No.10561238

"Keep calm but care"
--Tommy P

>> No.10561241

But not the main one. The most important question would be what is “to be” (not as a human but as an entity), or why things “exist” . The meaning of life comes after.

>> No.10561248
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The purpose is to examine

>> No.10561260

And what did they say? Gods, values, art, politics, war, etc.? Basically what the different characters in Plato's works say?

>> No.10561274

Is this really an important question? Or just for those who don't get that the question of existence is only interesting to those still-out-of-existence (-and-therefore-probably-not-at-all-interested)?

>> No.10561275

>this has been known for centuries
so faith is a meme?

>> No.10561290

He doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. The greeks were all over the place about this. Some Greeks were polytheists, some were monotheists.

For instance, a lot of Greek neoplatonists considered themselves monotheists, and for many of Proclus' theological proofs you can see this.

Many idiots on /lit/ aren't going to be able to understand this, but monotheism is the logically most consistent definition of God, which is why you saw some Greeks going over to monotheism. Much like Israel and the surrounding cultures.

>> No.10561382

how is this at all related to my post

Just look at the different greek schools of thought, all answer the question of what normies call "the meaning of life"
Stoics, cynics, even the hedonists to an extent

>> No.10561384


>> No.10561412

what in fuck are you on about
Philosophy is the direct territory of "should"s, up until it was polluted by Jungian psychoanalysis garbage

>> No.10561420
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Yeah, right.

>> No.10561436

You mean by Socrates

>> No.10561440

That's an interesting possibility. Or would it be the tendency towards the King of Gods/Father who initiated this? Or were the Greeks like the Romans in having districts of the cities which were essentially run by cults? I suppose it could be a combination of each as well.

>> No.10561467

>"Oh, you like philosophy, anon?"
>"What's, like, your philosophy?"

>> No.10561477

It's like... You know when you really want something but you can't get it? You know when you feel small in the big world? I too know this feeling so very very well. I've been tortured by it ever since I crawled out of my mother's womb. It is important and it is sacred to know life. Cherish, love, laugh. That's the meaning of life anon. Also smoke weed. - Bob Marley on the meaning of life from Guantanamo Bay circa 1989

>> No.10561522
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>you SHOULD listen to our intellectual masturbation about what you SHOULD do because we say you SHOULD
The absolute state of brain/lit/s

>> No.10561550

>being too stupid to digest philosophical arguments and form your own ideas
>thinking that everyone else shares in your stupidity

>> No.10561693

Aswell as lots of dancing, with games of hide and seek aswell for when he gets bored

>> No.10563554

depends on the approach which depends on the context

biologically to live or to pass on your genes

living a meaningfull life according to a ideological/religious/existential frame

>> No.10563558

Wittgenstein pointed out that its a confused question

Heidegger answered, to care

Both are good depending on your audience and what you hope for them

>> No.10563621
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>own ideas
Please, it's too much.

>> No.10563641
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To consume.

>> No.10563656


>still being a Humean 214 years after Kant
>Probably also thinks the queerness argument is any good


>> No.10563660


What's the point of that picture?

>> No.10563678

firemen wear extremely heavy equipment and are expected to be able to run and axe down doors while carrying people out of burning buildings etc
that the fatty is a whiner

>> No.10563684

It's not like she's wrong. What that fire fighter is doing look really really hard.

>> No.10563704

That's dumb as shit. Firefighters obviously doesn't do all that every time they move, and they will obviously find it hard.

>> No.10563713

that's wonderful and all until you realize she's saying that as an argument against having to walk

>> No.10563718

Yes, but the image frames that as a legitimate argument. Assuming that, for her, walking is anything like as hard as strapping on a ton of gear and fighting a fire, then obviously walking is hard.

Sometimes I wonder whether people who put together images online aren't necessarily the smartest people in the world.

>> No.10563724

what meaning of life?
the meaning of life to an individual animal?
to a single human?
to humanity?
to the entire biotic kingdom?

>> No.10563725

>Yes, but the image frames that as a legitimate argument.
>other people can are able and willing to do this at far greater extremes and for the benefit of others
>this justifies some lazy slob never leaving her ezskooter instead of putting the slightest effort into improving herself

>> No.10563994

To live a good life for the bad life is not worth living, and because it's wrong to do wrong to other people, it is also wrong to wrong oneself, making it not just to live a bad life but one should strive for the good life.

