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/lit/ - Literature

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10556676 No.10556676 [Reply] [Original]

Is Hacker News /lit/?

>> No.10556685



stay classic, HN

>> No.10557268

No. Silicon Valley is a joke to everyone but the coked up retards in Silicon Valley.

>> No.10557601
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It's like /lit/ except everything you write must fit within the moderated bounds of socially acceptable thought.

It's extraordinarily easy to get flagged, banned, or shadowbanned for the smallest of "offenses" which aren't offenses at all, but only disagreements with prevailing opinion.

It's a place where you are forced to write like the worst, most pretentious and cringeworthy redditors. A great haven for SJWs, angry tech feminists, and SCIENCE!-minded fedoras.

Sometimes the links are worthwhile.
Almost never the comments.

>> No.10557788

wtf why is this a thing, I thought only reddit had it.

>> No.10557794

Twitter has it too. I'd be surprised if most popular places didn't have it.
Why is it a thing? It's to keep you uselessly posting even though no one can read it, rather than having you realize you're banned and open a new account immediately. It's a soft ban meant to demoralize.

>> No.10558241
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> t. redditor

1. It’s hellbanned, not shadowbanned. The difference is that users can choose to view posts by hellbanned users(as well as comments manually marked dead) and vouch for them to be added back into the pool. This works especially well for someone like Terry Davis(templeOS) who will sometimes post really interesting things, but largely uses a random text generator to allow god to speak through him.
2. It’s got actual interesting people posting these. I’ve conversed with a few reasonably important oldfags(80s researchers) as well as some software devs who are actually pretty open. At one point the dev of a wallpaper gallery app changed the default file extension for me so I could set my screensaver to match the wallpaper.
3. It’s pretty good for picking up Paris Review style lit. There’ve been a bunch of interesting essays up there on the development of language and spread of ideas which I wouldn’t have caught otherwise.
4. If you can act like a rational individual, it’s possible to get away with a fair bit of right wing thought. Twitter censorship in particular triggers a fairly balanced discussion.
5. If you realise Silicon Valley has a huge effect on today’s society, the value of understanding their thought processes becomes a lot more obvious.

(I’ve gotten a few accounts to 500votes, which is the downvotes enable threshold)

>> No.10558257
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> t. angry fedora

Enjoy your power fantasies. I'll keep my free speech.

>> No.10558261

> implying I don’t have free speech

You can even talk about race and iq, as long as you don’t say nigger.

>> No.10558263

> You can say anything you want
> Just not this, that, or anything else on the list

>> No.10558279

>I'm willing to ignore the legitimacy an entire system because I can't say "nigger"
>muh slippery slope
Still haven't grown out of lolbertarianism, eh?

>> No.10558290
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Try again. This is /lit/ after all.

>> No.10558370

I think Something Awful started it. I'm not sure though. They did intentionally out of spite to fuck with people. The idea being it was an extra layer of punishment to let a banned user make a fool of themselves talking to no one for a time before they finally realized they had been exiled. Plays in to the forum's culture of for profit revolving door bans and re-sign ups by less problematic users.

Reddit does it ostensibly as a tactic against low effort spammers that might not notice the shadowban.

I suspect it's popularity is a mixture of the two. Officially anti-spam, secretly extra spite.

>> No.10558676
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This shit terrifies me. I get genuine anxiety if I make a mistake in a post or if I haven't received a (you) in a long time. If 4chan ever implemented something like this I would never post again.

>> No.10558679

>autistic coastal software engineers
maybe but even the ones that like to read have very weird justifications about it that involve some sort of utilitarian calculation that absorbs all the soul from the literature

>> No.10558820

There's actually a Hacker News for /lit/ related stuff


>> No.10558893
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>> No.10558963


Where can I learn more about this? I've been asked to come up with a dissertation topic outline and I want to write something about how Internet spaces are centred around specific ideologies with little to no room for outside thought. We haven't covered it much in class because everything has been about the liberating essence of digital technology.

>Morozov, a young Belarusian-born writer and researcher now based in the US, doesn't mince his words. But The Net Delusion is considerably more than an assault on political rhetoric; for, it argues, behind many of the fine words recently spoken in praise of technology lies a combination of utopianism and ignorance that grossly misrepresents the internet's political role and potentials. Unless we are very careful, he suggests, the democratising power of new media will in fact bring not democracy and freedom, but the entrenchment of authoritarian regimes.

This is the best lead I've got so far.

>> No.10559015
File: 171 KB, 915x1300, Black-George-Bush-25411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would DIE for my right to say nigger on an anonymous message board

>> No.10559055


>> No.10559068

-ignoring, +questioning