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/lit/ - Literature

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1054797 No.1054797 [Reply] [Original]

Currently reading this. What does /lit/ think about fantasy novels? I LOVE pretty much anything Tolkien, and think harry potter is for children. Sword of Truth series is also really great imo.

>> No.1054825

Troll or just faggot?

>> No.1054823

They all suck and are for children (or manchildren).

>> No.1054839
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Ok if you don't like fantasy what do you read? Books about niggers? Because I wouldn't find those very appealing. Either way It's pretty rude to call me a faggot or a man child for talking about a genre of book on a literature board. Dicks.

>> No.1054850

>Currently reading [A Game of Thrones]
>What does /lit think about fantasy?
>I LOVE pretty much anything Tolkien
>Sword of Truth series is also really great imo.

7/10. Had me convinced until you said Harry Potter was for children and Sword of Truth was good.

>> No.1054854

I enjoyed SoT. My friend had been trying to get me to read his fantasy collection for years when I started watching Legend of the Seeker. I fell in love with the characters and continued reading the novels after I watched all the episodes.

As an author I don't like Terry Goodkind but he does write characters that I enjoy.

I started reading WoT after I finished SoT and thoroughly enjoyed the first 4 but they started slowing down after that.

>> No.1054857

I enjoy fantasy novels. I'm not sure about loving anything written by Tolkien, I found the Silmarillion to be insanely boring. I liked the Sword of Truth series but the first two were really good and he struggled to keep the quality up. I have read A Game of Thrones, and the other books in the series, all of them are very very good. If you like that kind of dark fantasy then check out "The Left Hand of God" by Paul Hoffman or "The Blade Itself" by Joe Abercrombie.

Oh and fuck off haters.

>> No.1054858
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Troll, or misguided hipster?

You decide, /lit/.

>> No.1054864

Oh hoh hoh, I'm afraid you misunderstood me Anon, I wasn't calling you a faggot for liking fantasy novels, I'm calling you a faggot for liking shitty fantasy novels.

>> No.1054874

Game of Thrones shitty? LIES!

>> No.1054889

Okay, to be fair, that's the one of the three mentioned by OP I haven't read, but nothing that's been said about it has interested me very much. I've had the first one sitting on my shelf for like two years and I keep passing over it. Tolkien is pretty good, but hasn't been listed as a favorite since I was like twelve, Sword of Truth is half-decent for the first two, then goes straight to shit, not what I'd call great.

>> No.1054894

Okay Game of thrones is a really good book if your in for a mindless pleasure book, it is still very good read. But what the fuck? Sword of Truth? Those books are shit

>> No.1054935

I agree only Wizards First Rule is worth reading, the rest of SOT is pretty disappointing.
I am interested in what you others consider good, simply because I am running out of fantasy to read.

>> No.1054940

Gene Wolfe, Tim Powers, Mervyn Peake, M. John Harrison, Ursula K. LeGuin, classics like George MacDonald's Phantastes and Lord Dunsany's King of Elfland's Daughter. China Miéville is pretty good from the two of his books I've read, but not decided if he approaches greatness. Some of Clive Barker's better stuff like Imajica.

>> No.1054948

I like China Miéville, and Gene Wolfe is excellent. Is all of his stuff worth reading? I really enjoyed The Book of New Sun and the Knight series.

>> No.1054952

If you like China, definitely check out M. John Harrison. He's one of China's absolute favorites and it really shows. I think Harrison's Viriconium books show through as the prime influence on Perdido Street Station.

From Wolfe, most of his stuff is excellent. If you liked those, there's also the Long Sun and Short Sun series, set in the same universe as New Sun, and there's also the Soldier series. Beyond that, he has several stand alone novels and several short story collections. His latest novel, The Sorcerer's House, had a lot of good buzz, but I haven't read it yet.

>> No.1054958

Sword of Truth is Objectivist propaganda, Lord of the Rings is fine, but overrated, and saying Harry Potter is for children makes you sound like a pretentious idiot who either never read the series or never grasped the point it was trying to make.

>> No.1054976

Yes, but better point: Harry Potter WAS written for children, but like a lot of other children's literature, it's appeal and worth extends beyond children. Baum worked in children's literature, Carroll worked in children's literature, modern Robin Hood texts have always skewed towards children, C.S. Lewis wrote with children in mind, Brothers Grimm, R.L. Stevenson, Hans Christian Anderson, Kipling, J.M Barrie's Peter Pan, all popular with children readers. All of those writers have planted more seeds of imagination and love of literature in minds than have just about anyone else in the past three hundred years.

>> No.1054989

Exactly. That's the point I was trying to get across. Thank you for elaborating.

>> No.1054993

Cheers! I will definitely check out M. John Harrison.
This board is a lot nicer than the ones I usually waste my time in.

>> No.1054996

No problem Anon. I happen to love and respect genre fiction and the role of children's lit in adult literature and feel like it gets overlooked by too many. No, Carroll isn't Dickens, no, Rowling is not Pynchon, but they have an important role in literature, like it or not. In the past few centuries, Greek myth, Shakespeare, the Bible, Milton, and Alighieri have been the most influential and most drawn upon source, but in the past hundred years, you'll see a growing influence of Dorthy and the Wizard of Oz, of Peter Pan, of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. For better or worse, it's a part of our cultural and literary heritage.

>> No.1054997

Hahah, I'm glad I could help, especially since I'm the one who called you a faggot in the first place. Sorry, it's reflex.

>> No.1054998

>it's appeal

Thank God I'm several fingers deep in vodka, or else I'd hate myself for that.

>> No.1055003

Heck, I'll even admit it: As much as I dismiss Tolkien's overall importance, my favorite book in first grade was his translation of Sir Gawain. Third grade? The Hobbit. I was born to be a reader, but he got me hooked in a major way. I just don't consider him cream of the crop in terms of fantasy.

>> No.1055007

I'm not OP, but i am sure he appreciates your remorse.

>> No.1055019

>Lord Dunsany's King of Elfland's Daughter

>> No.1055023 [DELETED] 

I like SoT. So fucking much gore and trash.

>> No.1055027

Ok, I'm quite new to /lit/, so do people here like fantasy novels? Or are you like "zomg it's for immature kids it's poorly written die die i prefer ayn rand" and shit?

>> No.1055031


Replace Ayn Rand with someone actually good then get your neckbearded faggotry the fuck out.

>> No.1055033

A bit of both.

I for one recognize fantasy is less valuable than other genres, but it's still awesome and should be read.
Pure entertainment.

>> No.1055036

Oh, I see. I shouldn't have expected that much. You're not better than /b/, /v/ or even /new/. I'm out of this place, at least you've won that.

>> No.1055035

The only thing i prefer Ayn Rand to is death.

>> No.1055037


And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.1055041

Yeah, you can't substract anything to something that is already devoid of value. Bye, retard.

>> No.1055045

Glad I'm not the only one. I read that earlier this year and was blown away. Such beautiful prose, so dreamlike and elegant.

>> No.1055148

"subtract anything to" right.