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File: 20 KB, 346x350, Rene-guenon-1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10556145 No.10556145 [Reply] [Original]

>metaphysics are timeless
>metaphysics stand outside of discursive thought
>traditional societies are rooted in metaphysics
>you have to be initiated in a traditional society to be enlightened

why does guenon feel initiation is required and that the metaphysics of all traditional societies are equivalent?

>> No.10556161

Too much opium

>> No.10556166

>"[...] initiation is essentially the transmission of a spiritual influence, a transmission that can only take place through a regular, traditional organization, so that one cannot speak of initiation outside of an affiliation with an organization of this kind. We have explained that 'regularity' must be understood to exclude all pseudo-initiatic organizations, which, regardless of pretention and outward appearance, in no way possess any spiritual influence and thus are incapable of transmitting anything."
why can the transmission only take place through a traditional organization?

>> No.10556185

guenon has such an unusual physiognomy. i wonder if it is is significant. as above so below.

>> No.10556193
File: 54 KB, 250x311, Guénon-Planéte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a loooong face

>> No.10556197

his facial type means there was low free testosterone in the womb during his third trimester; unfortunately that condemns him to a life as a beta

>> No.10556207


>> No.10556217

also, his argument for why sufism and other esoterisms aren't equivalent to spinozism is that "a muslim would be upset if you said that"

>> No.10556221

lmao, I guarantee that Guenon would skullmogg you

He would've been a real slayer if he had mewed during puberty

chad genetics but virgin environment

>> No.10556235

no idea what that means, but im an alpha male, leader-of-the-pack type

>> No.10556246

It is hard to imagine a beta to obsessively go through so many occult groups to determine if they were vessels of "traditional" initiation. Then write a book condemning almost all extant spiritualist and occult groups as agents of the counter tradition. He did think a wizard may have attempted to kill Julius Evola remotely though.

>> No.10556276

source on that last sentence please

>> No.10556283
File: 152 KB, 1080x1349, 16583435_103101043538329_4403271532093112320_n.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a skullmogg, the guy on the left has the biggest, most robust skull of the male of the group

skull size = genetic fitness = slay potential

>> No.10556299

Sorry it is buried in one of the letter from evola to guenon or eliade. Check the gornahoor website for the references. The eliade letters are also interesting because Elaide though there was something significant in the way he was injured during WW2.

>> No.10556306

just looked up mogged. fucking hilarious—whered that shit come form

>> No.10556327

Lookism.net's predecessors.

>> No.10556656

because the cards in the middle of a card tower cannot stand in their place without the others all around

>> No.10556698

gross undeveloped zygomatic arches, long face faggot, beady creepy eyes, hilarious hair texture and hairline. i don’t think so mate

>> No.10556970

What's unusual about his hairline?

>> No.10558757

I mean, I guess he's right in a way. A traditional society is 1 type of abstract object, but then there's billions of others, perhaps infinite.

>> No.10558785

I said he would probably skullmogg him, not amogg in general

his face is not good, but it’s a large face that would make little twinks reconsider their decision to go out

>> No.10558796

can I get a quick rundown on all these autist lookism terms? Skullmogg? Amogg?

>> No.10558821

mogged just means outcompeted. facemogged = my face is better than yours = i am the alpha, i get the girls etc. just another hyperbolic lookism term. omg i'm 5'11 my life is over
daily reminder to keep your lips together, teeth together and tongue on the roof of your mouth. *jawmoggs you*

>> No.10558946

Lookism is unironically the most important philosophical movement. This will only become obvious 50-100 years from now when we start tackling the biggest privilege and defining factor of human life - physical attractivness.

>> No.10559170

as above so below

your soul personifies the human template

>> No.10559317
File: 191 KB, 577x750, IMG_3845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because without initiation there is no guarantee that what is being transmitted are the genuine doctrines. Without initiation into a traditional teaching you are sailing into unknown waters and are entering a situation where doctrines may be changed entirely due to the mistakes and whims of unqualified people. Initiation helps preserve orthodoxy.

He felt the that metaphysics of traditional socites were similar in that many of them teach a non-dualistic view which goes beyond logic and has to do the realm of immediate and direct experiences of mystical truth where there is no distinction between knowledge and subject-of-knowledge, i.e. where you directly experience metaphyscial knowledge as reality in a way that goes beyond normal cognition or reflection.

>> No.10559333

how do i get the perfect lolita look?

>> No.10559348
File: 24 KB, 333x499, IMG_3871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I gotchu senpai

>> No.10559353

why did he think traditional organizations all got the metaphysics right?

>> No.10559457

It is in Guenon's letters to Evola. Here http://www.gornahoor.net/?p=4662&

>> No.10559501

Stay clear of Jewish lawyers/sorcerers, and never let anyone take your photograph lest it be used to inflict you with various spells/hexes. THIS is the perennial wisdom! Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

>> No.10559540

Initiation is a meme at the present point of history.

>You are the Self, Here and Now. You just forgot who you really always were, are, and will be.
>Each moment the revelation of the Self is happening, fresh and utterly perfect
>But you must be initiated to experience it, and follow the rules and the way of someone who had realized it two or more millenia ago

Or another one

>The God/ Goddess is infinitely compassionate and gives freely to any devotee who asks
>You must be initiated by priests or gurus to get it

The more probable answer is that it's a tool of control, of making hierarchies clear, of making an in and out group, rather than a vessel of esoteric transmission or a way of foretasting the Self. if people wee to realize who they really are, the gurus would lose a lot of clientele and currency. Hence the ultimate secret is this identity between Self and you, and such insistence on initiations that affirm a precise status to members, because otherwise the spiritual business is up. As an example, Hevajra Tantra clearly expresses that the secret aren't the sexual yogas, but the identification of the practitioner with Hevajra and the mantras that are supposed to bring this realization.

>> No.10559556

this shit is straight out of a novel. mad exotic; how do i make my life interesting like this, or is this world just gone?

>> No.10559609

The point is to see your real self. What you take to be yourself isnt really you. Its a product of your experiences in life. In a sense you fall asleep shortly after you are born and start to believe you are this person with this name, race, culture, appearance etc, but that isn't the real you. You can actually experience this, now, but you need a teacher and guenon suggested initiation because he felt it was safer than western occultism which he was burnt by.

I've had a glimpse of this state and all I can describe it as is that your feeling of "I" recedes in a sense. Instead of being "here", it's a feeling of i-ness that isn't here or anywhere else, it's "nowhere".

>> No.10559993

you have terrible reading comprehension. he says the only reason a sufi would assent when asked if what he believes is pantheism is because he does not know what the term actually implies in a western mind

>> No.10560020
File: 18 KB, 311x232, IMG_4555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that it was against his express wish that his photograph ever be taken makes this photo of him lying helpless on his deathbed ten times creepier. Who took it? Why?

>> No.10560915

I don't think you understand the reasoning behind guenons life, not when you talk in ebonics like a typical burger