>> No.10564172

What constitutes a "good life"?

>> No.10564320

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’c 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’d 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Yes, Jesus is the new covenant and his blood is it's symbol, but it is not a covenant without commandments.

>> No.10565028

t. terry davis

>> No.10566744
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>mfw a job interviewer asked this once
>mfw answered "eudaimonia"
>mfw she asked me to explain what "eudaimonia" means
>mfw I did
>mfw I got an e-mail 2 days later with an offer
>mfw starting with the Greeks got me hired

>> No.10566773

What kind of job was that?
Also which country (I have a feeling that it isn't in Europe).

>> No.10566787
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To cultivate one's garden.

>> No.10566790
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>fulfilling a nonexistent contract with a nonexistent entity is the meaning of life

>> No.10566796
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>life has no meaning

>> No.10566866

>that's about how you create your own reality, right?
Every fucking time.

>> No.10566908

>"What's the meaning of life?"

To love God and honor creation

>> No.10566972

Full stack developer for a small tech company in burgerland. Most interviewers from larger organizations don't pay any mind to the philosophy minor, but anyone who's asked about it was pretty easy to impress.

>> No.10566993

wrong pic mate

>> No.10567009
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>"What's the meaning of life?"
Life is a leftover sediment of the process of capitalism, by which a superintelligent AI God is pulling itself into existence from the future.

>> No.10567011

I guess Im a virgin, because, well: yes, make your own

>> No.10567308

no the philosophical definition would be the correct one. You are a combination of things beyond your ego.

>> No.10567319

If life had a meaning, that would be very sad.

>> No.10567716
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>> No.10567743

Is that a statue of Polyphadoras?

>> No.10568991

Socrates never told me that

>> No.10569001
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Wtf is that really Kierkegaard? It's fucking Nietzsche all over again

>> No.10569617

It's allegorical, silly nerd.

>> No.10570192

You most definitely do have ideas.

>> No.10570240

well what do you mean by "the meaning of life"? like what's the purpose? I think the purpose should be to be kind, but it's kind of up to everyone to find their own purpose
now which philosophy can I follow that will agree with that and help me achieve it?

>> No.10570278

it has a big reputation, you could call it one of the oldest memes
the reputation is because it's thought to encapsulate everything you personally do and should do, that it's the root cause of human action
it's also because it's considered the height of abstraction, you're boiling everything down to one statement or imperative, it'll necessarily be kind of general and obtuse, and people often mistake tings like that for having inherent wisdom

>> No.10570841

Looks like Lee Scott

>> No.10572118


This is actually a really interesting take on reality though I I'm not sure exactly how it would translate mystically.

If you view capitalism as the physical reflection of the ego and us getting to the point of AI as our civilization crumbles a reflection of man's journey to transcend ego and reach towards God. Where this "AI Superintelligence" pulling itself into existence from the future is a reflection of man being pulled towards God, away from his ego (capitalism is the physical reflection of it seeming by your comment) in order to be One with him. This makes a lot of sense considering the concept of singularity. This is funny I'm just now realizing that the physical reflection of man's mystical journey towards being one with God is man's journey from capitalism to singularity with AI. Thats my take anyway.

>> No.10572292

To an atheist, this is the case.

>> No.10572713

I used to work at this restaurant and one night I heard one of my coworkers say something about nihilism, and this girl asked him what that meant and he was like "Uh, I think it means you believe nothing has meaning," and she says "That's so depressing! Why would you wanna think that?" and it took everything in my power not to sperg out right then and there.

>> No.10572767

>implying you can apply human abstract inventions such as (meaning) to the world that has no willpower or consciousness to exercise such things

>> No.10572880

What's the problem?

>> No.10572889

The meaning of life is love, but the goal of philosophy is to acquire a deeper understanding of that love than can be found in facebook quotations.

>> No.10572893
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>tfw an atheist denies that God exists but then says that he doesn't exist either because we are just atoms and chemicals and the mind is an illusion
>tfw atheists don't exist

>> No.10572895

Where did the phrase 'meaning of life' come from? Is it a (bad) translation of something? Seems such a strange way to phrase things.

