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10548645 No.10548645 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with feelings of loneliness while trying to read? I'm 6 books in to starting with the Greeks and I've slowed to a snail's pace as I keep being distracted by depressing thoughts about my life.

>> No.10548654

I like to read horror nest to an open window at night and pretend that there is someone there outside of my window watching me

>> No.10548711

Try self-help books instead

>> No.10548733

Eventually you just come to accept it. Life will go on as it always has, that is to say badly.

>> No.10548739
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>he actually started with the greeks

>> No.10548746

try having intusive thoughts that make you want to die every single day fag. it could always be worse. id trade a month’s hard labor for a week of just depression instead of insanity and existential dread

>> No.10548758

i haven't had a real friend in nine years. luckily i'm too busy dealing with my ocd to remember.

>> No.10548762

stop reading, now. it ruined my social and professional life, and i honestly dont even read that much. its not possible to be conventionally successful if you truly engage with the canon, and unconventional success is nearly impossible to achieve.

>> No.10548768
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>he didn't

>> No.10548776

Boohoo, lad
I actively long for death every day since I was 13
You should have gotten used to it pretty soon, stop being a bitch

>> No.10548784

boohoo i have been killing myself 4 times a days since i was 3.

>> No.10548793

Reading history can be depressing, makes one become a miser of the they are in and jealous of the ones before. I read mike chrichton or clive cussler as a change of pace. Find a hobby other than books, i got into looking at birds and learning calls which lead to tree identification and so on. If one doesnt want to commit suicide, always have something to do. Currently reading dune series.

>> No.10548800

waaaahhhh, i was aborted

>> No.10548807

This thread is why /lit/ is dead; I'm moving to Reddit.

>> No.10548813

Don't be a wuss, everyone has problems. Concentrate and devote yourself fully to the text you are reading.

>> No.10548825

see you tomorrow

>> No.10548845


>> No.10548887

Anyone like reading in public, like at the library, at a cafe, or a bar? I've been thinking about trying that.

>> No.10548911

i can read at a library but i wouldn't say that i like it. i don't think i could read at a cafe or a bar because there's too much noise and i need quiet.

>> No.10548932

you might want to look into meds/therapy

>> No.10549053

>he actually fell for the ">he actually fell for the start with the greeks meme" meme

>> No.10549072

>you might want to support the corrupt pharmaceutical industry

You wanna know why I have a cold and didn’t take any medicine for it?

>> No.10549078

It's not perfect and it shouldn't be the only thing you're doing to help yourself. Without wellbutrin I'd be suicidal though

>> No.10549098

And I think that’s sad. Note: I didn’t even say anything about Psychotropics in my post. I literally have a cold and I’m not taking medicine because it makes the world a better place to live. For instance, every time you take a vaccination the diseases get even stronger. Every time you use medicine it makes your immune system weaker.

This could be extrapolated to mental diseases. Every time you take a psychotropic drug their diagnoses increase. Every time you take something to cure depression, your ability to resist depression gets worse (and this is of course true if you see the amount of people abusing anti depression meds)

The medical industry as a whole should keep people alive, but you are a victim, no offense. These principles were things Plato and Rousseau warned against. Now we worship greed. In simple terms, ALL you need to be prescribed meds is a doctor that likes money

>> No.10549123

Read the tragedies and see what happens when people are not alone enough.

>> No.10549129

Exactly. I like to pretend my life is even more depressing and read accordingly and wallow in my misery porn and feel sorry for existing. It's great!

>> No.10549130

What are you referring to, specifically? I literally just started reading them.

>> No.10549149

Cold medicines don't affect your immune system, you fucking retard. They treat symptoms. They're effectiveness is up for debate - and I generally don't use them either - but you are not "making the world a better place to live" by abstaining.

>> No.10549153

That is a martyr complex. A good psychiatrist could give you Xanax for that.

>> No.10549174

Which one did you start with?
I meant see what kind of shit happens to people who have wives, husbands, children, friends, brothers, step brothers, brothers in arms, warlords, slaves, suitors, fiancées, flings with gods and nymphs and mortals even, who aren't any better, huge fucking egos and the nerve to step on the immortal, yet so sensitive toes of gods. I have assumed, wrongly perhaps, that you lack in the aforementioned, so the Greeks and their woes might give perspective to yours.

>> No.10549177
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I have this exact problem too, OP. It is certainly the biggest barrier to developing a robust reading habit, personally. Worse yet, I always end up shitposting here and on /leftypol/ instead of reading because it mildly and temporarily soothes my loneliness and anxiety.

I have no advice at the moment. I'm going to start meditating, maybe that will help. I know it is sort of basic/normie, but the sentiment expressed in pic related is nice to keep in mind.

This is sometimes helpful. A mellow bar on a weeknight is a nice atmosphere. Being around people in general has anti-depressant effects. But it doesn't address the issue of lacking close, meaningful relationships.

>> No.10549179

This is just daddy issues. A good father might have given you a hearty slap for that.

>> No.10549180

Ignore it for as long as you can. Then die.

>> No.10549183

Their*, fuck

>> No.10549184

Exactly the problem.
Wrong, moron. The fact that you are taking cold medicine makes you DEPENDENT on some kind of medical aid. This is exactly what the medical industry wants so they can make more money by charging you for more things and dogmatically asserting you need them.

I can’t tell you the last time I’ve taken cold medicine, and I feel stronger for it, so your statement is anecdotally false. The science might be biased towards stating that medicine has no effect on your constitution, but they can say anything they want. They need to make money by making patenting drugs. It’s not JUST psychotropics, it is most drugs. Opiates, what have you. They get you addicted so the cycle can continue.

>> No.10549213

I started Oresteia and have finished Agamemnon and Libation Bearers so far. Thanks for that thought - it's a good reminder that having a good social life isn't the only thing I need to be aiming for.
Hang in there anon. I'm going to try going to starbucks or something tomorrow and reading for a few hours, we'll see how it goes.

>> No.10549214

Exercise like the Greeks too. So when you imagine the future you, you are fit with full knowledge of the western canon, respected by all, and if you are respected by all how could you not respect yourself?

>> No.10549315

>not reading fiction
This is HOW I battle loneliness.

>> No.10549485

Go for a walk and eventually transcend the urge to be with someone as we are all to die individually and the best way to experience life is to develop ourselves into better versions of us.

It's genuinely satisfying when you're no longer worried about wishing to attain a relationship and just focus on the things you really want to do.

>> No.10550240

>The fact that you are taking cold medicine makes you DEPENDENT on some kind of medical aid.
Do you say the same for pain relievers like Ibuprofen? I take one of those every couple of months when I get a headache or something and they work well, and it never increased the rate I get headaches or anything.