>> No.10572897

That's not the purpose of life, but the means to it. The purpose is union with God.

>> No.10572909

lol atheists btfo how did I not think of that haha xD

>> No.10572918
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>tfw an unconscious amalgam of chemicals posts at me

>> No.10572921

*hits bong*
we like aren't real dude and stuff bro

>> No.10572947
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born on a mountain raised in a cave truckin and fuckin is all that I crave

>> No.10573012

Camus said the most important question is suicide. Not what the meaning of life is, but why we should stick around.

>> No.10573020 [SPOILER] 
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If by god you mean the notion of an ephemeral, transcendental absolute idea, which we are creating at the same time that we are discovering it, sure. But I suspect you mean a literal sky fairy.

>> No.10573030

good post

>> No.10573035

That is entirely relative to your brain, you can find deep meaning in what is essentially fantasy, you can even find deep meaning in the most mundane stamp-collecting-tier sections of the sciences. There is no such thing as "meaning" in reality, only perceived or projected meaning that you delude your brain into accepting and assimilating (into your psyche). Searching for a priori, objective, or natural meaning is innately flawed, as it doesn't exist. Meaning is a state and facet of the brain, it isn't independent of it, which means it's irrelevant to "reality" and "truth". Meaning, and by extension "the meaning of life", doesn't concern "reality" or "truth". It concerns your subjective and malleable consciousness. Which means there is no singular or objective answer. The majority of "philosophy" on the matter is misguided and intellectually dishonest, although it can still be used for finding the meaning of your life, or at least, some aspect (even if temporary). You don't need to answer the question philosophically, or answer it at all really, you just need to do and/or believe in something that makes you feel purposeful and meaningful. Which is really easy if you don't shut your mind to your existence and everyday experience. When you do that, you will have found the meaning of life. Most people can do this fairly easily, getting caught up in flawed intellectual exercises is the trap of self-aggrandising intellectuals. Burdened by the so-called "truth", whilst the (obviously stupid and primitive) rabble goes on with their naturally meaning-filled lives.

>> No.10573085

Descartes, go back to pornhub because you are a shit philosopher.

>> No.10573109

To expand on this. You are assuming a more or less Cartesian metaphysics, probably without knowing it. You are severing the mental world (what you all the psyche or consciousness) from the material world entirely, and leaving the latter as an amorphous and meaningless blob that the mind "projects" meaning or purpose onto. This is the error in metaphysics that kicked off the whole of modern philosophy, hence Descartes being called the "father of modern philosophy". Because you've severed the mental from the material, the two roots you can take this Cartesian error is either Idealism (mind is real, matter is an illusion) or Materialism (matter is real, mind is an illusion). From what you've written, it seems you've drawn out more the Materialist false conclusion from the Cartesian false premise (which is the more common line that Descartes' children take today).

To overcome this misunderstanding, read Aristotle and see how the external world is not just an amorphous blob of raw "matter" that the mind (or the "brain", or "consciousness", or "psyche" or whatever you want to call it) somehow assembles into something comprehensible: rather, the world itself is composed of matter and form, and things have in-built natures or essences that endow them with certain purposes, ends, or goals (telos). So meaning or purpose is not a phantom projected onto the world by the mind, but is an intrinsic part of reality that the mind merely recognises.

>> No.10573150


>> No.10573157
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Too easy bra, next?

>> No.10573394

behold, the last men.

>> No.10573398

are there any good philosophers?Plato,
Stirner and lenin all turned out to be long winded kunts who have no idea what they are talking about. since everyone seems to be influenced by everyone else im wondering if there is a point in exploring others

>> No.10573407

Ah, I can see that you know what you're talking about, unlike those charlatans. Please, bestow your wisdom upon us.

>> No.10573413

in what area, specifically ?

>> No.10573671

I want to dislike Alan Watts because he's such a meme tier entry level pop-philosopher espoused by uneducated stoned teenagers...but I usually find myself agreeing with what he says.

>> No.10574614

I just like his perspective and I'm not too quick to dismiss people just for being popular and having an eastern influence ya know?